NBA 2K15 News Post

During the 2K Sports NBA 2K15 livestream, the team announced Crew Mode is returning for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 only.

Here is a list of details from LD2K via the livestream:
  • Crew mode will feature 5 vs. 5 matches.
  • Full NBA rules on a hardwood floor, which will include the home team’s logo.
  • Custom jerseys will make a return.
  • You will be able to start 5 vs. 5 hardwood matches with 3, 4 or 5 players.
  • 3 vs. 3 halfcourt blacktop matches are available or you can select NBA Rules for 5 vs. 5.
  • If you have 3, your game will auto fill the missing positions with players from the team you chose.
  • You will be able to select which each player’s position is. For exammple: If you are a SG, you can select it and the AI will fill in the missing positions you don’t take.
  • The fill players are NBA players from the team you selected when creating the Crew.
  • When creating your Crew, you can select an NBA team, as well as team playbook.
  • Leaderboards are in.
Look for more news on features for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this week, including the NBA 2K15 trailer, which will be revealed by Kevin Durant.

UPDATE: If you missed the livestream, click here.

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Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 201 Clappington @ 08/07/14 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by green225
next gen users need to accept the fact that you're not gonna get crew. all the signs are there. closing the threads is a big one. either go back to last gen, or forget about it.
Lmao who are you again? and how do you know next gen wont be having anything like crew or better? hmm I'll wait.
# 202 Clappington @ 08/07/14 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
because its only confirmed for cxbox360/ps3and since the threads were moved here activity in them has dramatically dropped. Seems like many didnt care about "crew" in the first place and only wanted a thread to rant in
What im saying is nothing has been said for next gen so I don't why a thread of crew or park with a poll was closed can't ask a simple question? lmao I know you hate crew and anything to do with it so i understand where you coming from, but Glad crew is back for last gen users!
# 203 green225 @ 08/07/14 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
Lmao who are you again? and how do you know next gen wont be having anything like crew or better? hmm I'll wait.
because the way they're acting right now for next gen crew is the way they acted for years with last gen crew.
# 204 Clappington @ 08/07/14 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by green225
because the way they're acting right now for next gen crew is the way they acted for years with last gen crew.
I said why is every thread closed for next gen about crew? nothing has been announced so therefore why would it be closed? now how am i acting like someone wanting crew? because im asking a question? lol run that by me please.
# 205 313entlogic @ 08/07/14 01:10 PM
All of you who are looking to recruit for crew mode or the new mode they're adding into next gen drop by this page on fb. Our mission is to help connect players without crews or crews without 3 people at one time in the fastest manner possible. https://m.facebook.com/2kRecruitment?view=page
# 206 MarvinOida @ 08/07/14 01:28 PM
Why can't you all PS4/One users just wait for news? It's only the beginning of August. We've been through this style of marketing for years now, just cool off and just wait.

Let us 360/PS3 users have our fun. It's all about maximizing your profits for 2K. But we don't even know anything still at this point.
# 207 Clappington @ 08/07/14 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
Why can't you all PS4/One users just wait for news? It's only the beginning of August. We've been through this style of marketing for years now, just cool off and just wait.

Let us 360/PS3 users have our fun. It's all about maximizing your profits for 2K. But we don't even know anything still at this point.
Oh we are happy af for yall, thats not the issue the issue is every thread we post on next gen that has anything to do with myplayer gets locked because some mods hate it. like I said before im happy af crew is back for last gen it because that just means at some point it will have to be in next gen or we are getting something that is just as fun.
# 208 313entlogic @ 08/07/14 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
Why can't you all PS4/One users just wait for news? It's only the beginning of August. We've been through this style of marketing for years now, just cool off and just wait.

Let us 360/PS3 users have our fun. It's all about maximizing your profits for 2K. But we don't even know anything still at this point.
Looking forward to demolishing your crew Marvin. You gonna build your guy up from the ground or try and combat those 99 vc bought crews by buying vc? (Not trolling that's a legitimate question.)
# 209 MarvinOida @ 08/07/14 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by 313entlogic
Looking forward to demolishing your crew Marvin. You gonna build your guy up from the ground or try and combat those 99 vc bought crews by buying vc? (Not trolling that's a legitimate question.)

I never have bought VC since it's started, always found my guy to be 90-ish before ASW. I'm probably gonna make a SF or PF after two years of PG.

But idk if I'll get the game, I usually wait out the initial excitement and see how the community is with it. I almost asked for NG last year but all the problems told me wait another year.

Remember I'm a young one, I don't have money outta my pockets. But maybe it'll change in 8 days.
# 210 313entlogic @ 08/07/14 02:37 PM
Yeah, I just had the opportunity to buy NG a few times myself but there weren't that many games out that made me want to.

I think I'm going pg most of my friends like to shoot and shoot... So I'll be the facilitator.

Hoping they do announce crew for NG though so I can finally have a reason to go out and buy it. But I'm definitely not complaining because as we all know they could've not given us anything.

Most of these cats on here act as though they're not gonna play it when they were the main ones saying they'd play 2k11's version of crew if the servers were still up.

I would be mad too, wouldn't complain though. Manning said devs know WE want all calls 5v4 full court 4Q's refs and NOT ON A BLACKTOP (aka park) so idk why you all are tripping.
# 211 green225 @ 08/07/14 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
I said why is every thread closed for next gen about crew? nothing has been announced so therefore why would it be closed? now how am i acting like someone wanting crew? because im asking a question? lol run that by me please.
heading into 2k12, and 2k13, all the crew threads got closed. guess what, there ended up being no crew. it's the same deal now with next gen. they don't want people talking about things that won't be in the game. say what you want, believe what you want, i'm just telling you what i think.
# 212 Clappington @ 08/07/14 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by green225
heading into 2k12, and 2k13, all the crew threads got closed. guess what, there ended up being no crew. it's the same deal now with next gen. they don't want people talking about things that won't be in the game. say what you want, believe what you want, i'm just telling you what i think.
I never asked you what you thought? also you said it wont be in the game? nor did I ever say it should be in the game im not crying if its in the game or not we just want a thread to talk about what we think will be in for NG, now if thats a issue then OS needs to revisit their rules. Also who said crew wasnt in NG? you said they dont want people talking about things that wont be in the game..well uh who said it wasn't? your arguement is for someone else because im just merely saying we should be able to have a thread to discuss what we think will be in next gen for myplayer didn't know that was an issue.
# 213 donnybrah @ 08/07/14 03:47 PM
This is honestly the worst marketing choice 2K could've made, imo. Instead of giving people crew on both generations in the first reveal stream, they just angered people... well done 2K. Really disturbs me how little they care about next gen. How do they not understand what we want, most people gave been saying what they want for 3 years now.
# 214 lb1294 @ 08/08/14 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by donnybrah
This is honestly the worst marketing choice 2K could've made, imo. Instead of giving people crew on both generations in the first reveal stream, they just angered people... well done 2K. Really disturbs me how little they care about next gen. How do they not understand what we want, most people gave been saying what they want for 3 years now.

You've been saying you want Crew Mode on NextGen for 3 years?? Dang you really are ahead of the game aren't you!
# 215 green225 @ 08/08/14 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Clappington
I never asked you what you thought? also you said it wont be in the game? nor did I ever say it should be in the game im not crying if its in the game or not we just want a thread to talk about what we think will be in for NG, now if thats a issue then OS needs to revisit their rules. Also who said crew wasnt in NG? you said they dont want people talking about things that wont be in the game..well uh who said it wasn't? your arguement is for someone else because im just merely saying we should be able to have a thread to discuss what we think will be in next gen for myplayer didn't know that was an issue.
you asked me how i know 2k won't have crew, and i answered you. don't know why you have to act like a douche, but that's just you i guess.
# 216 donnybrah @ 08/08/14 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by lb1294
You've been saying you want Crew Mode on NextGen for 3 years?? Dang you really are ahead of the game aren't you!
I want EVERYONE to have the chance to play crew. Not just people with a last generation console. This is the future. Missing a very large part of the community if crew isn't delivered to next gen and it won't make the older gamers very happy if they don't deliver. Crew being back on last gen really means nothing to me and millions of other nextgen gamers.
# 217 Clappington @ 08/08/14 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by green225
you asked me how i know 2k won't have crew, and i answered you. don't know why you have to act like a douche, but that's just you i guess.
Not acting like anything, I just dont see why your slandering 2k saying one then with no facts or source just going off your feelings and saying its a fact. not a good move at all. I'm sorry if you feel that way.
# 218 green225 @ 08/08/14 12:31 PM
i'm not "slandering" them. you ASKED me how i know 2k next gen won't have crew and i told you. so why are you acting like you never asked me anything now? you learn from past experience. i learned from being on this forum going into 2k12, and 2k13, and also following what's going on outside the forum. of course it isn't 100% fact, but in my head it is.
# 219 MarvinOida @ 08/08/14 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by donnybrah
I want EVERYONE to have the chance to play crew. Not just people with a last generation console. This is the future. Missing a very large part of the community if crew isn't delivered to next gen and it won't make the older gamers very happy if they don't deliver. Crew being back on last gen really means nothing to me and millions of other nextgen gamers.

More like thousands. 2K's online community goes up like to 750K. And that's millions of copies sold.

There's also still a lot of people on the 360/PS3, so they know that they're ok for now.
# 220 Clappington @ 08/08/14 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by green225
i'm not "slandering" them. you ASKED me how i know 2k next gen won't have crew and i told you. so why are you acting like you never asked me anything now? you learn from past experience. i learned from being on this forum going into 2k12, and 2k13, and also following what's going on outside the forum. of course it isn't 100% fact, but in my head it is.
Before I asked you told me it wasn't going to be in the game so then I asked you how did you know, and yes you are slandering 2k and frankly I dont appreciate all this slandering your doing right now.

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