NBA 2K17 News Post

Check out the new NBA 2K17 trailer, titled Friction and post your thoughts!

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Goffs @ 08/22/16 11:02 AM
There it is...
# 2 KingTocco @ 08/22/16 11:02 AM
# 3 cmebfresh @ 08/22/16 11:03 AM
So it begins......
# 4 DIRK41NOWITZKI @ 08/22/16 11:04 AM
Oh. My. Goodness.
# 5 cookemcurt @ 08/22/16 11:06 AM

Now we can all breathe
# 6 KingTocco @ 08/22/16 11:06 AM
That was actually really beautiful and got my hyped...they did it again.
# 7 MarkWilliam @ 08/22/16 11:07 AM
Nice touch....
# 8 King_B_Mack @ 08/22/16 11:07 AM
First viewing, not too bad. Will have to look closer when I get home on a better viewing source lol

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# 9 jbthegreat @ 08/22/16 11:08 AM
Didn't really get me hyped but whatever.
# 10 VDusen04 @ 08/22/16 11:08 AM
Random addition, but I'm okay with it.

# 11 DIRK41NOWITZKI @ 08/22/16 11:08 AM
First Impressions:

-Lighting looks amazing on close-ups
-Playable warm-up/shootaround
-Players in tunnels
-Updated Westbrook
-Dunk team during timeouts
# 12 trekfan @ 08/22/16 11:09 AM
Pregame warmups? Bench celebrations? Crowd looking diverse (and, you know, alive)?

Check all three. Nicely done.

Now if they just show some actual (non-bootleg) gameplay, I'm sold. That's all I need.
# 13 Mauer4MVP @ 08/22/16 11:09 AM
I love that it featured a lot of extra curricular things (The Dunk team, players in tunnel, warm ups, T-Shirt cannon, etc.).

Yep. I'm hyped.
# 14 BEARYChi @ 08/22/16 11:09 AM
THE HYPE IS BACK IN ME!!!!! I was losing a little Faith last week.
# 15 Vni @ 08/22/16 11:10 AM
Pretty good trailer.
# 16 Junior Moe @ 08/22/16 11:11 AM
Hey ooohhh!!
# 17 cmebfresh @ 08/22/16 11:12 AM
neck muscles lol...
# 18 Mikelopedia @ 08/22/16 11:13 AM
Cool song choice.

The lighting obviously is the biggest thing that'll stand out this year. The reactions from the crowd and the bench look like a huge step forward as well. I also think that various contact will have a bunch of new animations, we already seen the controls for off ball "chucking." Hopefully it's a step forward, but it looks nice.

Cool little nugget to wake up to as usual when hype trailers are first released.

But I'm gonna go ahead and be that guy that'll get everyone mad and say it............ Accessories look exactly the same as last year :/ fuhhhhhh
# 19 Breakstarter @ 08/22/16 11:13 AM
*The players seem more alive than ever before. Whatever they did to the emotions of the player models is amazing!
Great Job 2k. Lighting is much more apparent this year then 2k16.
I see put backs is an emphasis this year, also I see there's more contact with fighting for positions down low and and for loose balls. Hmm maybe this year we might have something special.......until the first patch that is...haha.
# 20 The 24th Letter @ 08/22/16 11:13 AM
A trailer with the main focus being physicality?

Yes sir.

That was a different angle that has caught my attention....bravo 2k.

The players/expressiona look great.

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