MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch livestream has begun, post your thoughts here!

For those that miss out, we will update this post with the archive, when it has completed.

UPDATE: Here is the archive.

...and here is the epic bat flip from Jose Bautista.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 bcruise @ 02/25/16 06:50 PM
That Tulo commentary string was very impressive, but I hope people understand that that's entirely unstitched (per line, I know it stops and starts up again between pitches) and that the actual play by play calls will never sound that crisp (although it definitely sounds improved with the shorter lines). In addition, I'm a little wary of how often those long story parts will repeat. If you play as Toronto and hear that story about Tulo every few games, it's going to get old, fast. It's something about the basketball game that drives me crazy.

Love the Inside the Show improvements, apex fly ball stuff and shorter, more specific calls in general, as well as the different broadcast packages.
# 42 HozAndMoose @ 02/25/16 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
That Tulo commentary string was very impressive, but I hope people understand that that's entirely unstitched and that the actual play by play calls will never sound that crisp (although it definitely sounds improved with the shorter lines). In addition, I'm a little wary of how often those long story parts will repeat. If you play as Toronto and hear that story about Tulo every few games, it's going to get old, fast. It's something about the basketball game that drives me crazy.

Love the Inside the Show improvements, apex fly ball stuff and shorter, more specific calls in general, as well as the different broadcast packages.
The one thing i always think of when people praise 2k commentary so much. That first game against a team is amazing. But then its just the same thing pretty much every other time you play them.
# 43 Drew127 @ 02/25/16 06:55 PM
Was anything mentioned in the stream about the shots of local points of interest outside the stadium? We saw some of those in earlier streams (the boats in Toronto, etc).

It would be surprising if this wasn't mentioned in the presentation stream, it wasn't mentioned in the features list.
# 44 ShowTyme15 @ 02/25/16 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
That Tulo commentary string was very impressive, but I hope people understand that that's entirely unstitched (per line, I know it stops and starts up again between pitches) and that the actual play by play calls will never sound that crisp (although it definitely sounds improved with the shorter lines). In addition, I'm a little wary of how often those long story parts will repeat. If you play as Toronto and hear that story about Tulo every few games, it's going to get old, fast. It's something about the basketball game that drives me crazy.

Love the Inside the Show improvements, apex fly ball stuff and shorter, more specific calls in general, as well as the different broadcast packages.
People will come out guns blazin' and holding pitchforks just watch.

Even after Kirby and Mike said they haven't tapped the full potential of system and will expand on it next year, someone will still complain about it. You know how it goes.
# 45 bcruise @ 02/25/16 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Drew127
Was anything mentioned in the stream about the shots of local points of interest outside the stadium? We saw some of those in earlier streams (the boats in Toronto, etc).

It would be surprising if this wasn't mentioned in the presentation stream, it wasn't mentioned in the features list.
Yeah, they showed a few of those "aerials", the boat scene we saw before being one of them.
# 46 videobastard @ 02/25/16 06:57 PM
Best part of the stream for me was the jose bautista bat flip at the end.
# 47 dran1984 @ 02/25/16 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Drew127
Was anything mentioned in the stream about the shots of local points of interest outside the stadium? We saw some of those in earlier streams (the boats in Toronto, etc).

It would be surprising if this wasn't mentioned in the presentation stream, it wasn't mentioned in the features list.
They talked about them and showed a few
# 48 Steve_OS @ 02/25/16 07:03 PM
# 49 TheWarmWind @ 02/25/16 07:05 PM
Must... see... archive...
# 50 joshtree14 @ 02/25/16 07:10 PM
New presentation elements combined with sounds of the show could make for an immersive universe.
# 51 timmermac @ 02/25/16 07:14 PM
Oy. I'm going to want an HDTV and PS4 soon, aren't I? Although, if the PS3 version gets good stats coverage, then maybe I'll hold off on wanting a '4.
# 52 agentlaw13 @ 02/25/16 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Stride Hitting is coming in a Day 1 patch!

Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
Ramone said hopefully.

Welp, might as well order a new controller while I'm at it...I see a worn out right stick in my future.
# 53 aguero90 @ 02/25/16 07:25 PM
Ok... I am very pumped right now!!!! Everything I wanted in pbp is amazing now!! Love the conversations! I can't play 15 anymore. Come on March 29!!
# 54 tsbmolina @ 02/25/16 07:29 PM
Do you have better presentation of HR's such as not cutting the camera away so fast after it lands, following the flight of the ball closer and showing where the ball landed? I want to be able to admire my HR without having to go into instant replay. To often you cut to the guy rounding the bases quickly
# 55 aguero90 @ 02/25/16 07:35 PM
That's a good point! Remember wsb 2k3, ASB05? They were amazing at showing your homer land in the upper deck!
# 56 Hilman11 @ 02/25/16 07:36 PM
This game will be outstanding! I was just getting ready to get back into my Reds year 1 franchise on MLB 15, but after watching these Twitch sessions I can't go back. The progress this game makes from year to year is simply amazing!
# 57 adh5199 @ 02/25/16 07:37 PM
Was I seeing things or was the video board at Yankee Stadium dim because the sun was shining towards the screen? Rather than be at 100% power all the time, the lighting in the world looks like it affected it.
# 58 Russell_SCEA @ 02/25/16 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by adh5199
Was I seeing things or was the video board at Yankee Stadium dim because the sun was shining towards the screen? Rather than be at 100% power all the time, the lighting in the world looks like it affected it.
# 59 Knight165 @ 02/25/16 07:39 PM
I really like the 3 theme idea.
That will help keep things fresh as the season goes on.

The same goes for the focus on player performance in game.
I read that they would comment more on happenings in the league as well....that is key IMO.....I'd really like to hear more on that.

On the Inside the Show radio show.....
I think with this and expanding the commentary of events around the league...and no real way to make a true "This Week in Baseball" type video show(at least I don't think so....without a way to load each game played for actual highlights)...perhaps they can add a TEAM SPECIFIC weekly wrap up(on Sunday let's say) that collects the highlights from your PLAYED games and makes up video recap with ItS commentary?
Just thinking out loud.

Great job by the new commentary crew.

# 60 tnixen @ 02/25/16 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I really like the 3 theme idea.
That will help keep things fresh as the season goes on.

The same goes for the focus on player performance in game.
I read that they would comment more on happenings in the league as well....that is key IMO.....I'd really like to hear more on that.

On the Inside the Show radio show.....
I think with this and expanding the commentary of events around the league...and no real way to make a true "This Week in Baseball" type video show(at least I don't think so....without a way to load each game played for actual highlights)...perhaps they can add a TEAM SPECIFIC weekly wrap up(on Sunday let's say) that collects the highlights from your PLAYED games and makes up video recap with ItS commentary?
Just thinking out loud.

Great job by the new commentary crew.

Now that is a fantastic idea for 17!!!

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