NBA Live 16 News Post

NBA Live 16 is available today. Make sure you play a few games and share your impressions with the community.

If you have questions about the game, post them in the Q&A thread, we'd like to keep this topic strictly on impressions.

Read the full press release below.

Today Electronic Arts Inc. launched NBA LIVE 16 on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system. NBA LIVE 16 highlights the brand-new LIVE PRO-AM mode, as well as the new LIVE Motion physics system. Players can express themselves both on and off the court with new gameplay mechanics, fresh gear and kicks, plus new ways to play.

LIVE PRO-AM provides players the chance to rise together with online team-play mode LIVE Run and the new cooperative Summer Circuit mode. In LIVE Run up to 10 players can compete in online games to 21 points on iconic courts like Rucker Park, Venice Beach, Terminal 23 and more. Summer Circuit allows up to five players to travel around North America challenging all-star teams as they try to become the true kings of the court. Those who have played the NBA LIVE 16 demo on Xbox One or PS4 will be able to carry over created player progress and unlocked gear, getting a leg up on the competition.

Players can find the perfect gear to express their personality, with hundreds of shirts, shoes, sneakers, and more available from top brands. Players can also get themselves in the game with the official NBA LIVE Companion (available on the App Store and Google Play) featuring GameFaceHD. This exclusive mobile scanning technology allows fans to quickly and easily scan their face and upload it to their in-game character.

Created characters can also be used in Rising Star career mode (retaining all progression across modes), and aspiring GMs can try their hand at running a NBA franchise in Dynasty mode. Players looking to build an unbeatable crew of both modern stars and past greats can jump into LIVE Ultimate Team, and those hoping to either relive or rewrite history can check out LIVE Rewind and Big Moments. Newcomers or players looking to build their skill base can jump into Learn LIVE, with multiple options for drills and practice sessions.

Fans will also be treated to enhanced gameplay in NBA LIVE 16 thanks to the new LIVE Motion physics system. Players move with purpose and react intelligently to try and get open with cuts and off-ball screens. Plus, new mechanics like touch passing and dribble handoffs make it easier than ever to orchestrate the offense and make the big play. In addition to all these features, new shot mechanics, shot meter and feedback give players instant information to help them learn exactly when to release the ball. With the variety of modes, options and gameplay upgrades, there’s something in NBA LIVE 16 for everyone.

Game: NBA Live 16Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 4 - View All
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Member Comments
# 461 The 24th Letter @ 01/25/16 10:55 AM
I agree it is indeed a different game that takes getting used to as far as movement...It's going to take a while go get a proper feel especially If you're porting over.

Lives 'take' on foot planting actually results in a couple of unrealistic elongated sequences as well though....

Passes to the corner can sometimes result in this "run in place" gather animation that you can't break out of to retain position...

Pull ups off the dribble have that unnecessary hop forward that in many cases changes your attempt from open to contested...

I've already commented on the drawn out passing sequences

Those for me fall under things that are counterproductive regardless of why game you're playing.
# 462 CujoMatty @ 02/02/16 01:12 AM
Can someone explain synergy in terms of dynasty?
I keep reading people post about synergy making teams play like their real life counter parts but only in play now.
So is synergy only for play now?
Or is it that my dynasty has synergy but it's locked to whatever synergy was at when I started my dynasty?
# 463 Calvenn @ 02/02/16 03:01 PM
According to my test results, and previously disclosed information from EA, daily Synergy updates only impact Tip Off and Rewind games, etc. Dynasty mode is not influenced and is more affected by the ratings, etc, developed during the progress of the season.
# 464 CujoMatty @ 02/02/16 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Calvenn
According to my test results, and previously disclosed information from EA, daily Synergy updates only impact Tip Off and Rewind games, etc. Dynasty mode is not influenced and is more affected by the ratings, etc, developed during the progress of the season.
Hmmmmm. Thats kinda dumb. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't get why anyone would just play tip off games. Seems kinda like there's no point. I dunno.

I think I don't understand exactly what synergy is.
# 465 Calvenn @ 02/02/16 06:21 PM
To the extent that it affects Dynasty is whenever you start a Dynasty you're starting with the latest Synergy update for that day or moment. After you have began the Dynasty, the rest is dictated by the season. At least thats what I have picked up in my brief Dynasty experience so far (I have mainly focused on how the teams play defensively so perhaps other or certain aspects transfer over to the season? Not sure). Those who play Dynasty heavily report that they don't experience the constant fluctuations to gameplay witnessed during Tip Off games. This is the primary reason you can settle on a set of sliders in Dynasty mode and not have to worry about them losing their efficacy the next day, or moment, after Synergy updates, as you would with Tip Off games. I agree that it would make sense for the Dynasty season to be reflective of the true to life Nba changes, and parallel the Nba in that sense, I have also wondered about that. There are various articles about Synergy out there so feel free to review for specifics. I can only report what my tests have revealed, though I wont say they are definitive. So others can chime in here if they have witnessed or know different. Also, don't forget Synergys effect on Tonights games, Big Moments and Nba Rewind games.

It would be nice if any of the Game changers can illuminate this subject. Finally, there's always the intended design for Synergy vs the reality. I believe this year in particular we are finally seeing the true capabilities and results/stamp of Synergy (We may see even more of this next year). I wouldn't say that it's 100% there yet however.
# 466 CujoMatty @ 02/02/16 08:36 PM
Thanks man I appreciate the help. I just hate feeling like I'm missing out on something Lol. I did however play my dynasty game against the spurs, which is around the 24-25 game on my schedule than played a tip off game right after against the spurs and it played the same so it managed to deter my disappointment that I'm missing out. So that's good.
# 467 The 24th Letter @ 02/06/16 09:32 AM
Man what happened to blocking, guys in position to block a shot keep jumping and twisting, tucking their arms out of the way instead of attacking the ball...
# 468 Calvenn @ 02/23/16 01:11 AM
Played my best games of Nba Live 16 to date (several games using different teams) today on default sliders Superstar level tip off! Finally witnessing decent post D, very good perimeter D, dynamic on and off ball steals/interceptions, respectable blocks etc. My only concern as usual is consistency. I hope the devs can keep this up. Quite impressed with how it played today.
# 469 secondcity t @ 02/24/16 08:24 PM
As much as I like this game, people online abusing the zig zag, suction trap and changing from full court to zone to man defense to recover from trap cheesing breaks offense
# 470 Justonepost @ 02/26/16 08:17 PM
Anyone else noticed there are literally no under the rim, stationary two foot duns? Like the ones most big guys do to put the ball back in?

Adding a bunch of these to the big men would really make a big difference to the game, visually as well.

I've also noticed over the last couple of patches some of the weird close range shots have been filtered out as well, but... unfortunately replaced with a way overused animation where the player falls and winds up an ugly, ugly, scoop/double clutch. Ugh. You see that every few trips down the court now.

And since day one, still no fix or replacement for the 'push the ball out in front while sprinting' ugly ball on a string/yoyo ball physics ad animation.

Same with the ugly auto behind the back dribbles.

I really hope the devs are aware that such small changes will make a big difference.
# 471 Gotmadskillzson @ 02/27/16 04:44 PM
I was grabbing rebounds in a crowd with very short Isiah Thomas of the Celtics. I thought that was comical how he was out jumping 6'11 players for rebounds.

My biggest pet peeve is still in the game and been there forever. Defensive rotations simply don't exist in this game. Every game at least a dozen or more times a game you will see the CPU drive to the basket and the center or power forward that was in the paint instantly turn their back and move out of the way. That grinds my gears like no other. I think it is a shared EA Sports flaw or something. Because I notice CPU teammates do the same thing in FIFA and NHL.

Instead of challenging they turn their back and move away from the play.
# 472 BL8001 @ 03/05/16 12:43 PM
Gotmad, you nailed it.

It is an EA thing, for some reason in all of their sports games they think a smart way to do difficulty is to have the user (who can only truly control 1 player at a time) frantically use player switch to battle the AI exploiting you with the knowledge that help defense is non-existent for the human player's AI controlled teammates.

The problem is, because the human has to battle a momentum system the cpu AI is not affected by, and also the horrific angles they point your defensive players on the court/field...

So the NBA example is like you wrote, then you change players to try to defend and the player you changed to is facing the wrong way, so now you have to steer him through the momentum penalties the game engine applies to your player. By the time you get your player to the spot he should have been in to begin with you are watching the ball go through the hoop/into the goal.

It's terrible.

Another bad thing is how in all their sports games they don't apply the momentum model to the cpu AI at a reasonable level so you cant do real things like wrong footing the cpu or baiting with any consistency.
# 473 chisportsfan23 @ 03/06/16 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Justonepost
Anyone else noticed there are literally no under the rim, stationary two foot dunks? Like the ones most big guys do to put the ball back in?

Adding a bunch of these to the big men would really make a big difference to the game, visually as well.

I've also noticed over the last couple of patches some of the weird close range shots have been filtered out as well, but... unfortunately replaced with a way overused animation where the player falls and winds up an ugly, ugly, scoop/double clutch. Ugh. You see that every few trips down the court now.

And since day one, still no fix or replacement for the 'push the ball out in front while sprinting' ugly ball on a string/yoyo ball physics ad animation.

Same with the ugly auto behind the back dribbles.

I really hope the devs are aware that such small changes will make a big difference.
I actually love this game BECAUSE of the dunks under the basket. For the past few games on 2k I've been annoyed that every big man plays so soft under the rim, mostly soft layups. Whereas here, I can use the controller combo of RT and X (Xbox One) on offensive rebounds, pick and rolls, etc. and dunk almost every time. It's really consistent. Put backs with big men imo have never felt better under the rim.
# 474 kac @ 03/06/16 10:47 PM
Live is getting better my only complaints are sometimes the controls feel unresponsive and that need to add more animations smooth out the passing and fix the fast breaks.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
# 475 The 24th Letter @ 03/06/16 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Justonepost
unfortunately replaced with a way overused animation where the player falls and winds up an ugly, ugly, scoop/double clutch. Ugh. You see that every few trips down the court now..
These are so ugly man...I want to say it was in one of the patch notes that they were getting rid of these...but I still see them quite a bit....

It doesn't even look like anything an NBA player would do, lol
# 476 Justonepost @ 03/07/16 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by chisportsfan23
I actually love this game BECAUSE of the dunks under the basket. For the past few games on 2k I've been annoyed that every big man plays so soft under the rim, mostly soft layups. Whereas here, I can use the controller combo of RT and X (Xbox One) on offensive rebounds, pick and rolls, etc. and dunk almost every time. It's really consistent. Put backs with big men imo have never felt better under the rim.
Totally disagree. Simply because the put backs are almost all one handed bank shots that don't resemble the moves we see in real life.

I also disagree because lots of big men grab a rebound or get a feed literally right below the rim and can go back up off two feet for an easy two hand dunk. That animation also doesn't exist in this game.
# 477 The 24th Letter @ 04/04/16 08:42 PM
Just got my 100th Pro Am win...

TBH I never thought I'd play this game that much...but Pro Am's set up and the fact my cousins are such huge Live fans had made it a pretty fun experience....been running with them all year

They are on to something with this mode....I think it will only continue to improve.

Hopefully 5 on 5 can follow suit....it's been overall meh for me this year and pretty much ignored...
# 478 Ermolli @ 04/05/16 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Just got my 100th Pro Am win...

TBH I never thought I'd play this game that much...but Pro Am's set up and the fact my cousins are such huge Live fans had made it a pretty fun experience....been running with them all year

They are on to something with this mode....I think it will only continue to improve.

Hopefully 5 on 5 can follow suit....it's been overall meh for me this year and pretty much ignored...
Pro Am can be fun but EA needs to penalize ballhogging, it can really ruin the fun of the mode.
# 479 The 24th Letter @ 04/05/16 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Ermolli
Pro Am can be fun but EA needs to penalize ballhogging, it can really ruin the fun of the mode.
Yeah, especially because it's so easy to go inside...they also need to add some events, stat tracking etc.
# 480 Ermolli @ 04/05/16 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Yeah, especially because it's so easy to go inside...they also need to add some events, stat tracking etc.
The option to have your own team with friends would be a plus for me.

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