Super Mega Baseball News Post

If you’re an older sports gamer, than you probably have fond memories of past baseball games such as Ken Griffey Jr.’s Winning Run, R.B.I Baseball (Classic version) and Baseball Stars. What do all of these games have in common? Well, that would be a simple, engaging, and fun approach to America’s past time. While games like this are a rarity these days, the ambitious developer, Metalhead, aims to bring a small piece of that era back, with Super Mega Baseball. Did they succeed?

Read More - Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

Game: Super Mega BaseballReader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 5 - View All
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# 101 allBthere @ 12/22/14 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
I haven't either, but I wasn't really looking for any issues. I'll keep an eye out for it. Jyoung seems to be really good in pretty much every game, so his results might not be the norm lol.
I agree, I think a real baseball-head who plays millions of games of the show and is really patient may find something, but I have like 5 walks in over 20 9 inning games.

I think the hardest part is settling on a difficulty. Mine is now 54 ego, but I may move it up again - I have lost twice on that setting, but my last 2 games I dominated. What I'm afraid of is that pitching any strikeouts will become non-existent ... I will lose more games if my hitting is nerfed a bit but I don't necessarily want the pitching to get harder...

My team is awesome and I put so much effort into the faces for all the celebrities on my team - if I do another team though I'll go with a speed-centric team. I only need a 1 or 2 power hitters as now I'm I have 11 homers with Dolf Lungren AND Arnold Schwartzenegger and 12 with Bruce Willis! Not far behind is Linda Carter and Mike Tyson ... some of that is starting off with a lower ego, but with 1/2 my team over 50 power hitting jacks might be a tad too easy at least going through the lineup including weaker players.

To me this is way better than the show. I'm not hardcore, I LOVE getting more than one game in during a sitting - the games are 20min mostly, sometimes 25, if I could I would make season mode 7 innings and be like a pig in sheet.
# 102 nemesis04 @ 12/22/14 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I've been trying....I just can't get into this game.
I don't know what it is.
I'll keep trying though as the idea of it is great to me.


Of course it wouldn't, it does not have MOM!
# 103 Blzer @ 12/22/14 04:22 PM
Game is fun, but I think it's missing MLB players. By that I mean that's the problem.

Even when I played Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball back in the day, at least the teams had the players even if they didn't have the names. I would re-name players on teams however best I could.

Backyard Baseball 2001 and 2003 also had the luxury of MLB players. I think the original BB without the kid players wouldn't have lasted long for me.

Then insert any game since then, including Power Pros, and you get what I'm saying there.

I think if I can edit these teams into some MLB teams, I'll be set. Too bad we won't get the lot, or MLB stadiums or anything else... because the gameplay is good, but what keeps me coming back is the investment with my team, and right now I don't have it with these fictional, arcadish characters.
# 104 rspencer86 @ 12/22/14 05:01 PM
Not everything has to replicate MLB. I have just as much fun trying to strike out Nacho Crisp and Rip Dingers as I would Pablo Sandoval and Hunter Pence.
# 105 Blzer @ 12/22/14 05:03 PM
To each its own. I'm trying to figure out what's missing in this game, and I think that's what it is. Like I said, I technically haven't ever played a baseball game that didn't have MLB players in it.
# 106 rspencer86 @ 12/22/14 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
To each its own. I'm trying to figure out what's missing in this game, and I think that's what it is. Like I said, I technically haven't ever played a baseball game that didn't have MLB players in it.
I think they needed to add more personality to the players. Select a few players on each team as the "stars" and make them a bit over the top when it comes to appearance, demeanor and skills.

Also, the teams all have different styles (speed, power, pitching, etc.) but I think they should have been exaggerated a bit more for variety's sake.
# 107 Stormyhog @ 12/22/14 05:18 PM
I started playing baseball games back in the 80's when games weren't licensed like super action baseball, NES baseball, baseball stars & bases loaded. So this game takes me back to that time which I loved. Never a bad thing to have different styles of games.
# 108 bcruise @ 12/22/14 05:25 PM
I just had an amazing back-and-forth game with the computer on 50 Ego, hitting a pinch-hit Grand Slam to take a lead in the top of the 8th. I ended up winning 6-5 after the CPU got a homer of its own in the bottom half.

CPU left its pitcher in maybe a bit too long (to the 6th), but only surrendered one walk (as did I).

The sweet spot I'm finding in this game is with the power pitching and batting, which basically gives you the full control of your players at the expense of adding an extra timing mechanic (and increasing your own margin of error). If I try to pick corners by using that pitching mode all game, I will surrender walks and make mistakes out over the plate. But in exchange I get the full potential out of my players. You probably notice that when you "X Button" pitch or hit you never get close to 99 power, right? You will get much closer to that if you swing or pitch with Square and get the timing right.
# 109 Blzer @ 12/22/14 05:50 PM
^ So are you suggesting to always use them as a default?
# 110 bcruise @ 12/22/14 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
^ So are you suggesting to always use them as a default?
No, I'm not telling anyone else how to play because I don't know how everyone else wants to play. It works for me because I feel like it creates more variety in the gameplay, and it allows me to have more control.

I can play at a higher Ego level while using X button controls, but I feel like the game is kind of playing itself. Especially with pitching - with X I find it very easy to hit my target or close to it even at 80+Ego. But when I control the quality of the pitch with the square button pitching, I get a a variety of results. If I hit "Great" (something above 80 I think). I get a lot of CPU swings and misses on breaking stuff outside the zone. But when I miss my mark or timing and get something from 0 - 20, the pitch can go anywhere - and it usually likes to hang over the plate for a long ball. More midrange numbers are a mixed bag - they're usually close to where I initially aimed but not right on it, and this is how I usually get my walks because I often aim at the corners.

This type of control just feels right for a game like this, given its arcade style. But the stats and scores can still end up looking surprisingly realistic when you find a good ego setting.

Edit: I read that back...sorry I was a bit too aggressive there. Reading the 2k forum all day will do that to you.
# 111 bcruise @ 12/22/14 06:22 PM
Also: This needs to come to the Vita SO badly. I'd be playing it constantly over this holiday if that existed.
# 112 Blzer @ 12/22/14 06:35 PM
Yeah, the first time I popped in this game I thought I was doing something wrong, I couldn't pitch to save my life. I lost maybe 18-2 on Vita Remote Play. I was on 30 ego.

Then the next game I tried on my downstairs PS3 (at 15 ego), which is on my plasma that lags a little bit. I finally recognized that not pointing the R-stick in any direction for pitch selection is not a fastball, but a meatball. Still had a bit of trouble pitching, won 10-7.

The third game I played (at 40 ego), I was on my PS4 upstairs on my main plasma with very little lag (where I normally game). I chose the pitching specialty team and had no problem, won 5-3.

I'm going to try Remote Play again in a bit, see if after recognizing my faults I'll be better. The problem with Vita though will be the nubby sticks, I think it will still be very hard to pitch, lag or not. At least I won't be throwing as many meatballs this time.

By the way, I agree with you on having more control with things. I just wondered if that caused fatigue issues while pitching, by the way.
# 113 Blzer @ 12/23/14 02:58 AM
So I just tried to put ego up to 99 and fired up an inning... that was a mistake.

One thing I do wish this game had though was independent "ego" settings for everything. For example, I enjoyed the added challenge of the pitch speed (in a way) alongside the speed of lining up the cursor with my pitching without the absurdity of how the AI hit. I thought that was a nice added difficulty setting.

Going to find my good setting soon then start a season. Still trying to decide if I want to customize anything though.
# 114 CMH @ 12/23/14 07:07 AM
Right now most (read: all) of my runs come via the home run. I like that you can hit then with x normal swing too.

Also finally lost my first game 5-4 in extras playing at 50 ego.

I can see where I can improve and destroy the AI on 50 but it's nice to know there's 49 more ticks of difficulty to go.

This game has killed all urges to play my AAA games.

sent from my mobile device
# 115 muelly @ 12/23/14 07:49 AM
I am so tempted to buy this game but without a demo I'm just not sure. I am a bit concerned I may not be as interested given the cartoonish look and completely made-up players. Everything I hear is great but I can buy a some older AAA title for $20 or just a bit more.

Really want to try this first.
# 116 Tomahawk @ 12/23/14 07:49 AM
I tried editing a couple of teams rosters last night by switching them from "default" to "new" and it let me edit them. I was trying was going to try to make all-decade teams. I am sure you can't use them all in season mode, but I think you can play exhibition games with them.
# 117 nemesis04 @ 12/23/14 09:16 AM
These guys are very crafty with the names, many are flat out dirty! lol
# 118 bcruise @ 12/23/14 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
These guys are very crafty with the names, many are flat out dirty! lol
The benefits of being an unlicensed game.
# 119 jyoung @ 12/23/14 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
One thing I do wish this game had though was independent "ego" settings for everything. For example, I enjoyed the added challenge of the pitch speed (in a way) alongside the speed of lining up the cursor with my pitching without the absurdity of how the AI hit. I thought that was a nice added difficulty setting.
Every baseball game should handle difficulty like Konami's baseball games do.

They have individual difficulty sliders for:

1) Hitting
2) Pitching
3) Fielding
4) Baserunning
5) Pitch speed
6) Cursor assist

Most human players have a natural tendency to be strong at certain areas of a baseball game but weak in several other areas.

I've always been real good at hitting but really bad at everything else.

In Super Mega Baseball, if I want to get any sort of challenge out of the CPU's pitching, I have to concede to getting completely destroyed by the CPU's superhuman hitting and fielding.

Basically, this game in its current state just leaves me wishing that Konami would hurry up and get a baseball game out on PS4. New editions of Pro Spirits and Power Pros are coming to Japan for sure in the spring, but there's been no word yet on whether or not they will be on PS4.
# 120 Blzer @ 12/23/14 12:19 PM
Agreed, jyoung.

And yes, the names are fantastic. I find myself laughing at most of them.

I was right with regard to what this game lacked for me a little bit ago: I just needed to start season mode. Suddenly when you do that, you become invested in your group. I think that's what harked me for PYS, actually. I couldn't ever really do season mode because of the language barrier, though I still might be tempted to try it again someday.

Anyway, I have a lot of sporadic mental notes about this game that I'm taking (for the good, bad, and ugly) that I'll post after accumulating a lot more in actual type form. Most of the little issues come from defense.

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