Author Bio
Chase Becotte

Home Town: Nomads don't have home towns
Sports: A bunch
Games: Too many to list
Teams: Sixers, Flyers, Pirates
OS Username: ChaseB
Tags: PS3: Slizeezyc / 360: Slizeezyc
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
09:31 AM - July 27, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

This video is also available on the OS YouTube channel, please subscribe while you're there.

Game: Need for Speed The RunReader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3 / Wii / PC / 3DSVotes: 3 - View All
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
03:30 PM - July 26, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

We posted a lot of stories about Online Communities in Madden 12 yesterday, but I wanted to write one more feature about these Communities to better explain and detail a couple elements at work here. So hit the jump to read a bit more detailed look at what Online Communities is trying to accomplish in Madden 12 and beyond.

Read More - Madden 12 Online Communities and Beyond

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes: 44 - View All
Monday, July 25, 2011

It would be putting it nicely to say that some people were unhappy about Madden's Online Franchise mode not being updated this year. But since I had the chance to speak with EA designer Anthony DiMento about Online Communities, I figured it would probably be wise to ask about the oft-discussed Online Franchise mode as well.

Below you will find the excerpt from my interview that details what the thought process was going into the development of this year's online feature set:

Operation Sports: There's a lot of people that are unhappy about not having any updates to Online Franchise mode this year, so was it a choice between Communities and Online Franchise this year, or was it nothing like that?

Anthony DiMento: I know everybody's excuse for Online Franchise is that they look at the numbers, and nobody plays it, and it's a vocal minority of guys. But at the beginning of the year, Ian's mandate (Ed. note: Ian Cummings is the former Madden creative director) was that we had to do something for Online Team Play (OTP). So if we're going to do something for OTP, it's got to be the Clubs feature -- that's in FIFA and NHL, basically what this whole foundation is built on. So there wasn't going to be time for Clubs and a full upgrade to Online Franchise, so rather than making a few minor tweaks to Online Franchise, we were able to manipulate the Clubs feature to create Communities -- you know create that head-to-head experience that goes along with all the ranked team play stuff that Clubs brings.

I mean I think what Online Franchise is all about from what I hear, and from my experience, is about playing together -- playing with your friends and playing against a group of guys you like playing with. And the biggest complaint we hear, other than it not being updated, is that it's really hard to schedule your time; that's been the problem here at the office, too. I have a Week 6 game, and I have one guy I have to play against. I'm just like, 'Hey, John, meet me online at 8:30. We're going to play our Week 6 game because the commissioner is going to advance the week tomorrow so we have to get this done.' And then either I have to work late and I don't it make in time, or he has to go pick up his wife at the airport or something like that. Guys just aren't able to coordinate.

It's frustrating already, so we felt like Communities is still giving people that experience they want playing together without having to worry about thinking about figuring out that I have to wait for that one guy. Now you can be in a situation where you can have 2,000, or if you're in five communities, 10,000 other guys potentially that you can get a game against, and people you want to play against. So it was a matter of priorities, too. Everybody plays ranked head to head, and we had more guys play OTP last year than we had play Online Franchise mode. Basically that is what it comes down to.
My Take: This explanation doesn't let EA off the hook for things that were said about improving Online Franchise mode well before this year, but it certainly seems wise to focus on the majority of football gamers first and foremost. In many ways, it reminds me of the way Criterion tends to do things with their online features. The folks at Criterion, who are responsible for the Burnout franchise and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, have had a great amount of success focusing on core online experiences that you are simply able to hop in and out of quite easily. Criterion's racing games sometimes get criticized because people look at them on the surface and see something that does not really look that deep. In the end, it's really more deceptive than anything. Something like Autolog is sometimes easy to dismiss at first glance because it's a part of every single portion of the game rather than being a set mode; the same goes for "Easy Drive" in Burnout Paradise. However, if you stick around and actually play the games, you realize the simplicity gives way to a complex idea that was just implemented in such a way that it's easy to enjoy.

If Online Communities works correctly, then it should simply become a part of the way you play the game online. Imagining a scenario where you can easily hop online and get a game in against likeminded gamers either by going head to head or by going through the OTP lobby would add so much to the Madden experience online. At the end of the day, it's about ease of use. If you hop online, and then have to deal with various barriers of entry before finding a quality game, you're going to be less likely to come back. If everything is streamlined, then you come back day after day because it's quick, easy and you're having fun.

Again, it doesn't solve the problems people have with already having a small, built-in group they want to play Online Franchise mode with on a daily basis, but it seems like that's a very small number of people in the grand scheme of things for EA. So if EA can bring more people back to the online features throughout the year, then it makes more sense that those formerly unconnected people will eventually want more from their experience, and thus a greater demand will pick up for more in-depth experiences like Online Franchise mode. Lastly, if Communities somehow enables EA to further streamline the ways you can connect with potential opponents, then that will help Online Franchise mode when it does inevitably get updated.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes: 44 - View All
11:53 AM - July 25, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

This video is also available on the OS YouTube channel, please subscribe while you're there.

In addition, there are also a bunch of screenshots showcasing the various menus and options available to you in the Online Communities interface. Head over to the screenshots gallery to check them all out.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3 / WiiVotes: 44 - View All
11:13 AM - July 25, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

With the addition of Online Communities in Madden NFL 12, one of the perks is that certain logos are in the game that can be selected to personalize the community.

Well, EA actually got our Operation Sports logo into the game, so when Madden NFL 12 is released, we will be able to use it to identify our ragtag group of gamers. So anywhere between two and 2,000 of you OSers out there can play under the Operation Sports online community umbrella -- and everyone else will know who you represent.

The OS community will obviously be based around simulation-based good times, and this personalized addition is just the cherry on top.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3 / WiiVotes: 44 - View All
10:13 AM - July 25, 2011. Posted by jpdavis82. Written by Chase Becotte

The biggest addition to Madden NFL 12 online is certainly the new "Communities" feature that will affect both Online Team Play and head-to-head games.

Anthony DiMento, a designer working on Madden 12, has written a blog at EA.com explaining the new feature in quite some depth.

I’ve been waiting for this day for months now, and it’s finally here, the debut of Madden NFL 12’s newest online feature: Communities. Around this time each year, the design team starts getting together, kicking around ideas and looking at priorities for what we want to add to next year’s game. We started Madden NFL 12 by looking at the core online experience and Ranked Head-to-Head, in particular. For years now, we have been hearing complaints about how hard it is to find a good matchup online. Opponents quitting games, cheesing or running the same play again and again, and gamers looking for creative ways to cheat their way up the leaderboard have really been plaguing the online space. We listened to our fans and found a very large group of gamers who only play against their friends and use our Ranked Invites and Leaderboards to track their progress against each other. We talked to our hardcore fans and found a lot of sim-football players who only want to play against guys who play sim-football and we talked to even more who just wanted to find an opponent who would finish a game. Finally, we asked ourselves, what is the correct solution to these problems? How can we let our gamers play ranked games against their friends, play the way they want to play it, and create a safe environment where you don’t have to worry about cheaters, quitters, or grievers? The answer became Communities.
You can read the rest of the blog by heading over to EA.com. Also be sure to check back here throughout the day as we will have more details about Online Communities.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3 / WiiVotes: 44 - View All
Friday, July 22, 2011
03:42 PM - July 22, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

It should come as no surprise that the community has found some issues with the game -- I really do feel like the folks here really are the best testers money can buy, even if that is not really what they set out to do -- and it has begun to split the community a bit.

That being said, I wanted to ask some of our writers how they were feeling about NCAA Football 12 at this point. Even knowing about some of the bugs and issues we know about now, how are they liking the game and the experience it is bringing to the table.

Read More - Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 104 - View All
Thursday, July 21, 2011
04:36 PM - July 21, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

Operation Sports is happy to bring you an exclusive look at the changes that are being made to NHL 12's Be a Pro mode. EA Canada developer Gurn Sumal will be detailing these changes to the mode and how they should improve the career mode in NHL 12.

Hey I’m Gurn Sumal, the NHL 12 game modes producer, and I’ll be giving you the goods on our completely revamped Be a Pro mode where we want to see if you can "Be The Next Great Legend." If you’re familiar with Be a Pro mode, you’ll know that the mode was introduced in NHL 09. NHL 12 features the most significant changes to the mode since it was introduced, and if you’ve read my Be a GM blog, you’ll see how the all-new sim engine now allows users to intervene a sim at any point in time during the course of a game. This spawned what we like to call "Earn every shift" and makes Be a Pro mode a much more satisfying and realistic experience.

Folks who have previously played the mode should be sure to check out the end of the blog, as the developers are clearly trying to add a bit of persistence to the year-to-year release of the NHL series.

Read More - NHL 12 Producer Blog: Revamped Be a Pro Mode

Game: NHL 12Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes: 26 - View All
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
02:08 PM - July 13, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

Operation Sports is happy to bring you an exclusive look at the "signature traits" being included in NHL 12. EA Canada developer Novell Thomas will be detailing this new gameplay addition and how it should change the way folks play NHL 12.

Hey, my name is Novell Thomas and I’m a producer on NHL 12. As mentioned in an earlier blog by Sean Ramjagsingh called Gameplay Enhancements, NHL 12 has over 300 gameplay refinements and many other great additions as well. One of those additions, which I’m going to go into detail about, is Signature Traits.

Be sure to check out the four new screenshots in high resolution in our screenshots section. Finally, the end of this blog also contains the first details about the NHL 12 demo.

Read More - NHL 12 Producer Blog: Signature Traits

Game: NHL 12Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes: 26 - View All
01:05 PM - July 13, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

Christian McLeod checks in during day three of his review process to talk about his experiences with the online play found in NCAA Football 12. Hit the link below to read the impressions.

Read More - NCAA Football 12 Reviewer Impressions: Online Play

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 104 - View All
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
02:29 PM - July 12, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

Christian McLeod checks in during day two of his review process to talk all about his experiences with the Dynasty and Road to Glory modes found in NCAA Football 12. Hit the link below to read the in-depth impressions.

Read More - NCAA Football 12 Reviewer Impressions: Dynasty Mode and Road to Glory

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes: 104 - View All
Monday, July 11, 2011
07:17 PM - July 11, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

At E3, I got my first chance to play NHL 12. I came away relatively impressed by the gameplay additions, but at the same time, I was absolutely terrified by how the games themselves were playing out on the ice. The checks were out of hand, glass was breaking during every period, and essentially it was more like NHL Hitz 12 than NHL 12.

Thankfully, sanity has returned in a post-E3 environment. The developers have tuned the game to bring it more in line with what you might actually see in an NHL arena, and this has excited me all over again for EA's annual hockey franchise. In short, I'm finally getting to see what NHL 12 is all about on the ice.

Read More - NHL 12 Updated Hands-On Preview

Game: NHL 12Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 26 - View All
05:59 AM - July 11, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

NCAA Football 12 is being released tomorrow, but Madden's release date is the one that has caused a stir this summer. Up until this year, Madden had revolved around the "Madden Holiday" that sat right in the middle of August. This release date had become a tradition that helped to get people excited about the looming NFL season. However, this year the game's release date is being pushed back to August 30 to more closely align with the real NFL schedule -- assuming the lockout ends. Of course, we still have NCAA Football being released in its well known July slot, which is obviously well before the start of the actual college football season.

There are clearly a couple different philosophies at work here. So do you guys get more excited about a sports game when it's released well in advance of the upcoming real season, or do you get more pumped about playing sports video games when the real season is underway or about to begin?

Read More - Staff Roundtable: When Is the Best Time To Release a Sports Game?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back at E3, I previewed MLB Bobblehead Pros and pretty much could not say enough nice things about it. Konami's Power Pros baseball franchise is beloved for all the right reasons, and this $10 XBLA arcade game seems to be just another way for more people to experience the franchise.

Many folks may have missed out on the series because it has mostly been known for being released on Nintendo platforms this generation, but it's a simulation baseball series that is hidden under a cartoon-like graphical facade. While this version is not quite as in-depth as some of the earlier retail versions of the game, it seems like there is still local co-op online, an edit player feature (although it seems to be locked when you first play the game), full 162-game season and create-a-team elements as well.

Some members here at Operation Sports have already picked up the title and have some nice things to say about it:

Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
And the game is incredibly realistic..I just started a season and the Pirates blasted the Cubs 8-5. The Cubs starting pitching was atrocious, and the they had 2 errors in the field. You can't ask a game to be anymore realistic than that.
Originally Posted by philliesfan136
It is looking good, and it feels exactly like Power Pros. It's just as easy to play.
There is a demo for folks to try, and it appears more content will be coming to the game later in the summer. Some of the content coming at a later date includes a home run derby, as well as My Bobble mode, which seems like it will be some sort of career mode where you control one single player for a whole season. I doubt it will be as in depth as "The Life" mode found in other Power Pros games, but it would still be a welcomed addition regardless.

Lastly, while the Xbox Live Arcade version is the only one out right now, it seems like a PS3 version will be coming at a later date.

Game: MLB Bobblehead ProsReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes: 3 - View All
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
01:56 PM - July 5, 2011. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Chase Becotte

Bob Kollars wrote our review for Dirt 3 at the beginning of June. He found the game to be quite good, but a month later, Steve Bartlett is playing the game and wants to weigh in as well.

Since we always welcome more opinions, we figured we would let him chat a bit about his experience with the game and whether he feels as good about the title as Bob did last month.

Read More - DiRT 3 Second Opinion

Game: DiRT 3Reader Score: 9.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3 / PCVotes: 5 - View All