NBA Live 15 News Post

Things didn't go well for NBA Live last season, but change is in the air with NBA Live 15. We gathered a couple of staffers up who are giving the game some playtime early on XBox Access and asked them what they thought about this year's game ahead of release day...

Read More - NBA Live 15 Staff Impressions Ahead of Release Day (Roundtable)

Game: NBA Live 15Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 whoahello @ 10/27/14 03:39 PM
Is Kevin Love's arms really that ripped?
# 22 shutdown10 @ 10/27/14 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
This is not an attack at anyone but I find it funny that people keep saying "it's an improvement over last year". How could it not be? Lol. I appreciate that EA is putting in the effort & trying get this game to where in needs to be, but at the same time I don't get this sympathy treatment that Live is getting. So EA puts out a piss poor game in Live 14 (after basically having 4 years to get their act together)....This years game is improved over last year & some are over praising them for it. It's the old build em up to tear em down analogy. They set the bar so low for themselves that any improvement is exaggerated. I think people are so thirsty for competition & want Live to succeed if for nothing else to continue to have a choice in basketball games which I'm all for. My point is that the game is at least respectable this year but it's still nowhere near where it needs to be going into 2015. In my opinion Live 15 is a slight improvement over Live 10 & that's not good enough in 2015. There are some things done well in Live 15 & dare I say better than "the other game" (foot planting, atmosphere, halftime presentation, etc..) but the on the court gameplay still has a ways to go. If EA can get the animations to play out smoothly, add more of a variety of animations & greatly improve the AI then they could be onto something going forward. Then again we've been saying that for how many years now........?

I agree with your post as well. I have an PS4, but went to my friend's house this past weekend to try out the game on his Xbox One. I see the improvements, but I'm still irked that we had to wait this long to get a playable basketball game from EA. The animations, late game A.I., edit and customization options need to be ramped up in Live 16. Live 15 can officially be called a stepping stone because you see the potential, but those things that I mentioned earlier still hold the game back. They need to make sure they are selecting the right staff for next years iteration as well because I want to see a true next gen experience from this title.
# 23 WaddupCouzin @ 10/27/14 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by swac07
I just hope when its reviewed its reviewed fairly and not under the "hype" glasses that its now a playable game...If that Day one patch doesnt fix the continuous player clipping issue and AI logic then thats gonna be a big issue...I dont care how fun/sim/not sim/arcade/not arcade it is...

Sent from my Illudium Q-36 Space Modulator using Tapatalk
The hype glasses are starting to come off for some people around here already.

Out of curiosity are/should Day 1 patches be included in reviews? I never really thought about it until now. Cause most review sites play the game before the patches kicks in, but it will be interesting to see nonetheless.
# 24 RipCityAndy @ 10/27/14 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by pdawg17
Agreed but somehow the "fun factor" is there for me. I have both games and for some reason I keep playing Live...
I know!!! NBA Live is sneakily developing a good game.
# 25 Jakeness23 @ 10/27/14 05:39 PM
From what I've seen it looks like it still has some of those funky old Live animations. Hopefully next year they can really start to push the envelope with EVERYTHING in the game and really blow us away. Looks solid for now though, probably something I'll get when it's at a discounted price.
# 26 jaychitown312 @ 10/27/14 05:53 PM
whats funny about some of the complaints, the same thing happens in 2K15. 2K has to many steals because the ball floats all the time. I am going to look at there evaluation of 2K15 and see do they mention how when you spin the ball always hits the person. The steals and the floating passing.
# 27 jaychitown312 @ 10/27/14 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by swac07
I just hope when its reviewed its reviewed fairly and not under the "hype" glasses that its now a playable game...If that Day one patch doesnt fix the continuous player clipping issue and AI logic then thats gonna be a big issue...I dont care how fun/sim/not sim/arcade/not arcade it is...

Sent from my Illudium Q-36 Space Modulator using Tapatalk
My man I was thinking the same thing, but because people try and play all games the same. They are to boo boo all over the game, because it doesnt play like 2K. I can see them going a 6 rating, look at how low OS rated 2K this year. Now way they are going to give Live a rating close to 2K.
# 28 jaychitown312 @ 10/27/14 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by jaychitown312
My man I was thinking the same thing, but because people try and play all games the same. They are to boo boo all over the game, because it doesnt play like 2K. I can see them going a 6 rating, look at how low OS rated 2K this year. Now way they are going to give Live a rating close to 2K.
correction, they are not going to give Live a rating close to what they gave 2K
# 29 Lisac @ 10/27/14 06:20 PM
The only things stopping me from day 1 purchase are

No editing of players
And no roster edits

If I'm going to spend 65 bucks for a game I want to be able to play it my way. I'll just wait for a price drop or maybe a patch to fix these issues
# 30 Bremser_Rules @ 10/27/14 06:36 PM
Are there sliders or not? Steve mentioned not having sliders will kill the game, but then says bumping up the foul sliders... This confused me.
# 31 WTF @ 10/27/14 06:36 PM
There are 4 foul sliders.
# 32 poloelite @ 10/27/14 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
This is not an attack at anyone but I find it funny that people keep saying "it's an improvement over last year". How could it not be? Lol. I appreciate that EA is putting in the effort & trying get this game to where in needs to be, but at the same time I don't get this sympathy treatment that Live is getting. So EA puts out a piss poor game in Live 14 (after basically having 4 years to get their act together)....This years game is improved over last year & some are over praising them for it. It's the old build em up to tear em down analogy. They set the bar so low for themselves that any improvement is exaggerated. I think people are so thirsty for competition & want Live to succeed if for nothing else to continue to have a choice in basketball games which I'm all for. My point is that the game is at least respectable this year but it's still nowhere near where it needs to be going into 2015. In my opinion Live 15 is a slight improvement over Live 10 & that's not good enough in 2015. There are some things done well in Live 15 & dare I say better than "the other game" (foot planting, atmosphere, halftime presentation, etc..) but the on the court gameplay still has a ways to go. If EA can get the animations to play out smoothly, add more of a variety of animations & greatly improve the AI then they could be onto something going forward. Then again we've been saying that for how many years now........?
Man this is the realest thing I've read in regards to NBA Live in years. We're in 2014 and people are saying a game with bad animation, bad AI, no customization and no sliders is a decent foundation lol. EA has been making bball games for almost 30 years. I will not give them a break on judgement like they're a new company. I see people complain about the other game, but they view them in two different lenses as if they both don't cost $60. The more I play Live, the more frustrated I get and the more it seems like a graphics patch to 14. You're supposed to blow us away, not have us going "man, this is almost basketball... thumbs up" lol. If we want true competition, in my mind we have to stop supporting half efforts and demand more. In 2014 I should not have to pay $60 for a bball game and wait for EA patches to tune and update everything. I'm not a fan boy of the other game either. I'm a bball fan. This game is so far behind that it can't catch up like this, because the other game won't stand still. I think they had the right idea with Elite reboot, it was just poorly executed. Dropping a sequel to Live 10 with stripped down options on a next gen system is a 3.5 out of 10 to me in 2014. This wouldn't have passed in 2010, but since the bar is so low it's praised in 2014?
# 33 scottyp180 @ 10/27/14 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
This is not an attack at anyone but I find it funny that people keep saying "it's an improvement over last year". How could it not be? Lol. I appreciate that EA is putting in the effort & trying get this game to where in needs to be, but at the same time I don't get this sympathy treatment that Live is getting. So EA puts out a piss poor game in Live 14 (after basically having 4 years to get their act together)....This years game is improved over last year & some are over praising them for it. It's the old build em up to tear em down analogy. They set the bar so low for themselves that any improvement is exaggerated. I think people are so thirsty for competition & want Live to succeed if for nothing else to continue to have a choice in basketball games which I'm all for. My point is that the game is at least respectable this year but it's still nowhere near where it needs to be going into 2015. In my opinion Live 15 is a slight improvement over Live 10 & that's not good enough in 2015. There are some things done well in Live 15 & dare I say better than "the other game" (foot planting, atmosphere, halftime presentation, etc..) but the on the court gameplay still has a ways to go. If EA can get the animations to play out smoothly, add more of a variety of animations & greatly improve the AI then they could be onto something going forward. Then again we've been saying that for how many years now........?
Very valid points here. I haven't played Live so I am no way prejudging the game however I think people can play Live 15 and immediately recognize the improvements both with visuals and gameplay. Because of this it is easy for people to say "Wow look at how much better Live is. EA put in so much." And like you said that work had to be done. Few would consider Live 14 a good game so if minimal improvements were made the series would be in severe touble.

Now, in comparison, the 2015 edition of "the competition" does not have improvements that jump out from the get go. I am a fan of the series and my first reaction when I began playing was "ok this is very similar to last year." As I continued to play more the changes became more evident but the are subtle changes that the average fan might not pick up on. Because of this I think people look at the game and say "The game is barely changed. There are still so many unaddressed issue. The company didn't put in any work."

It is really just the tale of two different games, and I am not talking about the play styles of the games. One game is playing catch up and needs to make big improvements to stay viable. The other game is in the driver's seat and doesn't need huge improvements year after year. It is not without flaws and could see bigger improvements on a year to year basis but the improvements aren't a necessity for the game to survive.
# 34 blackceasar @ 10/27/14 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by YourHazard216
THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING. NBA Live 14 is arguably one of the worst non canceled NBA games to ever be put out. You can possibly get any worse than 14. So of course it could only go up from there. But this game is absolutely no where near the overall quality of "the other game" yet. MAYBE in a few years. But not now.
Be careful. This is a very sensitive forum...
# 35 nemesis04 @ 10/27/14 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by blackceasar
Be careful. This is a very sensitive forum...
Ha! Every individual game forum on this site is sensitive if you don't follow the masses. This one is not any more sensitive then the others.
# 36 Playmakers @ 10/27/14 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Smif
One thing that really bothers me is that for some reason, fast players like John Wall and Dame Lillard slow down to a snail pace when they are ahead of the pack and defenders catch up and sometimes pass them to get into position. That shouldn’t happen with the fastest players in the game, with or without the ball.

THIS! Thought I was the only one who notice this since I didn't notice anyone say anything about it, this MUST be fixed in the day 1 patch!
I pointed this out in WTF's videos the other day....

It seems like all players are moving at the same speed and just from the videos it appears you won't actually see any real blow by's in this game.

You can fake out someone and then go but in terms of straight blow buys there seems to be a issue.

I would like to see someone like Westbrook or Parker destroy a slow footed PG like Jose Calderon for example.
# 37 WTF @ 10/27/14 07:40 PM
I just had one with LBJ against Doug McDermott Blew right past him and baseline for the wrap around dunk.
# 38 Playmakers @ 10/27/14 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
I just had one with LBJ against Doug McDermott Blew right past him and baseline for the wrap around dunk.
do you know if they included a game speed slider this year?

I know they have the standard Foul sliders but what about a actual game speed slider...
# 39 WTF @ 10/27/14 07:56 PM
No, its not unfortunately.
# 40 Flightwhite24 @ 10/27/14 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
I pointed this out in WTF's videos the other day....

It seems like all players are moving at the same speed and just from the videos it appears you won't actually see any real blow by's in this game.

You can fake out someone and then go but in terms of straight blow buys there seems to be a issue.

I would like to see someone like Westbrook or Parker destroy a slow footed PG like Jose Calderon for example.
You haven't seen D. Rose being guarded by Nash yet I guess? Lol

I play really conservative on D. I don't press PG's out past the 3pt line. I play a sagging type D so it's rare that I get beat off the dribble. As soon as I see I'm about to get beat a lot of times i'm calling for help. Especially when I have a mismatch down on the block.

I love playing D in this game

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