NBA 2K17 News Post

PopSci has posted their NBA 2K17 hands-on preview, as they go over physics tweaking, aiming with shot stick and more.

To make the game more realistic, the team made sure you could no longer run or jump through an opposing player’s limbs, which was a complaint they heard repeatedly. This also means that the ball will actually ricochet off of a player’s arm or leg, making you fight for better position. The team worked on tweaking the physics of the game, allowing you to play more physically and fight for the ball like real players do.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 DakkoN @ 08/23/16 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
We still don't have confirmation that we can still bounce/lob pass. I'am guessing it's in but it's not in the controls so you never know. I hope we get a modifier for fading again.
It's in both the controls pictures and the controls write up from Steve.
# 42 Vni @ 08/23/16 01:02 PM
Ah nice, missed it then, my bad.
# 43 scottyp180 @ 08/23/16 01:50 PM
These two hands-on articles have been good so far. I like the improvements but hopefully there are still some more changes we haven't heard about. Im interesting in hearing more about presentation and atmosphere.

However, and I don't want to sound negative, but I need to see and hear more. I'd love to hear hands on impressions from more hardcore players that can better explain the changes and how much of a difference they make (do they make a difference, does it work as it expected, good change/bad change, etc). I'd also like to see these changes on action. I know even then there will still be unanswered questions, we won't know for sure until the game is in our hands, but I just can't read something that says "we fixed, improved this area" and take it as fact without seeing how it works.

Everything sounds great in practice, hopefully they succeed in execution.
# 44 MrMars @ 08/23/16 02:51 PM
It continues.....

It appears that this game will be even more difficult for the casual player that wants to play sim. This is the drawback of this series.

I work and have a family. I don't have the time nor the inclination to learn and practice all these intricate stick inputs in order to be successful against the cpu on anything other than Rookie.

I wish I could play 2k all day. but we all know that's impractical. This was the reason that I was hoping that EA got it's stuff together with Live.

Anyway, I will try, get frustrated. Try again, get frustrated. You know the rest.

# 45 23 @ 08/23/16 03:07 PM
With 2k, it's always layers man. Im sure they won't just leave new users or non experts high and dry.

At some point people have to be willing to try new things so they can innovate.

It gets old hearing "its the same game" "this looks like last years game" and when they change something people get upset or want to burn down the house.

It's time for 2k to stand its ground and let their creativity take its place.
# 46 Goffs @ 08/23/16 03:08 PM
Intricate inputs? It's the same controls as last year.....timed layups will take some getting used to but it's not like it's asking you to hold down RT LB to make a layup. It's basically like a jump shot....you hold it down and watch the meter...
# 47 CaseIH @ 08/23/16 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
What the...???


My feeling exactly, probably the devs too, unless that person is a hot female,lol.
# 48 Vni @ 08/23/16 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by MrMars
It continues.....

It appears that this game will be even more difficult for the casual player that wants to play sim. This is the drawback of this series.

I work and have a family. I don't have the time nor the inclination to learn and practice all these intricate stick inputs in order to be successful against the cpu on anything other than Rookie.

I wish I could play 2k all day. but we all know that's impractical. This was the reason that I was hoping that EA got it's stuff together with Live.

Anyway, I will try, get frustrated. Try again, get frustrated. You know the rest.

We don't even know how it's gonna work, why are people freaking out ? If anything you will still be able to play with players %age offline.
# 49 Optik @ 08/23/16 03:18 PM
Timed layups aren't really new. If you do a contact layup or a layup after a foul, I'm pretty sure it matters when you release the stick.

Aiming with the shot stick sounds like difficulty for difficulty's sake. They already have this with free throws but everyone just uses the X button, so if they've done the same with jumpshooting there is literally no point in doing it. This would only be justifiable if you could disable the X button in MyLeague or online so that you're forced to use the shot stick.

Sandbox mechanics do not belong in sports simulations. Every option needs to be equal.
# 50 jayb_270 @ 08/23/16 03:27 PM
All I want is for players not to use their starters all game in online matches against me without a significant decrease in performance
# 51 ksuttonjr76 @ 08/23/16 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by MrMars
It continues.....

It appears that this game will be even more difficult for the casual player that wants to play sim. This is the drawback of this series.

I work and have a family. I don't have the time nor the inclination to learn and practice all these intricate stick inputs in order to be successful against the cpu on anything other than Rookie.

I wish I could play 2k all day. but we all know that's impractical. This was the reason that I was hoping that EA got it's stuff together with Live.

Anyway, I will try, get frustrated. Try again, get frustrated. You know the rest.

I forgot where I read it, but they're bringing back 2K University (or whatever it is) with Coach K. I was under the impression that it was some type of tutorial practice mode. I hope they bring back the one version (NBA 2K9?) where they showed you the move, then you had to replicate it to "pass" the segment. That was the practice mode ever, because it covered all the button commands, and you could come back later to it.
# 52 scottyp180 @ 08/23/16 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by 23
With 2k, it's always layers man. Im sure they won't just leave new users or non experts high and dry.

At some point people have to be willing to try new things so they can innovate.

It gets old hearing "its the same game" "this looks like last years game" and when they change something people get upset or want to burn down the house.

It's time for 2k to stand its ground and let their creativity take its place.
And with the 2KU it shouldn't be too difficult for people to pick up and learn the new mechanics. It won't make everyone experts but it will teach people enough to play and enjoy the game. People that are worried about the new mechanics should be willing to dedicate sometime to the 2KU mode in order to understand the game better.

If that isn't enough there is always the option of looking up videos and strategy online. I did this last year and I definitely helped and improved how I played the game.

I know for some this might be a lot to do on their end just to play a game but that's part of what makes these sports games great in this age of gaming. They are no longer simple, basic representations of sports. We are at the point where the gameplay is nearly as complex as the real thing and there are many layers and intricacies involved. This could be overwhelming for some but on lower difficulty settings it should be an issue.
# 53 RyanFitzmagic @ 08/23/16 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by 23
It gets old hearing "its the same game" "this looks like last years game" and when they change something people get upset or want to burn down the house.
This would only be relevant if it was the same people saying both things. The internet isn't a hive mind. 2K's fanbase isn't a hive mind. Some people like A, some people like B. If you expect people there to be no complaints either way, you're delusional.

It's perfectly logical to hear "We want A" from certain people and "We want B" from others, depending on which one the developers go with.
# 54 23 @ 08/23/16 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
This would only be relevant if it was the same people saying both things. The internet isn't a hive mind. 2K's fanbase isn't a hive mind. Some people like A, some people like B. If you expect people there to be no complaints either way, you're delusional.

It's perfectly logical to hear "We want A" from certain people and "We want B" from others, depending on which one the developers go with.
Lets see, thats not what I was alluding to at all.

But since you took only a piece of my post and interjected your partial thought then ill deal with that.

The problem here is, EVERY SINGLE YEAR the game gets changed from its original creation because of a ton of crying.

Not only here on OS, but twitter, and anywhere else the salty tears can be heard.

I didn't group everyone into any kind of category if you're trying to place some kind of supposition on what I said, but i'm talking about what I see each and every year and what happens as a result.

One of the reasons they cave in is because of catering to that portion of the fanbase. If the youtube "typicals" cry about something, you best believe they're going to listen to them.

It's sad but people don't like to feel like they are learning anything new, and plenty of those comments pop up at the same exact time each year.
# 55 RyanFitzmagic @ 08/23/16 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Lets see, thats not what I was alluding to at all.

But since you took only a piece of my post and interjected your partial thought then ill deal with that.
Jeez dude, relax. I misunderstood what you meant. My bad.
# 56 Gramps91 @ 08/23/16 05:10 PM
It's a good thing I never used the stick in the first place. Always felt unnatural to me and aiming with it just makes it sound worse.
# 57 MrMars @ 08/23/16 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by scottyp180
And with the 2KU it shouldn't be too difficult for people to pick up and learn the new mechanics. It won't make everyone experts but it will teach people enough to play and enjoy the game. People that are worried about the new mechanics should be willing to dedicate sometime to the 2KU mode in order to understand the game better.

If that isn't enough there is always the option of looking up videos and strategy online. I did this last year and I definitely helped and improved how I played the game.

I know for some this might be a lot to do on their end just to play a game but that's part of what makes these sports games great in this age of gaming. They are no longer simple, basic representations of sports. We are at the point where the gameplay is nearly as complex as the real thing and there are many layers and intricacies involved. This could be overwhelming for some but on lower difficulty settings it should be an issue.
Definitely a reasonable post. Perhaps I should wait and see how this 2KU can address the casual player before I start complaining. Usually I have pick one team try to learn all the release points and dribble rhythms, and that's not easy considering the limited playing time I get. And I end up not being able to really enjoy the game like I want to.

# 58 Jrocc23 @ 08/23/16 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Nevertheles109
Yes there was. I strictly play offline and knew nothing about the turbo boost prior to the patch.

Was it abused in the wrong hands? Yes.. but it also could be used in a very sim manner as well without the turbo boost tactic. The sim crowd suffered due to casuals.

Right. Even the CPU players did it. Mainly PG's like Wall, Kyrie, and Russ.

2K only removed it because people online (mainly park) was speed boosting back and forth because they was able to stop on a dime and start back up with it. The animation alone wasn't bad at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 59 raiderphantom @ 08/23/16 05:49 PM
Sounds promising but worries me at the same time. If this means 100% live ball then I will be having awful nightmares of 2K12 lol
# 60 tril @ 08/23/16 06:24 PM
glad that they are re-implementing the live ball. Iast time they highlighted the live ball feature, folks complained, cause folks were dribbling off of and passing into the back of players.

I look forward to the new shooting mechanics with the shot stick.

and the new dribbling features sounds good in theory, especially if it involves more of user skill. how ever it could be troublesome if its just based on user input. cause you can potentially have a Deandre Jordan having handles like Kyre Irving.

The fatigue/ turbo ratings seems like another reintroduction by 2k. They also had this feature before, glad that they are emphasizing this again

i Look forward to 2k17

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