NHL 15 News Post

It’s official: EASHL, GM Connected, OTP, and Live the Life will not be in NHL 15.

The modes which will be in the game, will include play now, Be A Pro, Be a GM, Online Vs, Hockey Ultimate Team, and NHL Moments Live. The plan, as of right now, is to deliver Online Team Play via a patch after launch.

We sat down with Producer Sean Ramjagsingh to discuss why those modes were not included and to talk about the modes which are in the game. The discussion also turns to how to the team deals with community reactions and plans for the future of the franchise, which admittedly are quite exciting. See for yourself after the jump!

Read More - No EASHL, GM Connected, OTP, or Live The Life in NHL 15 (Interview with Sean Ramjagsingh)

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Member Comments
# 221 Gerg04 @ 08/21/14 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by ChubbyBanana
While I understand the disappointment in modes that were in previous versions not being there the game does what I want it to. NHL Moments, Exhibition, Vs 1v1 Offline, and Be a GM.

I think however you guys saying I'm "not a real hockey fan" or "I'm contributing to the problem" for planning on buying a game that fits my needs is ridiculous though. It'd be like if I said you were crazy to like EASHL and play it all the time.

Just my thoughts.
I think the main point is they're stripping out features of the game and charging full price. Play all the game modes or not, it's the principle here.

I could be happy with only having online vs as I play that mostly. But I still dabbled in other modes, specifically EASHL. On the contrary some people only play EASHL.

The point is to each their own. And everybody has preferences on what mode they play. So to skip a year, (unlike Fifa, NBA etc) and still have features removed just tastes bad to us faithful fans/buyers of the game. Look if you can't get everything working properly fine, but don't admittedly remove features and charge full price. EA would never drop their price we know that. Again it's the PRINCIPLE.

And for what its worth, anybody telling you what to do with your money or "how much of a hockey fan you are" you should just ignore, bc that's straight troll speak.
# 222 ChubbyBanana @ 08/21/14 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by jayenomics
NHL Moments is a useless game mode they could have spent that dev time on GM Connected or EASHL honestly.
Pretty much we've learned everyone plays different parts of the game, and that having as many options available as possible is the best solution to make everyone happy.

I for instance enjoy NHL Moments, but I wouldn't say I'm in the majority.
# 223 drog1602 @ 08/21/14 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by ChubbyBanana
Pretty much we've learned everyone plays different parts of the game, and that having as many options available as possible is the best solution to make everyone happy.

I for instance enjoy NHL Moments, but I wouldn't say I'm in the majority.
For me, it was how they implemented this game mode. It should have been made part of BeAGm, BeAPro, and Season modes, then as you play those modes the moments would activate if you were in a position to challenge that moment.

As it stood as a stand alone feature, it was just ok. IMO
# 224 statnut @ 08/21/14 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by ChubbyBanana
Pretty much we've learned everyone plays different parts of the game, and that having as many options available as possible is the best solution to make everyone happy.

I for instance enjoy NHL Moments, but I wouldn't say I'm in the majority.
NHL Moments is fun for what it is, a few minutes of play, but when it's one of like six game modes, it's kind of a problem.
# 225 statnut @ 08/21/14 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Gerg04
I think the main point is they're stripping out features of the game and charging full price. Play all the game modes or not, it's the principle here.

I could be happy with only having online vs as I play that mostly. But I still dabbled in other modes, specifically EASHL. On the contrary some people only play EASHL.

The point is to each their own. And everybody has preferences on what mode they play. So to skip a year, (unlike Fifa, NBA etc) and still have features removed just tastes bad to us faithful fans/buyers of the game. Look if you can't get everything working properly fine, but don't admittedly remove features and charge full price. EA would never drop their price we know that. Again it's the PRINCIPLE.

And for what its worth, anybody telling you what to do with your money or "how much of a hockey fan you are" you should just ignore, bc that's straight troll speak.
If they came out and said they were charging $40 for it or doing a bundle for $90 with both the current and next-gen games included, I'd buy it. But $60 for a stripped-down game just isn't right.

At the end of the day though, everyone's entitled to do what they want with their money.
# 226 ChubbyBanana @ 08/21/14 10:12 PM
Guess I'm glad I have Best Buy gamers club unlocked then. With that discount and some coupons it makes the feature stripped version feel a little less.
I get what you're saying guys. If I had been a huge eashl guy I'd be disappointed

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
# 227 statnut @ 08/21/14 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by ChubbyBanana
Guess I'm glad I have Best Buy gamers club unlocked then. With that discount and some coupons it makes the feature stripped version feel a little less.
I get what you're saying guys. If I had been a huge eashl guy I'd be disappointed

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I have it too and I still will wait for it to drop lower. Maybe $30.

And it's not just EASHL. Two of the three game modes I spent the most time playing the last two years (GM Connected being the other) have been axed. Tough to justify the money.
# 228 Gerg04 @ 08/22/14 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by ChubbyBanana
Guess I'm glad I have Best Buy gamers club unlocked then. With that discount and some coupons it makes the feature stripped version feel a little less.
I get what you're saying guys. If I had been a huge eashl guy I'd be disappointed

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Yea well that deal is good regardless. In reality it's still too much because this game should not be $60, period.

It's not about whether you or I play the game modes that are in or out. It's that they've admittedly omitted game modes when they have had more time than anyone to develop on next gen and still charge full price that is the problem.
# 229 EliJ27 @ 08/22/14 12:09 AM
Someone PLEASE tell me you can still create players in this game though, like single player, be a gm and so fourth. I like the customization aspect of games and really i feel like a lot of people should feel this way, it gives you a sense of control over your game that you pay $64.19 for.... I know a lot of people are fed up with EA and they know that too. So with that being said I can't imagine EA would want to open up that can of worms if they took that out.
# 230 spidertour02 @ 08/22/14 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by jayenomics
NHL Moments is a useless game mode they could have spent that dev time on GM Connected or EASHL honestly.
Actually, I find it to be a fun way to kill a few minutes while I'm waiting for something/someone.

Also, one has nothing to do with the others. NHL Moments doesn't require anything special other than changing a few digits in the starting conditions and finding a good header image. It probably takes them a handful of weeks of dev time, tops. (This is especially evident based on the fact that they easily add more during the season.)
# 231 mtoo22 @ 08/22/14 12:06 PM
Wouldn't it be better to put out a beta of sorts and push back release (Hardline) than to push out a half finished product that will be a disappointment from the get go. Take a page from your own parent company EA, and push this thing back. I understand there is a season coming up. But you have a whole generation to build on. Not just one years worth of game.
# 232 MASCAR22 @ 08/22/14 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Retropyro
Perhaps I'll just wait until the game gets put in the "Vault".
# 233 htskr21 @ 08/22/14 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by JimmyDeicide
This holds no merit when EASHL also has micro transactions which makes them a lot of extra cash, 2nd most to HUT .

So if its all about the money they should have just put in an NHL season mode ,EASHL and HUT.
I stand corrected with regard to EASHL and the micro transactions. It wasn't really the point I was trying to make, however. To your point, I would assume HUT would be far easier to program into the game than EASHL, meaning fewer resources/less expense for EA Sports. Combine that with HUT's potential revenue, the return on investment would make HUT the slam dunk choice for the company to include, if they had to choose. (Which they did.)
# 234 Stormyhog @ 08/22/14 01:34 PM
It all has to do with trying to get sales across the board. If people really want the modes missing from PS4/XboxOne then they'll have to get both versions. I just don't by into there limited time & resources lingo they throw out there. While they're cutting stuff why don't they cut the price of the PS4/XboxOne versions. I didn't think so.
# 235 Arrowhead21 @ 08/22/14 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Stormyhog
It all has to do with trying to get sales across the board. If people really want the modes missing from PS4/XboxOne then they'll have to get both versions.
not really, EASHL will still be booming on NHL 14
# 236 Stormyhog @ 08/22/14 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Arrowhead21
not really, EASHL will still be booming on NHL 14
Yeah good point. Alot will just stick with NHL 14 if they still have there PS3/360.
# 237 thejudicata @ 08/22/14 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Stormyhog
Yeah good point. Alot will just stick with NHL 14 if they still have there PS3/360.
I'll be sticking to NHL 14 on PS3 still.

Se no point to spend $60 to see jerseys flutter
# 238 Trevelyan @ 08/22/14 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Arrowhead21
not really, EASHL will still be booming on NHL 14
I think you'll still get some action on 14, but for the most part I think all the hardcore players will move on to 15, especially when the population gets lower and lower and it takes forever to search for a game.
# 239 Reejer @ 08/22/14 05:02 PM
It appears that the "streamlining" that happened to Madden, in favor of the fluff n' stuff (MUT and pretty graphics), is now happening to NHL. Sad, sad day. Especially since I already got rid of my NHL 14, thinking that 15 would be better.
# 240 xxjgbxx @ 08/22/14 07:02 PM
this is a sad day for me, i loved playing club especially the good times had with my fellow members.

Out of all the years of everyone complaining "how can they charge 60 for a game that is same as last year" i believe NHL 15 may finally take the cake on that one, less features same price, anyone know the definition of a moron? I know i just canceled my pre order.... Guess ill be learning how to play fifa this year :/

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