NBA 2K16 News Post

The 2K Pro-Am is coming to NBA 2K16, but what does it mean exactly? It obviously has something to do with professional and amateur players, but to what extent? There was nothing related to a 2K Pro-Am in the NBA 2K16 achievement list, which revealed quite a bit of information, so we are left scratching our head until 2K gives us more details.

We will update this post or create a new one when more details become available, but until then, what do you think this could be?

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Member Comments
# 41 abcfinest @ 07/16/15 10:10 AM
I thought 2k was gone implement pro am in 2012 with 2k13 because of the lockout that happen the year before in 2011. In 2011 most of the nba players were playing in pro am games. This got me excited. Hopefully we can play offline with our my player and nba players. Online it should be 5v5 with all myplayers. We should be able do a quick match with randoms or create a team and play other teams. Hopefully it's like crew where it takes 3 real players to play but we can use 2 cpu nba players if we dont got 5 of out friends online .
# 42 Csmooove32 @ 07/16/15 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by MikeGSW
Am I the only person who remembers full teams of 7ft players? Lmao.

People are in denial. Crew was the biggest cheese feast in 2k ever. Why do people think they took it out? Because it needed fixed. Not quick fixed. Properly fixed. Hence why it's been 4/5 years and it still hasn't been brought back.
Just because a mode has problems does that mean it needs to be gone forever? Lol don't get me started on MyTeam.

But Ima stay on topic, I wouldn't mind a Drew League style league online with our myplayers and CPU NBA players to make up the rest of our teams.
# 43 abcfinest @ 07/16/15 10:36 AM
I just notice on the pro am pic that 2k tweeted. It shows 5 guys. 3 faces they show and the other 2 faces on the ends are blank. So my theory is that it takes 3 my players to start a team and you can add 2 cpu players if you don't have 5 myplayers online ready to play
# 44 Clappington @ 07/16/15 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by abcfinest
I just notice on the pro am pic that 2k tweeted. It shows 5 guys. 3 faces they show and the other 2 faces on the ends are blank. So my theory is that it takes 3 my players to start a team and you can add 2 cpu players if you don't have 5 myplayers online ready to play
I was thinking something along those lines but idk they always leave us speculating and wont ever say what it is.
# 45 Clappington @ 07/16/15 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Sorry my opinion doesn't warrant your valuable consideration. I guess I'm one "those" guys. All I'm saying is that I can make a laundry list of issues from 2k11 that were gone by 2k15.
I believe what Jrocc is saying is in terms of myplayer online its a lot more cheese now then before, which wouldn't be a false statement at all back then really only had to deal with hop step in paint and hacked players, wasnt any zig zaggin, no step back corner 3s, no traveling, no dunking on someone 50 times a game, no abusing behind the back. Game play is better now yes but what came along with that is a lot more cheese stuff in terms of my player online.
# 46 Boilerbuzz @ 07/16/15 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Taer
If I had to take a guess, this ProAm event in 2k16 takes the place of the "Elite vs Stars" game 2k14 had take place in New York for MyCareer. I wouldn't be surprised if it was nothing but a re-skin.

Right. A tweet out to millions for a re-skin. Makes total sense considering the high amount of utter stupidity that runs rampant there...
# 47 Boilerbuzz @ 07/16/15 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Clappington
I believe what Jrocc is saying is in terms of myplayer online its a lot more cheese now then before, which wouldn't be a false statement at all back then really only had to deal with hop step in paint and hacked players, wasnt any zig zaggin, no step back corner 3s, no traveling, no dunking on someone 50 times a game, no abusing behind the back. Game play is better now yes but what came along with that is a lot more cheese stuff in terms of my player online.

Almost all of those things you mention were absolutely possible in 2k11. They just weren't used as much as the lightning rod tactics of the time. There was traveling. There was OP dunking. There was the baseline cheese. Offball defense was big point of discussion. The behind the back cross was just as effective - just harder to pull off because of responsiveness. And wasn't there a shot that was treated as layup, making it money from any distance? Or was that 12. Frankly, zigzagging is not as effective now as it was earlier in the cycle. Most of this stuff is negated by good defense and are not impossible to stop as the tactics from 2k11. Those were completely unstoppable.
# 48 HowDareI @ 07/16/15 01:51 PM
Let's stop arguing over which game has more/less cheese because it's all opinions...but I will say this:

The more moves and animations you include, the more exploits come with it.

The connection in 11 was crap, always laggy...so you didn't have laser 3 point shooters it was a lot harder. People can pull up now with a certain shot and be money (especially with these perfect releases.)

The signature gathers into shots in 11 were borderline cheese..certain ones always left you open. Same thing with crosses/behind the backs now. Idc how good of a defender you think you are if someone spams a certain combo they WILL get space enough to shoot.

Yes there were hacked players...there still is lol sad but true.

I love the competition that comes with bringing your my player online with your friends and your squad tryna show out and be the best...but it's like the harder they try and improve the game, the more they put into the game with animations and signature styles, the more it becomes a match of who's better at playing 2K not BASKETBALL. The more it becomes who went online and found out the best releases and dribbles not BASKETBALL.

2K11 (if you played sim teams) was great. 5 on 5 and mostly a match of who can play better basketball. I still get good games on rec now but 9 times out of 10 it's just who can put up the most 3's in a game.
No post ups, because you'll just get stripped. No pick and rolls because someone will just double you and take a charge. No defense because a 3 is only a stepback away.

I really hope they did their best at nerfing some of these dribbles and shots..5 on 5 organized ball (if that's what this is) needs to play like real basketball.

Make the default gameplay online very unforgiving.
Spamming dribbles has to result in a turnover unless you're a truly elite ballhandler (PG's ONLY).
If I lock you down and you're trying your hardest to get past me? Your stamina takes a big hit. So that means you're not gonna randomly get a boost and speed past me to dunk on my center.

I don't even care if this is like crew or not, just improve on the rec. Make it really sim. Leave the arcade stuff in the park.
# 49 snocone @ 07/16/15 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Right. A tweet out to millions for a re-skin. Makes total sense considering the high amount of utter stupidity that runs rampant there...
Its not like it takes a lot of money or effort to make a tweet
# 50 Guapo516 @ 07/16/15 02:14 PM
Forgive me if anyone guessed this already but may be its the Drew league and that's how they incorporate celebs like they used to
# 51 Bexthelegend @ 07/16/15 02:21 PM
What? In what way is it harder to stop zig zagging in 2k11 than 2k15? With the deadeye and shot creater badges that exist in 2k15, along with the ridiculous perfect releases, it's much more overpowered than 2k11. Have you played the game? When you Zig zagged in 2k11 you didn't get rewarded by ridiculous op badges. There's no way that they're even comparable. 2k11 actually looked like nba basketball rather than nba jam mixed with nba streets volume 2
# 52 Boilerbuzz @ 07/16/15 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by snocone
Its not like it takes a lot of money or effort to make a tweet
When was this about money? The tweet is forever. I HIGHLY doubt they would go out of their way to actually put a tweet out for a "reskin".
# 53 WaddupCouzin @ 07/16/15 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by MikeGSW
Am I the only person who remembers full teams of 7ft players? Lmao.

People are in denial. Crew was the biggest cheese feast in 2k ever. Why do people think they took it out? Because it needed fixed. Not quick fixed. Properly fixed. Hence why it's been 4/5 years and it still hasn't been brought back.
Bruh, they're in serious denial! The mode was a straight up cheesefest!

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# 54 Boilerbuzz @ 07/16/15 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bexthelegend
What? In what way as it harder to stop zig zagging in 2k11 than 2k15? With the deadeye and shot creater badges that exist in 2k15, along with the ridiculous perfect releases, it's much more overpowered than 2k11. Have you played the game? When you Zig zagged in 2k11 you didn't get rewarded by ridiculous op badges. There's no way that they're even comparable. 2k11 actually looked like nba basketball rather than nba jam mixed with nba streets volume 2
First - the badges have counter-badges! You can get defensive badges to negate each offensive badge. But I guess everyone ignores that or doesn't care about defensive badges. But then have the nerve to bitch about offensive badges. Secondly, the cheese in 2K11, most of it was mechanical and had NO answers. In 2K15, with zig-zag, not only do they heavily hit the percentages, but I've seen PLENTY of people defend it just fine. If some idiot wants to do that crap and take pretty much the SAME penalty for it as if there was defender on a set shot, go for it. I hear and AGREE with the "perfect" release bull**** we got thanks to all that EA hype. I'm SO glad it's a general fail.

Anyway, ultimately, the talk about 2K15 being more cheese that 2K11 has to be measured with the fact that 2K11 had just as much, and some of it had no answer at all.

But you guys can believe what you want to believe. What do I know? I obviously know nothing about the game it would seem.

And the epitome of hyperbole comes in statements that claim NBA 2K15 looks like NBA Jam or Street. How YOU played those games? You're seriously comparing 2K15 to those games? Wow.
# 55 Pokes404 @ 07/16/15 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by MikeGSW
Am I the only person who remembers full teams of 7ft players? Lmao.

People are in denial. Crew was the biggest cheese feast in 2k ever. Why do people think they took it out? Because it needed fixed. Not quick fixed. Properly fixed. Hence why it's been 4/5 years and it still hasn't been brought back.
Crew was a fun mode, and I don't think it should have been out of the game for as long as it has been.

That being said ... you're right. I enjoyed playing it with friends, but it was some of the ugliest basketball at times. There were countless games against a team of 2 guys with 99 OVR 6-10 SGs, taking 40 shots apiece, and basically no way to stop them without getting lucky and perfectly timing your block attempt (there was no R-stick contest in 2K11). Sometimes you'd get a really fun, sim game on Crew ... but those were the rare exception from my experience.
# 56 lil_smitty31 @ 07/16/15 02:45 PM
A pro-am is were local legends and NBA players get together to play in a competitive summer league which can last for about 1 month or so..

Here is a link to a popular Pro-am leaguehttp://www.seattlebasketballproam.com/?page_id=7334
# 57 gremdog8 @ 07/16/15 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by lil_smitty31
A pro-am is were local legends and NBA players get together to play in a competitive summer league which can last for about 1 month or so..

Here is a link to a popular Pro-am leaguehttp://www.seattlebasketballproam.com/?page_id=7334
We know what the pro-am is bro lol, everyone is just speculating what 2ks intentions are with it and how it will be implemented in 2k16.
# 58 lakers24 @ 07/16/15 03:03 PM
Hmmm, this sounds familiar .....
# 59 willh313 @ 07/16/15 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tomb Of God
Pro Am's are also all flash little substance. Dunks, no defense, raining three's...I don't think in any way a Pro Am mode could be a revamped crew. Team jerseys? Yes. Crowd setting? Yes. Potential for Sim basketball? Doubtful.
Yea but why would it not be sim when you still have a Park mode for street ball antics?
# 60 Jrocc23 @ 07/16/15 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
I believe what Jrocc is saying is in terms of myplayer online its a lot more cheese now then before, which wouldn't be a false statement at all back then really only had to deal with hop step in paint and hacked players, wasnt any zig zaggin, no step back corner 3s, no traveling, no dunking on someone 50 times a game, no abusing behind the back. Game play is better now yes but what came along with that is a lot more cheese stuff in terms of my player online.

Exactly. And dude Mike is talking about 7+ players but it's going on now lol. I also said barring hacking and modded players. Some people try to talk about stuff that they have no idea about.

The only issues I had on 11 was Spin dunk which could be stopped but if a user knew how to do it w/o posting up, you was in trouble. Hopstep was annoying, but could def be contained. A lot of the stuff I am reading wasn't even in 2K11 or people are mistaken. No RS contest? I could've sworn I could do that. Maybe you couldn't move as well but you def could put your hands up. Stuff like that shows people don't remember a lot of stuff. Behind the back cheese in 11? Maybe you mean 10. Layup shot in 2K11? C'mon. It was only spin dunk, hopstep and some had issues w/ euros.

2K11 you wasn't throwing alleys and just catching them while people in the lane, you're not just dunking on people if they sitting in the paint, NOBODY was shooting 3s crazy in 2K11, if they was, they weren't shooting a high % lol. All people do on 15 is shoot 3s now because it's ridiculously easy to zig zag and get a little space and get a perfect release. Man, just go watch a rec game and watch a crew video. WITHOUT a modded player. Tell me which one looks more like basketball.

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