MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch livestream has begun, post your thoughts here!

For those that miss out, we will update this post with the archive, when it has completed.

UPDATE: Here is the archive.

...and here is the epic bat flip from Jose Bautista.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 ralphieboy11 @ 02/25/16 11:21 PM
I enjoyed this stream the most so far. I'm fascinated by what it takes to put together a good presentation. Ive always thought Matt V was great in this game. I'm glad he's not going anywhere. I understand people's frustration with hearing the same lines again and again, but you get that in every sports game. Looks like the new guys really have a nice plan in motion going forward.

Plus I sort of feel like I'm on the same wavelength on their ideas. I don't post much but I know I asked for multiple score bugs and overlays in a wish list thread a couple years ago. I thought a different look for midweek games and national weekend broadcasts would add something. Very cool.
# 102 Kalkano @ 02/25/16 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by bodhiball
seemed like they skipped over the Crowd Emotion system? Did anyone hear anything about that? (improvements, additions, etc)

Somehow, I forgot that was ever mentioned. That could be a big improvement. I'd like to see it touched on in a future video.
# 103 MrOldboy @ 02/25/16 11:49 PM
Shame that the scorebug no longer shows the pitch speed when the pitch callout is set to off. Was great when they added that in a few years back, but I forget which year exactly it was lost. With the new presentation and scorebugs it really stands out now that the pitch speed doesn't show up on the score bug if the pitch callout setting is set to off. Means you can never get clean broadcast look and see the pitch speeds. Most broadcasts have that in their scorebug.
# 104 AceAmy @ 02/25/16 11:55 PM
It seems like this year (or last years cycle) would have been the perfect time to replace Matt and the team. I know he has ties to San Diego and obviously has had a connection with someone at SCEA for along time. However with all the work and good ideas put in this year, this was the year to replace him. He's good but just too old for this game its been what 11 years I heard?
There is all this new content but the same guy it still feels stale from hearing the stream. It sounds like a great step forward just with the wrong guy IMO
could be worse though
# 105 mpulse24 @ 02/25/16 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Shame that the scorebug no longer shows the pitch speed when the pitch callout is set to off. Was great when they added that in a few years back, but I forget which year exactly it was lost. With the new presentation and scorebugs it really stands out now that the pitch speed doesn't show up on the score bug if the pitch callout setting is set to off. Means you can never get clean broadcast look and see the pitch speeds. Most broadcasts have that in their scorebug.
That is a bit of a drag, I really like having that clean broadcast look but love having the pitch speeds shown too. I even hate how in real life the broadcasts are getting more and more crowded with graphics every season. A couple of seasons ago NESN introduced a strike zone/pitch tracker graphic thats on screen at ALL TIMES and frigging hate it.

Originally Posted by AceAmy
It seems like this year (or last years cycle) would have been the perfect time to replace Matt and the team. I know he has ties to San Diego and obviously has had a connection with someone at SCEA for along time. However with all the work and good ideas put in this year, this was the year to replace him. He's good but just too old for this game its been what 11 years I heard?
There is all this new content but the same guy it still feels stale from hearing the stream. It sounds like a great step forward just with the wrong guy IMO
could be worse though
I was feeling the same way as you are for the last couple of years, Matty V and the rest were feeling just so flat and stale and I was looking for a change. But I tell you, that stream today has changed my feelings a bit. With this new thread commentary system in place, if they can continue to make his delivery feel more and more organic like how its sounding in today's stream and adding to it, I'm all for keeping him around. Especially if it saves development time so they can focus on other areas of the game next year.
# 106 og236 @ 02/26/16 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Speedy
Man, the PBR on this is just phenomenal. Look at the dimples in the wall!

My goodness...I cannot wait for this game.

PBR makes so much of a difference it's amazing, this game & their team amaze me every year

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# 107 headzapp @ 02/26/16 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibCkdPFtdDg

HD will be up at some point
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but go to 24:37 and watch the chalk line as Tulowitzki kicks the dirt. That's awesome!
# 108 eric7064 @ 02/26/16 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
online franchise still fast play only.....ouch buzzkill
Very dissapointed in this. Nothing worse then opening day/playoffs/word series with no presentation. Win the world series and nothing. Gm over
# 109 Factzzz @ 02/26/16 12:45 AM
The commentary looks to be well improved, the back and forth about Tulo was especially good, and they said they have those for a lot different players too. Can't wait to hear some.

The time lapse thing between innings , i think they called them aerials, look really good, and they have 2 per team, one for day games and one for night games.

I was hoping to hear something about crowd reaction in big moments, for key hits, etc. And overall crowd atmosphere. Wondering about any changes there. Hopefully some new walk-off and series winning presentations.

The accessories on the players also looked a lot better in this stream compared to past ones.

I wish Bryce Harper looked better though, that batting stance doesn't do him justice, and he looks kind of small.

And no new hair/beards in create a player is a mini heartbreaker.
# 110 BrianU @ 02/26/16 12:51 AM
I like the 3 different overlays they showed. I wonder if the transition screens like where the MLB The Show 16 logo flash are different. Maybe future editions they'll do something like that to really bring out the TV production feel.

I wonder too if there are different overlays when you get to playoffs. Imagine one for the DS, one for the CS, and one for the WS! It would be a lot of work to do all of that but again in the future it's something I'd love to have. Really step up the playoff feeling with some fancy pants graphics and transitions. A different set for spring training and for the minor league games would be sweet too. I love that we have reached the point that since the fundamentals are so well done they can branch out and add these neat little things.

They didn't talk much about or show the improvements to crowd reactions. It seems to be a very difficult thing for most games to get right for some reason. Any chance it would be possible to get a full length game video before release? Like a 9 inning CPU vs CPU game uploaded to YouTube or something of just full unedited gameplay? I'm craving it man..

Please tell me Bryce's hair flip is in the game somehow.. Although if it was I doubt they would leak it they probably would want us to discover it on our own.

Another thought. When the game is on fast play (like playing online) how does that affect the commentary? Do we still get stories like the tulo one? I'd love to have the announcers talk about my players and my opponent players DD stats.. like from the last 10 games played and stuff of that nature.
# 111 Bobhead @ 02/26/16 01:11 AM
Just watched the entire presentation stream... I am blown away.

That Tulo story (the one re: "threading") was superbly done. The story itself was great, and the quick intermittent comments to gameplay were also masterfully done. No lengthy sentences wasted on simple strikes and balls, just keeping the "viewer" ******ly updated, and then back to the story.

Exactly as it is done in real life.

The aerials were great too, especially the Nevada (I think) one with the rocks and stuff.

Out of the three or four videos I've seen, this stream definitely left the biggest impression on me. So many additions that are not only great in concept, but great in execution.

Edit: I mean Arizona, not Nevada... because that's the state that actually has a baseball team in it. whatever it's 1 am and I'm going to bed.
# 112 Mercury112491 @ 02/26/16 01:16 AM
I'm sorry if this was asked and I missed it...

Can quick presentation be turned off in a online franchise this year?

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# 113 HustlinOwl @ 02/26/16 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Mercury112491
I'm sorry if this was asked and I missed it...

Can quick presentation be turned off in a online franchise this year?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope we still get shafted and stuck with fast play

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# 114 Speedy @ 02/26/16 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
I haven't had more than 5 hours of sleep a night since the new year. I'm basically surviving off red bull and kale smoothies to keep from passing out lol.
I hope you enjoy your vacation after the game releases...I am utterly excited about the game and we haven't even gotten to see the franchise stream.

I didn't like it initially but the gradual seep of information was truly the way to go versus just giving us everything at once like in previous years. It really allows the fan base to see/understand what changes have been made to each facet of the game.
# 115 BrianU @ 02/26/16 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Just watched the entire presentation stream... I am blown away.

That Tulo story (the one re: "threading") was superbly done. The story itself was great, and the quick intermittent comments to gameplay were also masterfully done. No lengthy sentences wasted on simple strikes and balls, just keeping the "viewer" ******ly updated, and then back to the story.

Exactly as it is done in real life.

The aerials were great too, especially the Nevada (I think) one with the rocks and stuff.

Out of the three or four videos I've seen, this stream definitely left the biggest impression on me. So many additions that are not only great in concept, but great in execution.

Edit: I mean Arizona, not Nevada... because that's the state that actually has a baseball team in it. whatever it's 1 am and I'm going to bed.
I believe it was actually Colorado they said. I was expecting more snow it did look very sunny and warm!
# 116 briguy4747 @ 02/26/16 01:39 AM
Has this issue from MLB 15 ever been addressed or discussed yet:
The lack of urgency from outfielders throwing the ball in quickly to the infielders, when there is at least one base runner on ?
# 117 Smallville102001 @ 02/26/16 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Stride Hitting is coming in a Day 1 patch!

Nice I just got home and I am about to watch it and even though I didn't like the stride thing because I think it was to hard to do that and focus at the same time I can understand that people want it and I thought it would be in the game with all the things people said about it last year. I was surprised to hear it wouldn't be but day 1 patch gives that to the people who want it.
# 118 tsbmolina @ 02/26/16 02:12 AM
How about a a 4th broadcast display package to add to hybrid, fast play, and broadcast for MLB The Show 17. I would call it cinematic broadcast. Instead of staying true to what we see on tv due to limitations of cameras give us more imaginative, exciting points of views of the action. For example a simple fly ball could be made more exciting if the as soon as fielders were under the ball the camera would dynamically change to show the catch from the fielders point of view. Kind of like what Tecmo Super Bowl did with it's cinema screens but in real time. Or on pop fly's follow the flight of the ball from a birds eye point of view showing the players on the field from the sky. I could only imagine how beautiful the stadium would look from up there. On home-runs get a closeup of the ball as it hits off the upper deck or in the fountains in KC for example. On dive plays zoom in on the player at the last second to show the amazing play in all its glory in real time. I'm not saying these perspectives have to be shown on every play but on occasions here and there would make the game so much more exciting and it would show off all the hard work you guys do on the stadiums, animations, and graphics by having us see the game in perspectives we never did before..
# 119 Playboy™ @ 02/26/16 02:42 AM
I wish the scoreboard was brighter in Yankee Stadium like in real life.
# 120 bifflefan30 @ 02/26/16 03:11 AM
Does anyone know if home run celebrations for stadiums have been updated like fireworks and stuff like that.

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