MLB The Show 16 News Post

Alright, after many months of hard work, mostly by others not named me, we are very proud to announce the release of the 2016 OSFM HYBRID V1 - under psn - Crapinmyshoe

This year has been a special project as it was built around my son receiving his long awaited liver transplant and before I get into specifics about the roster, I would like to get thanks to our team, especially Waittilnextyear who engineered the majority of this year's edition, teeds who we also welcomed back into the fold and contributed many new faces as well as many quality control corrections, Cultbuscus who really got this thing back onto it's feet and basically gathered our team together this year, Totte who was our master of OD backdate as well as quality control, God of Nugget and Blobloblah who did a lot of the tedious work for us as well as the late Dr Illinios who managed to get himself banned from the site but still contributed.

If anyone is interested in making a donation towards the creation of this roster, I would appreciate donations made to Ronald McDonald House Toronto where I did the bulk of my work on the roster this year while my little guy recovered.

  • This is a 40 man roster that contains the following edits;
  • Full roster rerate (no player untouched)
  • Pitch Edits from WTNY
  • OD roster for all MLB clubs and close for AAA and AA
  • No carry over stats for rookies except for Kyle Higashioka
  • New Faces and players added to the OSFM V1.5
  • Equipment edits where info was made available
  • Accurate Opening Day MLB lineups
  • Proper positioning according to Baseball Reference
  • So much more, you need to download and use it to believe
This roster is intended for 30 Team Control but can be played with Single Team.

You will not find another roster that plays as accurate to true life, I hate making claims like this but it is true.

Please rate the roster so non OS users will know it's worth, and most importantly enjoy it for what it is - a great baseball game roster.


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Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 nycyankeefan52 @ 05/24/16 09:27 AM
Thanks for the great rosters. I just noticed Joey terdoslavich has no career stats. OSFMv3 had him with correct career stats.Why is he a CAP ? I find players from MLB14 & 15 with career stats and import them into the roster where needed. I have found a few v3 didn't use. Hybrid only has Terd so far.Thanks again.
# 42 msmith05 @ 05/24/16 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Willard76
How I Use 30 Team Control

Many have asked, and for myself being a guy who in the past only like using single team control, it took some adjustment and playing around to find setting for 30 team control I liked.

1. Set up 2 Profiles, 1 for your team, 1 for CPU teams

2. Profile 1, I set everything up on Manual Control to start the season

3. Profile 2 is a mimic of Profile 1 for Spring Training, then I transfer everything but lineups and 40 man to AUTO, (this way you can move players up and down to your roster through spring training and not lose guys on waivers)

4. Start your franchise - leave CPU trades turned ON (more about this later)

5. Play spring training - no injuries will happen unless you turn on injuries, you can move about 5 players up and down per day, they will use up one of their options but you won't loose them to another team - just make sure you move the player to AAA before taking them off the 40 to make room for your call up

6. At the end of spring training make sure you set your proper 40 man roster, then change Profile 2 to Auto for all categories

7.Every day during the season, scan through proposed trades and veto any bad trades the CPU makes, also sim every game but your teams and then scores will appear on the scoreboards as if they were happening at that time period.

That's about it! (I think)
Quick question...This is the 1st time playing 30 team control. After spring trainng, do i have to adjust the CPU team lineups and rotations or do they stick?? Also skipping spring training screws things up? I dont want to play spring training if I can avoid it...thanks for a great roster and thanks for answering this
# 43 kamackeris76 @ 05/24/16 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by chilidogbeefcake
This roster appears to have real contracts, should I turn off budgets for a 30 team control franchise I plan to play for many seasons?
Did anyone answer this?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
# 44 Cavicchi @ 05/24/16 10:05 AM
I haven't downloaded the roster, but going off what Bat said about Lindor, and the reply interests me. I am of the opinion what players do in the majors supersedes what they did in the minors. Lindor has had 564 at bats in the majors and hitting .312 along with 20 SB (8-1 this year), and in my estimation is without question an A potential. I see him as a potential gold glove shortstop who hits well and a fine baserunner.

Bottom line--564 at bats is pretty much a full season, and I think that supersedes what Lindor hit in the minors.
# 45 keymax @ 05/24/16 10:43 AM
Thanks and I really appreciate the work that hss gone into this. As someone who dabbled with ZiPS projections for MLB the Show, I know how much effort this takes. One quick question, why were so many players secondary positions changed? Guys like Brock Holt, Leury Garcia and others who played numerous positions are now more limited.
# 46 mlphookem77 @ 05/24/16 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
Even got the sticky this year. It truly is a good year.

To add onto what Willard already specified, we've pulled stances and motions from all over OS (Cultbuscus did), I must've updated Aaron Nola's pitch edits for the tenth time and we've been almost paranoid about adding in new pitch edits (over 1000 pitchers now) even from Spring Training this season, teeds provided something ridiculously high like 500 updated/new CAPs, we made sure that filler AA shortstop Peter Mooney (MIA) is 5'6" instead of 6'3", ensured that some obscure guy you've never heard of has a secondary position, run I don't know how many sims etc etc...you get the idea.

Now we're not claiming perfection at all because some areas we didn't have time to get to (equipment other than Phillies); at this point we're several hundred hours deep cumulatively, but we all think this is a seriously franchise-worthy roster. Enjoy!

THANK YOU!!! Guys. From deep east texas. Go Rangers about to start my franchise with THE Roster
# 47 CarolinaBlue02 @ 05/24/16 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by msmith05
Quick question...This is the 1st time playing 30 team control. After spring trainng, do i have to adjust the CPU team lineups and rotations or do they stick?? Also skipping spring training screws things up? I dont want to play spring training if I can avoid it...thanks for a great roster and thanks for answering this
If you use a 40 man roster and sim ST, the lineups/pitching rotations will be based upon who the computer feels are the best 25 guys and you will see some messed up lineups/rotations. My advice would be to use a 25 man roster, sim ST, then manually add 15 guys to each team. It does not take more than an hour.
# 48 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/24/16 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Garrett59
I am well aware of their stats so far I just figured guys with a smaller sample size wouldnt be rated so highly opposed to proven veterans. Velasquez had over a 4 era last season. And i know the Thor thing isnt much but Arrieta has a sub 1 era in his last 29 starts if there is a pitcher deserving of a 99 I would think its him. Thor is a stud i wasnt knocking him rather praising how dominant Arrieta has been. And good point on the stamina i forgot it was like that this year. One last thing I was surprised to see Tulos offensive stats so low, is this taking Coors field affect into consideration, or is it the projections? Once again thanks for all the hard work, it is much appreciated.
I think some of your displeasure has to do with paying too much heed to numbers that aren't that useful. Such as OVR and ERA. There are better metrics out there that projection systems rely on and as somebody already said, if you are paying too close attention to OVR (which is an artificial video game calculation that has only somewhat to do with the value of the player) then you'll run into problems.

The projections take home ballpark into consideration, yes. But, Tulo is not what he once was offensively either. I mean look at his previous 2 seasons and tell me what offensive numbers you think he should have?

Originally Posted by bravesfan1984
Hey guys, phenomenal work as always! Can't wait to dive in and start playing with these rosters. Quick question though, I don't have the game on right now but I was just browsing last night for a few minutes and noticed that Adam Eaton's defense was rated pretty low considering his UZR/DRS this season in RF. Was this because of sample size?

Also noticed Neris from PHI was one of the lower rated RP's...I'm sure since these are based on steamer, it didn't envision his breakout.

Just curious of your thoughts.
Defensive ratings in this roster don't take this season into account as this is an Opening Day roster. Keep in mind that all of the ratings were completed long before the season. At the time of the projections, Adam Eaton was still penciled in for CF, where metrics have killed him for about 3-4 years in a row.

Originally Posted by nycyankeefan52
Thanks for the great rosters. I just noticed Joey terdoslavich has no career stats. OSFMv3 had him with correct career stats.Why is he a CAP ? I find players from MLB14 & 15 with career stats and import them into the roster where needed. I have found a few v3 didn't use. Hybrid only has Terd so far.Thanks again.
The roster version we used (the 4/18 update) had Terdoslavich missing. That's why he's a CAP. He's not much but AAA filler at this point, but whoever created him must've forgot to use the service time base.

Originally Posted by Cavicchi
I haven't downloaded the roster, but going off what Bat said about Lindor, and the reply interests me. I am of the opinion what players do in the majors supersedes what they did in the minors. Lindor has had 564 at bats in the majors and hitting .312 along with 20 SB (8-1 this year), and in my estimation is without question an A potential. I see him as a potential gold glove shortstop who hits well and a fine baserunner.

Bottom line--564 at bats is pretty much a full season, and I think that supersedes what Lindor hit in the minors.
Then change him in your roster. Problem solved. I don't think he'll keep up what he's doing offensively. We'll see, I guess. I've never seen people this worked up about 1-2 points of OVR/POT.

Originally Posted by keymax
Thanks and I really appreciate the work that hss gone into this. As someone who dabbled with ZiPS projections for MLB the Show, I know how much effort this takes. One quick question, why were so many players secondary positions changed? Guys like Brock Holt, Leury Garcia and others who played numerous positions are now more limited.
Unfortunately that happened in the editing process. Kike Hernandez was another ******ty. When a lot of people are making a lot of edits, mistakes can be made. It's not like scores and scores of players, either. It's just a few. Some of the secondaries are obsolete anyway and haven't been played by guys in many years.

It's too bad that positional eligibility is still so fidgety. It should be more customize-able and the almost religious devotion required to keeping eligibilities intact and never being able to fix a mistake is on Sony quite frankly.

If you are a Brock Holt user (he has LF/IF as his positions in this roster...yeah, not ideal but he hasn't played any other positions yet this year) and it really bothers you, you can just change his primary position before any game you want to give him a start at say, RF or CF. In some ways this might be better, because secondary positions come along with attribute hits, so always listing a versatile guy like Holt with the primary he's going to be using probably makes him play more realistic anyway. The downside is you have to remember to edit the position from time to time.
# 49 RoyceDa59 @ 05/24/16 11:56 AM
Thanks for all the work guys.

WTNY, will you be posting your sliders for this roster?
# 50 kamackeris76 @ 05/24/16 12:06 PM
Playing my first game with the blue jays and I hit a homer with Donaldson and it says it's his first career home run.... Is this a bug or a problem with the roster?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
# 51 rangersftw @ 05/24/16 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by mlphookem77
THANK YOU!!! Guys. From deep east texas. Go Rangers about to start my franchise with THE Roster
Longview here where abouts are you?
# 52 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/24/16 12:07 PM
Since we are past the honeymoon period and into the picking of nits phase, I'll just point out that we failed to re-rate 2 players (Joel Peralta and Travis Jankowski), but here are the attributes as intended...

Travis Jankowski, SD, CF/OF

POT - 76
CONvR - 65
CONvL - 60
POW vR - 28
POW vL - 26
BUNT - 68
DRG BNT - 46
VIS - 65
DISC - 58
DUR - 77
SPD - 92
ARM STR - 49
ARM ACC - 57
REAX - 78
FIELD - 79
STL - 73
BR AGG - 99

OVR - 73

Contract: 1 year 510k

Joel Peralta, SEA, RP

POT - 74
STAM - 30
H/9 - 67
HR/9 - 44
K/9 - 67
BB/9 - 67
DUR - 89

ARM STR - 57
ARM ACC - 57
REAX - 20
FIELD - 35

4SM (90 MPH)
Velo - 54
Control - 84
Break - 83

Velo - 35
Control - 63
Break - 20

CB (77 MPH)
Velo - 72
Control - 72
Break - 33

OVR - 68

Contract: 1 year $1.2 million

Somebody probably grabbed roster update players for these 2 and added faces, but there was a miscommunication about applying the ratings. Should only take a minute to update if you care to do so. Definitely not worth a new version.
# 53 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/24/16 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by RoyceDa59
Thanks for all the work guys.

WTNY, will you be posting your sliders for this roster?
I don't think so. This year, doing pitch edits and producing an entire roster is enough "work" for me.

If you liked my sliders in the past, you can probably dig up my thread from 2015 and use them. The game/sliders doesn't change that much year to year. There are a bunch of other sets to try in the slider forum as well.
# 54 Tomba @ 05/24/16 12:12 PM
absolutely wonderful

Thank you ten fold for all your hard work.

THIS is the roster i play with....
# 55 Garrett59 @ 05/24/16 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
I think some of your displeasure has to do with paying too much heed to numbers that aren't that useful. Such as OVR and ERA. There are better metrics out there that projection systems rely on and as somebody already said, if you are paying too close attention to OVR (which is an artificial video game calculation that has only somewhat to do with the value of the player) then you'll run into problems.

The projections take home ballpark into consideration, yes. But, Tulo is not what he once was offensively either. I mean look at his previous 2 seasons and tell me what offensive numbers you think he should have?

Defensive ratings in this roster don't take this season into account as this is an Opening Day roster. Keep in mind that all of the ratings were completed long before the season. At the time of the projections, Adam Eaton was still penciled in for CF, where metrics have killed him for about 3-4 years in a row.

The roster version we used (the 4/18 update) had Terdoslavich missing. That's why he's a CAP. He's not much but AAA filler at this point, but whoever created him must've forgot to use the service time base.

Then change him in your roster. Problem solved. I don't think he'll keep up what he's doing offensively. We'll see, I guess. I've never seen people this worked up about 1-2 points of OVR/POT.

Unfortunately that happened in the editing process. Kike Hernandez was another ******ty. When a lot of people are making a lot of edits, mistakes can be made. It's not like scores and scores of players, either. It's just a few. Some of the secondaries are obsolete anyway and haven't been played by guys in many years.

It's too bad that positional eligibility is still so fidgety. It should be more customize-able and the almost religious devotion required to keeping eligibilities intact and never being able to fix a mistake is on Sony quite frankly.

If you are a Brock Holt user (he has LF/IF as his positions in this roster...yeah, not ideal but he hasn't played any other positions yet this year) and it really bothers you, you can just change his primary position before any game you want to give him a start at say, RF or CF. In some ways this might be better, because secondary positions come along with attribute hits, so always listing a versatile guy like Holt with the primary he's going to be using probably makes him play more realistic anyway. The downside is you have to remember to edit the position from time to time.
Okay, but why does a guy like Faria on the rays have 87 hit 9 as hes struggling in AAA this year. Snell is rated pretty highly which is understanable but i dont understand why he deserves such a gaudy rating with no MLB experience. Tulo hit 280 last year and 340 the year before. I just thought there would be more respect for a SS with as great an offensive track record that he has
# 56 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/24/16 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Garrett59
Okay, but why does a guy like Faria on the rays have 87 hit 9 as hes struggling in AAA this year. Snell is rated pretty highly which is understanable but i dont understand why he deserves such a gaudy rating with no MLB experience.
All pitching/batting ratings are all projection-based. Faria was clearly liked by the projections. For anyone who has lofty ratings it's because they are liked by projection systems. After last season, I can see why. Faria has not hit AAA yet, but he's also not struggling as much as his ERA would suggest; his FIP is a full run lower at 3.58. That's a better indicator of his performance (things he can control) than ERA. If he brings his BB-rate back down to where it has been 2012-2015, he should be a good one and could be in the MLB rotation next season.
# 57 adamj2281 @ 05/24/16 01:06 PM
Love the edits, but is anyone else getting really low ERA's across the league? I'm simulating basically the first year with the Braves, and overall team ERA's are mostly in the 2's and low 3's.

If I recall at the AS break, the top 10 were all under 2.50.
# 58 MatrixTN @ 05/24/16 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by kamackeris76
Playing my first game with the blue jays and I hit a homer with Donaldson and it says it's his first career home run.... Is this a bug or a problem with the roster?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Opening Day bug - play both of the other two as CPU/CPU games, once they start FF to the end. Then play yours.
# 59 kamackeris76 @ 05/24/16 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by MatrixTN
Opening Day bug - play both of the other two as CPU/CPU games, once they start FF to the end. Then play yours.
Will the next game I play be ok as already halfway through now?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
# 60 Gambo187 @ 05/24/16 01:34 PM
Great work on the rosters, no matter what accomplishing such a task is always amazing.

However, After downloading I wasn't too impressed by the ratings. At least nothing there to make me stop using 3.0. I do think the border line pitchers got a much needed boost as they are now rightfully rated better than minor leaguers but overall the prospects are rated too high currently and potential too low and unless the low lever minor leaguers are studs they do not seem to relate to the players actual abilities well.

That's just my opinion.

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