MLB 14 The Show News Post

A lot of this MLB 14 The Show video footage can be seen in our hands-on preview video, but for those of you that want to see a little bit more, check out the following videos from IGN.

Video #1

Video #2

Video #3

Thanks for the heads up GoodGameBro!

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 81 burjeffton @ 04/09/14 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by BSUFAN
I personally I like John Miller
LOVE Jon Miller. One of the best... I wonder if SCEA would be reluctant to ask him since he worked on the 2K games for so long.
# 82 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by BSUFAN
I personally I like John Miller
Like Miller as well dont know why ESPN didnt jus fire Morgan and let Miller stay .
# 83 johnlnames @ 04/09/14 03:12 PM
Everything looks amazing. Just a little disappointed in the same accessories, such as the gloves and cleats. I noticed every infielder is still wearing a trapeze glove. Never was a fan of that style and I was hoping for more variety, at least more than one. Hopefully next year more will be added.
# 84 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Flaxseed Oil
I know many of you haven't tried the PS3 version yet, but the dynamic camera has added a whole new feel to the gameplay (without changing the gameplay much at all).

I really thought I would hate dynamic, because I love the broadcast view of HR an stuff, but man was I wrong. It's fantastic and hopefully makes it over to the PS4.
Like the camera except on Home Runs ..
# 85 aguero90 @ 04/09/14 03:15 PM
Michael Kay was better when he did radio with Sterling, he has an awesome way of doing play-by-play on radio. I don't get to hear him much because I use the audio overlay feature on mlb.tv. As for Vin putting you to sleep, lol, I'm remembering the days of mlb 98 up to mlb 2005! Jon Miller is very good, and was amazing in 2k5! He actually did a radio style play-by-play in the game which I loved.
# 86 thaSLAB @ 04/09/14 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
High expectations is an understatement, it's more like unrealistic expectations at best.
That and the non-realization that there's a compromise in everything. It would have been humanly impossible to re-do every aspect of the game in just one cycle, while maintaining 2 other platforms. Had they focused on player models, and ported over the stadiums, the fuss would be even greater. Like someone said, it's lose-lose.

Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
I getcha. I wasn't trying to call you out specifically, just the comments about gameplay in general needing to be changed. Baseball gameplay, to me, is about the number of animations you can get into the game for variety's sake. Fielding 50 ground balls before you see the same animation twice feels so much better than every 10. Like others have said, it's baseball so it can't change too much.

One thing I learned early in my professional career is to be a specific as possible when giving feedback. Being too general doesn't add value. Saying gameplay needs to be different doesn't mean anything. For example, saying baserunning needs to be improved because runners are making turns at 90 degree angles, which isn't humanly possible, means something. I think that is what causes a lot of the disagreements on message boards. General statements sound like hating, specific statements sound like you want to improve things. That's my life lesson (and the aforementioned advice isn't direct towards you OU, just making a general statement to try to improve dialogue).
This is exactly what I've been trying to relay. Especially the bolded. Blanket statements do nothing for getting your point across.

htcONE [M8] | Tapatalk Pro
# 87 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by aguero90
Michael Kay was better when he did radio with Sterling, he has an awesome way of doing play-by-play on radio. I don't get to hear him much because I use the audio overlay feature on mlb.tv. As for Vin putting you to sleep, lol, I'm remembering the days of mlb 98 up to mlb 2005! Jon Miller is very good, and was amazing in 2k5! He actually did a radio style play-by-play in the game which I loved.
Miller does radio and every now then tv for SF Giants you can listen on the mlb.com radio feeds by the way ..
# 88 aguero90 @ 04/09/14 03:21 PM
Oh yes I know! I use mlb.tv on my roku, and you can overlay the radio over video! Its the perfect combo for a visually impaired person.
# 89 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by aguero90
Oh yes I know! I use mlb.tv on my roku, and you can overlay the radio over video! Its the perfect combo for a visually impaired person.
Very true glad that they offer it cause I cant stand the Cardinals tv commentaries listen to Mike Shannon on the radio ..
# 90 aguero90 @ 04/09/14 03:29 PM
So you use it too? mlb.tv I mean.
# 91 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by aguero90
So you use it too? mlb.tv I mean.
Yes I do have love it only way to watch other teams for me living in Oklahoma ..
# 92 ryanmc564 @ 04/09/14 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by OUSOONERS#1
Very true glad that they offer it cause I cant stand the Cardinals tv commentaries listen to Mike Shannon on the radio ..
the great thing about Mike Shannon is that the more drunk he is the more entertaining he is to listen too. "boy I'll tell ya" "hehe" "get up baby get up"
# 93 aguero90 @ 04/09/14 04:00 PM
lol! What device do you use for mlb.tv? I use roku now because the ps4 app doesn't have audio overlay at the moment.
# 94 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
the great thing about Mike Shannon is that the more drunk he is the more entertaining he is to listen too. "boy I'll tell ya" "hehe" "get up baby get up"
Exactly the more he drinks more animated he gets lol
# 95 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by aguero90
lol! What device do you use for mlb.tv? I use roku now because the ps4 app doesn't have audio overlay at the moment.
I have three diff ways depending on my kids or my wife interfering lol I can use my phone my PS4 or my Tv . Does the roko work really well not many freezes ? I've had it freeze up on my tv n ps 4 ..
# 96 aguero90 @ 04/09/14 04:29 PM
The first week, the picture was a bit shaky, but no, it hardly ever freezes! Not like ps3 and ps4 apps do. You could go 9 games without a single freez.
# 97 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Clarke99
A lot of this thread is laughable, im guessing a lot of the posters in this thread aren't veterans of the series and don't recall the MLB 07 version (first on ps3) which was fairly plain, than when 08 came things were far more advanced. Already given the ballparks you guys should be happy let alone the smoothness of some of the gameplay.
For those day dreaming of a new broadcast team, I get it trust me but its unfortunately not going to happen. They had perhaps a small window to change who would be the next leadman in the booth and they didn't so expect Vasgersian for the PS4 cycle. Which isn't bad if they get some more expanded material, and while its been questionable in the past, I cant see going forward how they can possibly with the new system keep the dialogue relatively the same, and they've said as much.
The game isn't perfect nor is the dev team, but they've been getting some pretty irrational posts on here, like mentioned some big time unrealistic expectations (from some)
Expecting new player models on a new system out the gate is not expecting to much not when your moving to much more powerful system SCEA jus decided they wanted to wait so that they could give us something new down the road .. These player models and yes the way they move and way the game plays has been the same to me since 2009..
# 98 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/09/14 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by aguero90
The first week, the picture was a bit shaky, but no, it hardly ever freezes! Not like ps3 and ps4 apps do. You could go 9 games without a single freez.
Thanks might have to look into getting one of them myself ..
# 99 aguero90 @ 04/09/14 04:39 PM
Got my roku3 for $89 from amazon.
# 100 Gerg04 @ 04/09/14 05:03 PM
I've always known this game has been amazing, but have been plagued (cursed even?) With 2K for a lonnnnnng time. So I can't, and likely wouldn't join with the nitpicks.

Regardless, this game looks absolutely beautiful. And the YouTube video showing the differences between ps3 and ps4 are quite abundant, albeit in my untrained eye for The Show.

This is a classic case of not being able to please everyone. And somebody always finding something thats "missing" or they "want". Guess that's thr nature of our video gaming hobby.

All I know is May 6th can't come soon enough. And I will completely and totally embrace this game with open arms and enjoy every last tidbit it has to offer.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

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