Geoff Harrower, A.K.A. GameplayDevUFC, has been posting quite a few details on the upcoming EA Sports UFC 2 patch on his Twitter page. While no date for the patch has been revealed, he has posted quite a few nuggets. Check out some of them below and let us know what you think!
- Punches in single collar clinch will no longer interrupt transitions
- Increased counter window after denied clinch attempt
- Added counter damage bonus after denied clinch attempt
- Reduced the damage of Thai knees slightly
- Fixed bug so you can now deny a clinch attempt during the follow through of your strike
- Added new logic to control when different strike types can interrupt a takedown
- Fixed bug that made takedowns in some clinch positions too easy, and others too hard
- Added new grapple momentum scenarios to a few ground and clinch transitions
- Gave fighters who have the sitout sweep in sprawl the option to also perform the half guard escape
- Tuned the submissive fighter's escape from back mount to half guard to be a bit more difficult
- Changed the inputs for submission reversals on the ground to be L2+R2 to fix exploits and enforce pre-emptive denial penalty
- Punish the defender in a submission for defending a chain before it appears by taking away some defensive progress
- Pushing in the wrong direction to deny submission chain blocks the defending fighter from pushing in the correct direction
- AI will now use submission reversals
- Some fighter AI's tuned to use submissions and takedowns more or less as appropriate to their real life counterparts
- Blocking and stamina management improvements for pro AI