MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch livestream has begun, post your thoughts here!

For those that miss out, we will update this post with the archive, when it has completed.

UPDATE: Here is the archive.

...and here is the epic bat flip from Jose Bautista.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 mpulse24 @ 02/28/16 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Spokker
Neither MLB 14 or 15 on PS4 maintain 60 FPS now. The crowd seems to be the major hurdle.

I was annoyed that the MLB 15 trailers were at 60 FPS, and showed no stutter when the camera flew over the crowds, but I chalked it up to industry practice. I wasn't going to single out SDS when the whole industry does things like this.
Thats a difficult thing to achieve really. Consider the sheer scale of the game and the console hardware we have to run it on. Its pretty much impossible for 'The Show' to run at 60 FPS. The only way that would ever happen with a game this size is if 'The Show' was a PC game and you had a computer heavy duty enough to run it at that speed. I am surprised that SDS is able to get this game to even load up as quickly as it does, thats really impressive to me.

Look at a majority of the big AAA games released on home consoles today (first party and third party) The only games that truly run at 60 FPS are last gen remasters.
# 222 MrOldboy @ 02/28/16 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by mattyp2002
Thats a difficult thing to achieve really. Consider the sheer scale of the game and the console hardware we have to run it on. Its pretty much impossible for 'The Show' to run at 60 FPS. The only way that would ever happen with a game this size is if 'The Show' was a PC game and you had a computer heavy duty enough to run it at that speed. I am surprised that SDS is able to get this game to even load up as quickly as it does, thats really impressive to me.

Look at a majority of the big AAA games released on home consoles today (first party and third party) The only games that truly run at 60 FPS are last gen remasters.
AAA games can and do run at 60 fps, or close to a locked 60. SDS always state they are targetting 1080p/60 so the goal is not a fantasy. Granted the game does not run at a locked 60 so your point is partially valid. But with optimization and a few visual cutbacks I don't think 60 is an unreasonable goal for The Show. In a game that is so heavily based around timing 60 fps is an important aspect for gameplay, not just visuals. Everything uses timing in the game, meter pitching, pulse, directional hitting, button accuracy throwing, etc. Having a locked framerate is essential. Remember a few years back when the game had a pretty serious hitching problem while batting?
# 223 TheWarmWind @ 02/28/16 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Spokker
Neither MLB 14 or 15 on PS4 maintain 60 FPS now. The crowd seems to be the major hurdle.

I was annoyed that the MLB 15 trailers were at 60 FPS, and showed no stutter when the camera flew over the crowds, but I chalked it up to industry practice. I wasn't going to single out SDS when the whole industry does things like this.
Yes, crowd is a major hurdle, and is unfortunately one that is limited by PS4 hardware. Yes, that's right, this is not a PS3 limitation, but a PS4 limitation (theoretically, the PS3 COULD actually be better at tackling this problem. I mean, not in practice... but theoretically. I digress).

Things like texture quality, lighting, location calculations, pixel count, these and more are all handled by the graphics card on a traditional computer.

Meanwhile, (most) physics and (more importantly) object management are all handled by the CPU. I'm reffering to the actual central processing unit in this case, not the slang for AI that is often used on these forums.

What that means is the more unique objects you put on the screen, the more taxed the CPU is. All of those unique objects moving in unique ways (even if they are subtle) will cause even a great CPU to chug. And the CPU of a PS4? Not so great.

If you want to see this in action to get a better breakdown and understanding of graphics, try downloading 3Dmark on your computer, and then cry as it makes your computer melt. There is a free version on steam.
# 224 mpulse24 @ 02/28/16 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
AAA games can and do run at 60 fps, or close to a locked 60. SDS always state they are targetting 1080p/60 so the goal is not a fantasy. Granted the game does not run at a locked 60 so your point is partially valid. But with optimization and a few visual cutbacks I don't think 60 is an unreasonable goal for The Show. In a game that is so heavily based around timing 60 fps is an important aspect for gameplay, not just visuals. Everything uses timing in the game, meter pitching, pulse, directional hitting, button accuracy throwing, etc. Having a locked framerate is essential. Remember a few years back when the game had a pretty serious hitching problem while batting?
I stand corrected! I haven't gotten to play The Phantom Pain yet, so I didn't get to check out its frame rate. So its good that there are big AAA games out there (especially ones as big as Phantom Pain) that can achieve a stable 60 FPS, gives me some hope for The Show to lock in at 60. But that article did state, "Metal Gear Solid 5 is remarkable in this sense, given the apparent difficulty most current-gen titles have had in hitting this number (60 FPS) while still offering a free-roaming gameplay design." That quote does ring true to me, with recent PS4 games I have played over the past couple of years like The Assassin's Creed series, inFAMOUS Second Son, Batman Arkham Knight, Grand Theft Auto V, Mad Max and Fallout 4, all of which run at 30 FPS. Switching from any one of those games to the remastered versions of God of War III, Uncharted or The Last of US is a huge shock!

While there are current gen AAA games achieving but unable to lock in at 60 FPS, most of which are sports games and twitch shooters, which like you said, should be locked at 60 because games in these categories require quick and precise input timing. Supposedly MLB '14 ran at 60 FPS, according to that list. But as you stated, I know for a fact that MLB '15 wasn't quite there, I could just tell by the feel of the game, I had to make timing adjustments when I started playing it. But, thankfully I have never really experienced any actual frame rate drops in the last two entries of The Show.

And yeah, I remember that hitching problem, it totally threw my hitting game through a loop for a long time....for a while, I thought I was just slowing with age. haha

I am still blown away that The Phantom Pain runs at 60 FPS, I had that title pegged as a 30 FPS game. Very good catch!
# 225 willithome @ 02/28/16 09:06 PM
Still hoping Russell can confirm that there will be some kind of season standings presentation during the games. A overlay with the standings and the commentators comment on it or something like. Or at least an overlay with the scoreboard from around the league or something. Russell? Anything? Thanks for any heads up in this! Appreciate all you guys do!
# 226 earthlight897 @ 02/28/16 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by willithome
Still hoping Russell can confirm that there will be some kind of season standings presentation during the games. A overlay with the standings and the commentators comment on it or something like. Or at least an overlay with the scoreboard from around the league or something. Russell? Anything? Thanks for any heads up in this! Appreciate all you guys do!
A season standings presentation was always in the game; at least for the division in the team you play in season/franchise mode when I play.
# 227 willithome @ 02/28/16 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by earthlight897
A season standings presentation was always in the game; at least for the division in the team you play in season/franchise mode when I play.
It is? I have never seen one and I have played 2 seasons. Now I play coach mode maybe that is why??????
# 228 earthlight897 @ 02/28/16 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by willithome
It is??? I have never seen one. I have played 2 seasons this year and not once have I seen a division standings presentation. Now I do coach mode maybe that's why????
Probably, they show the division standings in season mode and matty v says "here are the standings" ;doesn't really elaborate any further.
# 229 Spokker @ 02/28/16 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by mattyp2002
Look at a majority of the big AAA games released on home consoles today (first party and third party) The only games that truly run at 60 FPS are last gen remasters.
For the record, I'm satisfied with The Show's frame rate, but I do think the cutscenes could be a little smoother.
# 230 mpulse24 @ 02/28/16 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Spokker
For the record, I'm satisfied with The Show's frame rate, but I do think the cutscenes could be a little smoother.
Oh, I have no issues with The Show's current frame rate either, its never an issue for me and doesn't affect the gameplay one bit. I was just stating that it seems to be a real challenge for big AAA game developers to build a game thats as large as The Show and run it on current gen hardware at a locked 60 FPS. Which is why I was so surprised when Mr.Oldboy pointed out that Phantom Pain achieves that.

and any slow down during a cutscene would never bother me all too much, as long as it doesn't get in the way of me throwing or reading a pitch or fielding a ball.
# 231 mpulse24 @ 02/28/16 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
I'm with you in that this should be high priority for 17. Would be on our way to a very great game. With all the improvements we know they will have for 17, next year is shaping up to be a golden one for The Show. Right now uniforms really stand out and need help.
Oh we have a really great game right now. haha

But yeah, that uniform number tweak would be more pleasing to the eye than anything and I would welcome it with open arms. Actually, the first post I ever created in this forum back in 2010 was about that same issue with the uniform numbers. So, I have been pressing that issue on and off for a while now. I've been waiting patiently for this long, a little bit longer of a wait won't hurt too much....hopefully. lol
# 232 zukes @ 02/29/16 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by sroz39
First off, hale-frickin-llujah for Stride Analog being brought back. I posted a few times about my disappointment when it was taken out last year and though I still enjoyed 15, I definitely played it less than other years and not having the stride played a big part in my enjoyment. Super pumped it's coming back.

I've also mentioned this before, but I'll say it again...I've played this series since before it was known as The Show. Thousands upon thousands of games across Franchise, RTTS and DD. To this day, I still enjoy Matt Vasgersian as the play by play guy for this game. No matter what the devs do, lines will repeat. But there is something about hearing Matt Vasgersian introduce a game and call a game in The Show that just feels right. Happy he's here to stay.

The colour commentators, I'm indifferent to. I can't remember any sports game where the colour guy didn't start to annoy me, and it always happens well before the play by play guy. So, even though I don't really like either colour guy in The Show (though Lyons is far more annoying), their inclusion doesn't detract from the experience. Not for me.

Everything about this stream looks great. This year's game, as an overall package, looks to be the biggest leap forward in quite some time. I say it every year but kudos once again to the development team. And a hearty thanks for the long hours you guys put in so some knucklehead just outside Toronto can enjoy his favourite sport replicated in video game form as well as any game has ever replicated any sport.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Good to see you back!
# 233 Impetuous65 @ 02/29/16 08:55 AM
For starters the commentary never bothered me, it is great to see improvements in this area. One of the things that puzzle me is San Diego has some good presentation elements in the game that they could use right now e.g. shorten the frequency when we get to see strike out montage. If a pitcher gets to 4 or 5 batters show us that, not wait til it gets to 10 don't make this so rare to see. If a player makes a great play, when he is up next at bat don't just show us his HR show us his great defense, or an error he made that a player advanced to a base or scored a run. We get too see high/lowlights.
# 234 giants665 @ 02/29/16 09:22 AM
I am so pumped there is a trade slider in this years game! Such a great feature add. Would also like to know if expanded award acolate tracking will be present in franchise mode/RTTS ?
# 235 dazzelle @ 02/29/16 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Impetuous65
If a player makes a great play, when he is up next at bat don't just show us his HR show us his great defense, or an error he made that a player advanced to a base or scored a run. We get too see high/lowlights.
Yes,why not a replay of a 3 run dbl,isn't that a bigger play than a solo HR. Its like when i play NBA2k all you see is replays of dunks or 3's, its like nothing else that happens in the sport matters besides the flashy stuff.

Was disappointed there was no improvements with replays,was hoping to see some sort of re-cap of the important plays replayed to create a "story" of the game going into the final few innings. Something like what Fifa16 does at half time.

And if there was one other little thing i was disappointed not seeing improved it was that there still doesn't seem to be much emphasis given to the runner scoring/crossing home.
In a game i played today the cpu hit a drive to CF, i threw the ball to home trying to get the runner who was on 2nd heading home, it was a very close play with the runner safe with the go ahead run. At that point in the game (top of the 7th) it was the most important play of the game,yet there was no mention of it at all and the game continued onto the next at bat.I had to go into the replay to see just how close it was.

Sorry to be a bit negative. But overall i am totally rapt with all the improvements i have seen so far and a big thanks to all the guys at SDS.
# 236 dran1984 @ 02/29/16 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
We do indeed have a very nice game. Great not quite yet for me. Very good though. The uniforms need help. Honestly, even the normal ones have severe issues and yeah it is kind of taking out the realism when you have to stare at these guys all game and the numbers and little details on everything is so far off from reality. Uniforms are something that needs explicit attention and it's pretty obvious this issue was never seriously considered for PS3 and this has seeped into PS4 development as well.

If uniforms are not fixed by 17 that would be intensely disappointing. It's the one remaining thing that seriously sticks out as completely obnoxious. Not really sure who made the choice for such a terrible template system but let's hope that person isn't there anymore because that choice has literally made the game inaccurate for a decade now.

With that being said commentary looks pretty good this time around. I think by 17 this will also be really well done for the most part. Looking kinda like I need to wait another year until I introduce myself to next gen Show. Will probably get the digital deluxe next year then. That is if they fix uniforms lol.
You will be pleased with the Twins road pants this year.
# 237 WhiteBunny @ 02/29/16 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by mattyp2002
Oh, I have no issues with The Show's current frame rate either, its never an issue for me and doesn't affect the gameplay one bit. I was just stating that it seems to be a real challenge for big AAA game developers to build a game thats as large as The Show and run it on current gen hardware at a locked 60 FPS. Which is why I was so surprised when Mr.Oldboy pointed out that Phantom Pain achieves that.

Pes 2016 is 60fps
Fifa 2016 is 60fps
NBA2K16 is 60 fps
NHL 2016 is 60 fps
Rocket League is 60 fps ( indie, ok )
Even NBA Live 16 is 60 fps

The Show is 30 fps, with noticeable drops during cutscene, fielding and when panning the camera. In the presentation twitch there's no mention to fps, you should ask yourself why. It's pretty obvious. I'm not here to claim that's an issue. If you're sensible to fps, it is. If you're not sensible, it is not. And yes, it affects the gameplay. But for the love of god, stop the train "it's 60 fps !", "it's smooth !" or "i'm fine with that !". It's about having legit informations.
# 238 Knight165 @ 02/29/16 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteBunny
Pes 2016 is 60fps
Fifa 2016 is 60fps
NBA2K16 is 60 fps
NHL 2016 is 60 fps
Rocket League is 60 fps ( indie, ok )
Even NBA Live 16 is 60 fps

The Show is 30 fps, with noticeable drops during cutscene, fielding and when panning the camera. In the presentation twitch there's no mention to fps, you should ask yourself why. It's pretty obvious. I'm not here to claim that's an issue. If you're sensible to fps, it is. If you're not sensible, it is not. And yes, it affects the gameplay. But for the love of god, stop the train "it's 60 fps !", "it's smooth !" or "i'm fine with that !". It's about having legit informations.

You mean sensitive...not sensible....
...and it's not 30 FPS...no way....no how.

Lastly.....why bother saying it's 60 FPS locked as they always have....someone is always going to dispute it.

# 239 Will I Am @ 02/29/16 12:57 PM
I'm sure if the developers wanted they could show a fps ticker onscreen in a twitch stream to alleviate anyone's concerns or to simply just prove the game is indeed running at 60 fps. Not that it's a huge deal to me but still the game should be able to achieve this if so many others have.
# 240 tnixen @ 02/29/16 01:32 PM
Well call me impressed 16 looks like the first version to finally take a real leap forward for commentary!

First of all I really like that they have 3 different TV style presentations depending on who the home team is. This will definitely give the game more uniqueness. And the added popup HR stat overlay while the batter is crossing home plate is a welcomed addition and long over due. All the new player celebration animations Sony has added for different game situations for rounding the bases after home runs and so on really add much more variety between the players and makes it really feel like they all have different personalities. It's great that they made Inside the show faster. The day and night aerials are nice and definitely help make the presentations feel like a real life broadcast on TV. The conversations about the players is a FANTASTIC addition and will only get better and better as Sony adds more and more content. And I LOVE to hear that Sony is trying there best to not have the same story play over and over again. I just love hearing all the commentary guys talk to each other about what the player did in his last game or last at bat and how he is doing in general.The more stat driven talking from the commentary's the better. Also and this is a big one for me personally I so happy that the commentary will now say the players name much more often. Also the commentary was shorted so no more delayed commentary calls on hits is nice. Lets be honest the commentary in MLB The Show has pretty much been the same since the PS2 days. And 16 is really the first time we are getting pretty big changes in how the commentary is delivered. I look at this as phase 1 of the commentary improvements! It will take Sony a few years to get the commentary to where we all want it to be. But from what I watched and heard in this stream I am finally feeling good about the future as far as commentary is concerned. Like some of you here I am a big fan of how 2K commentary is delivered. But I can finally really see MLB The Show getting on par with 2K in the next 2 years or so if not even better then 2K. It really was never Matt Vasgersian fault why the commentary has been so boring and stale and too video game sounding like over the years. If Sony keeps adding tons and tons of content for all 3 commentary's and keeps improving the way way it's all delivered then I can see MLB The Show having the best commentary in any sports game in a few short years! Sony just has to keep building on what they have done in 16! My hats off to this new development commentary team as I think they have done a great job for phase 1 In this stream there were still some moments where some of the commentary guys did not say the players name which would have been nice. I would like to see this improved in the future so the commentary almost always says the players name in any situation either before,during or after the action in the field. That is very important to me for sure. Also this stream really did not show the commentators ever really talking about happenings around the league like standings, scoring updates trades and so on. This needs to be in the commentators Presentation along with stat overlays while they are talking. Also I think when they are showing the batting orders for each team the commentary should at least highlight one batter to talk about along with that players name highlighted on the batter overlay display a long with his photo shown next to his name. And also when they show the pitcher stat overlay before he throws his first pitch the color commentary show talk a little about his record and other tid bits. And I definitely want to here a lot of conversations between all 3 commentators talking about not only the current game but perhaps about things happening around the league or even telling a short funny story. And how about having Matt Vasgersian asking the fans a trivia question with an overlay display in say the 3rd inning and then later in the game say the 7th inning revealing the answer and even the color commentators can take a guess before Mat reveals the answer. This is the kind of things I hope to see Sony add to MLB The Show's presentations and commentary in the near future. O and lets not forget maybe short preview match up from a studio maybe from a women broadcaster before you head out to the game and a post game show re cap with the same woman broadcaster and video highlights. I don't even need to see her just hearing a voice with stat overlays would be fine like how 2K has been doing it for years.

Anyway I have said enough and the last thing I just want to say is I think Sony should go crazy this next game cycle on Presentation and commentary it should be there number 1 thing they work on for 17!

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