MLB 15 The Show News Post

MLB 15 The Show has the look, sound, and feel of baseball. It doesn't do many things great, something that is hindered by the series' unwillingness to take big risks, but it does just about everything well. And in a world where games are shipping with just about nothing working as it's supposed to, it's a relief to say that MLB 15 The Show is about as rock-solid as it gets.

As it does every year, this year's iteration focuses on how to move forward without taking any steps back. Little things like improved grass patterns and adding swing animations don't stand out too much at first, but it brings the game's replayability to an all time high. The same goes with its game modes, where simple changes should go a long way in keeping players invested in their franchise, or Road to the Show.

At the end of the day, MLB The Show is always going to be about the little things. And for this year, at the very least, that seems perfectly reasonable.

Read More - MLB 15 The Show Review (PS4)

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 My993C2 @ 04/08/15 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mets7766
I got picked off twice yesterday...
I guess you guys do not know what a MoM game is. MoM stands for "Manage Only Mode". I'm not talking about when you as a human are controlling the base runners where you have purposely decided to take an extra large lead and as a result are getting picked off by the CPU pitcher. No I'm talking about CPU controlled pitchers and CPU controlled base runners here, as in how MoM games and CPU vs CPU games work, where pick offs have been completely removed from the game where they once worked fine in previous years.
# 62 Knight165 @ 04/08/15 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by jsquigg
No, you're absolutely right. I've never had an elk steak before, but everyone knows it tastes terrible. And having never lived in a mansion, I can say they are a big waste of space.
Except if he would have played the game....he would have known that uniforms do get dirty and attendance is indeed dynamic and dependent on the very factors he listed as something the game SHOULD do(it does...but of course...if he played....he would know instead of compiling so called negatives that he couldn't verify himself)

I'm not even going to get into the rest of his post.....the MoM part is ridiculous.
But no.....let's continue to post about things we don't really know about first hand. It makes for such compelling reading.

# 63 cubfaninga @ 04/08/15 11:50 PM
Ok guys, my beef with SCEA is that #1. I am a Cub fan and like to use Travis Wood as a pinch hitter. After i pinch hit for him he has to stay in the game and pitch to at least one batter. That ain't right. I should be able to use him and then put a different pitcher to continue (Oh...and this is an OLD BUG #2 What is so hard about using the regional/local pa announcers & tv broadcasters and commentary? ? ? I guess the hardest part would be getting all 60 or 70 of them together for one weekend in San Diego. As far as the rest everything is great. OH I almost forget the pure analog hitting is gone. I don't even like it anymore. I can't control my players stride? Why did you take it away? I have to admit, I guess they want you to use directional hitting which they hit a home run with...Any thoughts????
# 64 Smallville102001 @ 04/08/15 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by My993C2
I guess you guys do not know what a MoM game is. MoM stands for "Manage Only Mode". I'm not talking about when you as a human are controlling the base runners where you have purposely decided to take an extra large lead and as a result are getting picked off by the CPU pitcher. No I'm talking about CPU controlled pitchers and CPU controlled base runners here, as in how MoM games and CPU vs CPU games work, where pick offs have been completely removed from the game where they once worked fine in previous years.

Do people really watch CPU games? What is the point? I think not many people would do that. I don't have the free time like I used to for video games and I have a lot of another games I still need to play more of or beat to. I just find it kind of pointless to do.
# 65 My993C2 @ 04/09/15 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
Do people really watch CPU games? What is the point? I think not many people would do that. I don't have the free time like I used to for video games and I have a lot of another games I still need to play more of or beat to. I just find it kind of pointless to do.
You know what I think is pointless, attempting to demean people on the internet for enjoying the game the way they like to enjoy it. Now that's pointless. But hey knock yourself out if it makes you feel better about yourself.
# 66 Smallville102001 @ 04/09/15 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by My993C2
You know what I think is pointless, attempting to demean people on the internet for enjoying the game the way they like to enjoy it. Now that's pointless. But hey knock yourself out if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Not trying to demean people just how I fell and I bet a lot of people don't play that mode so for a lot of people that is not going to be an issue that is all. That is why a lot of people are not talking about it. It was said that only like 5% of people used zone+ hitting last year and that is why they took the stride out. I would bet that the % of people that play MOM is even lower then that.
# 67 sink4ever @ 04/09/15 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Except if he would have played the game....he would have known that uniforms do get dirty and attendance is indeed dynamic and dependent on the very factors he listed as something the game SHOULD do(it does...but of course...if he played....he would know instead of compiling so called negatives that he couldn't verify himself)

I'm not even going to get into the rest of his post.....the MoM part is ridiculous.
But no.....let's continue to post about things we don't really know about first hand. It makes for such compelling reading.

I thought jsquigg was being sarcastic, although maybe my sarcasm meter is broken. Hey jsquigg, let me know if you were being serious so I can take my "like" back.

Anyway, I definitely agree it's crazy to try to review a game you haven't played. Just makes no sense whatsoever.
# 68 jcar0725 @ 04/09/15 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Mets7766
I got picked off twice yesterday...
In my franchise, the CPU tried to pick me off first base a handful of times late in the game, tie score, and I wasn't stepping off to a bigger lead when it happened. Not in an MOM game.
# 69 Dolenz @ 04/09/15 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
Shocked that the review did not mention the issues that have been heavily reported

Resolution changing when selecting pitch and hair resolution changing along with handles on seats changing.

The horrible foul ball warping into an out that has happened a bunch of times already for me in different parks

The 2 strike out at first bug that has happen a few times

Those are bad bugs and should be counted to score
But I have played every day and not noticed any of those so it is possible the reviewer did not either.

This is a big game with multiple modes. It is going to be really hard for someone to cover everything after only playing a week.

Maybe the bugs should be mentioned but if I don't see them or can't replicate them they would not affect my score of the game.
# 70 jcar0725 @ 04/09/15 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
Shocked that the review did not mention the issues that have been heavily reported

Resolution changing when selecting pitch and hair resolution changing along with handles on seats changing.

The horrible foul ball warping into an out that has happened a bunch of times already for me in different parks

The 2 strike out at first bug that has happen a few times

Those are bad bugs and should be counted to score
I haven't seen any of these. The game runs smooth as silk.
# 71 CujoMatty @ 04/09/15 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
This is the problem with the sports reviews. The Show is a victim of it's own success. If the next Madden would put out a game the same quality as the Show, it would be getting 9.5's and the internet may literally explode. The reviews (especially on Metacritic) will reflect that many other games are better than the Show when that really isn't the case.

Sports reviews really need 2 scores. One based on how it rates compared to the franchise itself and one for how it compares to other sports games. I can see the argument for some staleness (but it's a good problem to have in their case because so much is done right). So compared to itself, maybe it gets a lower score. However, compared to FIFA, Madden, etc, it should be at the top in review scores because it might be the best sim of the sport it represents.
You just described what I hate about the internet. Lol
not only should we stop putting so much importance on the number associated
With a review but people also need to stop comparing them to other games and just holding the game to its own standard.

I agree that mlb 15 the show is the best sports game ever but but baseball's my favorite sport. I absolutely one million percent guarantee that just as many people feel that way about nba 2k and with soccer's worldwide popularity even more people feel that way about fifa. I'm sure even some believe that about madden.

You can't factually say mlb the show is the best sports game ever. It's subjective. People who feel it's the best game ever want it to be rated the best game ever on metacritic because that would somehow make it a fact. It really doesn't make it that way.

I could care less about what metacritic thinks.
# 72 Dolenz @ 04/09/15 10:58 AM
Metacritic scores can be used as a rough gauge but should never be taken as gospel, especially with Sports games because most reviewers at the major sites are not really sports game fans.
# 73 Bobhead @ 04/09/15 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
This is the problem with the sports reviews. The Show is a victim of it's own success. If the next Madden would put out a game the same quality as the Show, it would be getting 9.5's and the internet may literally explode. The reviews (especially on Metacritic) will reflect that many other games are better than the Show when that really isn't the case.

Sports reviews really need 2 scores. One based on how it rates compared to the franchise itself and one for how it compares to other sports games. I can see the argument for some staleness (but it's a good problem to have in their case because so much is done right). So compared to itself, maybe it gets a lower score. However, compared to FIFA, Madden, etc, it should be at the top in review scores because it might be the best sim of the sport it represents.
Good post. I'd say the same should be said about not just sports games, but any "installment" game, ie: Call of Duty...

But yeah, penalizing the game because previous games were already awesome is a bit disingenuous.

Imagine if people didn't buy Ford-made cars simply because they were "a lot like other cars." Or "my house is really great but man... the bathroom has a toilet, tub, and sink just like my previous house did. I think it's time houses went in a different direction!"

Improvements are always welcome, but it's overall quality that should be evaluated, not just an arbitrary measure of uniqueness.
# 74 KillerSloth @ 04/09/15 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
I never understand the phrase "take big risks to move forward. "

There isn't a whole lot that I would want to change to enjoy the game.

There is a saying that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Changing some of the game engines radically could destroy what we love about the game.

I'm hoping that they continue to add refinements and build the game modes to the next levels.
I agree, reviews for the show are 77 on metacritic...WHAT? It's by far the best sports sim and it is significantly improved IMO, Carry over saves is not getting near enough credit it is the FIRST series in history to do it.

Fielding is massively improved.

ONline is good this year

Directional hitting is great

Licensed gear

Graphics significantly better

How can this game be rated lower then madden......Reviews for this game are a joke,.

How can it be drastically different? It already plays an amazing game of baseball , it's like reviewers want change just for the sake of it without thinking of what they could possible change and the repercussions.
# 75 KillerSloth @ 04/09/15 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
A "big risk" that needs to be taken is re-doing player models, if not completely, then adding a lot more details and variety to them as they are now.

That'll help the game "move forward."
Thats not a big risk, it is just time consuming please.
# 76 KillerSloth @ 04/09/15 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Ronoko
It's surprising to me this game currently stands at 75 at metacritic, but it's still early. I don't see how anyone can play this with all it has to offer and come away thinking it's not at least in the 80s.
It's moronic, have no idea what reviewers are thinking with the show, it's pathetic.
# 77 KillerSloth @ 04/09/15 04:58 PM
Game doesn;t do anything great......I am amazed at that line. I am not sure what is up with the media and the show but it sure seems to me it is being judged much harsher then other sports games.
# 78 KillerSloth @ 04/09/15 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Mets7766
First off, I love The Show. I play it every year and never regret my purchase. That being said, the ps2/ps3 player models and animations have to go. The absolutely beautiful lighting and stadium environments make these holdovers really stick out. Some animations have been in the game since, literally, '05 or '06. It's like Naomi Watts with a big hairy mole...
There is nothing but nonsense in your post, nothing in the show is PS2 era level, jesus.
# 79 kehlis @ 04/09/15 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by KillerSloth
There is nothing but nonsense in your post, nothing in the show is PS2 era level, jesus.
You need to take it easy a bit.

Just a suggestion.

Also, please use the multi quote function if you can instead of back to back to back to back posts.
# 80 KillerSloth @ 04/09/15 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
You need to take it easy a bit.

Just a suggestion.

Also, please use the multi quote function if you can instead of back to back to back to back posts.
My apologies, dumb question time, how do I multi-quote?

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