NHL 15 News Post

EA Sports has released another patch for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of NHL 15, bringing it up to version 1.03. Check out the details below.

The team will be releasing the following content update later this month.

Online Team Play
Online multiplayer mode where every player on the ice can be human controlled.

GM Draft
For the first time in the NHL franchise, you will be put on the clock and feel the pressure like real NHL GM’s. You will now only have 3 minutes to make a draft pick. If the pressure is too much, you can also call timeouts to extend the amount of time you have to make a draft pick or potentially negotiate a trade. You can make trades at any time during the draft. The CPU will also propose trades to each other and the user throughout the draft.

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Södy @ 10/02/14 06:09 AM
Could you check for OTP?
# 2 gurkis19 @ 10/02/14 06:17 AM
new ccm goalie equipment and a lot of other big fixes
Fixed defending in front of the net.
List of fixes is quite a big one.
# 3 Taku @ 10/02/14 06:22 AM
No gamemodes in this patch. AI and presentation update mostly...
# 4 Millennium @ 10/02/14 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by gurkis19
new ccm goalie equipment and a lot of other big fixes
Fixed defending in front of the net.
List of fixes is quite a big one.
Where is the list, if you don't mind me asking?
# 5 Splitter77 @ 10/02/14 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by gurkis19
new ccm goalie equipment and a lot of other big fixes
Fixed defending in front of the net.
List of fixes is quite a big one.
ill take this over modes any time.
i had to turn a game off last nite due to the spam passing to the net by the cpu. all resulting in goals from double coverage.
# 6 Millennium @ 10/02/14 06:59 AM
Here is the list of fixes:
# 7 jake19ny @ 10/02/14 07:47 AM
Some of the stuff on the list is odd that it was prioritized over some other things but this is truly encouraging since just about all of us thought we would only get the 2 updates that Rammer discussed in early September. Maybe there is hope for sone of the things we want like player edit and roster control after all. I can dream can't I
# 8 MDgolf @ 10/02/14 08:40 AM
Better teammate offensive ai sounds good. Let's see how it shapes up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 9 MizzouRah @ 10/02/14 08:55 AM
Improved defensive AI positioning for non-user controlled players.
We shall see!
# 10 bonannogiovanni @ 10/02/14 09:23 AM
How big is the patch in megabytes?

Has the ai defense really improved? How does it fare in neutral zone?

# 11 Vikes1 @ 10/02/14 09:32 AM

Seems their at least aware of some of the gameplay issues.
# 12 dynastymgrguy @ 10/02/14 10:44 AM
Gameplay is is awesome on NHL 14 (now even better). But, Be a GM on hold until patch is delivered with ability to draft. Any word on if we'll have to restart the season once the Draft Patch is implemented?
# 13 LighttheLamp @ 10/02/14 10:54 AM
When is this tuner suppose to drop? I cant seem to get it to download. I tried an online game to trigger it, doesn't work.
# 14 MizzouRah @ 10/02/14 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by dynastymgrguy
Any word on if we'll have to restart the season once the Draft Patch is implemented?
No you won't per Rammer on twitter awhile back.
# 15 luballr41 @ 10/02/14 11:14 AM
What does it exactly mean by crowd distribution and crowd model outfits? I have an idea that maybe but I want to be certain. I wish there was a way to see before and afters
# 16 cad3000 @ 10/02/14 11:25 AM
Will anything be done to fix the awful crowds at the end of games?

Heck, the demo had them on their feet when the final horn sounded. It is flat out awful now, with the horn decreasing in sound, too.

They pride themselves on presentation, yet this looks brutal.
# 17 Taku @ 10/02/14 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by jonapaloma
I guess you think this is bad, am I wrong?

I take AI changes any day over modes, presentation etc.
No I was just giving information what's in the patch. Too bad custom camera is missing from nhl15, shouldn't be too hard to bring it back?
# 18 GrandMaster B @ 10/02/14 12:07 PM
Still no goal total for season after scoring?
# 19 Razor Rex @ 10/02/14 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by jake19ny
Some of the stuff on the list is odd that it was prioritized over some other things

I actually have an answer to this. lol.

Game devs are divided up into teams. And they specialize in each section of the game. So say people that work on the presentation won't work on hockey puck physics and collisions. And on top of that some bugs are harder to fix than others and fixing one bug (passing perhaps) could have a huge ripple effect and completely disrupt gameplay. Other fixes could just be as simple as editing a database number, but sometimes a bug may be hard coded in and require extensive manpower and hours to correct.
# 20 racerx @ 10/02/14 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by GrandMaster B
Still no goal total for season after scoring?
I was hoping they patched this in too....

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