R.B.I. Baseball 14 News Post

R.B.I. Baseball 14 is available now for 360, PS3 and iOS devices.

Check out the gameplay video we recorded this morning, right here (sorry no audio, looking into it). Fellow OS'er CaCHooKa Man has uploaded a video as well, which has audio.

If you have downloaded the game, let us know your thoughts!

Game: R.B.I. Baseball 14Hype Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Android / iOS / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 10 - View All
R.B.I. Baseball 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 Teirminator @ 04/09/14 04:34 PM
360 and GameCenter have overall leaderboards. I can compare my stats to other players. That's cool at least.
# 62 DJ @ 04/09/14 05:04 PM
I'd like to see this available on the 3DS and Vita. Would be perfect for a handheld gaming system.
# 63 NinjaGigolo @ 04/09/14 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I understand what you are saying, but when the first word came out earlier this year about this game, it was stated they wanted to stay authentic to the original and be true to the original.

I didn't expect much outside of that.

If they said we want to put some different things in or enhance the original, then I could expect something different.

They didn't mislead anyone in advertising for the game.(I'm not suggesting you are thinking this)

Maybe they want to see if they have a money maker here. If not, this could be a one and done deal.
The thing is, they COULD have had a big money maker. I firmly believe there is a large market of guys like me. I'm 31 with wife, kids, job. I get maybe 30min to an hour daily.

I, and I think many others in my age range would love the classic two button gameplay with modern presentation. I told two of my fellow teachers and and 4-5 of my high school students about. The adults were super excited until I told them no stats. The teens thought it was cool until I told them they had to pay for it on their phones. I just don't know what the market is unfortunately.
# 64 roadman @ 04/09/14 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by NinjaGigolo
The thing is, they COULD have had a big money maker. I firmly believe there is a large market of guys like me. I'm 31 with wife, kids, job. I get maybe 30min to an hour daily.

I, and I think many others in my age range would love the classic two button gameplay with modern presentation. I told two of my fellow teachers and and 4-5 of my high school students about. The adults were super excited until I told them no stats. The teens thought it was cool until I told them they had to pay for it on their phones. I just don't know what the market is unfortunately.
That's the big word, though, is could, we won't know.

I'm just saying, to spend money, you need to make money first.

Maybe if there is a strong enough support on the customers end, it could lead to bigger and better things in the near future.

I'm sure just adding mutli player in the summer might boost their market place.
# 65 boomhauertjs @ 04/09/14 05:34 PM
Played the demo several times. If it were less than $10, I would've bought. At $20, I'm not sure if I'll play it enough to make it worth it. Would like to have a game to play on my TV, rather playing MVP 05 on my PC, so I still might think about it. If it tracked stats, that would've helped sell me.
# 66 statnut @ 04/09/14 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by DJ
I'd like to see this available on the 3DS and Vita. Would be perfect for a handheld gaming system.
My thoughts exactly. This would have been an easy purchase on my 3DS.
# 67 NinjaGigolo @ 04/09/14 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
That's the big word, though, is could, we won't know.

I'm just saying, to spend money, you need to make money first.

Maybe if there is a strong enough support on the customers end, it could lead to bigger and better things in the near future.

I'm sure just adding mutli player in the summer might boost their market place.
But MLB helped finance this. Why not add at least some basic stats. I feel like I'm beating a dead horse but this was soooo close to being great. As it stands it is just ok.
# 68 crpav @ 04/09/14 06:16 PM
I'm not here to get into an argument but truth be told the game sounds like a let down. Sure you get some quick and "classic" gameplay. You also get all the teams and a majority of the players. That may be fun for a while but at the end of the day there has to be something to add to the time spent playing. It's simple, and as so many have stated, it's stats. Just some simple stats is all that is needed.

The price is also just too high. There isn't anything it offers to justify a $20 price point. For those happy with the game and price that's fine but you can't deny that there are more people wanting stats and a lower price than those happy with the product. Add stats and lower the price to $15 and the sales will happen.
# 69 LingeringRegime @ 04/09/14 06:26 PM
If you want to keep stats keep them in a spiral notebook.

Just like back in the day.
# 70 maltliquor23 @ 04/09/14 06:29 PM
Played the demo, I knew what to expect after seeing the videos. Its good for what it is. A retro game at too high of a price. I have the show and as a PS3 user if i am not happy with it. Ii have import options for baseball games. Konami needs to bring bobbleheads stateside for the PS3 and its cheaper to import than DL this
# 71 KBLover @ 04/09/14 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I would say if you didn't play the original RBI, you probably won't like it because you are used to 2k and The Show. If you did play the original RBI, you will probably like the game.
How about someone who played old baseball games (like MicroLeague and that godawful game just called "Baseball" on the NES and some baseball game on the Atari), was a big fan of Baseball Stars and Bases Loaded, but never played RBI on the NES?

Do you think I'd like it?
# 72 roadman @ 04/09/14 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by KBLover
How about someone who played old baseball games (like MicroLeague and that godawful game just called "Baseball" on the NES and some baseball game on the Atari), was a big fan of Baseball Stars and Bases Loaded, but never played RBI on the NES?

Do you think I'd like it?
mmm, good question KB. If you don't mind the no stats, not much presentation, but fun game play, you might like it. I didn't play Baseball Stars, but heard it was involved with stats and management. I do recall bases loaded, but don't recall a lot of it. I also played Roger Clemens Baseball on the NES. I still liked RBI better.

KB, my suggestion would be to try the demo and see if you can get a feel for it. If you like like it, go for it, if not, time to move on?

For those about the stats and money, I get it, but here's the thing for me. 20 years ago, I didn't track stats for RBI, so, why would I now? It's a personal choice and decision, not a deal breaker for me, for others, it is. Again, if that's your thing, as someone above stated, grab a notebook like in the old days and track it or just don't buy the game.

As far as price, in the early 90's, I paid over $50 for the same game as I bought today for $20 bucks.

I just don't see the comparison, same game essentially, and $30 bucks cheaper and not taking into account inflation.
# 73 Will I Am @ 04/09/14 09:04 PM
Is there no demo for ps3? If there is I can't see one.
# 74 GnarlyKing @ 04/09/14 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by steveeee
can you play this online? looks like this could be fun to play against others online.. if not... probably not worth the download to play against computer. that would be very boring..
Supposedly online is going to be patched in this summer.
# 75 statnut @ 04/09/14 09:05 PM
I think the problem is that the world has evolved since RBI last came out. You can't charge $20 bucks for a bare bones product these days, even for one without much competition.
# 76 roadman @ 04/09/14 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by statnut
I think the problem is that the world has evolved since RBI last came out. You can't charge $20 bucks for a bare bones product these days, even for one without much competition.
I would tend to agree with this, but it depends if you feel that bare bones product is still fun.

To me, it is.

All it is a DLC arcade baseball game based on the early 90's game.
# 77 statnut @ 04/09/14 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I would tend to agree with this, but it depends if you feel that bare bones product is still fun.

To me, it is.

All it is a DLC arcade baseball game based on the early 90's game.
Meh, I think $20 is a lot for what they are offering, especially considering the mobile game, which appears to be the same as the console game, is five bucks. Yes, it's true to the original. The gameplay is fun. That's great, but in this day in age, if you're putting out a downloadable game and it's $20 bucks, you need more than that.

And even if it's fun, all you're doing is supporting a bare bones game at a high price and encouraging that.
# 78 rolltide1017 @ 04/09/14 10:49 PM
Glad I wasted my $5 on this thing, it crashes while loading a game every time on my iPad Mini. What a joke.
# 79 krispykeith @ 04/09/14 10:51 PM
Half the people posting are passing because of a lack of simple stats. It is such an easy thing to program. Please don't post that I can keep stats in a notebook. The world was much different in 1988 in so many ways. There is no excuse for bypassing any stats or enhancements. They are grabbing cash based on nostalgia alone.
# 80 roadman @ 04/09/14 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by statnut
Meh, I think $20 is a lot for what they are offering, especially considering the mobile game, which appears to be the same as the console game, is five bucks. Yes, it's true to the original. The gameplay is fun. That's great, but in this day in age, if you're putting out a downloadable game and it's $20 bucks, you need more than that.

And even if it's fun, all you're doing is supporting a bare bones game at a high price and encouraging that.
Yeah, but that is a personal choice. To you, it's a high priced game. To me, it's a fun game worth the 20 bucks.

To each their own.

I've paid out more than that on movies that didn't meet my expectations and the movie is 90 minutes long.

I have no problems with people that feel this is a high priced DLC and take a pass on the game and people should have no problems if others are having fun with the game at that cost.

Based on the early report on this game, I wasn't expecting any more than what's out right now. I knew what I was buying when I purchased the DLC.

And that will be all I comment on this.

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