Author Bio
Chase Becotte

Home Town: Nomads don't have home towns
Sports: A bunch
Games: Too many to list
Teams: Sixers, Flyers, Pirates
OS Username: ChaseB
Tags: PS3: Slizeezyc / 360: Slizeezyc
Monday, July 28, 2008
02:15 PM - July 28, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Chase Becotte
Last week, some EA Sports developers stopped by for a live question-and-answer session and talked about the EA Sports Fantasy Football feature. OS forum members and staff asked questions and we got answers from the developers. Check out our EA Sports Fantasy Football Developer Q&A for the full scoop!

"Fantasy football is free on the website. Madden integration does not carry any extra cost, just the purchase of Madden. Once you pay for the console apps, they can be used with as many leagues as you like."

Thursday, July 24, 2008
04:38 PM - July 24, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
Update: The live blog has now started. Click here to join in and follow the press conference in real time.

At 5 p.m. EST OS will be sitting in on a conference call with Power Pros Producer Rob Nelson. We'll put a link in this post so you can follow the live blog; and, if everything goes to plan, we'll also have the audio ready for download in the evening/morning.

Game: MLB Power Pros 2008Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS2 / WiiVotes: 11 - View All
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
10:34 PM - July 9, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
Do you want to read and hear about all the games you'll be playing later this year? Well if you do then head over to the spiffy new OS E3 page by clicking right here, or head to the forums right here, or simply click the E3 button right near the big OS logo (will be ready soon).

If you click on one of those links then you will see that I've written a bit of a welcome note for you all to read, which outlines what types of E3 content you'll be seeing this week and next at Operation Sports.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
03:43 PM - July 3, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Chase Becotte
We have just posted our review of Top Spin 3.

"The original Top Spin is the benchmark many people judge all other tennis games by. It made a lot of people forget about Virtua Tennis because it offered a more sim-like gameplay style, as well as solid online play. However, Top Spin 1 is not like Top Spin 3, and I said as much in my preview of the game. I also essentially said that it was refreshing to see a sequel being reinvented, rather than just being iterative. But while it may be refreshing it also makes Top Spin 3 a divisive title among existing fans. But if existing fans can push past their nostalgia and embrace the new control scheme found in Top Spin 3, then there is a game here worth checking out."

Game: Top Spin 3Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes: 10 - View All
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
05:46 PM - July 2, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
Venom Games will be closing at the end of July, CVG learned today. The company most recently developed Don King Presents: Prizefighter and before that had worked on the relatively recent Rocky games.

According to CVG, the employees learned earlier today that the studio would be closing. Since there was no warning before the announcement and this closing comes a mere few weeks after Prizefighter released, it seems like this may have been set-in-motion long ago.

So the question is: Was Prizefighter rushed out the door before it was ready? It only came to one platform after all, and the media build-up was far from substantial -- not to mention the game was critically blasted on a technical level, which would signify that there was not enough polishing time.

CVG also found out that Venom Games was originally working on Bioshock for the PS3 (originally it was going to be released at the same time as the 360 version) but the coders said that it could not be done. So with that in mind it does make sense why there is no PS3 version of the game.

Still, the media blitz for this game came abnormally late in the development cycle. Also the window which the game released during was a bit strange when you consider that Top Spin (another 2K game) released almost on top of it, even though there was not a new Fight Night to compete with.

The Wii version of Prizefighter is not supposed to come out until September, but presumably Venom Games was developing that version as well, which leaves a whole bunch of other questions unanswered.

Venom Games is located in Newcastle, UK and was founded back in 2003. CVG contacted 2K about the closing but received a "no comment" as the only response.

Venom Games set to close

Game: Don King Presents: PrizefighterReader Score: 3.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / Wii / Xbox 360Votes: 10 - View All
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
02:27 PM - June 24, 2008. Posted by cowboysfan440. Written by Chase Becotte
PastaPadre has discovered that EA Sports is teaming up with 7-Eleven to provide an XBOX 360 playable demo DVD before the launch of Madden NFL 09 on Aug. 12, 2008. For those that don't live near a 7-Eleven, fear not, there will still be a demo provided via XBL and PSN -- presumably around the same time.

To get the playable demo at 7-Eleven you need to order a "Madden Meal," which I assume is a deep fried ham and a 15-pound turducken. And since you will be putting your heart through the torture chamber with a "Madden Meal" 7-Eleven and EA Sports will also provide, "60 minutes of NFL highlights" on the playable demo DVD as well.

Madden 09 demo news

Game: Madden NFL 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / PSP / NDSVotes: 88 - View All
12:55 PM - June 24, 2008. Posted by lathrowback. Written by Chase Becotte
The official announcement isn't until tomorrow, but Kotaku has received a video from GameCinemaHD, showcasing the French phenomenon as the cover athlete for the next version of NBA Live. The video showcases some of Parker's moves and his various accolades -- oddly enough being married to Eva Longoria is left out, but I consider that an accolade as well.

Are you guys surprised that Parker was picked as the cover athlete?

And The NBA Live 09 Cover Athlete Is... [Kotaku]

Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes: 38 - View All
Monday, June 16, 2008
02:04 PM - June 16, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Chase Becotte
Chase Becotte recently had the chance to play Top Spin 3 for the XBox 360. He has written up a preview of what he thought of his experience with the game in his hands-on preview of Top Spin 3.
"Somehow I’ve turned the smoothest player in tennis into a bumbling amateur. What is going on!? Culture shock is what’s going on. Sure Top Spin is still a tennis game, but for better or worse, this isn’t the same game that Top Spin fans grew to love back on the Xbox."

Game: Top Spin 3Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes: 10 - View All
Monday, June 2, 2008
12:11 AM - June 2, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
Yeah so we're late again, but you should be used to that by now. Anyway this week, our usual host TJ is out (and apparently will be for the foreseeable future) but we're still attempting this whole talking thing with Matt Gagnon (mattyg), Matt Blumenthal (TheLetterZ), and Chase Becotte (Slizeezyc). This week we talk about a post-Ben Brinkman MLB 2K franchise, as well as touching upon Madden once again as some more updates have been released for that game. From there we try to figure out why EA is so obsessed with Metacritic scores and also ask ourselves if we fear the "******" gamer. Snowboarding fans can also rejoice since we talk a bit about Shaun White Snowboarding, and gauge the hype when it comes to FaceBreaker. We end the show on a tangent-extravaganza that is beyond explanation. Listen in for allllllll this and more. Oh and since TJ is out right now the iTunes feed isn't being updated until we get someone else to do it, our bad.

Listen to the show: Waiver Wire (6/1)

Links for things we talked about on the show:

Thursday, May 29, 2008
11:07 PM - May 29, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
Over the last few days it's been a bit of a coming out party for Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (DS), a title hoping to tap into the nostalgia of every sports-gaming fan roaming the planet. However, the long rumored Tecmo Bowl for the Nintendo Wii has also been announced; and while details are scant (there's not even an official name apparently) a release date has been set for 2009. The game could end up as a full-fledged release, or it could be a big-time title on WiiWare whenever it does hit the virtual shelves.

I'm on record saying I think some things are better off left as memories, BUT are you folks pumped for this Wii version? The other question is do you want a WiiWare version, or a boxed release for this version of Tecmo Bowl?

Tecmo Bowl touching down on Wii in '09 [Joystiq]

Platform: Wii
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
02:15 PM - May 21, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
This edition of stating the obvious comes from the Electronic Gaming Summit, an event EA attended and spoke at yesterday. At the event EA Sports President Peter Moore spoke about and demoed Madden 09 on the Wii and also talked about the oft controversial NFL license. According to Kotaku, Moore said that EA plans to renew the NFL license exclusivity deal when it runs out after the 2012 NFL season.

While this news is hardly surprising the timing is a bit odd considering 2012 is so far off (and a new labor agreement away) at this point. It will also make EA PR earn their money once again since surely this is not going to be the most popular thing to ever leave Peter Moore's mouth. With that in mind, I have to assume that Moore was asked about the NFL license at the event, otherwise I'm not sure why he'd be discussing a new license agreement already.

Is this news shocking? No. Disappointing...?

EA Plans to Reup NFL License When it Expires [Kotaku]

Game: Madden NFL 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / PSP / NDSVotes: 88 - View All
Monday, May 19, 2008
08:21 PM - May 19, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
No release date, no gameplay footage, no problem. IGN posted the first official Skate 2 trailer from EA's official site and also posted the first known details about the skateboarding sequel. Unsurprisingly the trailer shows no gameplay footage (boy do I hate first-look trailers) and the only details about the fictional world of San Vanelona are that your skater has been AWOL for the last five years and now the city has gone all 1984.

Now I'm all for changing up the game world so new game mechanics can be explored, but I will say, my least favorite parts of the Skate world were the no-skate zones. So hopefully Skate 2 doesn't turn into a game based around that mechanic because Skate was such an amazing game because it gave you freedom to explore the whole city from the start and just be creative.

Game: Skate 2Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes: 13 - View All
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
12:06 AM - May 13, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
There has been an onslaught of previews popping up across the Net following the EA Sports press event in Vancouver last week. At the event most of EA Sports’ big hitters for this year were shown, none bigger than the behemoth that is Madden NFL 09. However, the Madden media fallout has led to a few inconsistencies in the various previews which now need to be cleared up. Operation Sports recently contacted EA Sports to hopefully clear up some of the confusion, and today Madden NFL Executive Producer Dale Jackson responded to the request.

Following the event some outlets wrote that in-game saves would be in the game this year, but Jackson said that the team was not able to include in-game saves this year.

"We won't have in game saves this year. We hear the feedback, but we are focusing our remaining time on bug fixing, tuning, and polishing the game in the short time remaining this year. We keep a list of requests we see and will make sure this is added."

Another point of contention dealt with what was said at the press event. Madden NFL Senior Producer Phil Frazier said at one point that presentation and online leagues were the two biggest focuses for Madden 09. While that may be true, Dale Jackson wanted to clarify Mr. Frazier’s statement:

"I also want to clarify that Game play is our number one priority this year and has a group of developers specifically devoted to it. Presentation and on-line leagues were the top 2 user requested features coming out of last year, and we wanted to make sure that we addressed them."

Operation Sports’ Executive News Editor Steve Noah attended the event in Vancouver but he doesn’t remember hearing Mr. Frazier specify if it was EA’s or the users’ number one request.

Game: Madden NFL 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes: 88 - View All
Saturday, May 10, 2008
09:46 PM - May 10, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Chase Becotte
We have just posted our review of NBA Ballers: Chosen One.

"When you think of arcade basketball, what company do you think of first? Or better yet, when you think of arcade basketball, what videogame do you think of first? If NBA Jam isn’t the first game you think of, then it is still probably one of the first. Midway developed NBA Jam back in the early ‘90s and almost everyone has fond memories of playing that game. On the other hand, gamers don’t exactly have the fondest memories of the NBA Jam later years because the series then started to resemble the low point in every E! True Hollywood Story."

Game: NBA Ballers: Chosen OneReader Score: 1.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes: 4 - View All
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
04:53 PM - May 7, 2008. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte
Reuters, along with various publications and sites such as Operation Sports have been attending an event up at the EA Vancouver studios. At the event Reuters had a chance to talk with Peter Moore, the head of EA Sports, about how the company plans to approach the marketplace moving forward.

The Nintendo Wii seems to be Peter Moore's main focus in terms of expanding EA Sports' marketplace, and he wants to build upon certain initiatives such as the "Family Play" feature found in certain Wii sports games, and the very recent reorganization within EA to create the new sub-brand called Freestyle.

It appears that the "Family Play" feature will be re-branded as "All-Play" and now won't be just in select EA Sports games such as Madden 2008, but rather in every EA Sports game that graces the Nintendo Wii. Also the Freestyle brand will publish sports games that don't fall into the "simulation" realm; the first published title being FaceBreaker this September.

Core gamers shouldn't be too concerned though since Mr. Moore doesn't plan on changing the simulation games, he simply wants to expand the user base on the Wii:
"While we have no intention whatsoever of dumbing down the experience that we all love and that drives this multibillion dollar business ... we need to make sports games more approachable"
It has been a busy few days for EA Sports and media-wise it's going to continue to be so. Folks should check back as more updates and fresh videogame news starts to pop up from the event in the coming days.

Platform: Wii