NBA 2K15 News Post

During the 2K Sports NBA 2K15 livestream, the team announced Crew Mode is returning for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 only.

Here is a list of details from LD2K via the livestream:
  • Crew mode will feature 5 vs. 5 matches.
  • Full NBA rules on a hardwood floor, which will include the home team’s logo.
  • Custom jerseys will make a return.
  • You will be able to start 5 vs. 5 hardwood matches with 3, 4 or 5 players.
  • 3 vs. 3 halfcourt blacktop matches are available or you can select NBA Rules for 5 vs. 5.
  • If you have 3, your game will auto fill the missing positions with players from the team you chose.
  • You will be able to select which each player’s position is. For exammple: If you are a SG, you can select it and the AI will fill in the missing positions you don’t take.
  • The fill players are NBA players from the team you selected when creating the Crew.
  • When creating your Crew, you can select an NBA team, as well as team playbook.
  • Leaderboards are in.
Look for more news on features for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this week, including the NBA 2K15 trailer, which will be revealed by Kevin Durant.

UPDATE: If you missed the livestream, click here.

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Member Comments
# 161 HowDareI @ 08/05/14 11:18 PM
Let's assume there's no Crew on Xbox One or PS4, will any of you guys who have next gen buy it for last just for Crew?

If I still had my 360 I might...just because the servers on 2K11 are off.
# 162 green225 @ 08/05/14 11:19 PM
i see people in here bitching and complaining, screw that. this is the news i've been waiting for for 3 years, this is what all of us real crew fans have been waiting for, and i for one am f'n thrilled it's coming back. the arena, the commentery, the FOULS, the quarters, the buzzer beaters, time outs, no more damn blacktop finally. that is a problem though. in the stream they were saying it's still an option to play crew games to 21 on blacktop. since those games go quick(about 5 minutes) a lot of teams playing for rank will be playing those exclusively and if you wanna be a top ranked team, you will almost be forced to play them. that sucks! other than that, this is awesome.
# 163 Millennium @ 08/05/14 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by BMoney24
Can you explain why the Next-Gen Crew thread is locked? I don't see the point. This has nothing to do with Next-Gen.

Just admit 23 was wrong and reopen it.
23 was not wrong.
An explanation has been posted as the last post in that thread.
# 164 HowDareI @ 08/05/14 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by green225
i see people in here bitching and complaining, screw that. this is the news i've been waiting for for 3 years, this is what all of us real crew fans have been waiting for, and i for one am f'n thrilled it's coming back. the arena, the commentery, the FOULS, the quarters, the buzzer beaters, time outs, no more damn blacktop finally. that is a problem though. in the stream they were saying it's still an option to play crew games to 21 on blacktop. since those games go quick(about 5 minutes) a lot of teams playing for rank will be playing those exclusively and if you wanna be a top ranked team, you will almost be forced to play them. that sucks! other than that, this is awesome.
I think they were saying you can play 3 on 3 on the blacktop...even if not I'd bet they keep different leaderboards.

The main problem right now to a lot of us is whether or not it's on next gen..because honestly I might spend $60 just to get a last gen game for one mode and I'm not cool with that lol. Gameplay was better on 360 tho so maybe it's not all bad.
# 165 Millennium @ 08/05/14 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by BMoney24
So, I guess we cannot have a Crew thread for Next-Gen.

He knows 23 is wrong for closing the thread, but of course, will defend his actions. Need some new, objective, mods badly.
Let me try this one more time:

If you have an issue with the moderation of this site, PM me. Any more, and you'll be banned.

I'm being objective, and I'm the one who told 23 to shut it down. The same way I have had people shut down Madden Wishlist threads that got out of hand.
# 166 green225 @ 08/05/14 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by HowDareI
I think they were saying you can play 3 on 3 on the blacktop...even if not I'd bet they keep different leaderboards.

The main problem right now to a lot of us is whether or not it's on next gen..because honestly I might spend $60 just to get a last gen game for one mode and I'm not cool with that lol. Gameplay was better on 360 tho so maybe it's not all bad.
it's worth it, man, crew mode is priceless.
# 167 MarvinOida @ 08/05/14 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by green225
it's worth it, man, crew mode is priceless.

I'm just praying for stable servers now. That's the only thing I'm worried about. Cause before the stream, servers were down.
# 168 green225 @ 08/05/14 11:36 PM
well personally i'm happy it's only on last gen, because if it was on next gen i may have bought a ps4 just to play crew, and i can't afford that right now. as for the servers, we can only hope, i will say they've been great so far in 2k14, best they've ever been.
# 169 born2playball @ 08/05/14 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by HowDareI
Let's assume there's no Crew on Xbox One or PS4, will any of you guys who have next gen buy it for last just for Crew?

If I still had my 360 I might...just because the servers on 2K11 are off.
If I still had my 360, I would buy it in a heartbeat just for that system, with a 2k11 Crew mode now back. I had so much fun and got so much replay value out of that game, all the way up untill they shut down the servers. It was the last NBA 2k game that I felt that actually gave me way more value from the modes (jordan challenges, crew, leagues, and the legends) then what I paid.

If there is no 2k11 style Crew on Next Gen and just more of this blacktop acrade garbage, I might buy a used 360 just to play the game on that again. I still have a lot of friends that are still on the 360. It just would be hard to go back to the old graphics again on last gen after experiencing how good they are on Next Gen.

I hope 2k does the right thing and brings the same 2k11 style Crew mode over to Next Gen this year. It would be very dissapointing if they didn't.
# 170 HowDareI @ 08/06/14 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by born2playball
If I still had my 360, I would buy it in a heartbeat just for that system, with a 2k11 Crew mode now back. I had so much fun and got so much replay value out of that game, all the way up untill they shut down the servers. It was the last NBA 2k game that I felt that actually gave me way more value from the modes (jordan challenges, crew, leagues, and the legends) then what I paid.

If there is no 2k11 style Crew on Next Gen and just more of this blacktop acrade garbage, I might buy a used 360 just to play the game on that again. I still have a lot of friends that are still on the 360. It just would be hard to go back to the old graphics again on last gen after experiencing how good they are on Next Gen.

I hope 2k does the right thing and brings the same 2k11 style Crew mode over to Next Gen this year. It would be very dissapointing if they didn't.
Pretty much 100% the exact same situation I have.
# 171 fpliii @ 08/06/14 12:09 AM
Two observations:

1) Pretty brilliant marketing on 2k's part. 360/PS3 are "dying" systems, especially if this is the final release for those consoles. They'll not only get late-adapters to purchase, but early-adapters who are Crew enthusiasts might buy for both systems.

2) This reminds me of last year, when it was being put out there that there wouldn't be Association mode on PS4/XBone. Maybe 2k has re-envisioned Crew mode as they did with MyGM?
# 172 HumanBeans @ 08/06/14 12:15 AM
10$ says KD releases Pharrell's soundtrack on his IG
# 173 noshun @ 08/06/14 12:40 AM
This is purely a sales move. With crew back 2K:

1. Knows Live is only on next gen.
2. They know people have been feigning for crew, which will gets millions of sales just off having crew back, bolstering a sales gap increase vs. Live.
3. They can add this or another unnamed feature for next gen, getting those sales as well.
4. Get their consumer base to potentiality double-dip current/next gen sales, maximizing profit.
5. Potentially have stats carry over to next gen, thus guarantee double-dippers.
6. Dreaded VC monetizing carry over as well.
7. Increase consumer base further.
# 174 LastExit @ 08/06/14 12:59 AM
I never really got into Crew Mode but I have to say that it is good to see the mode exist only on the older gen versions of the game......gives a justification for the price being the same. I understand why those who have the new gen consoles are miffed but this move makes some sort of sense if they want to price the two games (for both console generations) the same.
# 175 Moose Factory @ 08/06/14 03:04 AM
I'd like to punch both of these men in the face.
# 176 Cripterion @ 08/06/14 04:43 AM
That's the **** 2K was hyping? Truly laughable. Wish a third company came here and made a genuine basketball game. EA is dead to me when it comes to basketball and 2K is becoming irrelevant the more cash they rake in.
# 177 Dmanning2 @ 08/06/14 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by noshun
This is purely a sales move. With crew back 2K:

1. Knows Live is only on next gen.
2. They know people have been feigning for crew, which will gets millions of sales just off having crew back, bolstering a sales gap increase vs. Live.
3. They can add this or another unnamed feature for next gen, getting those sales as well.
4. Get their consumer base to potentiality double-dip current/next gen sales, maximizing profit.
5. Potentially have stats carry over to next gen, thus guarantee double-dippers.
6. Dreaded VC monetizing carry over as well.
7. Increase consumer base further.

YUP crazy thing is WHAT IF 2k was planning this all along. Take the best online game mode out the game for a few years put it back in with the next generations systems/games come out then stick the game mode back in to give people a reason to buy the game on ps3/xbox360.

Both games 60?
Double the $$$$$$$$
Who ever the CEO at 2kSports is a genius
# 178 Dmanning2 @ 08/06/14 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by HumanBeans
10$ says KD releases Pharrell's soundtrack on his IG

10 dollars says we get a quick trailer.. Got your PayPal ready? LOL
# 179 willh313 @ 08/06/14 05:33 AM
The fact that cats are mad and they don't really know anything yet is proof positive that they are in your heads. Please just wait and see what they say. they don't have to rush anything because compared to the competition the have the upper hand plain and simple...you guys are NOT going to buy NBA Live (at least the ones threatening to) that game sucked last year and they cant keep a lead producer on past release. It may be decent this year at best, and that's pushing it. Just be patient, I'm sure you'll get what you want.
# 180 yungsta404 @ 08/06/14 06:37 AM
I am willing to bet they are going to try to "innovate" crew mode for NEXT GEN and push it with some kind of pay-wall. Just like how they tried to "innovate" association mode for NEXT GEN with My GM and laced it with micro transitions.

Im predicting you are going to have to buy uniforms, maybe some kind of system where you need to buy contracts to play games like in My Team, buy stuff to customize your arena, having to buy team accessories from a crew store,

or even worst...... Maybe you will have to buy some kind of season pass to even access it. Not sure if 2k would stoop down to that level but you never know, they are a large corporation that is looking to maximize their profits, and they have been EXTREMELY cocky lately.

I expect 2k to be ruthless with their microtransitions for NEXT GEN "crew" since its such an desirable mode. It has great potential to be a money sucking tool.

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