MLB 15 The Show News Post

MLB 15 The Show has the look, sound, and feel of baseball. It doesn't do many things great, something that is hindered by the series' unwillingness to take big risks, but it does just about everything well. And in a world where games are shipping with just about nothing working as it's supposed to, it's a relief to say that MLB 15 The Show is about as rock-solid as it gets.

As it does every year, this year's iteration focuses on how to move forward without taking any steps back. Little things like improved grass patterns and adding swing animations don't stand out too much at first, but it brings the game's replayability to an all time high. The same goes with its game modes, where simple changes should go a long way in keeping players invested in their franchise, or Road to the Show.

At the end of the day, MLB The Show is always going to be about the little things. And for this year, at the very least, that seems perfectly reasonable.

Read More - MLB 15 The Show Review (PS4)

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 hyacinth1 @ 04/06/15 06:54 PM
I wish they did some more modes or something new. I've done all the current modes in previous versions of the game. This probably goes for most sports games which have the same modes for the last 3-4 years. Feels like I'm playing the same old game.
# 22 jsquigg @ 04/06/15 07:44 PM
This game doesn't do many things great? Is the reviewer on crack? It's reviews like this that cause games to constantly revamp things and fix what isn't broken. The all new lighting is great. The all around game play is probably the best in next gen sports. They tweaked analog hitting and I get that that ticks people off. The presentation isn't mind blowingly perfect so I guess that could always be better. But to complain about petty stuff is ridiculous. The advantage of The Show is that they had a solid base and so far they haven't overhauled anything, but have consistently built off of that base as well as adding several options. I'll take that any day over games that constantly wipe the slate clean every few years only to change the fundamental way their games play, yet it seems reviewers reward games that go from crap to average more than games that maintain excellence. End rant.
# 23 ty5oke @ 04/06/15 07:44 PM
Commentary needs to be more dynamic. They seem to only have one-liners for certain players and hardly use the players real names when it comes to describing the action on the field.

Still not very happy with progression/regression in franchise mode. Gameplay is as solid as ever though and keeps me playing the game every year. Hope they add some more immersion aspects to offline franchise, radio show was a nice start. More stat overlays\discussions during a franchise game about the current year or previous years would be nice.
# 24 DukesofHazzard @ 04/06/15 07:45 PM
They also need to add waaaaay more mlb all time records and team all time records. Also having a top 100 in each of the all time categories like all time homerun leaders would be fantastic. Baseball is americas past time and all time records is a huge part of that.
# 25 Bobhead @ 04/06/15 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
I never understand the phrase "take big risks to move forward. "

There isn't a whole lot that I would want to change to enjoy the game.

There is a saying that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Changing some of the game engines radically could destroy what we love about the game.

I'm hoping that they continue to add refinements and build the game modes to the next levels.
But you can take big risks without changing the game engine, by, for example, reinventing game modes, or trying something completely different as far as presentation goes.

To be clear, I'm not of the opinion that The Show hasn't done this already (Diamond Dynasty anyone? Seems like they took a pretty big risk there)...

But there certainly is a lot of room for "new" without alienating the sport or the fans.
# 26 BenGerman @ 04/06/15 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Ronoko
It's surprising to me this game currently stands at 75 at metacritic, but it's still early. I don't see how anyone can play this with all it has to offer and come away thinking it's not at least in the 80s.
It's because most gaming websites don't have writers who understand sports. They frequently rate Madden higher than The Show.

Edit: Also, thanks for the kind words, guys.
# 27 tabarnes19_SDS @ 04/06/15 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
But you can take big risks without changing the game engine, by, for example, reinventing game modes, or trying something completely different as far as presentation goes.

To be clear, I'm not of the opinion that The Show hasn't done this already (Diamond Dynasty anyone? Seems like they took a pretty big risk there)...

But there certainly is a lot of room for "new" without alienating the sport or the fans.
I'm not disagreeing with you on expanding game modes. I just do not want to see the game play changed to add gimmicky approaches that please the change for change sake crowd.

I'm hoping for the year where franchise mode gets the resources to make the next big jump. I believe it was 09 that the franchise mode took a huge leap with waiver trades, rule 5, etc. I want the next leap as well. Expand on what's there and add new things and take franchise mode to another level.
# 28 Mad dog 31 @ 04/06/15 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
I still laugh when people talk about the commentary being boring and stale. I play countless hours of The Show, NBA 2k, Madden, and NHL every year and it's all the same. All of the commentary in these games gets old rather quickly. I think it's just extremely difficult to get enough lines in and make it dynamic enough to sound like real commentary.

To me, the only way commentary in these games can be bad is if the commentators they use sound really irritating. Gus Johnson annoyed me to no end when he was in Madden ("and he's down... AT THE 19!!").

As for other things mentioned... I love the way they make a lot of steady improvements every year. Each year is always a lot better than the last. I'm hoping the next thing they focus on (aside from game modes, which I think are always improving) is improving the player models. Uniforms/body types/faces/animations (which are getting better). They already added in new skin tones so they may start heading in this direction. MLB 15 will definitely be my go to game until the end of summer at the earliest... just a fantastic baseball sim
This is a perfect synopsis of what makes The Show awesome.
# 29 majestic @ 04/06/15 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
Player models are the one thing that still seriously lacks in The Show. Not sure that re-doing them could break any other parts of the game though. It might not even be risky other than using time and resources for that instead of improving something else.
Totally agree on the player models. They are good, but in a game that has so many other details so realistic, it can be jarring to see a plastic or cartoonish-looking face, or a neck that warps oddly when the head turns, or the way a pitcher's hair doesn't move when he lifts the cap too-smoothly off his head. These are all tiny details, but it's a testament to how good this game is with all the other little details that these moments stick out.

And let's be honest, as amazing as the crowds and the stadiums look, when we're playing the game we spend most of our time staring at the players. If they take a big step forward with the realism of the player models --- without breaking anything else --- it will have a huge impact on our experience of the game.

It may seem to be ungrateful to ask for more from a game that already looks so great, but games like NBA2K and EA's UFC have raised the bar for how realistic humans can look in a next-gen sports game; in this area, MLB:The Show is still lagging a little behind.
# 30 KennyJ1976 @ 04/06/15 09:35 PM
I'm guessing this reviewer has never played PES before if he thinks this commentary is the worse in the sports genre.
# 31 Bobhead @ 04/06/15 09:37 PM
Literally reviewing a game you haven't played yet?

Come on...
# 32 Knight165 @ 04/06/15 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Literally reviewing a game you haven't played yet?

Come on...
...and is just flat out wrong on a few of his talking points!

# 33 japinard @ 04/07/15 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
I still laugh when people talk about the commentary being boring and stale. I play countless hours of The Show, NBA 2k, Madden, and NHL every year and it's all the same. All of the commentary in these games gets old rather quickly. I think it's just extremely difficult to get enough lines in and make it dynamic enough to sound like real commentary.

To me, the only way commentary in these games can be bad is if the commentators they use sound really irritating. Gus Johnson annoyed me to no end when he was in Madden ("and he's down... AT THE 19!!").

As for other things mentioned... I love the way they make a lot of steady improvements every year. Each year is always a lot better than the last. I'm hoping the next thing they focus on (aside from game modes, which I think are always improving) is improving the player models. Uniforms/body types/faces/animations (which are getting better). They already added in new skin tones so they may start heading in this direction. MLB 15 will definitely be my go to game until the end of summer at the earliest... just a fantastic baseball sim
NHL, FIFA, and 2k NBA commentary are a billion times better and more varied than the stale effort they've made in this game. Ironically commentary form baseball is leagues easier to do than in those games so it kind of amplifies the law bar set in The Show.
# 34 Smallville102001 @ 04/07/15 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by BSchwartz07
While I agree that a complete overhaul isn't necessary this game has gone from an annual purchase to one that I'll buy every 2-3 years. I'd like to see them do something to justify shelling out another $60 each year other than just minor adjustments.

Most sports games are minor adjustments form year to year like 90% of the time and this game already plays so great that it is going to be hard to have a big jump compared to the another sports games out there.
# 35 Smallville102001 @ 04/07/15 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by BenGerman
It's because most gaming websites don't have writers who understand sports. They frequently rate Madden higher than The Show.

Edit: Also, thanks for the kind words, guys.

Madden has been way way overrated since like madden 07 and mlb has been way underrated.
# 36 Syce @ 04/07/15 03:59 AM
i like the paragraph about online play, while i have had difference experiences with connections, the opposing player sounds about right, too many play the game like its a arcade game. im more of a simulation type player so going up against players who act ******** to win just turns me away from online games mostly. its probably why i usually will only play online to play in a simulation online league where there are rules and people play the game more like it should.
# 37 Factzzz @ 04/07/15 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by majestic
And let's be honest, as amazing as the crowds and the stadiums look, when we're playing the game we spend most of our time staring at the players. If they take a big step forward with the realism of the player models --- without breaking anything else --- it will have a huge impact on our experience of the game.

It may seem to be ungrateful to ask for more from a game that already looks so great, but games like NBA2K and EA's UFC have raised the bar for how realistic humans can look in a next-gen sports game; in this area, MLB:The Show is still lagging a little behind.
This is what i've been saying since last year,

the players are the center of attention when it comes to graphics for sports games, no matter how you spin it. This is why some people still say the game looks the same as the ps3 version.

And for the player models to be minimally touched since the introduction of the ps4, is pretty bad IMO. Compared to the two games mentioned, NBA 2k and EA UFC, the Show's player models are not where they should be.

With that said, the first two years on ps4, they've done an excellent job with the stadiums, even though they still don't have domed versions of the retractable roof stadiums somehow, so now hopefully they focus more on the players next year.
# 38 CaseIH @ 04/07/15 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
I never understand the phrase "take big risks to move forward. "

There isn't a whole lot that I would want to change to enjoy the game.

There is a saying that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Changing some of the game engines radically could destroy what we love about the game.

I'm hoping that they continue to add refinements and build the game modes to the next levels.

Yep, I agree, just look at what NBA2k typically does each yr they try to add a bunch of new stuff, only to have important modes practically unplayable because of bugs they cant or wont fix. Madden typically screws thing up too each yr.

MLBTS is the only sports game you can count on yearly to be playable early on in the season. Other games sometime stay broke the whole season with so many issue to key modes. Reason why I will buy MLBTS day1, even though I typically don't play it much till OSFM rosters comes out because I know they don't screw things up so bad.

I hope these devs don't fall forth few who whine about not enough new features each yr, or big changes. Ill take a slow improvement that done right from the get go.
# 39 Armor and Sword @ 04/07/15 08:00 AM
8.5 - MLB 14 The Show PS4

8.5 - MLB 15 The Show PS4

Now don't get me wrong. 8.5 is super strong. But this years game oozes improvements under the hood that were immediately noticeable. Base runner speed differential, outfielder speed differential, ball spins and breaks, ball physics 4.0. Being able to the ball off your bat was a huge immersion addition IMO. Licensed equipment is massive for immersion. It looks amazing.

But let's talk about what IMO pushes the game to at least a 9.

Online and Diamond Dynasty and manual fielding.

Yes that's right. Online is working. At least for me thus far it has been excellent. I played two online franchise games last night without a hitch. Being able to finally play in 30 man league is a dream and is going to tai this game to a new level for me. While I love my offline franchise, and believe me I will still play it hardcore. Playing online in a sim league with mature players plus the addiction that is now Diamond Dynasty, this game is not leaving my console.

Fielding on this game has finally made the jump I had been waiting for since I started playing the series. And even though I auto field and manual throw on my offline franchise's and classic season replays (for player rating statistical integrity), I love to field now on The Show and am playing online like a monster because fielding is smooth, responsive and down right amazing. FINALLY!!!

I am serious.

I have shelved NBA2K15 and Madden 15. I seriously don't see myself touching those save for an occasional change of pace. Online is working and working well for the most part. At least for me and a ton of my league mates so far.

This game is certainly better than 14 on a lot of levels. It's not perfect. And I don't agree with some presentation design decisions which I have noted in my impression post so no need to re-hash it.

But this is a much better game overall than 14 and deserves the perception of that with at least a 9....not the same score as last years port.
# 40 Blazzen @ 04/07/15 08:28 AM
Good review.

The Show is consistently good. It's the best sports franchise period. It's a TRUE SIMULATION unlike other games (cough MADDEN cough) that claim to be a simulation but are more like an arcade game.

Long live THE SHOW!

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