NBA 2K14 News Post

Earlier this week, NBA 2K14 quietly installed a server-side update that has reduced the amount of virtual currency PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gamers receive for completing owner goals in the My GM game mode.

All season milestones which had previously awarded 200 VC and 250 VC, such as selling out 32 home games or winning the NBA championship, will now yield just 100 VC once they are completed.

Read More - NBA 2K14: MyGM Virtual Currency Rewards Slashed by 40%

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Member Comments
# 101 KingTocco @ 03/24/14 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03
Eh, honestly i'm sure part of the reason they did this is because they know their fanbase will buy it anyway(similar to the COD fanbase). Let's be honest here, how many of you people complaining are gonna impulsively shell out money for 2k15 next year and then complain about things they don't fix? They probably realize they don't need to really try and i doubt they care much about improving the game when they know they'll still make a good profit anyway. The last 2k i bought before 2k14 was 2k11. 2k12 and 2k13 i bought used purposely so 2k would not get any of my profit, and i'll probably be doing it next year. If i don't find a used copy i just won't buy it. I'm in the minority though. Most people forget whatever gripes they had when they see whatever trailer 2k puts out all of a sudden they're like "OH MAH GOD MANE, DIS DA BEST LOOKING THING I EVER SEEN, I GOTTA THROW MY MONEY AT 2K CUZ I'M IMPULSIVE AND HAVE TO PLAY DIS MAN". It's sad really. For all the complaints 2k got about 2k14 this year, it won't mean a thing if they still sell well. As a matter of fact it'll prove that they don't have to try and people will buy anything(it's not like there's much of a choice, there's 2 NBA basketball games out and 1 is sooo bad that it makes 2k a game that's ok but needs a lot of work, look like the god of bball games).
I disagree, I think they tried for NBA 2K14 next gen. If you look at the game and the modes that are in it, you can tell they tried. It's the fact that they didn't LISTEN to what consumers want, make necessary fixes to bugs, and continue to make the VC problem worse that have people upset.

I actually think they will make a solid 2K15 game, it might not have all the features everyone wants but I think it will be much better than 2K14. VC isn't going anywhere though which is a damn shame. If the game was more complete, MyCareer wasn't scripted and AI was smart, and had Associate mode or MyGM with 30 team control I would tolerate VC.

I also think that NBA Live 15 will be a solid competitor next year. I actually bought it this year, and I really loved the game modes, Ultimate Team is fantastic, and the presentation feels authentic. The Live team is actually trying and have made some improvements to the game since it released unlike 2K...if EA can get the graphics on par with 2K and make the players feel a little more real, Live 15 will be pretty solid IMO. The dribbling in Live feels much more realistic, there are no animations. (NBA Live does need a camera like 2K's 2K camera...I hate that broadcast view)
# 102 knick9 @ 03/24/14 06:37 PM
They're doing a live broadcast tomorrow so I'm sure this will be brought to their attention...
# 103 boutit @ 03/24/14 07:08 PM
first im sorry for my english.

anyone thought about starting a twitter campaign???

i hate that they done this. they should then raise the outcome if u play the game.
the best thing is i cant load my carrer and my 96 player is crushed. always i try to load.....back to dashboard.
i send them mails 6 times in 4 weeks. i wanted them to push my new one to 96 or get me the vc to get him there again. no reply! nothing!!!!

this is a company who cares about their fanbase.
i am working in charge in a supermaket. if i handle my customers like this....bye bye!!!
# 104 Sinner @ 03/24/14 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
I truly hope that this is a mistake, perhaps they meant to cut the cost of items by 40%, not VC earned.

If it's not a mistake, that's quite a "suck it" to the fans.
The way VC was implemented was already a "suck it" to the fans...this is just a little added "and kiss our ***"

I've been done with this game since January and have no plans on buying this years version if things don't change....i'm pretty sure it wont so i'm preparing to be without an NBA game for awhile unless Lives gives me what I want.
# 105 RayZLAL @ 03/24/14 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by knick9
They're doing a live broadcast tomorrow so I'm sure this will be brought to their attention...

They don't care about the comments lol they see them but won't acknowledge them
# 106 knick9 @ 03/24/14 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by RayZLAL
They don't care about the comments lol they see them but won't acknowledge them
But if they choose not to say anything it will look really weak.
# 107 VDusen04 @ 03/24/14 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by knick9
But if they choose not to say anything it will look really weak.
Such a perception has not seemed to affect them thus far.
# 108 franzis @ 03/24/14 08:48 PM
Just buy an used copy of 2k15 from some guy (not stores) and then don't spend a dime in VC.
This is the best strategy to boycott 2k but enjoy the game at the same time.
# 109 ASUBoy93 @ 03/24/14 08:50 PM
I never thought I would be one to say this, but I am done with NBA 2k as long as they keep pushing VC this hard.

It's a real shame because I really enjoy the gameplay that 2k14 offers, and the graphics 2k created this year are superb. VC just kills everything 2k did right though.

I could honestly live with VC if it was implemented correctly. Lowering the VC rewards when the game released was a poor decision by 2k, slashing them further by 40% is a disgusting tactic. It essentially says that 2k no longer cares about providing a product that gamers want, they want to provide a product that lines their pockets even at the expense of former customers that have been purchasing the game for the last 6 years.

If VC gets fixed then I may buy NBA 2k in the future, but for now I am going to personally boycott 2k15 because of VC (and I fully understand this will do nothing to change 2k's tactics I can only hope that enough people boycott as well to ensure that 2k takes some notice that we won't all let ourselves get conned by them).
# 110 ASUBoy93 @ 03/24/14 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by franzis
Just buy an used copy of 2k15 from some guy (not stores) and then don't spend a dime in VC.
This is the best strategy to boycott 2k but enjoy the game at the same time.
That doesn't really help. All 2k will see there is that the game was sold for full retail price once at $60, then it was traded-in and re-purchased by someone at a price between $45-$20. That means 2k sold one game for a total of $105 at its highest value, 2k wins still.

The only way to truly boycott a game is not purchase the game at any stage in its cycle.
# 111 ASUBoy93 @ 03/24/14 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by franzis
Just buy an used copy of 2k15 from some guy (not stores) and then don't spend a dime in VC.
This is the best strategy to boycott 2k but enjoy the game at the same time.
Oops, didn't see you say one guy the first read through. But even that isn't really possible if you don't trust purchasing used copies online and your friends either, A; only purchase digital copies, or B; keep all their games.
# 112 The 24th Letter @ 03/24/14 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03
Eh, honestly i'm sure part of the reason they did this is because they know their fanbase will buy it anyway(similar to the COD fanbase). Let's be honest here, how many of you people complaining are gonna impulsively shell out money for 2k15 next year and then complain about things they don't fix? They probably realize they don't need to really try and i doubt they care much about improving the game when they know they'll still make a good profit anyway. The last 2k i bought before 2k14 was 2k11. 2k12 and 2k13 i bought used purposely so 2k would not get any of my profit, and i'll probably be doing it next year. If i don't find a used copy i just won't buy it. I'm in the minority though. Most people forget whatever gripes they had when they see whatever trailer 2k puts out all of a sudden they're like "OH MAH GOD MANE, DIS DA BEST LOOKING THING I EVER SEEN, I GOTTA THROW MY MONEY AT 2K CUZ I'M IMPULSIVE AND HAVE TO PLAY DIS MAN". It's sad really. For all the complaints 2k got about 2k14 this year, it won't mean a thing if they still sell well. As a matter of fact it'll prove that they don't have to try and people will buy anything(it's not like there's much of a choice, there's 2 NBA basketball games out and 1 is sooo bad that it makes 2k a game that's ok but needs a lot of work, look like the god of bball games).
This is just silly.

like every gamer that doesn't take your stance lacks common sense and self control. Please. Proceed with your "movement", but don't generalize everyone else.

I'll say it right now...there's a 9/10 chance I'll buy new next year...and it's not because I am going to "OMGZ" or what ever else you want to put in capital letters at the trailer. It's because I enjoyed enough of 2k14 that they've earned my next buy.
# 113 Jujuwebe @ 03/24/14 11:24 PM
Haha wow. I am losing hope in 2K very quickly. Was planning on buying this once I got my PS4, but probably not anymore. The whole VC grinding CRAP made me sick of 2k13, then 2k14 current gen.
# 114 ZoneBlitz @ 03/24/14 11:42 PM
Their arrogance now is staggering. I am shocked. They used to be the humble, awesome and hard working developer that made a great game. Now, however, they just want money. I did not spend $59.99 for a game only to have to spend more money to play it. I reject this model and thus I am considering doing the unthinkable, not purchasing it next year.
# 115 RayZLAL @ 03/25/14 12:34 AM
All the people boycotting VC just play offline MyGM you don't even have to upgrade any skills really. You just need to buy the "allow to change coaching rotation" skill.

Just enjoy the game offline.
# 116 canucksss @ 03/25/14 12:54 AM

One of the reasons why I gave up playing this game. Better not have VC for nba 2k15 or at least make it more realistic...if not no 2k15 for me. ENOUGH of this BS.
# 117 ASUBoy93 @ 03/25/14 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by RayZLAL
All the people boycotting VC just play offline MyGM you don't even have to upgrade any skills really. You just need to buy the "allow to change coaching rotation" skill.

Just enjoy the game offline.
It's the principal of the matter. Plus, the game shouldn't need to be all online anways.
# 118 SPRINGS03 @ 03/25/14 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
This is just silly.

like every gamer that doesn't take your stance lacks common sense and self control. Please. Proceed with your "movement", but don't generalize everyone else.

I'll say it right now...there's a 9/10 chance I'll buy new next year...and it's not because I am going to "OMGZ" or what ever else you want to put in capital letters at the trailer. It's because I enjoyed enough of 2k14 that they've earned my next buy.
Relax, i didn't say every gamer that doesn't take my stance lacks common sense. In fact i clearly said that the problem is with most people that have all these gripes with the game and complain a lot about all the issues, turning around and buying the game that they just said they had a lot of problems with and didn't enjoy as much. It would be like if someone kept eating at a restaurant that they said had terrible service and sub-par food over and over, it makes no sense. There's a difference between that, and a person buying the game next year just because they liked it. Read what i said more carefully.

If you feel like 2k14 was good enough for you and you want to purchase it again next year, that's fine. I clearly wasn't talking about people like you though.
# 119 The 24th Letter @ 03/25/14 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03
Relax, i didn't say every gamer that doesn't take my stance lacks common sense. In fact i clearly said that the problem is with most people that have all these gripes with the game and complain a lot about all the issues, turning around and buying the game that they just said they had a lot of problems with didn't enjoy as much. It would be like if someone kept eating at a restaurant that they said had terrible service and sub-par food over and over, it makes no sense. There's a difference between that, and a person buying the game next year just because they liked it. Read what i said more carefully.

If you feel like 2k14 was good enough for you and you want to purchase it again next year, that's fine. I clearly wasn't talking about people like you though.

Sounds like you keep eating at the same restaurant, have the same complaints, but saying your better than those people because your eating for free (buying used) though,,,

If I misunderstood you're original post, my apologies....wasn't quite as clear as you say...
# 120 SPRINGS03 @ 03/25/14 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Sounds like you keep eating at the same restaurant, have the same complaints, but saying your better than those people because your eating for free (buying used) though,,,

If I misunderstood you're original post, my apologies....wasn't quite as clear as you say...
Eh, that analogy doesn't work for what you're trying to do there though. Because for one, I wait until the game is used and at a lower price because i don't feel it's worth the full price, and i don't support the devs with my money by doing that. Also, if there are no used copies, i will not buy, simple. Again, i'm referring to people that complain about all the problems with the game, and then turn around and forget about it when a new trailer is released and go buy on day 1. Hell i did the same thing with COD back in the day and i haven't played a COD game since Black ops 2, because i didn't like the way the flaws weren't addressed in that series. So i have no problem with not buying something.

It's all good, but it's pretty clear man. Like literally in the quote you used from me i said "Let's be honest here, how many of you people complaining are gonna impulsively shell out money for 2k15 next year and then complain about things they don't fix?"

If you don't like it, or feel it's not as good as it should be, don't support it.

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