The Golf Club 2 News Post

Maximum Games have just announced June 27 as their release date for The Golf Club 2. Fans can pre-order the game for $39.99 to receive the Day One Edition, which includes the following "Aristocrat" bonus in-game content:
  • Moneybags – Save time and get rich quick with an instant payout that will boost your career and give you serious purchasing power
  • Elite Club – Make your competitors jealous and stand out among the crowd with an exclusive 24K solid gold driver
  • Premier Clubhouse – Gain access to an exclusive high society clubhouse for you and your friends
  • Heirloom Apparel – Play in style with a throwback outfit from the golden age of golf
  • Elite Emblem – Add class to your Society logo with a signature badge
Check out the trailer here.

Play thousands of pre-built courses or create your own, compete in dynamic tournaments - alone or with a Golf Society - and progress your career by rising the ranks in lush, vibrant settings around the world! Establish your own Society and upgrade your clubhouse, inviting players online to join and compete with your team. The possibilities are endless in the highly anticipated new standard in golf gaming.

For more details on the game, check out the official website.

Game: The Golf Club 2Hype Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 2 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 OnlookerDelay @ 05/03/17 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrew101
I hope they made the swing something other than math. I feel like they nailed putting in TGC1. No meter, no power bar, just feel and experience. That is how the rest of the swings need to play out. It isn't really much of a game when you can get 100% swings almost all the time and then it is just a matter of putting the "math grid box" to 80%, 90% etc. That isn't golf. You need timing, tempo, swing path to judge distance/slice/hook.
TheBrew101, I'm involved in the beta for this game, and while I can't go into specifics, I can tell you that your concerns have been firmly addressed in TGC 2. I had quit playing TGC 1 over a year ago because of the very things you cited as buzz killers. I've been playing Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf almost exclusively in the meanwhile... UNTIL I got involved in the TGC 2 beta. You're going to be amazed at how much less formulaic TGC 2 is in comparison to 1... it is now a living, breathing entity!
# 42 DivotMaker @ 05/03/17 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
TheBrew101, I'm involved in the beta for this game, and while I can't go into specifics, I can tell you that your concerns have been firmly addressed in TGC 2. I had quit playing TGC 1 over a year ago because of the very things you cited as buzz killers. I've been playing Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf almost exclusively in the meanwhile... UNTIL I got involved in the TGC 2 beta. You're going to be amazed at how much less formulaic TGC 2 is in comparison to 1... it is now a living, breathing entity!
# 43 DaveMN @ 05/04/17 12:42 PM
Pre-ordered for PS4. I'll be honest, it mainly because of the waterfalls.
# 44 woodjer @ 05/04/17 03:37 PM
Does anyone know if this will be available for digital pre-order on consoles?
# 45 RIFRIG @ 05/04/17 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by woodjer
Does anyone know if this will be available for digital pre-order on consoles?
Wouldn't of thought so,but on a positive it's likely only a small download.
# 46 DivotMaker @ 05/04/17 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by woodjer
Does anyone know if this will be available for digital pre-order on consoles?
What I am hearing is yes.

HBS and MG are finalizing details for all 3 platforms.
# 47 woodjer @ 05/05/17 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
What I am hearing is yes.

HBS and MG are finalizing details for all 3 platforms.
Thanks, DM...as much as I played TGC1, I'd hate to have to go to a disc-based version for the sequel. I'll keep my eye out for it on the PS Store.
# 48 jbd345 @ 05/05/17 07:45 PM
The biggest thing I hope gets fixed is the frame rate. Courses like The colonial grand and Crawford mines or others with a lot of extra stuff (trees, water, plants etc..) come to almost a stand still.
# 49 Lordcledus @ 05/06/17 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
There are two options, right or left thumbstick swing, or mouse swing. There was not 3-click option the TGC 1, nor is there one in TGC 2.
Thanks for the respone to my question.
# 50 OnlookerDelay @ 05/07/17 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by ROTTEN
Absolutely!! The performance of TGC is embarrassing especially on consoles. The game feels disgusting to play and is almost never at 30 fps. Microsoft and Sony shouldn't let developers release games that are sub 30 fps ..... it's just wrong.
If the frame rate performance improvement I'm seeing in the PC version of TGC 2, over TGC 1 in the beta is any indication of the type of performance improvements that will be seen in the console versions, the game will be seen in a more favorable light! I can't go into specifics at this point, but I can say that I was shocked at how much better the frame rates are in the PC version
# 51 DivotMaker @ 05/07/17 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
If the frame rate performance improvement I'm seeing in the PC version of TGC 2, over TGC 1 in the beta is any indication of the type of performance improvements that will be seen in the console versions, the game will be seen in a more favorable light! I can't go into specifics at this point, but I can say that I was shocked at how much better the frame rates are in the PC version

I concur...night and day better than TGC1 PC....
# 52 jbd345 @ 05/07/17 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
I concur...night and day better than TGC1 PC....
That's good to hear! This was almost a deal breaker for me on the golf club 1. But stuck it out because it played a solid round of golf.
# 53 AnthonyKyne @ 05/07/17 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by ROTTEN
Absolutely!! The performance of TGC is embarrassing especially on consoles. The game feels disgusting to play and is almost never at 30 fps. Microsoft and Sony shouldn't let developers release games that are sub 30 fps ..... it's just wrong.
The game performance is fine on the official courses, unfortunately when you provide a tool like the course designer you 1) can't use any of the techniques that would normally improve performance, as you have no idea what people are going to create and 2) you have to rely on the designers to take into account performance on other machines outside of their speced up pc's

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
# 54 jbd345 @ 05/09/17 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by AnthonyKyne
The game performance is fine on the official courses, unfortunately when you provide a tool like the course designer you 1) can't use any of the techniques that would normally improve performance, as you have no idea what people are going to create and 2) you have to rely on the designers to take into account performance on other machines outside of their speced up pc's

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
Not sure if you can answer or not, but will this be the same for TGC2? I know others have said the frame rate has improved, but I'm assuming they are playing official courses and not so much user generated ones in the beta. Can't tell if you're referring to TGC1, TGC2 or both.
# 55 DivotMaker @ 05/09/17 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by jbd345
Not sure if you can answer or not, but will this be the same for TGC2? I know others have said the frame rate has improved, but I'm assuming they are playing official courses and not so much user generated ones in the beta. Can't tell if you're referring to TGC1, TGC2 or both.
Not sure if answering would violate the NDA, so all I will say is my framerates have doubled over TGC1 on PC.

Have not seen the consoles but I would like to think the framerates have improved similarly, yet I do not want to raise expectations on something I have not seen, only the PC version.

All will soon be revealed....still 6+ weeks prior to release.
# 56 RIFRIG @ 05/10/17 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by ROTTEN
Not true. The games performance is poor on all levels. This includes official courses and user generated courses (all I ever played was official courses 99% of the time) The hole fly by's are the worst. Wanna take a look at beautiful hole # 4?? Put on these glasses made for sub 20 fps and get ready to put band aids on your eye balls.
One things for sure.........FPS can only get better in TGC2.
# 57 woodjer @ 05/16/17 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by woodjer
Does anyone know if this will be available for digital pre-order on consoles?
If anyone else cares, TGC2 is up for pre-order on PS Store.
# 58 scagwi @ 05/16/17 05:32 PM

C'mon Maximum Games (or HB), this is crazy town.
# 59 Vazione @ 05/18/17 12:47 PM
Runs a solid 60 FPS on my PC.
# 60 scagwi @ 05/18/17 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Vazione
Runs a solid 60 FPS on my PC.

You are a beta tester?

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