NBA 2K16 News Post

NBA 2K16 is available today for those that have pre-ordered. Make sure you play a few games and share your impressions with the community.

If you have questions about the game, post them in the Q&A thread, we'd like to keep this topic strictly on impressions.

Game: NBA 2K16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 45 - View All
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# 1001 ProfessaPackMan @ 12/01/15 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by chadeo23
Nope. Still no highlights for me
Only had enough to play that one game last night but I'm going to try playing another MyLeague game later tonight to make sure it wasn't a one time thing.

We're you able to view individual highlights once the Postgame show was done?
# 1002 DJ @ 12/01/15 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Only had enough to play that one game last night but I'm going to try playing another MyLeague game later tonight to make sure it wasn't a one time thing.

We're you able to view individual highlights once the Postgame show was done?
The only way this works for me on PS4 is if I do a mid-game save and then you get the highlights, but obviously lose the first half content.
# 1003 crizzlez @ 12/01/15 10:51 PM
Would love for MyPlayer to be able to use hairstyles that NBA players have.
I mean its already in the game....
# 1004 gotchaMF @ 12/02/15 12:11 AM
I bought 2k16 on PC thinking that there would be some type of anti-hacker system in place. Wrong!

He was a 55 overall, but changed his stats after the game started with Cheat Engine. 99 everything and this picture was taken today. These guys are worse than demigods because they have access to everything.

I really haven't got a chance to play the game the way it was intended because of the hackers on PC. I couldn't take it anymore, so I ordered 2k16 for my PS4 on Black Friday. I should have bought it initially on the PS4.

Patch 3
- I like the addition of three seconds, but what about on defense.
- we should be able to play with other affiliations on non rivalry days.
- I read that people had trouble shooting on release. I didn't have that issue, but I was playing MyCareer (HOF).

I'll update as I get more time on the PS4.
# 1005 chadeo23 @ 12/02/15 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Only had enough to play that one game last night but I'm going to try playing another MyLeague game later tonight to make sure it wasn't a one time thing.

We're you able to view individual highlights once the Postgame show was done?
No I wasn't able to view individual highlights as well
# 1006 Barncore @ 12/02/15 10:03 AM
I love this game, but damn, the replay engine is awful.

It's a shame, the game is so beautiful, but playing highlights of the players at the end of the game, you can't even see what happened. The replay always starts too late, you don't get to see the move unfold. And that thing where the camera quickly shifts aim toward the basket as soon as it's clear that the player is in a shooting motion, that's so unnatural and dumb. Half the time the camera is so zoomed in that cutting to the basket means that you can't even see the players' animations exactly

2k need to step up their replays next year. The game is so nice to play, let me relive my favourite moments and animations properly
# 1007 Mintz9 @ 12/02/15 11:27 PM
why is that i stay loyal to my park affilation ? i dont get a mypark rep jumpstart .
# 1008 ProfessaPackMan @ 12/03/15 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Only had enough to play that one game last night but I'm going to try playing another MyLeague game later tonight to make sure it wasn't a one time thing.

We're you able to view individual highlights once the Postgame show was done?
Guess it was just a one time thing because I played a few more MyLeague games since and haven't seen any postgame or individual highlights.
# 1009 tril @ 12/04/15 11:13 AM
One month in with this title and Im finally beginning to see the beauty. This is first time that it has taken me this long to get into an NBA 2k title. The reason being, too many changes with the controls.
Game play is awesome, but making substitutions, calling plays efficiently during game-play is frustrating.
This game control changes really hurts the game for me, this year.
# 1010 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 12/04/15 12:37 PM
I was just playing an online match. I paused the game went to the bathroom came back and on my screen it said are you sure you want to quit and it selected yes automatically and I got a loss
# 1011 IUxHOOSIERS @ 12/08/15 11:14 AM
I really hope the issue gets fixed where some players on Pro-Am don't make it to the game. Almost all of my losses come from this because I have to quit out.
# 1012 Caelumfang @ 12/09/15 12:44 AM
Let me ask this:

I understand toning down the computer in Pro-Am just a bit. However, why in the hell are they so insanely boneheaded now? I can just sit back and watch a CPU character completely ruin a game with the shot IQ of a 5-year-old, and literally forget it's supposed to play defense on its man. It's really at the point where, if you have a CPU on you, it's Jack City time.
# 1013 ProfessaPackMan @ 12/10/15 10:14 AM
How in the world does anyone contest a shot in the post with RS and not automatically get called for a foul and CPU getting bailed out?

I swear it's almost impossible to do so...so frustrating smh
# 1014 The 24th Letter @ 12/10/15 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
How in the world does anyone contest a shot in the post with RS and not automatically get called for a foul and CPU getting bailed out?

I swear it's almost impossible to do so...so frustrating smh

You holding LT at the same time?
# 1015 Matt_1979 @ 12/10/15 10:52 AM
I still haven't been able to throw a lob for an alley oop yet!!

Is it a timing thing when it comes to double clicking triangle and pointing the left stick at the target??
# 1016 Pokes404 @ 12/10/15 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Matt_1979
I still haven't been able to throw a lob for an alley oop yet!!

Is it a timing thing when it comes to double clicking triangle and pointing the left stick at the target??
Do you mean that you haven't been able to throw the alley oop pass, or that you haven't been able to successfully convert an alley oop?

If it's the latter, there are several factors that go into successfully completing an alley oop. The receiver needs to have an open lane to the basket, there shouldn't be any defenders within arms length of the receiver in any direction, the receiver needs a good vertical/dunk rating, and you need to throw the pass when the receiver is around 8-10 ft away from the goal. But most importantly ... you need to be at the right angle. The perfect angle is when the passer and receiver are slashing toward the basket from opposite wings. But at the very least, you need to imagine a line running down the middle of the court from basket to basket. If you and the receiver are on the same side of that line, do not try the alley oop.
# 1017 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 12/10/15 01:35 PM
I haven't had a problem with alleys at all
# 1018 ProfessaPackMan @ 12/10/15 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
You holding LT at the same time?
Nah. Used to do that before until I read on here not to do that so I stopped but I'm still having issues where if I contest shot with only RS(pushing it straight up)I get whistled for a foul, with a few of those times getting called for a flagrant.

Last night was the worst experience I had with it playing against the Jazz
# 1019 The 24th Letter @ 12/10/15 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Nah. Used to do that before until I read on here not to do that so I stopped but I'm still having issues where if I contest shot with only RS(pushing it straight up)I get whistled for a foul, with a few of those times getting called for a flagrant.

Last night was the worst experience I had with it playing against the Jazz
Wow, I was almost positive you were going to say you were holding LT too, because you're right, it does nothing but get you in trouble, lol. I do get fouls from RS straight up sometimes, but not a lot. Are you sure you are actually holding it straight up and not toward the offensive player? I know that will definitely get you fouls, and flagrants. Make sure your R Stick defense isn't on absolute as well...because you may unknowingly be holding the stick towards the player thinking you're doing hands up. I think having defensive assist on anything over 50 will over do it no matter how you contest as well. Hope that helps!
# 1020 ProfessaPackMan @ 12/10/15 03:10 PM
Honestly I haven't paid that much attention to the direction I'm holding it towards but I will now, because it's very possible that it's all me that's causing these issues.

I haven't touched defensive assist but should I lower it just in case?

EDIT: Just checked that I do have RS Defense on Camera Relative and Defensive Assist set to 0.

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