MLB 15 The Show News Post

Tonight at 8 p.m. ET, 5 p.m. PT -- the folks at Sony San Diego will be hosting a live stream talking with the MLB 15 The Show character artists team as well as showing off a full game of The Show. You can watch the stream on Twitch or by unveiling the player below.

UPDATE: Archives are available for those that missed it, links and embeds below.

- Part 1

- Part 2

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 141 bkluvsm3 @ 03/03/15 09:02 PM
This is no shade but plz do something about Bryce b4 u guys ship out this game he looks terrible I'm no Nats fan boy but I love bryce he needs to respesented in this game knights created version looks 10x better or even Mlb 13 version lol ..... patch it do something plz
# 142 Knight165 @ 03/03/15 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
Yes...yes it is. I am really surprised that Millennium has not brought out the ban hammer yet. People just don't seem to realize how lucky we are at OS to have access to these people and this information. This could all go away very quickly and I for one wouldn't blame them at all the way they have been treated this year. Just ridiculous.
Yeah...but I get it....
It's a delicate balance.
You WANT back and forth and exchange of comment/questions/thoughts on the forums. It's what drives them.
I don't think bringing on the ban is an easy thing to do. I know I wouldn't want to do it at all.(but I'm confrontational...to excess, so it would be a selfish decision )....so I don't envy the mods and admin situation.
It would just be so much easier and better for the boards if posters used more tact.....and posted in a manner that they would actually interact with people in person.
You know...make believe like you are speaking to a guest.....or how you would want someone to respond to a family member of your own.
...with politeness...like your mom probably wanted you to grow up to be like.

# 143 countryboy @ 03/03/15 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Oh brother.
O.S. is beginning to suck....a LOT.

It has honestly gotten to the point that I really don't feel much like visiting this forum. I mean, you can't even enjoy the information we are receiving and have grown up conversations with the dev team and fellow OS'ers to bounce ideas, discuss good/bad, and anything else.

People are so demanding nowadays. They focus so much on what isn't in the game instead of what is in the game. They simply don't give a rats behind what the game offers this year, only what it doesn't offer.

We are so lucky to belong to a forum where devs are willing to come and get feedback from some of its most hardcore fans, and are willing to bring x amount of individuals from that forum out to preview the game and offer feedback. And yet, despite all this, the only thing people want to do these days is badger, heckle, and criticize these same devs that do all this, not only in a manner that is usually childish, but lacks any type of respect.

There is going to come a day, I see it coming, where the devs are going to simply say, its not worth it anymore and stop visiting the site. Maybe that is what it will take to get OS back to the way it was, when respect and manners existed, and grown up conversations could be held.
# 144 bkluvsm3 @ 03/03/15 09:07 PM
Right now even knights created version looks closer to real life I have a ton of respect for u guys I'm a huge fan but sorry This is The Show Any other game I would accept u guys are the Best in the Biz come on now ...lol
# 145 Jimmydm90 @ 03/03/15 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by bkluvsm3
Right now even knights created version looks closer to real life I have a ton of respect for u guys I'm a huge fan but sorry This is The Show Any other game I would accept u guys are the Best in the Biz come on now ...lol

Wow! Nice work, Knight.

What's his Buster Posey look like?
# 146 SmashMan @ 03/03/15 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
It would just be so much easier and better for the boards if posters used more tact.....and posted in a manner that they would actually interact with people in person.
You know...make believe like you are speaking to a guest.....or how you would want someone to respond to a family member of your own.
...with politeness...like your mom probably wanted you to grow up to be like.
I don't see what was wrong with his asking. Sure, it's a question that will go unanswered for very, very obvious reasons - but he didn't curse anyone out, didn't insult anyone.


I'm curious if these legal issues are specific to the one video board in left-center or if they also include the new right field board.
# 147 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/03/15 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by bkluvsm3
This is no shade but plz do something about Bryce b4 u guys ship out this game he looks terrible I'm no Nats fan boy but I love bryce he needs to respesented in this game knights created version looks 10x better or even Mlb 13 version lol ..... patch it do something plz
Originally Posted by bkluvsm3
Right now even knights created version looks closer to real life I have a ton of respect for u guys I'm a huge fan but sorry This is The Show Any other game I would accept u guys are the Best in the Biz come on now ...lol
Any captures of a 15 Show Harper?

Originally Posted by SmashMan
I don't see what was wrong with his asking. Sure, it's a question that will go unanswered for very, very obvious reasons - but he didn't curse anyone out, didn't insult anyone.

Nothing wrong with asking, it was the follow up to Mr. Russell's answer that caught my attention.
# 148 Knight165 @ 03/03/15 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmydm90
Wow! Nice work, Knight.

What's his Buster Posey look like?
For the record.....that's not "mine".
It was used in the O.S.F.M. .....but another member created it for the set.

I just want to make sure I'm not credited with creating that.

I must say...I do some good work myself...but some guys are a step above as you can see.

# 149 Turbojugend @ 03/03/15 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Oh brother.
O.S. is beginning to suck....a LOT.
Ehh, tensions always run highest before a game is released, right? People are excited about what's in the game, disappointed about what's not, etc. But more than anything there's the anticipation of just wanting to play the damn game already.

As a result, I tend to take everything with a grain of salt about a month before any release date.
# 150 Bruinboy @ 03/03/15 09:27 PM
Just amazed how much the Devs are sharing with us about the development of the game. Love the answers to questions why somethings get in and somethings do not, like the speeding up of the game that came just two weeks ago and too late to put in the game. These guys are terrific. I agree with Knight. Feedback is important. Vitriolic feedback is not. When I read such posts I cringe and hope the devs don't give up on the majority of the folk on this board who are civil and honest in their critiques.
# 151 Jimmydm90 @ 03/03/15 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
For the record.....that's not "mine".

It was used in the O.S.F.M. .....but another member created it for the set.

I just want to make sure I'm not credited with creating that.

I must say...I do some good work myself...but some guys are a step above as you can see.



Well either way, kudos to that individual who made it haha. I didn't even know created players could look that accurate.
# 152 Knight165 @ 03/03/15 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by SmashMan
I don't see what was wrong with his asking. Sure, it's a question that will go unanswered for very, very obvious reasons - but he didn't curse anyone out, didn't insult anyone.


I'm curious if these legal issues are specific to the one video board in left-center or if they also include the new right field board.
You can skirt around it if you like......the tone is there.
...and it wasn't about him specifically...just the latest side shot.

# 153 Russell_SCEA @ 03/03/15 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by WINdians

Are the player ratings pretty much set at this point? I am biased, but Kluber deserves to be higher than an 88. He was filthy last year not to mention the Cy Young.

Yup they are done he won the CY Young last year but what did he do the previous two year? It's a three year avg.
# 154 Russell_SCEA @ 03/03/15 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by The Kid 24
This and would like confirmation on something else...

Can we edit brims on all players hats? Some players still have those funny looking brims.
No you can't edit cap brims of real players.
# 155 SoxFan01605 @ 03/03/15 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
No you can't edit cap brims of real players.
That's too bad. Is this an option we can expect to open back up in the future, or is this now something we should expect to stay locked to us?

# 156 seanjeezy @ 03/03/15 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmydm90
Well either way, kudos to that individual who made it haha. I didn't even know created players could look that accurate.
Here are some of mine from last year's Mariners OSFM, you can get some pretty good looking heads if you know what you are doing

These were all done pretty early IIRC, further adjustments were made and they should look even better for '15!
# 157 Russell_SCEA @ 03/03/15 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
That's too bad. Is this an option we can expect to open back up in the future, or is this now something we should expect to stay locked to us?

I don't know it wasn't locked before?
# 158 seanjeezy @ 03/03/15 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
I don't know it wasn't locked before?
The first year you guys introduced it. Oversight?
# 159 ShowTyme15 @ 03/03/15 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
I don't know it wasn't locked before?
In MLB 13 you could change cap brims for ALL players including SCEA one's. They were locked in 14
# 160 SoxFan01605 @ 03/03/15 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
I don't know it wasn't locked before?

It's always been locked on the PS4, but when it was first introduced on the PS3 for 13 it was available for everyone. A lot of us reported it as a bug last year when we realized it was locked for "real" players.

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