NBA 2K15 News Post

Lebron James is coming home.

How does this change the NBA, your view of LeBron, and all the other angles to the story you can think of?

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# 541 jeebs9 @ 07/18/14 04:28 PM
But it seems the the polls want #23 to come back.
# 542 ProfessaPackMan @ 07/18/14 04:29 PM
Just go with #0, man.

Better yet, just pick a number and stick with it for more than 4 years.
# 543 wwharton @ 07/18/14 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Just go with #0, man.

Better yet, just pick a number and stick with it for more than 4 years.
I don't think he'd have the nerve to disrespect Gilbert Arenas like that. #0 should be retired in every arena.
# 544 BringTheHeat @ 07/18/14 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Just go with #0, man.

Better yet, just pick a team and stick with it for more than 4 years.

And yeah can't use Gil's number!
# 545 ojandpizza @ 07/18/14 10:50 PM
Joe Harris might have been a nice young player had Cleveland no stockpiled all LeBron's friends instead..

But I'm all for experience > young talent when trying to build a contender. His time will come.

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# 546 jeebs9 @ 07/18/14 11:40 PM
I really like Joe Harris.
# 547 BigDaddyHolmes @ 07/19/14 03:17 AM

Sorry, someone already posted the video on page 48!(Lebron-dumb and dumber)
# 548 lilteapot @ 07/19/14 06:10 AM
I gotta say I kind of agree with people having a problem with Lebron allegedly trying to recruit Love at all costs. I don't think this Cavs team is a title contender (different from being an EC Champion contender) but I don't think Love is necessarily going to make them one especially when you give up depth in order to get him.

Also it pretty much contradicts what he wrote in that essay about being patient and not being ready to win now. obviously he does want to win now, and any basketball player that has aspirations wants to win now, but man just deal with what you have. You left Miami which was your best chance to win immediately in the east, you made your bed now lay in it and wait it out; after all, you still have quite a few years left in your prime.
# 549 The 24th Letter @ 07/19/14 09:31 AM
"Just deal with what you have?" Come on man, lol

I didn't interpret the letter as not trying to get better if the opportunity presents itself at all...
# 550 lilteapot @ 07/19/14 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
"Just deal with what you have?" Come on man, lol

I didn't interpret the letter as not trying to get better if the opportunity presents itself at all...
If you look at my posts ITT i keep flip flopping between "I'd love to see Love play with Lebron" and "but would they give up too much?!" i can't decide which side i'm on lol.

but then again this might all be just pure speculation and these trade talks may not have even happened at all.
# 551 wwharton @ 07/19/14 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by lilteapot
I gotta say I kind of agree with people having a problem with Lebron allegedly trying to recruit Love at all costs. I don't think this Cavs team is a title contender (different from being an EC Champion contender) but I don't think Love is necessarily going to make them one especially when you give up depth in order to get him.

Also it pretty much contradicts what he wrote in that essay about being patient and not being ready to win now. obviously he does want to win now, and any basketball player that has aspirations wants to win now, but man just deal with what you have. You left Miami which was your best chance to win immediately in the east, you made your bed now lay in it and wait it out; after all, you still have quite a few years left in your prime.
In Lebron's defense, all he did was tell Love he'd love to play with him. Something he absolutely should do, but I don't remember reading that he said he wanted Love, made demands to management, etc. He also said Wiggins looks intriguing. People are reading way too much into this stuff.
# 552 cavsfan2 @ 07/19/14 04:34 PM
If they trade Wiggins, the defensive ineptitude of Kyrie, Waiters, Love, and the complete absence of a real center seems like a team that cant win the championship. Just my opinion.

I feel as if Wiggins will be Lebron's best friend in that Lebron will no longer have to chase around the other teams best player. That HAS to keep him fresher for the postseason, right?

If Im the Cavs, I would look for a cheaper player that can stretch the floor.
# 553 antixnette @ 07/19/14 06:41 PM
Dion was one of the better Cavalier defensive players last year. He definitely shouldn't be grouped with Kyrie.

Wiggins is vastly overrated. He plays defense, but what else does he have to offer beside that? I just see an athletic freak that plays defense. His lack of ball handling is what make him so passive. He's a poor finisher at the rim, and his jump-shot is suspect.

I would definitely give him up for Kevin Love.
# 554 cavsfan2 @ 07/19/14 06:54 PM
By what measurement is Waiters vastly better than Kyrie at defense? Kyrie has more steals per game, his defensive rating (estimated points given up per 100 possesions) is 108 compared to Waiters which is 110. Kyrie also had a higher defensive win share and steal percentage.

So by what measurement is Dion better? Because statistically, Kyrie is actually better than Dion.
# 555 gerald88 @ 07/21/14 07:10 AM
Lebron James is my favorite player I just wish he would make up his mind who he wants to stay with atleast he has Irvin this time around.
# 556 jeebs9 @ 07/21/14 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by cavsfan2
If they trade Wiggins, the defensive ineptitude of Kyrie, Waiters, Love, and the complete absence of a real center seems like a team that cant win the championship. Just my opinion.

I feel as if Wiggins will be Lebron's best friend in that Lebron will no longer have to chase around the other teams best player. That HAS to keep him fresher for the postseason, right?

If Im the Cavs, I would look for a cheaper player that can stretch the floor.
I'm %60-%70 in agreement with you. I was on the fens last week. The more I think about it. The More I say keep Wiggins. And just sign Ray Allen.
# 557 antixnette @ 07/21/14 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by cavsfan2
By what measurement is Waiters vastly better than Kyrie at defense? Kyrie has more steals per game, his defensive rating (estimated points given up per 100 possesions) is 108 compared to Waiters which is 110. Kyrie also had a higher defensive win share and steal percentage.

So by what measurement is Dion better? Because statistically, Kyrie is actually better than Dion.

Next time quote me.

If you watched the game, you would see Dion guarding the opposing teams best player. Stats doesn't always tell the picture. Eyes do. I hate when people like you throw stats up, because it proves nothing. Kyrie Irving is one of the worst defenders in the NBA. He get lost on screens, gives up on plays, and just horrible at man and help.

Maybe you should change your name. You stat watching. Anybody who actually watch the Cavs play would say the same thing I'm saying.
# 558 wwharton @ 07/21/14 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by antixnette
Next time quote me.

If you watched the game, you would see Dion guarding the opposing teams best player. Stats doesn't always tell the picture. Eyes do. I hate when people like you throw stats up, because it proves nothing. Kyrie Irving is one of the worst defenders in the NBA. He get lost on screens, gives up on plays, and just horrible at man and help.

Maybe you should change your name. You stat watching. Anybody who actually watch the Cavs play would say the same thing I'm saying.
He asked a simple question. Tone down the attitude which borders on a personal attack (and is against our TOS).
# 559 cavsfan2 @ 07/21/14 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by antixnette
Next time quote me.

If you watched the game, you would see Dion guarding the opposing teams best player. Stats doesn't always tell the picture. Eyes do. I hate when people like you throw stats up, because it proves nothing. Kyrie Irving is one of the worst defenders in the NBA. He get lost on screens, gives up on plays, and just horrible at man and help.

Maybe you should change your name. You stat watching. Anybody who actually watch the Cavs play would say the same thing I'm saying.
Considering the fact that Dion came off the bench for the majority of last season it would have been pretty hard for him to guard the other teams best player consistently. Gee and Delly are both better defenders than Dion so when they were in the game that task fell to them.

I agree that Waiters puts more effort into defense and he's probably a better defender than Kyrie, but the fact is, he isn't that much better. Considering how bad Kyrie is at defense, that's really not all that impressive.
# 560 Majingir @ 07/22/14 12:36 AM
Based on reaction American Airlines Arena gave tonight during a Lebron Parody segment, sounds like Heat fans hate Lebron now lol.He took them to the finals 4 times,won 2 titles,went back HOME(not to a highest bidder,not to a bigger market team,just back HOME),and Heat fans hate him lol. Reaction wasn't really THAT loud though(but it was 90% boos). Guess half the Heat fans left already.

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