Feature Article
NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched

The NBA 2K series' longstanding issues with floor spacing and player movement have become more exposed by this year's 10-player Pro-Am mode. In this mode, your 99-rated, 40-badge MyPlayers can sprint across the court quickly enough to double team a big man on the block, then swerve back out to the three-point line just in time to contest a kick-out jump shot.

It's probably too late in NBA 2K16's life cycle to universally shrink all the player models and increase the physical size of the court, so as a band-aid for the remainder of this year, I propose two fixes:

1. Lower the global speed and acceleration sliders.

2. Instead of allowing 99-overall, 40-badge superstars into Road to the Finals, give users several predetermined, sixth-man caliber player builds to choose from, then make users select a small number of badges like they were Call of Duty perks. I detailed how this system would work in a previous Pro-Am article.

Pro-Am has more gameplay problems, however, than the court simply being too cramped. To demonstrate how prevalent this mode's shenanigans have become, here are a few clips I cut together, not from a month of playing, not from a week of playing, not from a full night of playing, but from a single match against a highly ranked opponent who knew how to exploit every major flaw in NBA 2K16's gameplay:

With those issues in mind, here are some other tweaks I'd suggest for a future patch or tuner update:

-Turn the fatigue rate up so that turbo addicts and paint pounders will eventually tire out, even if a team exhausts all of their timeouts. Sprinting around in circles on offense until someone finally gets open should not be a viable strategy in the half-court. The game should be rewarding patient, purposeful offensive movement instead of benefiting teams who act like decapitated chickens.

-Raise defensive awareness so that the majority of loose balls stop going to the offense.

-Reduce on-ball steal success to deter strip spammers and reward defenders who play without reaching.

-Increase off-ball steal success and defenders' global pass perception to discourage contested lead passes into the paint.

-Keep global pass accuracy where it's at now, but significantly reduce the accuracy bonus that's being awarded by the gold Breakstarter badge. Only players with a base 90-plus accuracy rating should even bother attempting full-court passes if they don't want the ball to go bouncing out of bounds. Elite passers should still misfire a decent amount of times, and the recipients of these long outlet pass should rarely be able to catch them in stride. Instead of making "Willie Mays" over-the-shoulder catches the norm, regularly trigger the "bobble" or "lunging" catch animations on these 90-foot, full-court heaves. The offense is already at a disadvantage on fast breaks by having to spin around 180 degrees before sprinting back -- plus having to worry about getting stuck in a lengthy after-shot animation -- so long outlet passes need to be tweaked to prevent cherry picking from being the most commonly abused scoring tactic in Road to the Finals.

-Change the Corner Specialist badge back to how it was in NBA 2K14, where it only activated on stationary assisted shots, instead of how it is now where it will trigger during pull-up jumpers. The shooting accuracy boost on the gold Corner Specialist badge should also be lessened. Right now, a corner three-pointer is almost as easy to make as a mid-range jumper if you have the gold Corner Specialist badge. I'd also like to see wide-open wing and top of the key three-pointers falling at a higher percentage than they are now. I'm reluctant to take open threes from anywhere except the corner in Pro-Am because that's the only spot you can reliably make them from, even with a level 20 outside scorer.

-Make no foul call and play one of the "incidental contact" animations whenever users attempt to take off-ball charges inside the paint in Pro Am. The key is just too cluttered in NBA 2K16 (due to the aforementioned court spacing issues) to have to worry about avoiding charges while moving around without the ball.

-Make the left trigger "intense defense" stance just as likely to produce a charging call on an out-of-control perimeter player as the B button "take charge" command currently is. As it stands now, it does not seem like the "intense defense" stance can create a charging call, no matter how well-positioned the defender is or how reckless the ball-handler is being.

-Also increase the likelihood of the ball coming loose when the offensive player is spamming size-up dribbles or iso moves into the body of the defender. Many size-up dribbles make the basketball completely immune to contact, preventing the defender from engaging the ball handler until the size-up animation has finished. When you combine that invulnerability period with NBA 2K's unusually slow defensive movement -- plus the explosive speed burst that small players can get at the end of certain dribble animations -- it makes it very difficult to stay in front of size-up/iso spammers, even if the defender anticipates the exact sequence of moves the dribbler is trying to perform.

-Decrease the power of the gold Acrobat badge. Contested shots that are altered in mid-air should have a much lower success rate than they currently do.

-Jump passes should result in more bobbled receptions and off-target throws. It's too easy at the moment to complete jumping passes at a high percentage since there's so little hit to the accuracy of these passes, especially if you have the gold Flashy Passer badge.

If no gameplay changes are made between now and the beginning of the Road to the Finals eSports tournament, Visual Concepts' marketers will have a hard time promoting the brand of "basketball" that's being played by their top teams. Thus far, many teams have been relying on ugly, nonsensical tactics that make their Twitch.TV broadcasts look nothing like the sport people watch on cable TV.

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Member Comments
# 21 Mac962 @ 01/26/16 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Hopsin
Lol these guys are so mad they got called cheesers.. And it's true lol.. 1 min in and we see cherry picking with 7fters throwing full court passes with no problem. It's a flaw. And you guys along with a lot of others abuse it heavily.
And that's only with me watching 1 min lol I'm sure there's more..
It just proves the mode needs fixing wether you feel offended by it or not.
Thanks for your opinion Hopsin
# 22 Jrocc23 @ 01/26/16 06:00 AM
I am sorry, but I have to side with the "cheesers" in this video.

I believe one of the so called "cheesers" that posted this was a bad team. You can pretty much tell from the video they are and it's usually people that isn't that good or understand the game that has these complaints but some are definitely valid.

1. The OP is complaining about the full court passes but his team or whoever the other team was could barely make any passes. So I am pretty sure they couldn't throw outlet passes. I don't see how that's the other teams fault. Most likely the person had low passing ability.

However, the full court passes should definitely be nerfed. That's ridiculous. Seems like it happens a lot more in ProAm compared to the park which is crazy because the court is longer. So I am guessing break starter or whatever that badge is needs to be nerfed.

2. I disagree w/ the offball charges. Used to be in 2K11 as well. I believe it should stay. If you understand the game, stop holding turbo running in the paint wildly. We used to have to do this even back then because of players constantly holding turbo trying to get lead passes. That cuts a lot of that out.

3. I don't have a problem w/ the strips especially in a regular game setting. It's called foul a lot of times.

4. The jump before you pass is somewhat of a issue. I am guessing it depends on your passing because some players will toss it way out of bounds doing this. But for a lot of players including me, I can jump pass out of a shot almost everytime without penalty. The success rate needs to be lower and also bobbled by the receiver a little more but not where almost every pass is flying over players head that's right by them. The error rate is already decent for players w/ no passing. Just decrease it a little for players w/ high passing somewhat.

5. I honestly didn't know changing your shot in midair was a complaint until now. I've never met anyone that abused this. I have acrobat and all of that and it's not OP from my experience. It gets blocked a lot actually for me but most likely because I am 6'0".

Oh and I definitely agree w/ some poster about badges. To get some gold badges I definitely think you should be on at least SuperStar or Hall of Fame. Enough w/ people going to rookie getting deadeye and etc. I don't even think you should earn badges unless you're at least on Pro or All Star. And when you do, it's only like bronze. Shouldn't have to pay to upgrade to gold. That just doesn't make any sense. I am a basic Posterizer (bronze) but I can pay some VC to be Vince Carter type dunker (Gold). You should have to meet an amount for each Bronze Silver and Gold.

For people that really do play on rookie, they don't really need badges anyways. They are playing on rookie lol.
# 23 BellSKA @ 01/26/16 07:09 AM
I enjoy seeing the individuals being called out as cheesers have only been part of the OS community for a month at best. Either that or they are to embarrassed they don't want to post as their normal user names. My point being, stop being the pot that calls the kettle black. You deem people insufficiently knowledgeable about 2K because we haven't put in the time and effort you and your Squad has. I'd make the argument that you haven't put in the time to determine what the OS community feels about this type of gameplay.

And no one is impressed that you can take advantage of exploits better than a majority of players isn't something to brag about.
# 24 Ras al ghul @ 01/26/16 08:18 AM
Listen first of all operation sports, or jason young or whoever it is that I am speaking to directly this time. I am looking at a whole bunch of crying out here when it comes to the subject of cheesing. Personally those are ridiculous claims at best. Me and my team have played against all of the top teams in this years 2k pro am. There is a level of focus and a certain level of knowledge that you have to have (yes I said the word knowledge) when playing against a top team in the game you cannot just cheese the heck out of them. Cheesing implies that the move being referred to as cheese is completely unstoppable. That is clearly not the case by a long shot. Break starter can be stopped easily, you just get the hell back on defense. it just so happens that in this video the lesser team played against probably the greatest leak out artist in 2k was playing in that game. I can't stress enough to the operation sports community that the team we were playing against on that video is trash. ( i am not a harsh person at most times but in this instance the phrase applies) This team had no chance of beating us because they knew absolutely nothing about the game. The reason a lot of the plays look the way they did is because we were all playing around when we saw that we were playing a team that was not ready for what they were facing. It gets literally boring when you play a team that can't stop you from doing anything that you wish to do to them. So we play a game, who can leak out the fastest and beat twoonemac down the floor for the fast break dunk. Their bigs were absolutely terrible, they couldn't out rebound our big men, why the hell wouldn't we leak out and destroy them so they would quit and get the game over with faster. They were the ones who stayed for the complete annihilation of their souls in that game .

Long story short, if 2k really wants to fix this problem and have a competitive experience then give us what we all want. Match up the top teams with the top teams during a game. there is no way that we should have to message other team leaders and invite them into a party so we can hit the A button at the same time to get a match up. (That is stupid as hell right there) You shouldn't place the number 2 team against the 8 billionth in the world. what the heck do you think is going to happen in that instance. when duke plays a team outside of the top 25 in college basketball what happens to that other team? They get twisted and lose by 50. for jason young and his team of terrible players ranked 25000 in the world or probably worse to think they had a snow balls chance in hell at beating us or competing in a competitive game is ridiculous and asinine.

watch a game with top players and top teams before you judge the state of 2k, there are a lot of people who i know at the top of the food chain and we have nothing wrong with the game because everything that you people complain about can be stopped and is not an issue for the people who know how to play the game at a high level, this video paints an unfair representation of what the game is and is only from a perspective of a team that was outmatched from the word go
# 25 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 01/26/16 08:19 AM
Technically you could get practice and VC boosts to get it . Some of them might not even have level 14 playmaking . If I'm not mistaken that's only like a 60 pass rating anyway . That's not high enough to make those passes . And I don't think every badge should max out at gold .
# 26 Ras al ghul @ 01/26/16 08:30 AM

We don't play around we do this, and there a lot of teams just as dangerous as us
# 27 nuckles2k2 @ 01/26/16 09:00 AM
I think Pro-Am is exactly what 2K wants it to be.

The problem is that it's packaged in NBA 2K16. The game that they champion as a "basketball sim". They hire one of the best basketball minds in the gaming community to oversee the different strategies, sets, & plays used by all of the teams in the association in most, if not all, of the given basketball situations & portray that in the digital arena (don't play video games, play basketball), then they drop Pro-Am into the same package.

This is just the digital version of "can streetballers hack it in the league?" except 2K isn't concerned if the ppl who want it a little more "NBA reality" are satisfied or not. (I won't use the word "sim" since it's completely subjective).

Pro-Am is exactly what it's meant to be. "Cheesers" would only be "cheesing" if they were doing something untoward, but it looks like 2K is giving "them" everything they need to do what it is they're doing. That's not cheese.

Now if the question is, "are 2K being negligent and allowing this by not paying close enough attention?" my guess would be "nah", but I dunno that for sure.
# 28 Jrocc23 @ 01/26/16 10:32 AM

A lot of people have their own definitions of "cheese" I guess. I don't even really say that because first off it sounds corny. But I disagree with it being something that's just unstoppable. I don't think I've ever seen anything in 2K that was unstoppable ever. But that full court passing ish you know is gimmicky.

That's what I am sure he means by cheesy. Of course you could be smarter and adapt and get back ASAP but that doesn't mean what y'all are doing isn't gimmicky or cheesy. It's 2Ks fault firstly, but 2K can't stop all the exploits.

I haven't seen y'all really play but based on that video. I have no issues besides the full court passes and like I said you can tell this isn't a good team. It honestly shows how balanced 2K has become. It's not much "cheese" anymore in this game like previous iterations. 2K11 top crews had people hop stepping, tendencies hacked to 100, some 8ft players, uncapped doing spin dunks and etc. While all of that could be stopped, it definitely was cheating and exploiting some "cheesy" things.

But I disagree w/ the matchup stuff. I think it should be completely random like it is. If you're a super low rank and meet up w/ a Top Ten team, so be it. For me, I wouldn't just want teams on my level. I want the highest teams as well. They might think it's a cakewalk but they might not know they running into some players that's really better than them team wise.
# 29 infam0us @ 01/26/16 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by 19LloydBanks82
Centers with 0 playmaking do not make those passes. You need break starter (14 playmaking)
Our C makes those passes with 0 playmaking though.
# 30 barond57 @ 01/26/16 01:12 PM
Pro am should be about basketball. Not eploiting the game for cheap wins
# 31 Hopsin @ 01/26/16 01:43 PM
Pro am as it is isn't ready for E-sports.. That's my main argument here. No matter how you look at it it's true..
Also to the guys saying they don't "cheese" or just adapt.
I rewatched the video and honestly my only problem is the full court pass foolishness going on. That has to be nerfed, it's literally abused.. Sure you can get back, but considering most teams I've played leak out before a shot even goes up makes that difficult asf. "Make the shot or get a offensive board" lol..
# 32 infam0us @ 01/26/16 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by 19LloydBanks82
A full court pass with 0 playmaking? No way, thats an automatic turnover 9 out of 10 times
I'll record some clips next time we play but he's accurate like 80% of the time. I don't get it as well because mySF has passing in low 70s and cant pass at all.
# 33 Afectar @ 01/26/16 03:36 PM
My center has 0 playmaking and makes full court passes at least 98% of the time. The break starter badges is broken. Before the badge he wasn't making those passes.
# 34 Gosens6 @ 01/26/16 04:04 PM
Here's what I ponder about pro am and why people are so upset with the game play..

In real life, when you're playing at the park or in the gym, is your opponent running plays? Playing nba level team basketball? Or are guys playing exactly how they are in pro am?

I tried pro am a few times, and it's just streetball in video game form. You can say that's what the park is for, but alot of the guys playing Park, are playing pro am. The game play is what you or your opponent make it.

I'm not sure what you really want 2k to change right now? There's been 4 game play patches, and these issues haven't been patched offline, online, pro am or in the park. It will be next year before these issues will be fixed. It you play against opponents who want to play nba style ball, that's the type of game you'll get. If you get street ballers, you'll play that type of game. You get what you're dealt. Don't play, or adjust to your opponent.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
# 35 blingballa333 @ 01/26/16 04:13 PM
I play Pro-Am quite often with 2 others and often times enjoy it. I think some of the biggest issues with the mode are:

-Too many blocked shots w/out fouls
-Overpowered rebounders
-Pass accuracy in traffic (we need more ability to tip passes)

I have seen plenty of people throw those long outlet passes out of bounds. You really just need to tell your guards to get back on D when a shot goes up. Often times I see my whole team under the rim trying to get a rebound only to give the other team an easy transition layup or dunk. It's about restraint sometimes instead of simply trying to fill up your stat sheet and increase your teammate grade.

The off ball charges are avoidable. The example in the video were clear charges. It take skill to get in position for a charge in this game and sprinting through people in the lane should result in this. I often times employ this strategy when my guy is running around with his head cut off try to get rebounds.

I obviously realize these 99 OVR juggernauts will inevitably make the game more unrealistic, but some of the complaints in the OP's video can be at least contained. Some of the other stuff can simply be avoided if you play smart basketball.

P.S. I agree that altered shots in mid-air go in too often.
# 36 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 01/26/16 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
Here's what I ponder about pro am and why people are so upset with the game play..

In real life, when you're playing at the park or in the gym, is your opponent running plays? Playing nba level team basketball? Or are guys playing exactly how they are in pro am?

I tried pro am a few times, and it's just streetball in video game form. You can say that's what the park is for, but alot of the guys playing Park, are playing pro am. The game play is what you or your opponent make it.

I'm not sure what you really want 2k to change right now? There's been 4 game play patches, and these issues haven't been patched offline, online, pro am or in the park. It will be next year before these issues will be fixed. It you play against opponents who want to play nba style ball, that's the type of game you'll get. If you get street ballers, you'll play that type of game. You get what you're dealt. Don't play, or adjust to your opponent.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I've noticed you said you tried it a few times which means you probably can't relate to the thread as much .

But issues like break starter gold on 7'3 centers are a problem. I literally hear 2pac saying "Hail Mary " ok every pass. It's crazy
# 37 Gosens6 @ 01/26/16 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
I've noticed you said you tried it a few times which means you probably can't relate to the thread as much .

But issues like break starter gold on 7'3 centers are a problem. I literally hear 2pac saying "Hail Mary " ok every pass. It's crazy
Hahah I admit I laughed at that, and I can relate, like I said, the ai does it offline as well.

It's exploited by bother user and cpu. It's a universal game play issue that needs to be fixed

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
# 38 infam0us @ 01/26/16 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
Hahah I admit I laughed at that, and I can relate, like I said, the ai does it offline as well.

It's exploited by bother user and cpu. It's a universal game play issue that needs to be fixed

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
It's definitely universal but so much worse when everyone is responsible for a player so you have "the cherry picker" role on a team.
# 39 Clappington @ 01/26/16 11:53 PM
Pro hopping needs to be patched ASAP. ppl just go to the lane and pro hop and start pump faking till they get a foul.
# 40 Jrocc23 @ 01/27/16 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Clappington
Pro hopping needs to be patched ASAP. ppl just go to the lane and pro hop and start pump faking till they get a foul.

I knew that would be a problem especially w/ that auto fouling when you jump. Was a problem in 11 w/ the hopstep. Best thing you can do though is just keep your hands up.

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