EA Sports UFC News Post

EA Sports UFC arrives today, some have downloaded the game already for the PlayStation 4. While we have plenty of early impressions from users that found the game early, we wanted to open up a new topic for everyone.

Play a few matches, play around in the modes, then let us know what you think.

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 pdandy @ 06/17/14 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Are you seeing decisions with real time clock as well?
Yes but I avoid playing with the hud. I think the animations are good enough to do that now. Without the hud you usually play more cautiously and you don't have a "time to go in for the kill" meter. Sidenote: I really wish they had the option to only see your own stamina and health.

Was using Mark Hunt. He was gassed mid 3rd round. In addition, the AI finally plays more patiently by rounds 3 to 5 with normal clock.
# 62 turty11 @ 06/17/14 05:44 PM
the cut scene videos of fighters are AMAZING, i really like the skeleton effect.

--and the forest griffin video mails are lol..although ive already gotten the same one twice for

the amount of skill points for increasing ratings is too low though IMO, ive got many max'd stats just after my 2nd fight, i dont even do training now because its already gotten massively boring

as far as the "go for the kill" momenty without hud, the mad vibration on my controller works plenty for that :P no hud necesary
# 63 SwedishTouch76 @ 06/17/14 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
nope, I have had 4 people quit on me after they couldnt just click the left stick to get up and I held them down. didn't get the wins for them.
Kills online for me. Thats idiotic. Can u see their record and dnf% prior to playing?
# 64 EarvGotti @ 06/17/14 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by SwedishTouch76
Kills online for me. Thats idiotic. Can u see their record and dnf% prior to playing?
Nope. You can't even see their name until after the fight has ended. lol
# 65 vpizzle28 @ 06/17/14 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by EarvGotti
Online is fun so far. But very easy. Lots of noobs online so they just spam strikes and have no real MMA knowledge. I'm currently 16-2 with those 2 losses coming from flash KO.
Nice, I had a killer record on UFC 3 until I got to the higher ranks. Then I evened out a bit. I have a feeling the same will go for this. Ground control for the win!
# 66 Mr. Miyagi @ 06/17/14 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
I was victim of the first form of cheese, I got ptu up against the cage but their stamina was wiped. I kept bocking knees, but I could not transition out afterward. I was stuck with my back to the cage unable to move, Because they would just keep spamming body knees, the would come before the transition could even start. I was willing to eat a knee to move, and still no go. could not transition away from bruce lee knees with Rory. Dude was completely gassed, but I could not do anything as my transitions would not register.

Stamina does need working, also I think there should be a delay before you can attempt another transition on the ground if you are gassed, People are spamming transitions even while gassed to not take damage, even if they are blocked they don't care spam another one and you can't get hit. These 2 exploits could RUIN online play.
I agree with this 200% if you get muai thai clinched against the cage with a guy spamming knees even if you block the knees you can't push off. I have no idea why that is. Can someone help???
# 67 Reed1417 @ 06/17/14 06:31 PM
I'm installing the game on Xbox One as I type this!! I'm so pumped for this!!! Quick question can you use CAF's or Career Mode fighters online?

Reed is comin' atcha!!
# 68 Lakers 24 7 @ 06/17/14 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Reed1417
I'm installing the game on Xbox One as I type this!! I'm so pumped for this!!! Quick question can you use CAF's or Career Mode fighters online?

Reed is comin' atcha!!
Only in unranked I believe.
# 69 iLLWiLL9105 @ 06/17/14 06:54 PM
Is there a way to not get my face bloodied? Maybe im just eating a lot of face shots but it seems i always end up with a bloody face. Even in my fight against Valasquez and that was a seemingly slow paced fight
# 70 ManiacMatt1782 @ 06/17/14 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Lakers 24/7
Only in unranked I believe.
This is correct.
# 71 aholbert32 @ 06/17/14 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by iLLWiLL9105
Is there a way to not get my face bloodied? Maybe im just eating a lot of face shots but it seems i always end up with a bloody face. Even in my fight against Valasquez and that was a seemingly slow paced fight
The only way is to not get hit in the face.
# 72 GameplayDevUFC @ 06/17/14 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
The only way is to not get hit in the face.
If we only got one thing 100% sim, this would be it
# 73 woody2goody @ 06/17/14 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by SwedishTouch76
Kills online for me. Thats idiotic. Can u see their record and dnf% prior to playing?
Yeah that needs to be changed. FIFA seemed to get that part right so it's surprising if disconnectors aren't being punished here.

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# 74 Menace8 @ 06/17/14 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Every move is available for every CAF so its not governed by the fighting style.

Every licensed fighter has a different moveset but thats limited because there are so few moves in the game.
Thanks for the info man.
# 75 Reed1417 @ 06/17/14 07:46 PM
Thanks for that info I appreciate that. I'm just going to mess around in the career mode for a bit...let me just say that I'm kinda let down you can't make a woman fighter.....why even have them in the game to use in play now if that's the ONLY thing you can do with them? Baffles me. Also they don't have Baltimore,MD which is me just nitpicking but I guess Byron "Lights Out" Reed is from Camp Springs, MD this time around.

Reed is comin' atcha!!
# 76 LingeringRegime @ 06/17/14 07:54 PM
I just wanted to point out something that I really like and applaud the development group for.

The sound and overall ambience.

One pet peeve of mine that killed immersion for me in the past was that if you had a Brazilian fighter his corner always shouted to him in English. Finally, this game has the corner men shouting instructions in Portuguese.

Another thing I really like is how the Career Mode sound is. I only have had a chance to have one fight, but I loved the whole TUF atmosphere, with the teammates shouting, etc. It really sounds like that was taking directly from the show and I appreciate that you guys have added real sound for this game.

I also like the oohs and ahhs during the replays between rounds.

The only negatives I have about the sound is Goldie and Rogan don't sound very natural. Seems they just ripped the excited utterances, which is fine. But, when they happen non-stop they kind of lose their power.
# 77 Trevelyan @ 06/17/14 08:01 PM
I'm really trying to enjoy the game, but the controls being so wonky is off putting.
# 78 LingeringRegime @ 06/17/14 08:07 PM
If a stamina/AI patch comes out I will be pretty satisfied with this game as a 1st effort.

Specially tuning the stamina to be adjusted to accelerated clock or normal clock to the users preference.

It has some odd animations at times, but I can overlook that. I just want the stamina and overaggressive AI brought into the realms of normalcy.
# 79 Toma @ 06/17/14 08:14 PM
Its very annoying that even on EASY the AI is just so aggressive. It really ruins the experience... I do NOT want to go to beginner to fight but is the AI less aggressive? I just think if their not on EASY then why would they be on BEGINNER?

OFF TOPIC QUESTION - How do I show my post count under my name?
# 80 bigeastbumrush @ 06/17/14 08:38 PM
The pace is much better (slower) than the demo.

CPU AI is a bit more patient even on Easy.

I like the differentiation in skills in fighters. Really sets them apart for me.

Having a lot of fun. Wins are very gratifying.

Still struggling with my submission defense and the CPU stops my takedowns way too often for my liking.

Early impressions: 7.5/10

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