NBA 2K16 News Post

Check out the NBA 2K16 player ratings for the top players on each team. This includes player ratings for the classic teams, but not the Euro teams.

NOTE: There will be a roster update when the game is released. Beds will tweet and has continued to post accurate ratings based off of that updated roster on his Twitter feed, so they are more accurate.

The Atlanta Hawks and classic 1995 Orlando Magic were missing from the video, but here they are below.

Game: NBA 2K16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 45 - View All
NBA 2K16 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 stlpimpmonsta @ 09/21/15 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by BlazerLaker247
somebody please explain why Rubio has a 82 mid shot nad 73 3pt shot. wha???

It's the base rating before modifications (like shot in traffic,shoot off dribble and consistency). I'm guess 82 = Rubio open with feet set and time. He's most likely trash if he moves or is contested.

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# 122 Knux-Future @ 09/21/15 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by noodlebombz
I'm mostly content with the ratings.
My two biggest gripes are:

The Dream in his prime (who got a 93) was the most complete Center of all-time and didn't play with an all time great, like Kareem did, (who got a 97 at 23 y.o.) that had the great fortune of playing with the Big O & Magic.

Rose and Kobe are both overrated. Both are coming off major injuries (again). However, both are former cover athletics for the series and happen to play for 2 of the game's largest fan bases.

All in all thou, I'm happy =)
This is actually the first year in a while Rose is relatively healthy tho. Or rather he played in his teams last game for once...
# 123 Truking3 @ 09/22/15 08:53 AM
00-01 Kobe rated higher then the 00-01 MVP A.I. cum on 2k!!!

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# 124 Real2KInsider @ 09/22/15 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Truking3
00-01 Kobe rated higher then the 00-01 MVP A.I. come on 2k!!!
MVP =/= Best player in the league for a given season

Derrick Rose has an "LOL MVP" over LeBron James

Iverson > Shaq and Duncan (much less Kobe) is the same thing.
# 125 Mauer4MVP @ 09/22/15 02:04 PM
I don't think the Hall of Fame ratings system is trash. Overall, I think it's done a really good job except for a few exceptions (Sam I am at only 84, Kobe at 85 etc).

Like it has been stated, 2k just needs to re-do how big men's traits translate into an overall.
# 126 senhorxxx @ 09/22/15 08:01 PM
Jordan second three-peat > Jordan 1988/93 ???
No way.

imo Jordan 88/89/90/91/92/93 is 99 rating overall.
Jordan 96/97/98 is 95 to at most 97 rating overall.
# 127 teebee @ 09/23/15 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by JazzMan
Does that matter? Memphis has a slow pace, are they not a great defensive team?

Or do you have to run up and down the court to be a great defensive team?
They were'nt just a good Def team the 2nd half last year, they were a legendary defensive team. Will be interesting to see if it's repeatable/sustainable in a new year bc if it is they are a 5-6 seed in the west.
# 128 cbpo @ 09/23/15 04:52 PM
I'm actually worried about this HOF scale now when I think about it, I really hope they re-worked the simulation stats engine because it already wasn't good before. So For example, if they're using 3.5 blocks per game as the meter for a 99 rating in block, then let's say if they make Anthony davis's Block rating a 92, it better equate to about 2.9 blocks per game and not like 1.5 or some crap, that would really piss me off..
# 129 BluFu @ 09/23/15 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by cbpo
I'm actually worried about this HOF scale now when I think about it, I really hope they re-worked the simulation stats engine because it already wasn't good before. So For example, if they're using 3.5 blocks per game as the meter for a 99 rating in block, then let's say if they make Anthony davis's Block rating a 92, it better equate to about 2.9 blocks per game and not like 1.5 or some crap, that would really piss me off..
With or without this new scale, if BPG in simulation weren't tweaked then it's going to be another year of this..
# 130 cbpo @ 09/23/15 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by BluFu
With or without this new scale, if BPG in simulation weren't tweaked then it's going to be another year of this..
Yeah I know lol. Worried that it's going to get even worse now with the new HOF scale.
# 131 CD90 @ 09/24/15 03:59 PM

# 132 cbpo @ 09/24/15 04:03 PM
Man, they always do my boy iverson wrong. Face always looks like dookie
# 133 Real2KInsider @ 09/24/15 04:15 PM
Finally finished the list of Player Ratings (Current & Classic) available from this video.


Will update when the game drops and I can fill in the blanks.
# 134 Journey96 @ 09/24/15 06:45 PM
I have been baffled and somewhat annoyed with many of the ratings. The biggest being how a far past his prime, 39 (!) year old Kareem beats out an in his prime, 31 year old Olajuwon. There is clearly some shady bias at play with a few of these. It just hurts their ratings entegrity as a whole in the end.

There are silly oversights that also hurt. Oh look, Jerry West was 6'2 in his early days. Oh hey, he magically shrank to 6 feet later on...

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