Hogan will not appear in WWE 2K16, a 2K Sports representative told Polygon this afternoon.
"We are highly respectful of the way that our partners choose to run their business and manage our partnerships accordingly," the spokesperson said. "We can confirm that Hulk Hogan will not appear in WWE 2K16."
Asked about whether 2K Sports plans to remove Hogan from any previous WWE video games, the representative called it a "fair question," but said 2K Sports has "no other comments at this time.
Yes any job where the ability to drive is required would be terminated.
Now i disagree IF Hogan were still in his Prime in 2015, He would not Lose his Job. It would be like WWE firing John Cena. He is the closest to what Hogan was in his Prime. I think Hogan would Lose the Belt and have an "INJURY" angle play out for 6 months or so.
The Firing is because Yes Hogan still brings in some $$ thru merchandise, But he doesnt bring in enough to Justify keeping him around with all the Negative Publicity. Lets be honest IF Hogan had another title Run in him, he would have been Suspended.
You can't say that for sure. Maybe in your hypothetical world that's how it would work.
But let me get out of aholbert's kitchen and let the chef cook.
Who said domestic violence wasnt wrong? No one. You are arguing against a point no one is making.
Back in 2004, Stone Cold shouldve been suspended or fired for his DV arrest. He wasnt and thats wrong. But if WWE wants to put him on the cover of a game 11 years later after he's served his time and kept his nose clean for 11 yrs...I dont have a problem with it.
If these Hogan comments wouldve been released in 2006 and the backlash occurred back in 2006, I probably wouldnt have an issue with Hogan being hired back by WWE. 9 yrs wouldve passed. Maybe I would still have an issue with those comments, who knows.
The fact is we didnt hear about those comments 9 years ago. We heard about them last week. The sex tape leaked years ago. Hogan has known about the comments on those tapes for years. Instead of getting ahead of the story, admitting what was said, apologizing for it and saying that he was in a bad space...he used his lawyers in an attempt to stop the court/Gawker from releasing the full comments.
How is hearing about it 9 years ago ANY different than hearing about it last week? It would have been more acceptable 9 years ago? See that is what i dont get about all of the Back and forth on this thread. It seems like some are MORE acceptable if they "Heard" about it years ago, Instead of when it Actually Happened.
What I am saying is If you can Accept it Happening 9 years ago Or 11 Years Ago(Stone Cold), why cant you accept it today? I have the SAME views I had 9 or 11 Years ago as I have today.
Yes any job where the ability to drive is required would be terminated.
Now i disagree IF Hogan were still in his Prime in 2015, He would not Lose his Job. It would be like WWE firing John Cena. He is the closest to what Hogan was in his Prime. I think Hogan would Lose the Belt and have an "INJURY" angle play out for 6 months or so.
The Firing is because Yes Hogan still brings in some $$ thru merchandise, But he doesnt bring in enough to Justify keeping him around with all the Negative Publicity. Lets be honest IF Hogan had another title Run in him, he would have been Suspended.
What does that have to do with anything in the first place? What is your overall point here? You keep saying you felt Hogan should have been fired for this and yet you're still arguing and making a stink over......I have no clue. What's the point? Who cares what would or wouldn't happen if Hogan was an active wrestler, he isn't, so it's irrelevant. WWE backed Chris Benoit before all the details came out surrounding his death and they got absolutely massacred for "celebrating a murderer" they got out in front of the Hogan issue and fired him. Maybe that's the big difference here. Doesn't really matter, Hogan got what he deserved and has nobody to blame but himself.
What does that have to do with anything in the first place? What is your overall point here? You keep saying you felt Hogan should have been fired for this and yet you're still arguing and making a stink over......I have no clue. What's the point? Who cares what would or wouldn't happen if Hogan was an active wrestler, he isn't, so it's irrelevant. WWE backed Chris Benoit before all the details came out surrounding his death and they got absolutely massacred for "celebrating a murderer" they got out in front of the Hogan issue and fired him. Maybe that's the big difference here. Doesn't really matter, Hogan got what he deserved and has nobody to blame but himself.
Really? It is funny how on OS nowadays, it is not allowed to express your Opinion Or Viewpoints, IF others dont agree. Others get scared to respond but I am not one of those people.
I hadn't QUOTED anyone Until people started responding to me. Anyone who reads thru the thread, can see how my comments came about. If you dont agree with them, i dont care. I stand behind all of my comments.
If you think their is NO difference in Relevance between when things Happen and when they are revealed, then you agree with Me.
If you think the timing of when Information is released is More important, then you Disagree with me.
It is as simple as that. I thought OS was a place to get on a thread and discuss matters and have healthy debates back and forth.
How is hearing about it 9 years ago ANY different than hearing about it last week? It would have been more acceptable 9 years ago? See that is what i dont get about all of the Back and forth on this thread. It seems like some are MORE acceptable if they "Heard" about it years ago, Instead of when it Actually Happened.
What I am saying is If you can Accept it Happening 9 years ago Or 11 Years Ago(Stone Cold), why cant you accept it today? I have the SAME views I had 9 or 11 Years ago as I have today.
Its different because 9 yrs wouldve passed and he wouldve faced punishment for it 9 yrs ago. Hogan wouldve had 9 yrs of consequences from his statement.
Stone Cold faced his punishment. It was a light one but he plead out, did his probation and his community service. Since then he hasnt had an issue in 11 years.
Also, if you think that how people look at domestic violence hasnt changed, I dont know what else to say.
4 yrs go, Erik Walden of the Packers was convicted of DV and was suspended by the NFL for 1 game. Branden Underwood was convicted and served 2 games. Seattle's Leroy Hill didnt even get suspended after a conviction.
That all changed after the Rice tape. It went from people being OK with 2-4 games to wanting people fired for domestic violence arrests. Ive never seen it differently but most people do.
Thats why 11 yrs ago matters. In 2004, no one batted an eye when they heard that Stone Cold beat his wife. They let the justice system run its course and there were no calls from fans that he should be suspended much less fired.
Now, the punishment for DV is seen different and WWE has a zero tolerance policy that means youre fired if you get convicted. Its a different time.
Really? It is funny how on OS nowadays, it is not allowed to express your Opinion Or Viewpoints, IF others dont agree. Others get scared to respond but I am not one of those people.
I hadn't QUOTED anyone Until people started responding to me. Anyone who reads thru the thread, can see how my comments came about. If you dont agree with them, i dont care. I stand behind all of my comments.
If you think their is NO difference in Relevance between when things Happen and when they are revealed, then you agree with Me.
If you think the timing of when Information is released is More important, then you Disagree with me.
It is as simple as that. I thought OS was a place to get on a thread and discuss matters and have healthy debates back and forth.
Dont get defensive. He was just asking a question that I had too. I had no idea what your point was until I read the above (bolded).
Now I think your point is short sighted and wrong but no one is stopping you from making it.
Dont get defensive. He was just asking a question that I had too. I had no idea what your point was until I read the above (bolded).
Now I think your point is short sighted and wrong but no one is stopping you from making it.
Wow, sorry you had No idea what i was saying, next time i will make an opening statement. Hahaha. Lawyer reference. LOL
You are entitled to your opinion on my opinion. LOL
I just dont change my views on thing depending on the Year information is released. It would be like me saying, "Well Charles Manson committed his crimes so many years ago, it isnt as relevant now". For me, doing something wrong has no time frame on when the Info is released.
Wow, sorry you had No idea what i was saying, next time i will make an opening statement. Hahaha. Lawyer reference. LOL
You are entitled to your opinion on my opinion. LOL
I just dont change my views on thing depending on the Year information is released. It would be like me saying, "Well Charles Manson committed his crimes so many years ago, it isnt as relevant now". For me, doing something wrong has no time frame on when the Info is released.
It's really not a matter of someone changing their views on this though. You're talking about your personal views on a matter which is great, WWE is a business though, they're going to operate by standards different than yours and mine and that's basically how I'm looking at this. You're basically calling for them to go back here now in 2015 and punish Austin for something he did back in 2004 even though they have no real legit reason to do so. That'd be like the NBA/Lakers going back tomorrow and punishing Kobe for Colorado because Ryan Kelly got busted going on a racist tirade tonight and they want to punish him. If they didn't do anything to Austin when they were made aware of his actions back when it happened, then they can't come back a decade later looking to dish out a punishment for it without any sort of provocation for that action. Now if Austin punched a girlfriend in the face two weeks ago, with his history that's grounds for immediate dismissal. But that hasn't happened, he's kept his nose clean and more importantly, kept his hands to himself.
A lot has happened in the world since 2004 when Austin did what he did. Chris Benoit happened putting everything the company does or doesn't do with respect to the behavior of their performers under a much bigger microscope. Linda's political career and WWE's turn to clean up their image has certainly affected how they react to things like this and certainly the fact that Vince has stockholders to answer to now and sponsors as well. There's a demo of minority viewers that doing nothing to Hogan wouldn't sit well with. Plus, I would imagine that there's probably a little anger there that Hogan allowed this to blindside Vince and leave him with little choice in how to handle it. He knew what was on that tape, he knew what he said. He could have told Vince about it a long time ago, they could quietly part ways and let Hogan deal with this thing and eventually be brought back once things kind of died down, but instead he put the company in a tough spot.
Its different because 9 yrs wouldve passed and he wouldve faced punishment for it 9 yrs ago. Hogan wouldve had 9 yrs of consequences from his statement.
Stone Cold faced his punishment. It was a light one but he plead out, did his probation and his community service. Since then he hasnt had an issue in 11 years.
Also, if you think that how people look at domestic violence hasnt changed, I dont know what else to say.
4 yrs go, Erik Walden of the Packers was convicted of DV and was suspended by the NFL for 1 game. Branden Underwood was convicted and served 2 games. Seattle's Leroy Hill didnt even get suspended after a conviction.
That all changed after the Rice tape. It went from people being OK with 2-4 games to wanting people fired for domestic violence arrests. Ive never seen it differently but most people do.
Thats why 11 yrs ago matters. In 2004, no one batted an eye when they heard that Stone Cold beat his wife. They let the justice system run its course and there were no calls from fans that he should be suspended much less fired.
Now, the punishment for DV is seen different and WWE has a zero tolerance policy that means youre fired if you get convicted. Its a different time.
That's the big thing for me. Stone Cold owned up to what he did and faced the justice system like a man, he did his time in probation after pleading out and kept clean since.
Regardless of what some want to think, yes, time does change things. Back in 2004, nobody blinked an eye at domestic violence, as you showed with the NFL examples. Domestic violence didn't get thrown into the public light and become an instant fire crime until the Rice video surfaced and now almost every company on Earth is zero tolerance with domestic violence.
Was WWE wrong to not at least suspend Stone Cold back in 2004? Yes, but he did his time and has moved on. To punish him now by firing him for it would be the same as any company going and firing someone with a DV conviction on their record from 1985 just because DV is a zero tolerance crime now. They faced the legal music already and the fans have chosen to either forgive Stone Cold or just ignore his past crime over these past 11 years.
Hogan is different. Again, despite what some want to believe, just because the tape was recorded and the comments said in 2006 has absolutely zero meaning. They could have been said in 1960 for all anyone cares, but they came into the public light now, in 2015, when comments like those are a career death penalty. Hell, just look at Paula Dean. She admitted to using the word back in 1986 (and was accused of using it still as recently as 2007) and was instantly kicked to the curb by Food Network and her sponsors just for simply admitting she had used it in the past. Hogan is on tape actually SAYING it, repeatedly, and worse.
Aholbert also makes the point that if this had come out back in 2006 and Hogan had just admitted to it, told story, admitted to being in a bad place when he said it, things might be different now, 9 years later. Instead he and his lawyers went full all out to try and HIDE that entire conversation and keep what he said from ever coming to light with his $100 million lawsuit. He didn't just admit to it and own up to it (like Stone Cold did with his DV), he tried his damnedest to hide it and sweep it under the rug and never let the public find out about it by filing $100 million lawsuits and trying to get the courts to seal it up.
That also separates Stone Cold (faced the music for what he did back at the time it happened) and Hogan (tried to intentionally hide the tape and keep what he said from ever coming to light for over 9 years via lawyers and lawsuits rather than facing the music himself back in 2006) in regards to this whole debate.
Except you're still glossing over the fact the man said "I Am a racist."
And miss me with the well his black friends bs. That's like Sean Hannity finding that one black person to rant about Obama.
No I'm not glossing over that he said "I'm a racist" I've addressed it
2 or 3 times now.
You're the one not acknowledging the possibility of Hogan saying
it from raw emotion and just talking straight $hit to somebody.
Unless you're some strict Bible thumper or high level church boy
you personally or someone you know has gone on a hateful tirade
on either people from another race, religion, women, gays, friends,
family members, teammates if you play sports etc. etc. and they
didn't mean it.
The truth is some people actually mean those things when they say it
and some people don't.
Somebody brought up Donald Sterling...
Difference between Sterling and Hogan is EVERYBODY knew Sterling was
racist for years before that incident. Dude has a long history of incidents
that are well documented before what happened last year.
No I'm not glossing over that he said "I'm a racist" I've addressed it
2 or 3 times now.
You're the one not acknowledging the possibility of Hogan saying
it from raw emotion and just talking straight $hit to somebody.
Unless you're some strict Bible thumper or high level church boy
you personally or someone you know has gone on a hateful tirade
on either people from another race, religion, women, gays, friends,
family members, teammates if you play sports etc. etc. and they
didn't mean it.
The truth is some people actually mean those things when they say it
and some people don't.
Somebody brought up Donald Sterling...
Difference between Sterling and Hogan is EVERYBODY knew Sterling was
racist for years before that incident. Dude has a long history of incidents
that are well documented before what happened last year.
And you didn't hear one person defend Sterling
I dont know about the people you hang out with but I havent and im not a bible thumper or church boy. They have either meant it or were clearly joking. I have a close family member who is a clear anti-semite and homophobe. Now she use the bible to justify her prejudices but she clearly means it.
The people I know dont just randomly hurl racist slurs just because they are upset. For example if they are upset about an asian person, they dont go to using racial slurs to express their anger or insult the person. There are so many ways to express your anger without going racial and usually when a person goes there, there is an underlying racist reason.
I dont know about the people you hang out with but I havent and im not a bible thumper or church boy. They have either meant it or were clearly joking. I have a close family member who is a clear anti-semite and homophobe. Now she use the bible to justify her prejudices but she clearly means it.
The people I know dont just randomly hurl racist slurs just because they are upset. For example if they are upset about an asian person, they dont go to using racial slurs to express their anger or insult the person. There are so many ways to express your anger without going racial and usually when a person goes there, there is an underlying racist reason.
If you go back in time to 9/11 almost 14 years ago and secretly
recorded many Americans conversations in there homes TONS of
people were bashing Muslims and acting like every middle eastern
person is a terrorist...
Fast forward 14 years later some will still feel the exact same way,
some will have completely changed their tunes and some will be
Not only do people say or do things in the heat of the moment that
they don't mean there are some that do mean it and eventually change.
There are criminals in jail who can rehab themselves learn from their
mistakes and become well functioning members of society.
We can debate this all day but when it comes to Hulk Hogan many
people will see him as a racist now and hate him forever and many
people will think he was talking smack at the time and he's truly not
a racist.
If you go back in time to 9/11 almost 14 years ago and secretly
recorded many Americans conversations in there homes TONS of
people were bashing Muslims and acting like every middle eastern
person is a terrorist...
Fast forward 14 years later some will still feel the exact same way,
some will have completely changed their tunes and some will be
Not only do people say or do things in the heat of the moment that
they don't mean there are some that do mean it and eventually change.
There are criminals in jail who can rehab themselves learn from their
mistakes and become well functioning members of society.
We can debate this all day but when it comes to Hulk Hogan many
people will see him as a racist now and hate him forever and many
people will think he was talking smack at the time and he's truly not
a racist.
...and those people are racists or prejudiced against Muslims.
Maybe I'm different. I dont tolerate or excuse simple minded people. If at any time you feel the need to use racial slurs about a minority and its not a joke, I believe those are your true feelings about that race.
I've been angry at hispanics and I've never called any hispanic a wetback. I've been angry at asians and I've never called one a chink or slant eye. The reason why is because race has nothing to do with why im angry.
Lets go back to Hogan. If you look past the racial slurs, what it came down to was that Hogan was upset that his daughter was working with a rich guy to produce her album. He felt betrayed because he spent millions on her album and she wasnt working with him anymore. So lets say Hogan isnt really a racist....why is he calling the guy a ******? Why is he admitting to be a racist? Why is he ignorantly claiming that everyone is a little racist? Why does he feel its OK for his daughter to date a ****** as long as he's a tall basketball player?
If he's not angry about the person being black and doesnt carry feelings that blacks are inferior....why is race even coming up?
Finally, regarding all those black stars that are supporting him, thats not surprising. During the video, he made it clear that he was OK with rich black people. They are OK with him. So the fact that he considers Shaq a friend isnt surprising either...Shaq is rich so are most of the other people supporting Hogan.
There are tons of people who will do business with black people but would never invite them into their homes. There are plenty of people who are friendly and cordial with black people who would object to a black person marrying their daughter. Just because you have black "friends" doesnt mean you cant have prejudiced/racist opinions about blacks.
...and those people are racists or prejudiced against Muslims.
Maybe I'm different. I dont tolerate or excuse simple minded people. If at any time you feel the need to use racial slurs about a minority and its not a joke, I believe those are your true feelings about that race.
I've been angry at hispanics and I've never called any hispanic a wetback. I've been angry at asians and I've never called one a chink or slant eye. The reason why is because race has nothing to do with why im angry.
Lets go back to Hogan. If you look past the racial slurs, what it came down to was that Hogan was upset that his daughter was working with a rich guy to produce her album. He felt betrayed because he spent millions on her album and she wasnt working with him anymore. So lets say Hogan isnt really a racist....why is he calling the guy a ******? Why is he admitting to be a racist? Why is he ignorantly claiming that everyone is a little racist? Why does he feel its OK for his daughter to date a ****** as long as he's a tall basketball player?
If he's not angry about the person being black and doesnt carry feelings that blacks are inferior....why is race even coming up?
Finally, regarding all those black stars that are supporting him, thats not surprising. During the video, he made it clear that he was OK with rich black people. They are OK with him. So the fact that he considers Shaq a friend isnt surprising either...Shaq is rich so are most of the other people supporting Hogan.
There are tons of people who will do business with black people but would never invite them into their homes. There are plenty of people who are friendly and cordial with black people who would object to a black person marrying their daughter. Just because you have black "friends" doesnt mean you cant have prejudiced/racist opinions about blacks.
The fact that Hogan ended up his tirade saying he was cool with his
daughter dating a black guy if he was tall and a rich basketball player
is just another sign that he was just talking nonsensical smack. Do
you not know Hulk Hogan by now? He has a reputation of being a
liar and a exaggerator. Ask him what his favorite match or memory
is and he well tell you 5 different answers. He is notorious for saying
things without thinking about them first. Also it hasn't even been mentioned
if he was possibly intoxicated or stoned before he was with Heather Clem
it was 8 years ago so who knows.
You can dismiss Rodman, Kamala, Virgil, Foreman, Arsenio, Shaq etc
for sticking up for him all you want but there is tons of black people
that aren't rich that are regular people that are sticking up for him as
well despite what he said on the internet and im not talking about the
people trolling him on twitter with the soccer pictures. My best friend is
black and he thinks its a joke how the media is trying to destroy him.
Have you seen the "Finding Hulk Hogan" Documentary? You can find
it on Youtube it documents his life at the time when those comments
were made.
- After 30 years his in ring wrestling career is over full time
- His back is in so much pain he needs multiple surgeries
- He can barely walk and is on a ton of antibiotics
- Lets Nick and his friend take the car out for a spin and the tragedy happens
- He takes the heat and gets sued because hes Nicks legal guardian
- His wife turns heel leaves him for an 18 year old and divorces him
- Linda raids him in the divorce and takes about 80%
- He tries his best to help his talentless daughter get a music career
- His daughter botches it up and only got anywhere because of his name
- One of his best friends convinces him to sleep with his wife
- He secretly tapes it and tries to profit from it
Hogan admits he was close to suicide but a call from Muhammed Ali's
daughter (obviously a black woman) saved his life.
They ended up talking and meeting and working together on American
Gladiators Hogan met his new wife got a job with TNA and WWE and
had successfully rehabbed his life to where he was happy again and
working in the industry he loved.
Having your life and legacy fall apart and have some of your own
family turn on you and become suicidal is a little different mindset
then you having a bad day with Hispanics and Asians.
I'd love to see anyone go through the stuff Hogan did during that time
period and be some politically correct angels in a private conversation
with someone.
Ya let's destroy a 62 year old person who has ONE incident in their
entire life over a 30 second rambling tirade when their life was in
shambles nearly a decade ago.
Does it excuse what he said? no
But I can't believe you won't even fathom the possibility of him or
anybody saying something in the heat of the moment on raw emotion
that they didn't mean.
He said he was OK with his daughter dating a 7 foot basketball playing ******. He couldve said black guy. He couldve said black dude. He chose to use a racial slur instead.
Just because a number of former athletes, two wrestlers who benefited from Hogan's celebrity and your black best friend think he isnt racist doesnt mean he isnt. You tried to use Sterling as an example of someone who the wold universally thinks is racist and I gave you two examples of black celebrities who defended him and dont think he's racist.
Also, what is your point in listing all the bad things that happened to him? So if I lose my job, my wife leaves me and my kid disowns me that makes me more likely to use racial slurs? I'm gonna start calling Jews "kikes" because I'm having a rough time in my life? Really?
Ive had some ROUGH times in my life and never started using racial slurs. If that happens to you or ur friends when you guys have rough times, you have some deep seeded issues.
He said he was OK with his daughter dating a 7 foot basketball playing ******. He couldve said black guy. He couldve said black dude. He chose to use a racial slur instead.
Just because a number of former athletes, two wrestlers who benefited from Hogan's celebrity and your black best friend think he isnt racist doesnt mean he isnt. You tried to use Sterling as an example of someone who the wold universally thinks is racist and I gave you two examples of black celebrities who defended him and dont think he's racist.
Also, what is your point in listing all the bad things that happened to him? So if I lose my job, my wife leaves me and my kid disowns me that makes me more likely to use racial slurs? I'm gonna start calling Jews "kikes" because I'm having a rough time in my life? Really?
Ive had some ROUGH times in my life and never started using racial slurs. If that happens to you or ur friends when you guys have rough times, you have some deep seeded issues.
Ya and just because you think he truly meant the things he said
doesn't mean that he really is racist.
This debate is completely subjective and what makes it interesting
is you can have a white guy say hes a racist and I'm done with him
and a black guy say I believe his apology and I don't believe he's truly
My comment on Donald Sterling was a figure of speech you cited
2 or 3 people that supported Sterling there is tons of wrestlers and
celebrities supporting Hogan as well as a high number of people on
social media and online wrestling sites. Did anybody support Sterling
online or on social media? and why is that? because Sterling had a long
history of racial remarks and incidents. Comparing the two is apple and
And congratulations to you for being a perfect little saint who can
hold his anger in at all times I wish I knew you instead of the people
I've met from all circles of life. One day you will finally snap it might
not be a racial, homophobic or sexiest but you will snap in the heat of the
moment and you will be like almost every other human that has made
this mistake.
Ya and just because you think he truly meant the things he said
doesn't mean that he really is racist.
This debate is completely subjective and what makes it interesting
is you can have a white guy say hes a racist and I'm done with him
and a black guy say I believe his apology and I don't believe he's truly
My comment on Donald Sterling was a figure of speech you cited
2 or 3 people that supported Sterling there is tons of wrestlers and
celebrities supporting Hogan as well as a high number of people on
social media and online wrestling sites. Did anybody support Sterling
online or on social media? and why is that? because Sterling had a long
history of racial remarks and incidents. Comparing the two is apple and
And congratulations to you for being a perfect little saint who can
hold his anger in at all times I wish I knew you instead of the people
I've met from all circles of life. One day you will finally snap it might
not be a racial, homophobic or sexiest but you will snap in the heat of the
moment and you will be like almost every other human that has made
this mistake.
Out of curiosity, what are you trying to prove here? That racism is inexcusable--except for certain circumstances? Or just because you go on a racial tirade and declare yourself as racist, you're not actually racist? Or racism depends on the mood you're in? Or having black friends negates racism?
Ya and just because you think he truly meant the things he said
doesn't mean that he really is racist.
This debate is completely subjective and what makes it interesting
is you can have a white guy say hes a racist and I'm done with him
and a black guy say I believe his apology and I don't believe he's truly
My comment on Donald Sterling was a figure of speech you cited
2 or 3 people that supported Sterling there is tons of wrestlers and
celebrities supporting Hogan as well as a high number of people on
social media and online wrestling sites. Did anybody support Sterling
online or on social media? and why is that? because Sterling had a long
history of racial remarks and incidents. Comparing the two is apple and
And congratulations to you for being a perfect little saint who can
hold his anger in at all times I wish I knew you instead of the people
I've met from all circles of life. One day you will finally snap it might
not be a racial, homophobic or sexiest but you will snap in the heat of the
moment and you will be like almost every other human that has made
this mistake.
There were plenty of people supporting Sterling on social media. You dont know what you are talking about. You were the one who brought up Sterling so I dont know why its apples to oranges now. It was apples to apples when you thought Sterling's situation would help your argument.
What you keep getting messed up is I'm not saying I dont get angry. I get angry ALL THE TIME. The difference is I dont start calling people ******s or chinks or crackers or wetbacks because I'm angry.
People who do that are really ****ty people. LOL. They just are. There are SO MANY to express your anger without resulting to racial slurs. It sucks that you and your friends have trouble controlling yourself enough to prevent yourself from using racial slurs when you get angry.
I get angry but I don't use racial slurs or that language. I curse and swear and call someone an a-hole, but never have I used a racial slur. It's not about being high and mighty; its that I wouldn't even think of calling someone the names Hogan used.
The fact that you defend him is getting laughable. He was inappropriate - end of discussion. You can't say that stuff - end of discussion.