NBA 2K17 News Post
Member Comments
Momentous will kill it. This was somewhat meh. A good trailer, showed some good things, but I was equally as impressed by the article discussing the limb and ball interaction.
# 382
MarkWilliam @ 08/24/16 09:00 PM
Not taking away from this trailer - it was solid. It's just hard to get blown away graphically now after 3 releases on this gen.
Nowadays on trailers I just look for new face scans and anything glaringly new (shot animations, pre-game shoot around etc. etc.)
# 384
King_B_Mack @ 08/24/16 11:32 PM
This is the ice in NHL 15

And this is the actual United Center ice for the Hawks

# 385
aholbert32 @ 08/25/16 06:15 AM
Or that you can't please everyone.
# 386
aholbert32 @ 08/25/16 06:15 AM
Thanks King. I thought they got it right but you are correct.
# 390
ForeverVersatile @ 08/25/16 09:46 PM
Delete. Official announcement about the announcement made by Steve OS lol.
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