Madden NFL 16 News Post

We were just sent word that the 'biggest (Madden) patch we've ever done' is going live today. The patch includes a brand new mode, Ranked Draft Champions, along with 'all kinds of bug fixes.'

We're efforting details on what all of this means and will update this post when we get them!

UPDATE #1: EA has posted a blog detailing the Ranked Draft Champions mode.

"In order to compete in Draft Champions Ranked, you’ll need tickets. These tickets can be purchased with coins, and may be available through other sources such as solo challenges.

Players will need 3 tickets, which cost 9,000 coins total (3,000 coins per ticket), to enter a Draft Champions Ranked Event.

How many games will I play in each Draft Champions Ranked Event?

You will play until you either win 6 games or lose 2 games. Ranked Draft Champions is a head to head mode. This means you can lose 1 game and still win your Draft Champions Ranked event."
UPDATE #2: Here are the list of fixes in Patch 16.1

  • Addressed issue where user could only use Enhanced play call settings in Solo Challenges.
  • The Item Binder filters will retain after searching the Auction House from the Item Binder.
  • Users can now quick sell, auction, or trade items that are in their lineup; this will remove that item from the user’s lineup.
  • Turning off the Camera Toggle setting will now correctly allow you to use Strategy Pad controls in Solo Challenges.
  • Ranked Draft Champions mode added.
  • Multiple general stability fixes.
  • Fixed a softlock that could occur when viewing manual instant replay after a questionable call.
  • Addressed a gameplay exploit where user could flip a run play and audible to a new run play resulting in an unintended ball carrier taking the handoff.
  • Addressed an issue where elite defenders were causing lower rated receivers to have 0% chance of catching during two-man interactions.
  • Fixed an exploit where users could hot route PA End Around after they would audible and reset the play.
  • Addressed an exploit with HB auto-motion vs man coverage.
  • Increased the effectiveness of AI pass rushers.
  • Eliminated the ability to “route swap” offensive plays.
  • Fixed the issue where users could not use custom defensive playbooks in online play a friend matches.
  • Increased the chances for elite defenders to intercept the ball during two-man interactions.
  • Increased pass breakup chances when using the Play Receiver mechanic in a two-man Aggressive Catch situation.
  • Addressed exploit where the safety in deep zone would misplay the ball when a receiver streaked down the seam.
  • Addressed an issue where the user would be penalized with an “On the Run” throw type when the QB’s feet were still planted and user was trying to pass lead.
  • Addressed an issue where kickers could shank field goals despite keeping the accuracy inside the cone.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the ball carrier could freeze in place after interacting with other offensive players.
  • Fixed an issue where safeties playing the outside deep zone could still get beat deep defending vertical routes.
  • Fixed an issue where preplay mechanics for DL and LB shifts would not function after pressing or backing off the secondary.
  • Addressed an exploit where motioning a WR half a step inside would give the WR a speed burst upon snapping the ball.
  • Addressed an issue where the WR would not make the proper cut after being pressed at the line of scrimmage.
  • Addressed an issue where the AI team would kick a field goal before 4th down in OT instead of attempting to score a TD.
  • Addressed an issue where outside receivers that are aligned tight to the formation are able to get behind deep third defenders consistently.
  • addressed an exploit where the MLB could come through unblocked on FG attempts and block the kick.
  • Overall improvements to AI pass blocking and bug fixes.
  • Addressed an issue where the half would end even if a defensive penalty occurred on the last play. There will now be an untimed down.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping LT during pre-play caused users to challenge a play they did not want to challenge. Users can now quick challenge by clicking in Rstick during pre-play.
  • Improved the hit stick when a user holds it down rather than flicking it.
  • Fixed an issue where FG kickers were sometimes kicking the ball wildly inaccurate when user slightly misses outside the kick meter cone.
  • Fixed an issue where Users could regain ability to Hot Route and quick hike on PA End Around by audibling to PA End Around during huddle break.
  • Decreased inaccurate passes on short throws for elite QB’s who are not under pressure with their feet set.
  • Fixed an issue where the Center does not snap the ball to the Quarterback, instead immediately engaging the Defensive/Nose Tackle, leaving the Quarterback frozen for the whole play.
  • Fixed an exploit on kickoffs where users on the return team could spam audibles until their opponent is forced to kick an inaccurate kick.
  • Added XP sliders to new online CFM’s.
  • Note: This feature will only work for new Online leagues only – available 11/18.
  • Fixed a bug in CFM preseason and regular season where a last second field goal in OT by the team who received the ball first and is on their first possession would not end the game.
  • Fixed an issue where generated rookies were only wearing Revolution Speed helmets.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline that don’t already have that season’s rookie draft class created; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Tuned Confidence so that it’s not as easy to earn for offline franchise.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Addressed an issue where users could not edit the Depth Chart during the Preseason.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Addressed an issue where a Low Back Strain would result in an unrealistic injury length.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Purchasing the “Increased Experience – Increase Player Weekly Goal XP” upgrade will now function correctly.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Tuned generated rookie safeties’ speed to better align with the rest of the game.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues that don’t already have that season’s rookie draft class created; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Addressed an issue where interception season goals were not be being tracked correctly in some instances.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Tuned generated rookie wide receivers’ speed to better align with the rest of the game.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues that don’t already have that season’s rookie draft class created; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Tuned generated rookie cornerbacks’ speed to better align with the rest of the game.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline that don’t already have that season’s rookie draft class created; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Fixed an issue where users could have players get traded from their team without their consent when trade type was set to Enable All.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Fixed an issue where users could only re-sign two players before the rest would stay in a “negotiating” state.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Addressed an issue when Progress Player was set to On, the user’s Coach XP would also be spent as well according to the league’s Player Progression Frequency.
  • Note: This fix will work for existing offline leagues; fix already applied to online leagues.
  • Added Ann Mara patch to Giants default home and away uniforms.
  • Added William Clay Ford patch to Lions default home and away uniforms.
  • Falcons 50 Seasons patch is added to default Home/Away uniforms.
  • Addressed issues with Bears 1985 Blue Jersey.
  • Addressed errors with the Kansas City Chiefs Official Away Jersey

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 301 KingV2k3 @ 11/29/15 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Has anyone in existing online cfms noticed any increased benefits of the pass rush since the patch dropped?

Wondering if it's another thing that requires a restart to see because I'm still seeing QBs with all day in the pocket and AI pass rushers just patty caking in my games and other league games via twitch. Really infuriating. Wish they hadn't nerf bombed the trenches, last year was good just needed small tweaks
I'm trying to address this by lowering the holding slider...

Post Patch, the pass rush doesn't shed blocks as efficiently...

The pockets and pursuit angles LOOK better, but play differently...
# 302 dasfette @ 11/29/15 11:52 PM
Ready for the dumbest question ever?

How do I know if I've downloaded the patch and tuning updates?

I just got the game on PS4 and I have nothing under my share my files screen. Also, I've had no screens popping up at starup about downloads, except for a roster update.

Thanks everyone.
# 303 michaelsan @ 11/30/15 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by dasfette
Ready for the dumbest question ever?

How do I know if I've downloaded the patch and tuning updates?

I just got the game on PS4 and I have nothing under my share my files screen. Also, I've had no screens popping up at starup about downloads, except for a roster update.

Thanks everyone.
Hi bro,
You should switch your ps4 on, go to "library ", you find madden 16, you click the right small button on your joystick, then you will have several options to select. If I'm not wrong, you have to select update list or something similar, then you will see a blue page with written your game's version and the main patch change list.
If you have problems, you drop me a private message and I'll try to help you.
# 304 TexasFan2005 @ 11/30/15 09:17 AM
I just got back to playing this game over the weekend after more than a month without playing. One thing I noticed is that Robo-QB has been tuned down a lot with the increase in pass rush. I see more and more QBs throw the ball away now or take the sack when it's obvious that they can't escape the pressure. This is on all-star difficulty with default sliders and official rosters.
# 305 Mike Lowe @ 12/01/15 06:56 PM
I've explored a bit, but found mostly complaints in regards to these two questions:

Auto subs are still not working in CFM?

Linemen don't get hurt in played games still?

Thank you!
# 306 bad_philanthropy @ 12/01/15 07:56 PM
Anyone seeing just plain wrong weather in CFM? I'm playing in cold climate cities late in the year and people in the stands and on the sidelines are wearing shorts again. I'm sure before the patch I was seeing appropriate weather and temperatures at the right time of the year.
# 307 Lil Worm @ 12/01/15 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowe
I've explored a bit, but found mostly complaints in regards to these two questions:

Auto subs are still not working in CFM?

Linemen don't get hurt in played games still?

Thank you!
Honestly I'm pretty certain from what I'm seeing in my CFM that I had already running before this patch......no way I can start over I'm in 2019 and loving it!! Sorry back to what I was trying to say.....the auto subs seem to be spot on after the patch......I'm seeing my running backs and the AI backs rolling in and out nicely. I have actually on a couple of occasions seen my 3rd string back need to enter the game. I'm loving it! As for the offensive linemen injuries...I'm 37 years old and have played madden from the very first one until now madden 16, and I know I'm getting ready to be called a liar here, but so be it. This is not placebo affect I have seen O-linemen injured 3 different times since the patch dropped while playing the game. These injuries occurred during normal plays....not fumbles/interception plays. I always play my games no simming and can't remember EVER having an O-lineman injured even on fumble/interception plays any other time. Maybe this was a BUG and if so I hope there is never a fix for it....it was great to see these injuries happen. It was only 3 and I may never witness anymore, but I have seen them occur post patch. Lol now I set back and watch for the players on here that are great at being negative to come in and bash me and call me a liar lol!!! Have it guys hope you enjoy doing it!! I'm going to enjoy this great game and brother sorry for such a long response, but hope this answered your question and you enjoy the game!!
# 308 Mike Lowe @ 12/01/15 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Lil Worm
Honestly I'm pretty certain from what I'm seeing in my CFM that I had already running before this patch......no way I can start over I'm in 2019 and loving it!! Sorry back to what I was trying to say.....the auto subs seem to be spot on after the patch......I'm seeing my running backs and the AI backs rolling in and out nicely. I have actually on a couple of occasions seen my 3rd string back need to enter the game. I'm loving it! As for the offensive linemen injuries...I'm 37 years old and have played madden from the very first one until now madden 16, and I know I'm getting ready to be called a liar here, but so be it. This is not placebo affect I have seen O-linemen injured 3 different times since the patch dropped while playing the game. These injuries occurred during normal plays....not fumbles/interception plays. I always play my games no simming and can't remember EVER having an O-lineman injured even on fumble/interception plays any other time. Maybe this was a BUG and if so I hope there is never a fix for it....it was great to see these injuries happen. It was only 3 and I may never witness anymore, but I have seen them occur post patch. Lol now I set back and watch for the players on here that are great at being negative to come in and bash me and call me a liar lol!!! Have it guys hope you enjoy doing it!! I'm going to enjoy this great game and brother sorry for such a long response, but hope this answered your question and you enjoy the game!!
Thank you, Worm! Could you continue to monitor these?

What are other folks seeing? I bought Madden on day 1, sold it for $40 about a week ago, and then bought it on Black Friday again for $30, but it's still in its plastic.

I also got FIFA 16 and WWE 2k16 to relive my days as a 10 year old wrestling fan haha.
# 309 Lil Worm @ 12/01/15 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowe
Thank you, Worm! Could you continue to monitor these?

What are other folks seeing? I bought Madden on day 1, sold it for $40 about a week ago, and then bought it on Black Friday again for $30, but it's still in its plastic.

I also got FIFA 16 and WWE 2k16 to relive my days as a 10 year old wrestling fan haha.
No problem man and yes I will continue to monitor this. Hey bust that thing outta the plastic and play some football brother. I think with this patch installed you are going to be very surprised at how it plays.......my opinion it's a total 1080 turn around from before the patch and I was enjoying it then. Auto subs.......using my man A&S set are working beautifully! Lmao I'm not a huge wrestling fan but love the wwe games. Haven't picked up 16 yet but want to. Is it worth the buy?
# 310 Lil Worm @ 12/01/15 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Lil Worm
No problem man and yes I will continue to monitor this. Hey bust that thing outta the plastic and play some football brother. I think with this patch installed you are going to be very surprised at how it plays.......my opinion it's a total 1080 turn around from before the patch and I was enjoying it then. Auto subs.......using my man A&S set are working beautifully! Lmao I'm not a huge wrestling fan but love the wwe games. Haven't picked up 16 yet but want to. Is it worth the buy?
Just to let it be known.......I praised A&S set, and failed to mention Tdawg put in some great work also that set the set off even more. Much appreciation to lol that worked on that set. I know this was off subject.....just wanting to make sure I gave credit where credit was due. LMAO in my book these two are geniuses!
# 311 BadAssHskr @ 12/01/15 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
Anyone seeing just plain wrong weather in CFM? I'm playing in cold climate cities late in the year and people in the stands and on the sidelines are wearing shorts again. I'm sure before the patch I was seeing appropriate weather and temperatures at the right time of the year.

I havent seen that specifically yet, but post patch i started my cfm over with whatever the latest rosters were at that time.

Im not really prepared to claim anything, its probably in my head, but something seems funny to me now, post patch, with either time of posession, or stats, or number of plays, all human vs computer game play.

So if you are seeing that, i wonder if this is a type of deal where subtle roll backs occured via the patch.

I still think gameplay, etc is better post patch by far, but maybe something is a miss somewhere?

I legitimately might have no clue what im talking about too.
# 312 vrtkolman @ 12/01/15 11:55 PM
After playing about 30 games or so, the patch was good in that it made All-Pro more competitive but ratings still don't matter much. Every game plays pretty much the same no matter who you are against. Just played back to back games where Aaron Rodgers and Logan Thomas played exactly the same.
# 313 chichoslg @ 12/02/15 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by grgmths1433
That's fair. But what area do think it's easy? I playing All pro default and the computer plays good football. First thing I notice was the computer has a good running game.
Im not a great player but if i play in All Madden default sliders i destroy the CPU team. I use a mix of green (user) and red (CPU) Jarods Slider Set
# 314 Lil Worm @ 12/02/15 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by NimitsTexan
Have to ask, what were your injury fatigue settings?
I will check when I get home from work today and let you know. Those settings are the only two differences I have with A&S set. I do have both set higher, but can't remember to where. Will post a little after 5 EST.
# 315 Mikeyo918 @ 12/02/15 03:24 PM
I just had a first, a blocked FG attempt! It was done by a CPU controlled player too. So awesome
# 316 YouAllReadyKnow @ 12/07/15 04:06 AM
When will this patch be available to download? I havnt got it yet
# 317 roadman @ 12/07/15 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by YouAllReadyKnow
When will this patch be available to download? I havnt got it yet
It was available 3 weeks ago.
# 318 reddy175 @ 12/08/15 01:08 PM
Post patch, is 32 team control still the preferred/suggested setup for offline CFM?

Thanks in advance.
# 319 NDAlum @ 12/08/15 02:20 PM
I use 32-team just so I can have more control of CPU roster decision making. I drafted for all 32-teams in round 1-3. It was extremely fun and I enjoyed looking at each roster seeing what player they would go after.

I tried to do round 1 only...but in round 2 they started to take the same position I took in round 1...

# 320 tmart14 @ 12/09/15 12:23 PM
After the patch I have noticed that it is much, much harder for me to complete a deep pass. Corners stick to their receivers, safeties get over to the ball quickly (probably too quickly), and my receivers rarely attack the ball even with aggressive catch. My receivers are 6'5" 89 speed, 6'4" 93 speed, 6'2" 97 speed in the the slot, tight ends are 6'7" and 6'6" with 87 speed. My qb has 85 deep accuracy. Sliders are default all pro with catching at 85 (got sick of dropping every pass when the receiver grazed a defensive player). Speed threshold at 0.

Funny thing is, the CPU has no issue completing these passes (probably 60+%) regardless of whether sliders are default or cranked really low.

I have also noticed some of the dreaded "defensive warping". Example: DGB had 2 steps on a corner on a slant in the end zone. I hit him in the gut with the pass, but the corner got a burst of speed and knocked it down.

Anyone else notice anything like these?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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