MLB 15 The Show News Post

Tonight at 8 p.m. ET, 5 p.m. PT -- the folks at Sony San Diego will be hosting a live stream talking with the MLB 15 The Show character artists team as well as showing off a full game of The Show. You can watch the stream on Twitch or by unveiling the player below.

UPDATE: Archives are available for those that missed it, links and embeds below.

- Part 1

- Part 2

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 eaw913 @ 03/02/15 11:59 PM
Hoz, will 1080p be available once they finish processing?
# 42 HozAndMoose @ 03/03/15 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by eaw913
Hoz, will 1080p be available once they finish processing?
Yeah it should.
# 43 Tyler4 @ 03/03/15 12:21 AM
Am I the only one who really really wants to see all the batting stances and pitching motions in this year's game?!?!
# 44 bkluvsm3 @ 03/03/15 12:26 AM
Nice stream only problem is Player Faces still too many generic looking beards ....ie Bryce harper needs face scan update as well as hunter pence from what I see looks nothing like real counter parts
# 45 bluclws22 @ 03/03/15 12:27 AM
Did not know there was a stream tonight. So many clients that needed to be trained tonight. Darn : /
# 46 seanjeezy @ 03/03/15 01:00 AM
For the M's I actually prefer the teal alt to the new one, it will be worn on more days (M+F vs Sun).
# 47 decga @ 03/03/15 01:28 AM
You know what guys! They don't have to give us any insights on what it takes for this product to come together. We're sold already. Some of us for 10 years. They're the only legitimate baseball video game around, unless RBI really step's up their game. I don't see Madden sharing as much with us and no they don't have too. But it would be nice..

Thank you SCEA for sharing with us...
# 48 Gagnon39 @ 03/03/15 01:40 AM
I noticed that Javier Baze was rated somewhere in the 70's while Jorge Soler wasn't on the screen (so obviously lower than Baez). All I can say about that is... well... um, NO.

I'm glad we can change ratings. Baez needs a plate discipline rating of -40.
# 49 eric7064 @ 03/03/15 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
I noticed that Javier Baze was rated somewhere in the 70's while Jorge Soler wasn't on the screen (so obviously lower than Baez). All I can say about that is... well... um, NO.

I'm glad we can change ratings. Baez needs a plate discipline rating of -40.
While I don't disagree with you being a Cubs fan myself. Both played on very small sample sizes and up until they even saw action in the majors most baseball circles still saw Baez as the better prospect.
# 50 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/03/15 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by eric7064
While I don't disagree with you being a Cubs fan myself. Both played on very small sample sizes and up until they even saw action in the majors most baseball circles still saw Baez as the better prospect.
They're completely different and hard to compare. Soler is a high floor, medium ceiling guy who could make a couple of All Star teams as a lone team representative type. Baez is a very low floor, high ceiling type. He could play 2-3 years, fail miserably, and be out of baseball by 28 or he could be the next guy to hit 50 HRs in a season.
# 51 cardinalbird5 @ 03/03/15 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
I noticed that Javier Baze was rated somewhere in the 70's while Jorge Soler wasn't on the screen (so obviously lower than Baez). All I can say about that is... well... um, NO.

I'm glad we can change ratings. Baez needs a plate discipline rating of -40.
You do realize that was in the middle of franchise mode so Soler could very well be injured, traded, or in AAA?

Also, the ratings have different coefficients and values based on position. For example; arm strength will be taken more into consideration at RF rather than 2b. 2b has some of the lowest values for defense. Wong has some of the worst plate discipline and had some of the worst numbers, offensively for the entire season last year, but he is an 81 overall (which is higher than Matt Carpenter at 80 overall and the guy was top 5 in MVP voting last year). This does not mean Wong is better than Carp on the game or anything. Carp can also play 2b, but Wong has the typical 2b traits like speed, steal, etc which probably gives him the overall rating advantage.

For the millionth time....overall attributes mean very little. It is up to the user in what you value and put stock into.
# 52 Factzzz @ 03/03/15 04:37 AM
This game looks beautiful.

The new pitcher motions look soooooo good. I don't think SCEA realizes how ugly the old pitching animations look nowadays. When Blevins was pitching...yuck. Two streams ago, when Hammel was pitching...yuck. Compare it to Bumgarner, Strasburg, Sale etc.

Also Bryce Harper needs a hair and beard update. His beard looks really bad compared to Werth, Roark, Mcgehee, etc. And he atleast needs a fade, even though he's currently rocking a manbun.


Edit: Nvm he has a mohawk or something now in spring training. Either way SCEA won't update players hair and beard now for this game.
# 53 CubsWillRiseAgain @ 03/03/15 07:11 AM
I think you all are underestimating Soler. He has a huge ceiling, and even played well in September last year. There has never been a question with his huge talent, just health
# 54 tsbmolina @ 03/03/15 08:08 AM
My favorite screen I captured from the stream. You can just feel the atmosphere of the ballpark, majestic.
# 55 Dolenz @ 03/03/15 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by decga
You know what guys! They don't have to give us any insights on what it takes for this product to come together. We're sold already. Some of us for 10 years. They're the only legitimate baseball video game around, unless RBI really step's up their game. I don't see Madden sharing as much with us and no they don't have too. But it would be nice..

Thank you SCEA for sharing with us...

Well, it is a different beast but I consider Out Of The Park Baseball a legitimate game.

MLB: The Show is the only legitimate Console Baseball Game.
# 56 aparks87 @ 03/03/15 09:24 AM
I am stunned by the lighting and stadium upgrades. The equipment looks awesome too. My ONLY minor beef with that whole stream was that Bryce Harper's character model compared to everyone else looked awful.
# 57 Dolenz @ 03/03/15 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by artgamer72
I beg to differ. OOTP is BY FAR the more accurate sim baseball game out there. It's not even close. Word is that the makers of OOTP are going in the direction of providing the graphics and animations to back up the ratings, algorithms and stats. Obviously The Show is nice to look at, but ....
They are both great games and scratch different itches for me.

When it comes to sheer enjoyment playing the game. MLB wins hands down.

But luckily it is not an either or choice for me and I have them both pre-ordered.

Back to the Stream - Ramone is now 0-2, will he redeem himself tonight?
# 58 Blzer @ 03/03/15 09:52 AM
This game looks gorgeous!

# 59 tnixen @ 03/03/15 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
This game looks gorgeous!

It really does and it's only year 2 on the PS4

If and when the Pre game, in game and post game presentations get a major overhaul then we really will be rocking!
# 60 aguero90 @ 03/03/15 10:27 AM
Man guys, just the little fact of now having pbp say the count on almost every pitch has me pumped!!! I'm so glad Kirby took over that side of things, he understands how pbp is supposed to sound, and I know in years to come, we'll get even better!

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