NBA 2K17 News Post

Check out the new NBA 2K17 trailer, titled Friction and post your thoughts!

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 381 WTF @ 08/24/16 08:39 PM
Momentous will kill it. This was somewhat meh. A good trailer, showed some good things, but I was equally as impressed by the article discussing the limb and ball interaction.
# 382 MarkWilliam @ 08/24/16 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Man that trailer was amazing...

At the time there were a lot of mixed feelings about just how much of a jump the PS4 and XBO were....and that trailer came through and crushed the buildings. Even non NBA fans were like dayum.

As far as this trailer, it wasnt my favorite...Im actually am looking forward to see what Momenteous does...but I still enjoyed it for what it was.

Theres usually a couple of guys every year that'll say there wasnt enough defense/physicality in the trailer...we finally got one, lol
OMG trailer stopped the earth. Non basketball fans were like "I have to get this game" and I was like "Man I'm glad I'm a basketball fan"......

Not taking away from this trailer - it was solid. It's just hard to get blown away graphically now after 3 releases on this gen.

Nowadays on trailers I just look for new face scans and anything glaringly new (shot animations, pre-game shoot around etc. etc.)
# 383 lakers24 @ 08/24/16 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
That OMG trailer was amazing. The music definitely helped as well.

Looking back on it, the unis seem much better fitting than what we've been seeing the last few years.

Which is hilarious because I distinctly remember people complaining about them for years
# 384 King_B_Mack @ 08/24/16 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Thats not actually true. For example, EA didnt have the MSG license when Fight Night Champion came out but they wanted a NY arena. So they made an arena that looks EXACTLY like MSG and called it "NY Arena".

The only thing the MSG license grants is the right to use the name and logo of MSG. That isnt the reason that 2k's color is off.

There are multiple examples of games that had the same colors and floor/field/ice art but didnt have the license. NHL 15 didnt have the United Center or PNC arena licenses but it had the same ice art and colors as those arenas.
Late as hell but just wanted to point out that this isn't accurate. They butchered the United Center in NHL 15, think 14 and 13 as well before they finally got the rights for 16.


Originally Posted by WISports
Just goes to show how bad they are now...
It really isn't, but everything is the absolute worst case scenario with you when it comes to this game so I guess no surprise there.
# 385 aholbert32 @ 08/25/16 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by WISports
Just goes to show how bad they are now...

Or that you can't please everyone.
# 386 aholbert32 @ 08/25/16 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Late as hell but just wanted to point out that this isn't accurate. They butchered the United Center in NHL 15, think 14 and 13 as well before they finally got the rights for 16.


It really isn't, but everything is the absolute worst case scenario with you when it comes to this game so I guess no surprise there.

Thanks King. I thought they got it right but you are correct.
# 387 Barncore @ 08/25/16 01:58 PM
That lighting looks fantastic
# 388 JJRuelz @ 08/25/16 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Crunky
This is how muscle definition on Paul George Is supposed to look, this is NBA live 16.

Bruh what are you smoking?
# 389 BornIndy @ 08/25/16 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
That OMG trailer was amazing. The music definitely helped as well.

Looking back on it, the unis seem much better fitting than what we've been seeing the last few years.

Durant looks perfect in this. I remember first watching this and thinking, damn the games are going to be looking more real than ever. They do now but I don't get how they can go backwards in some aspects.
# 390 ForeverVersatile @ 08/25/16 09:46 PM
Delete. Official announcement about the announcement made by Steve OS lol.

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# 391 Tunechid @ 09/05/16 09:15 PM
Dwight Howard have a cut

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# 392 The 24th Letter @ 09/06/16 05:44 AM

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