Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden’s presentation has always been a spot where the franchise simply didn’t measure up against the competition. This lack of quality presentation seems to, at least partially, be the result of a disastrous start on the last generation of consoles where a TV-style presentation simply wasn’t even included in the game in the first edition.

This year, Madden finally arrived with a broadcast presentation which is much more believable to the eyes, unfortunately your ears will leave you wondering what went wrong.

Read More - Madden NFL 15: Presentation is One Step Forward, Four Steps Back

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# 1 Bull_Dozer @ 08/31/14 12:58 PM
They need to hire a dozen no name (see: cheap) voice actors and record a TON of commentary. No one buys Madden because Simms and Nance are in it.
# 2 Zac @ 08/31/14 01:11 PM
What they really need to do is partner with ESPN and get Tirico and Gruden in the game.
# 3 McG @ 08/31/14 01:14 PM
I agree with you completely on here. Visually, the I actually like the QB walk out videos, although with them only being included for the QB's, it does seem very random. If it had videos for other positions maybe it would make more sense, like during the intros or during the player introductions during the first drive. The halftime show is so wrong in so many ways. The audio is horrible, the camera views are too zoomed in, and you can't skip it. This needs to be fixed or removed. When it comes to the crowd, I agree that all of them seem the same. I've been to quite a few games in Seattle and a few other places. Without a doubt Seattle is crazy loud, you literally can't hear the person next to you at some points. The problem is, they don't really depict that on Madden 15, but they really should by now and also they should add in more false start penalties for road teams in louder stadiums, but we all know penalties aren't part of Madden 15 so I wont go there. The commentary is bad, they need to get a different group in there. Perhaps the MNF (I don't know if they can still use the ESPN brand) crew with Gruden and Tirico, I only say that because Gruden would keep the commentary lively and Tirico is one of the most solid commentators in sports. Plus, maybe Gruden could work with the people who do the game play and give them some pointers, he's not one that will hold back his feelings, LOL. Also, your comment on the disk space used. I think it's crazy they don't use more of the space, it just takes away from the game and the only excuse I could understand is that the game is still a hybrid of current-gen and last-gen. Great right-up.
# 4 Mos1ted @ 08/31/14 01:14 PM
My biggest issue with the presentation (besides the commentary) is the replays. There is no variety at all. It reminds me of the NCAA series with too many tight shots. At the very least, they should replay the play from the traditional broadcast angle, then cut to the tight shots when they play it again, just like on TV.
# 5 michiganfan8620 @ 08/31/14 01:22 PM
I agree with everything that was said except for the title. The title "one step forward, four steps back" implies that one thing was improved but everything else regressed. I don't think that any part of the presentation regressed. While it isn't up to par with some of the other sports games, it still was better than the recent editions.
# 6 ChaseB @ 08/31/14 01:24 PM
Come on Chris you can't spell Phil Simms' name right or Jim Nantz's name right?
# 7 kjcheezhead @ 08/31/14 01:42 PM
I'm fine with using Phil Simms and Jim Nantz, but they need to get the commentary to match the plays better. My last game had a routine 5 yard punt return and Phil was commenting on a phantom fumble and that the coach needs replace him. A few plays later I call cover 4 and Sam Bradford tries to go deep. Phil says I was in cover 2 and Bradford needs to recognize that and take a shot deep instead of throwing short.

I can put up with the routine one liners and such, but it just annoys the hell out of me when the commentary is talking down like I'm stupid and it's totally out of context.
# 8 KennyJ1976 @ 08/31/14 01:52 PM
When the commentary is repeating lines and you've only played two games, it's time for a complete overhaul. I agree, just use voice actors. Maybe 3 different crews for 3 different fictional networks. Another thing that irks me is why are the cutscene graphics still better than the actual gameplay graphics, even when zoomed in at the same distance? I can't be the only one who notices that. I thought we left that with last gen.
# 9 Frost o9 @ 08/31/14 01:55 PM
The gameplay makes up for the horrid commentary.
# 10 thatzacdavis @ 08/31/14 02:05 PM
Cutscenes are always going to be better than gameplay because they are prerendered.
# 11 rudyjuly2 @ 08/31/14 02:13 PM
I like Simms and Nantz. Some comments are incorrect but they work well together and I prefer having a real booth with commentary recorded together than the lazy way of recording everything separately and splicing them together.

There is no way the announcing is an F-. While I can understand some people not liking certain commentators this is by far the best announcing crew in the history of Madden. Granted that doesn't mean much since Madden and Company were horribly repetitive, the radio guy was a bad decision and Gus Johnson sucked. The comments could be improved but I'd give these guys solid B IMO.
# 12 MHammer113 @ 08/31/14 02:29 PM
My biggest gripe has always been the lack of emotion. This is exactly what is missing from the crowd and broadcasters. The Super Bowl shouldn't feel like a preseason game. The crowd can easily be a big part of the fix but I would love to see several broadcasting teams. I want to see fox, cbs, nbc, and nfl network. This would go a great distance to fixing this. Different graphics and teams will make games feel unique. NCAA basketball 10 is still the only game to utilize two broadcasting teams and graphic overlays. Makes this happen again...it's 2014 for gods sake.
# 13 zizoux @ 08/31/14 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
My biggest issue with the presentation (besides the commentary) is the replays. There is no variety at all. It reminds me of the NCAA series with too many tight shots. At the very least, they should replay the play from the traditional broadcast angle, then cut to the tight shots when they play it again, just like on TV.
Yes. I've never seen a replay from the broadcast angle or any zoomed out camera in 15. Replays are decent play by play but the highlights of the game are kind of rushed. You can't see how the plays developed. This is bad because you save them and watch them a week later and all you see is a player is catching, running etc. If EA could patch in some different replay angles it would be huge for me.
# 14 CM Hooe @ 08/31/14 02:41 PM
"Four steps back" strikes me as a helluva exaggeration when this is easily the best total-package presentation suite that Madden has ever had.

The content of the article which is far more even-handed doesn't reflect the title sentiment at all, and IMO it's not fair to what the game has accomplished this year with respect to presentation. It really took a significant leap in every area except commentary (which is now actively holding back the audio experience of the game).
# 15 Cardot @ 08/31/14 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by MHammer113
My biggest gripe has always been the lack of emotion. This is exactly what is missing from the crowd and broadcasters.
Maybe you missed the Gus Johnson editions. He would go crazy for a 5 yard dive up the middle.
# 16 Da-Man @ 08/31/14 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by KennyJ1976
When the commentary is repeating lines and you've only played two games, it's time for a complete overhaul. I agree, just use voice actors. Maybe 3 different crews for 3 different fictional networks. Another thing that irks me is why are the cutscene graphics still better than the actual gameplay graphics, even when zoomed in at the same distance? I can't be the only one who notices that. I thought we left that with last gen.
You are correct, the graphics in game are worse than the replays and cutscenes.

If you play from the zoomed cam offense or defense and look at the players shoes and pants you can actually see the polygons almost like a ps1 game but when it goes to replay or cutscene everything is smoothed out.
# 17 Fist Of Kings @ 08/31/14 02:56 PM
EA has to know how bad the commentary has been in both Madden and NCAA games throughout the years. It feels as if they're intentionally leaving it as it is for now only to list this as an 'improvement' in future titles. I don't remember the games with Madden/Summerall/Michaels having such bad commentary, so it can't be a resources issue.

It's frustrating how I see how great other sports games are, while we football fans have to settle for a piece here, a yearly gimmick there, or a pointless change just for the sake of change like this year's kicking mechanic.
# 18 Cusefan @ 08/31/14 02:56 PM
Going to agree that the Commentary is bad but not even close to being a game breaking issue. The presentation this year really adds to the immersion, I still have moments where I get lost in a great game that is literally edge of your seat excitement.

I think more if they stay the course presentation wise then I can only imagine how great it will be next year. Add more lines for the commentary and refine what they have. I think the biggest addition they could do is adding another announcing crew, that would be huge.
# 19 TheBleedingRed21 @ 08/31/14 03:07 PM
I am sorry but to say one step forward and FOUR steps backwards is absolutely false. The presentation like CBS is SO SO SO much more pleasant to look at it and I actually look forward to seeing them.

Commentary always has been terrible, the team gets docked because it still is terrible? I do not understand the though process.

Try two steps forward, one step back. That would be my view. Meaning one step forward with crappy commentary still but a hell of a lot better presentation package.
# 20 Deflo_ @ 08/31/14 03:18 PM
Have bought every madden since '99. This is the best in the series. It's leaps and bounds better than every version on the last gen consoles I can remember.

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