NBA 2K14 News Post

Earlier this week, NBA 2K14 quietly installed a server-side update that has reduced the amount of virtual currency PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gamers receive for completing owner goals in the My GM game mode.

All season milestones which had previously awarded 200 VC and 250 VC, such as selling out 32 home games or winning the NBA championship, will now yield just 100 VC once they are completed.

Read More - NBA 2K14: MyGM Virtual Currency Rewards Slashed by 40%

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 DJ_Solis @ 03/25/14 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03

It's all good, but it's pretty clear man. Like literally in the quote you used from me i said "Let's be honest here, how many of you people complaining are gonna impulsively shell out money for 2k15 next year and then complain about things they don't fix?"

If you don't like it, or feel it's not as good as it should be, don't support it.

Did I miss a post or something? Are we talking about the VC rewards being reduced or legacy issues?

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# 122 tbook24 @ 03/25/14 11:26 PM
my discounted pickup of Live for the PS4 looks better and better every day. After its updates Live is actually the better choice for PS4 lol
# 123 King_B_Mack @ 03/25/14 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by tbook24
my discounted pickup of Live for the PS4 looks better and better every day. After its updates Live is actually the better choice for PS4 lol

But no, seriously. Better choice for YOU, you should probably clarify there somewhere.
# 124 SPRINGS03 @ 03/26/14 06:54 AM
^Yeah, imma have to cosign that. As many problems as 2k has, it's still waaaay ahead of live. There's really no serious competition at this point. Live= stale bread, 2k=mcdonalds, yeah it's not that great of a food, but it's at least edible.

Originally Posted by DJ_Solis
Did I miss a post or something? Are we talking about the VC rewards being reduced or legacy issues?

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To specify, i'm talking about both. Legacy issues are my biggest gripe personally(i mean there are plenty problems that haven't been addressed in years) but the vc rewards being reduced(and vc in general) is just icing on the cake. But i here i was referring to a lot of people voicing how upset they are about vc, but will continue to support a product they act like they have so much disdain for.
# 125 tpaterniti @ 03/26/14 01:41 PM
I don't know if you guys are aware of how video game companies work, but once they release a product, they move on to the next one and any problems related to the one they have already released are going to be met with the quickest fix possible. Maybe it shouldn't be that way, but it is.
# 126 knick9 @ 03/26/14 04:16 PM
I don't care if they make a perfect game next year, they screwed us over this year. They're not getting my money again until I'm convinced they respect the people who've supported them all these years.
# 127 DJ_Solis @ 03/26/14 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03

To specify, i'm talking about both. Legacy issues are my biggest gripe personally(i mean there are plenty problems that haven't been addressed in years) but the vc rewards being reduced(and vc in general) is just icing on the cake. But i here i was referring to a lot of people voicing how upset they are about vc, but will continue to support a product they act like they have so much disdain for.

Ahh ok I get what you mean. The same people complaining about VC to no end, will probably still buy the next 2k. This is definitely true. Just wait for the 2k hype train to come back around august then everybody will forget about how much they dislike VC.

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# 128 VDusen04 @ 03/26/14 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by DJ_Solis
Ahh ok I get what you mean. The same people complaining about VC to no end, will probably still buy the next 2k. This is definitely true. Just wait for the 2k hype train to come back around august then everybody will forget about how much they dislike VC.
I'm betting the tone around these parts may be much different come August than it has been at nearly any other time within the past ten years. I think an initial 2K15 information offering alluding to a return to what made them great (fully customize-able experience, return of aspects missing in 2K14) would be their best bet.

But even if 2K seems to have regained their wits about them, I have to think pre-release skepticism is going to be at an all-time high. I think a lot of folks have fully crossed over into "believe-it-when-I-see-it" territory on the heels of their experience this year. I can't really say what all this means for future sales, but I'm certainly interested to see how it all plays out.
# 129 DJ_Solis @ 03/26/14 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
I'm betting the tone around these parts may be much different come August than it has been at nearly any other time within the past ten years. I think an initial 2K15 information offering alluding to a return to what made them great (fully customize-able experience, return of aspects missing in 2K14) would be their best bet.

But even if 2K seems to have regained their wits about them, I have to think pre-release skepticism is going to be at an all-time high. I think a lot of folks have fully crossed over into "believe-it-when-I-see-it" territory on the heels of their experience this year. I can't really say what all this means for future sales, but I'm certainly interested to see how it all plays out.

The only way I see a noticeable change this year is if Live comes out with something big. Otherwise people are still gonna want to play their basketball games and most likely disregard any skepticism.
2k only has to say one word to get everyone back on the bandwagon. Crew.

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# 130 VDusen04 @ 03/26/14 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by DJ_Solis
The only way I see a noticeable change this year is if Live comes out with something big. Otherwise people are still gonna want to play their basketball games and most likely disregard any skepticism.
2k only has to say one word to get everyone back on the bandwagon. Crew.
Perhaps you are right. I honestly have no idea how it'll shake out. I think there's a lot of offline folks, like myself, who also couldn't care less about Crew, though that's obviously just one feature example. If nothing else, I feel like many typical release day buyers will be much more cautious this year.

Going without a current basketball video game was a bit easier this year than I thought it would be. Many may have to buy a ball game every year on impulse (like the millions who buy a new Madden regardless of how they feel about the game itself every year) but I think more and more may realize skipping out on a basketball title isn't the worst thing in the world, particularly if things continue down a path for which many consumers do not favor.

For me, even if 2K15 promises everything on my personal little wishlist (more classic teams, return of create-a-player, create-a-team, Reelmaker, Association, D-League, manual saves, Summer League), I'd still be very guarded until the game was released and put through the ringer. Even prior to 2K14, there was a pattern developing there where new features were being trumpeted, only for some nasty truths to be revealed post-release (ex: Dream Team couldn't be edited, 2K13 removed manual saves, 2K14's slight form of DRM). For many, I think things have gone from "I trust these guys, automatic buy no matter what" to "Welp, we'll just have to see about that."
# 131 DJ_Solis @ 03/26/14 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
Perhaps you are right. I honestly have no idea how it'll shake out. I think there's a lot of offline folks, like myself, who also couldn't care less about Crew, though that's obviously just one feature example. If nothing else, I feel like many typical release day buyers will be much more cautious this year.

Going without a current basketball video game was a bit easier this year than I thought it would be. Many may have to buy a ball game every year on impulse (like the millions who buy a new Madden regardless of how they feel about the game itself every year) but I think more and more may realize skipping out on a basketball title isn't the worst thing in the world, particularly if things continue down a path for which many consumers do not favor.

For me, even if 2K15 promises everything on my personal little wishlist (more classic teams, return of create-a-player, create-a-team, Reelmaker, Association, D-League, manual saves, Summer League), I'd still be very guarded until the game was released and put through the ringer. Even prior to 2K14, there was a pattern developing there where new features were being trumpeted, only for some nasty truths to be revealed post-release (ex: Dream Team couldn't be edited, 2K13 removed manual saves, 2K14's slight form of DRM). For many, I think things have gone from "I trust these guys, automatic buy no matter what" to "Welp, we'll just have to see about that."

I wish I could say that would be the case. There's just so many impulse gamers out there. I've seen people talk about how ****ty cod is one week and then buy the new one the next. It makes no sense but it happens. People always feel like they need the newest product out there for whatever reason.
There may be more cautious buyers out there but ultimately I see them purchasing the game any way. I wish people would just be more careful with their purchases and what they're choosing to support.

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# 132 ManiacMatt1782 @ 03/28/14 09:28 PM
I did not buy it and I refuse to now. Removal of OA. Forcing VC to be used in every mode. I was gonna hit up ebay and look for a used copy for 30ish. Not now. This is a mobile free to play game that they have asked 60 for. If they want to go this route and try ti force eople to buy VC, then the game should be free, just like countless other mobile games thst follow the same pattern. At least they don't double dip you.
# 133 Taer @ 03/29/14 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
I'm betting the tone around these parts may be much different come August than it has been at nearly any other time within the past ten years. I think an initial 2K15 information offering alluding to a return to what made them great (fully customize-able experience, return of aspects missing in 2K14) would be their best bet. ...
There is only one compelling reason for me to get 2k15... the Lakers will have a draft pick in the first round and I will be able to start a MyCareer with them without going through all the hoops needed for 2k14.

The change of Charlotte to the Hornets would be as well but since I am only going to get the PC version it is not as compelling.

Depending on everything going on with 2k as a studio and publisher will determine if I buy any title beyond that. If the situation remains as it is (with VC especially) or gets worse then 2k15 will be the last title I purchase from 2k.
# 134 thedream2k13 @ 03/29/14 02:09 PM
Iam beginning to think 2k doesnt really care about their product anymore because they have no competition. I hate to say it but the best basketball game they ever made came out in 2010. this new way of making the game assessable to everyone while making scoring super easy and defense super dumb has tarnished their reputation
# 135 RayZLAL @ 03/29/14 02:31 PM
2K gave 25% off on VC lol "to resolve this issue"
# 136 jaateloauto @ 03/31/14 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
I'm betting the tone around these parts may be much different come August than it has been at nearly any other time within the past ten years. I think an initial 2K15 information offering alluding to a return to what made them great (fully customize-able experience, return of aspects missing in 2K14) would be their best bet.

But even if 2K seems to have regained their wits about them, I have to think pre-release skepticism is going to be at an all-time high. I think a lot of folks have fully crossed over into "believe-it-when-I-see-it" territory on the heels of their experience this year. I can't really say what all this means for future sales, but I'm certainly interested to see how it all plays out.
I believe many people on these forums are skeptical but how that translates to the average purchase decision is anyone's guess.

Most people who buy the game don't play the game as meticulously as people on this forum and even if the game didn't hold their attention long last year it doesn't mean they're not willing to pick up it this year. However if the VC issue is really as big as it seems it may actually have an effect. Around the PS4 launch I saw people who had picked up 2K14 because it was supposed to be a solid next-gen experience with no prior experience of the game series and the response from a lot of them was negative on how microtransactions were present in everything in the game.

There's no doubt in my mind if the trend with these games continues that it will have an effect on copies sold but whether they make that money up through "whales" as they call big spenders in microtransaction world is unknown and how long it will take for the sales to take a dip may take a longer time than a couple of years.

Certainly if EA came out with a solid basketball game I believe a lot more 'hardcore' people would be willing to switch over than if 2K hadn't ruined the relationship towards the 'hardcore' audience. And where those people go, so does the public. The chance that EA comes out with a good game however seems unlikely at this point.
# 137 VDusen04 @ 03/31/14 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by jaateloauto
I believe many people on these forums are skeptical but how that translates to the average purchase decision is anyone's guess.

Most people who buy the game don't play the game as meticulously as people on this forum and even if the game didn't hold their attention long last year it doesn't mean they're not willing to pick up it this year. However if the VC issue is really as big as it seems it may actually have an effect. Around the PS4 launch I saw people who had picked up 2K14 because it was supposed to be a solid next-gen experience with no prior experience of the game series and the response from a lot of them was negative on how microtransactions were present in everything in the game.

There's no doubt in my mind if the trend with these games continues that it will have an effect on copies sold but whether they make that money up through "whales" as they call big spenders in microtransaction world is unknown and how long it will take for the sales to take a dip may take a longer time than a couple of years.

Certainly if EA came out with a solid basketball game I believe a lot more 'hardcore' people would be willing to switch over than if 2K hadn't ruined the relationship towards the 'hardcore' audience. And where those people go, so does the public. The chance that EA comes out with a good game however seems unlikely at this point.
Well said. I'm with you on all accounts. I don't know what's going to happen, but I feel it may be interesting.
# 138 Moor @ 04/03/14 09:03 PM
They need to fix the damn freezing...Already lost one mycareer to it and they gave me back all my vc...But now, ts freezing again and this time my save isn't even on the hard drive, cause they told me not to save it in the same spot as the last one..So I saved it on that other memory space on the 360 and now its doing it again...
# 139 jcdapoet @ 05/06/14 03:19 PM
# 140 knick9 @ 05/06/14 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by jcdapoet
I got to like 2120 or so before it crashed.

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