NBA 2K15 News Post
NBA 2K15 Videos
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# 21 VDusen04 @ 10/02/14 04:00 PM
In the future, it'd be cool if 2K could find a way to just slightly reel in the types of alley-oop that occurs at 8:55 of the Warriors video, where a pass can be initiated while a receiver hasn't even reached the three point line yet, as the ball will float as high as necessary to allow that player to super speed under for the jam.

Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
Is anyone else concerned with the number of Illegal/Moving screen fouls being called between these vids and the live stream the other night? Hopefully a slider adjustment can help that if it turns out to be too much of a problem in the game.
I believe that has been acknowledged by folks in charge. I cannot recall for sure, but I thought I recall them saying it may need to be tweaked a little bit.

Originally Posted by lakers24
As was in my thread, it's so empty. It's especially noticeable when you are in big games. The NBA only limited it to five PER SIDE of the basket. So 10 on each side of the floor and they have to leave I believe a certain amount of feet for players to run past the basket. Either way, the switch to NG has been brutal on some of the smaller details.
Bummer. Again though, hopefully the action on the court will lead me to not notice the baselines too much.
# 22 Trackball @ 10/02/14 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by basehead617
Seems like the music is all muted in the video?
Or they didn't want the video completely muted by YouTube ContentID noticing the copyrighted song.
# 23 Coolade @ 10/02/14 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Equinox831
You could also pause and do your subs, it's not as quick, but it's the best way to do them without calling a TO. People are so dramatic.
Eh, I try to never pause when playing an online game. On the fly subs while walking down the court is preferred. It's just a small detail, but it's not being dramatic in the least. Unless you were referring to the 2k hates us comment. Which still stands, have you not seen the implementation of VC the last few games? :P
# 24 Jhawkfootball06 @ 10/02/14 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Equinox831
You could also pause and do your subs, it's not as quick, but it's the best way to do them without calling a TO. People are so dramatic.
It's being dramatic asking 2k to implement this most simplistic feature, a feature that they've had on all their 2k games to date?
# 25 buganation7 @ 10/02/14 04:04 PM
Could they really not get someone else to do play-by-play besides Steve Kerr?
# 26 Equinox831 @ 10/02/14 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Coolade
Eh, I try to never pause when playing an online game. On the fly subs while walking down the court is preferred. It's just a small detail, but it's not being dramatic in the least. Unless you were referring to the 2k hates us comment. Which still stands, have you not seen the implementation of VC the last few games? :P
Okay, online is a bit different so I completely get your point there. I also agree that they were pretty off the mark with VC last year, but they're just trying to get dem checks. 2K15 thankfully looks like it's not VC dependent.

Originally Posted by Jhawkfootball06
It's being dramatic asking 2k to implement this most simplistic feature, a feature that they've had on all their 2k games to date?
I was referring to the "2K hates us" comment. The community needs to simmer down every now and then.
# 27 Jumpman14 @ 10/02/14 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Scvllp
Lol at this guy taking peterson's videos and putting them on YouTube like they are his. Unless of course he had permission.
Lol that's what it looks like.
# 28 basehead617 @ 10/02/14 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by buganation7
Could they really not get someone else to do play-by-play besides Steve Kerr?
Kerr is the best. Glad he's not gone (yet)
# 29 The 24th Letter @ 10/02/14 04:09 PM
The highlight of the video was the A.I...really impressed with their offense...

Loved this collision and the replay...

# 30 StL_RamZ @ 10/02/14 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Scvllp
Lol at this guy taking peterson's videos and putting them on YouTube like they are his. Unless of course he had permission.
he really put his intro and his name all over those vids
its a shame
# 31 lkasprzak @ 10/02/14 04:10 PM
Game looks amazing, what a flow! Mutch better animations, can't wait
# 32 Jhawkfootball06 @ 10/02/14 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Equinox831
I was referring to the "2K hates us" comment. The community needs to simmer down every now and then.
Ahhh gotcha. All is good. But really, why 2k? 95% of the time when I use the d-pad to sub, it is to sub out gassed players. If I can't tell if they are gassed or not then that eliminates the whole reason why I use it.
# 33 VDusen04 @ 10/02/14 04:11 PM
I like the contact animations around the hoop. Also, I'm still really digging the sped up triple threat jabs. The slow motion alternatives killed me over the years, because jabs are typically so important in terms of exploding and setting up moves. I also liked Curry's quick release at the end of the quarter (though I did not care for the disjointed manner with which it went from Curry celebrating on the far sideline to a cut of him suddenly in the huddle, as if he teleported).

I'm in the air about contested layups. They seem close to being an automatic miss if not taken with an elite layup performer. I haven't decided if I think that's a good thing or bad thing yet. I suppose I'd have to see more of a sample. It looked like there were a couple that, while they were contested, still seemed very make-able, but knowing the system registered them as "contested", I knew they were coming back out.
# 34 "The Veal" @ 10/02/14 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jhawkfootball06
Wait. Why are we still unable to see stamina when making substitutions with the d-pad?

Damn, they didn't fix that? That was always so irritating to me, how can you even judge how tired they are without pausing the game in some way, either the menu or a timeout?
# 35 GisherJohn24 @ 10/02/14 04:15 PM
Free throw routines while subtle, you really see how delish the graphics are up close. So much detail. Seeing tons of new animations not in 14. So slurpy
# 36 GisherJohn24 @ 10/02/14 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jhawkfootball06
Wait. Why are we still unable to see stamina when making substitutions with the d-pad?

Terrible omission. agreed. Should have been brought back.
# 37 RocketTMac1 @ 10/02/14 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
The highlight of the video was the A.I...really impressed with their offense...

Loved this collision and the replay...

I jumped out of my seat when I saw that. And the fact that defense has to be played this year or you will be burned. That was shown by Andre Miller killing Curry with that old man game lol. Also I saw no diary products in that Wiz video. It is going to be hard for guys to jam one down in the half court without an open lane. The contact is amazing.
# 38 Turbojugend @ 10/02/14 04:19 PM
I'm saying this proudly and I don't care who knows -- seeing the mascots back brings a tear to my hardened eye.
# 39 RipCityAndy @ 10/02/14 04:26 PM
A couple of things:

1. The moving screen calls might be cheese. From the looks of it, the defender can intentionally run into the screen man before he is set and instigate the offensive foul. I hope I'm wrong. I noticed it in the Washington video and again in the Ronnie2k live stream

2. The shooting/layup percentage seems really really low. I was watching some other videos of all-star shootarounds and even without defenders they weren't making a high percentage of shots. This is either because A) shooting is HIGHLY based on user timing, B) the success rate of made shots has been turned way down, C) a little of both.
# 40 The 24th Letter @ 10/02/14 04:29 PM
Some of those pushes down court by John Wall looked like they were user controlled...that pull up on the break was smooth...

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