Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is currently livestreaming Madden NFL 15, detailing the presentation and graphics. (Note: As of 3:30 PM EST, the stream has now ended. We'll effort an archived version soon!)

UPDATE: Click here to watch the archived stream. (It takes some time to load...)

Here are some thoughts on the stream today:
  • The halftime show is definitely improved and of good quality. The problem will be most will find it perfectly skippable, but there aren't any real cases where a halftime show is must-see TV, even in real-life. It's sponsored by Verizon, so there's that.
  • Commentary was ok, you didn't hear much of it due to the dev commentary over the gameplay, but it seemed to flow a bit better. We won't know anything about that until a later date.
  • Coaches have unique body types and head models, so they do look better. Coaches we saw today (Reid, Tomlin mainly) were definitely a step up.
  • Celebrations and such definitely are smoother/more aware of the context they're happening in since they happen within the gameplay itself and not a loaded cut-scene. Still some wonky instances but overall better.
  • The developers talked about equipment a bit. The new uniforms for each team are going to be in, and uniform/helmet degradation are in as well.
  • Switching of cameras was very smooth, definitely a huge improvement there.
  • Sidelines are much busier now, more people on them, etc. They still don't look perfect, but from where we were to where we are now, huge improvement.
  • Overall the presentation is quite good in-game this year, it definitely has a new layer of polish on it that wasn't there last year. It's not perfect, but clearly its taken yet another leap ahead this season.
What did you think of the stream?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 RyanLaFalce @ 07/30/14 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Gilley
The banners that provide stats don't stay up long enough. I barely have time to read what's on them.
Something that can easily be fixed
# 22 azdawgpound @ 07/30/14 02:34 PM
yet another video and yet ANOTHER day game!!!!!!! why they showing only day games? should atleast show night or weather game.
# 23 Danimal @ 07/30/14 02:34 PM
After a very strong Twitch Stream on Gameplay this one has been very underwhelming.

I'm sure I'll be skipping that halftime show after 2 or 3 games.
# 24 jmurphy31 @ 07/30/14 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
It was showing the TD celebration while transitioning to the halftime show.
which wasnt that bad...it was the guys just laying and bouncing off the ground that was bad.
# 25 strawberryshortcake @ 07/30/14 02:34 PM
Nothing really changed in the halftime show presentation at all unfortunately. Should have figured, even though they said they were putting more work on it. Lots of the same post play celebration animations play out. Seems as though I've already seen all of them already. Don't like constantly seeing both arms raised by the players as part of the celebration package. It is what it is, I guess. Disappointed.
# 26 mike24forever @ 07/30/14 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
Find it funny the jumbo-trons say "block that kick" which is not really possible in Madden.

-They have several hundred facial scans.
-Replays track the ball more realistically.
-Pass rush is pretty good on both sides(HUM and CPU).
-Camera switching on the fly is real smooth.
-Plenty of dropped passes.
-Lapses in coverage seem pretty good.
-Does seem like slants are opening up after they cross each other and reach the 10-12 yard mark and the other side of the field. Has been open nearly every time.
-Camera cannot be changed on the fly if playing same console co-op.
-Seeing a good amount of stat banners, but like said before, they do disappear rather quickly.
-Each coach has unique bodies and details in their outfits. No longer do they have turtle like traps(shoulder muscles).
-Throws are off target in a good fashion. They aren't being thrown at defenders or receivers only. It seems like most incompletions are missing everyone altogether. It might be a coincidence, but it almost seems like they are being placed in areas that WR's will only be able to reach instead of just being off target at random locations. Lots of routes on the outer half having the ball being overthrown into the sidelines limiting interception opportunies and preserving possession.
-Despite all of the new cameras and replays, the post play cameras are still kind of ugly. For example you still get that same Madden zoom in on the ball after an incompletion. More of a small complaint, but it gets older after it being that way every year. Also seems like the ball dies after a bounce or two and looks bad.
-Terrible AI behind the CPU offense at the end of the half. No timeouts, 10 seconds left, they throw a pass in the middle of the field 5 yards away from the endzone. Should have taken the FG to make it 6-7, instead ran out of time.
-Halftime show is short and basic. Shows off a few plays, generic commentary about it and has a ticker showing stats on the bottom of the screen.
I noticed no timeout was called before the half. I saw a timeout called before it, so I don't know if they had all been used.
I disagree a bit with Canes on the Half Time show. While it is short, they said they are looking a different variables to what is included. I liked that they talked about the fumble. Would have been better if they criticized the lack of calling a time out(if any were left)! It's still not the half time show that most on OS desire, but it's better than what it was.
# 27 jmurphy31 @ 07/30/14 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by RyanLaFalce
Something that can easily be fixed
But they havent in years. Plus Clint on twitter said it was adesign choice to get people through the game quicker.
# 28 csamuelsvt @ 07/30/14 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by azdawgpound
yet another video and yet ANOTHER day game!!!!!!! why they showing only day games? should atleast show night or weather game.
Makes you wonder why there aren't ANY night pics or gameplay of night games
# 29 jmurphy31 @ 07/30/14 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by mike24forever
I noticed no timeout was called before the half. I saw a timeout called before it, so I don't know if they had all been used.
I disagree a bit with Canes on the Half Time show. While it is short, they said they are looking a different variables to what is included. I liked that they talked about the fumble. Would have been better if they criticized the lack of calling a time out(if any were left)! It's still not the half time show that most on OS desire, but it's better than what it was.
I was wondering the same thing. I wasnt paying attention tot he Time Outs on the scoreboard. But the CPU not calling a timeout in that situation isnt a good sign for CPU vs Human Games
# 30 dougdeuce @ 07/30/14 02:39 PM
Ok, that TD catch was a thing of beauty.
# 31 jmurphy31 @ 07/30/14 02:40 PM
The catch in the end zone that gets challenged. The actual in game replay you cant see anything but the goal post. Awful angle on the replay

The challenge replay is much better
# 32 Cowboy008 @ 07/30/14 02:40 PM
Nice TD catch. Hopefully someone asks them how night games and dome games look.
# 33 Moose Factory @ 07/30/14 02:41 PM
I like the overall color tone of the game. It feels warmer than Madden 25. Kind of reminds me of NCAA actually. It's subtle but nice.
# 34 MrPinkBlackrose @ 07/30/14 02:42 PM
That 1/2 time was super weak...
# 35 dougdeuce @ 07/30/14 02:42 PM
Can we PLEASE slow down the hurry to the line in no huddle? How does everyone on the field suddenly run a 4.2 40 into their stance? please, stop it.
# 36 TDKing @ 07/30/14 02:43 PM
Do we need to see the coaches after every play?
# 37 TDKing @ 07/30/14 02:44 PM
Big sack no replay. Did he button past it?
# 38 dougdeuce @ 07/30/14 02:44 PM
nice to see that women and children still don't attend NFL games
# 39 csamuelsvt @ 07/30/14 02:44 PM
Must be "Guys Day/Night" at the stadium where all men leave the women and children at home!
# 40 TDKing @ 07/30/14 02:49 PM
Can barely hear game announcers but already boring me!

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