NASCAR '14 News Post

NASCAR '14 is available today for both Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, check out the launch trailer here. Post your impressions after you get a few laps in.

A few reviews have been spotted online, we'll add to the list as they become available.

Game: NASCAR '14Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 TCrouch @ 02/28/14 02:35 PM
Did you create a new paint scheme and slap the sponsor logo on your car, under stickers I think it was? It gives you a tutorial pop up when you obtain a sponsor telling you how to do this.
# 142 Rules @ 02/28/14 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by brandon27
Bug after bug, after bug for me tonight...

Lead the final 9 laps of the race at Kansas... won the race, did my burnout, watched Gordon get out of the car and celebrate... Results have me finishing in second.

How can they not get this right?

This is an easy one. Since Gordon doesn't win in real life, the game won't recognize it either in the game.
# 143 brandon27 @ 02/28/14 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
Those are the bugs that genuinely drive me nuts. I don't know how they don't catch that before release.
Seriously eh? Like, if they could fix that really silly, sloppy stuff like AI pitting, and finishing orders, making the AI less tank like and more aware of the users position on the track, this game can be a blast, and a great game. It's just the little frustrations that really hold it back.
# 144 thedudescrew @ 02/28/14 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by TCrouch
Did you create a new paint scheme and slap the sponsor logo on your car, under stickers I think it was? It gives you a tutorial pop up when you obtain a sponsor telling you how to do this.
Yes, sponsor logos are on the car. One on the trunk and other on the sides. Thank you mirror effect.
# 145 rstiles @ 03/01/14 04:21 PM
So far here is what I've encountered:

-3 hard freezes at various times
-At Phoenix in career I hit the rewind because I made a bad decision and caused a wreck. Well it rewinds me all the way back to the start of the race and the CPU has control of my car. No matter what I tried I could not regain control of the car. So I just watch for a few minutes as my car went around the track under CPU control.
-As has been the case for 3 years w/ this game you can't get 3 laps of practice in at Bristol due to cars coming up the track and causing huge wrecks.
-At Fontana, during my career w/ 20% length, 2x tire wear & fuel on my first green flag stop, I pulled into the pits only to stay. My car just sat in the pitstall running for 6 minutes before I just turned the Xbox off in disgust.
-While making adjustments to the car I have noticed you have to make large changes just to get a different feel with the car.

Bottom line is the game isn't worth $50 and I have t wonder if the development team even test everything before they release the games. They get so many little details right from the track sponsors, and everything in between but they fail miserable at the most important parts of racing and Nascar, the actual racing and pit stops.
# 146 Aggies7 @ 03/02/14 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by SportsAce
Anyone have any idea if this game will be released digitally on the PlayStation Store?

According to the Playstation Drop Blog it was be offered digitally in March.
# 147 Proof21 @ 03/02/14 08:18 PM
Still would like to try online with some of you guys..add me on PSN if you want to race (Proof21).
# 148 bravesfan1984 @ 03/02/14 08:18 PM
this game is beyond frustrating. i can't get past the fact that the ai has no recognition of where you are on the track, getting spun out constantly. i can't even play it.
# 149 Aggies7 @ 03/02/14 10:15 PM
Got a few races in last night. Trying to improve at Daytona, prior to starting my career, but still struggling to hold line using a controller. I have tightened it up which helped a little, but still struggling.
# 150 cusefan74 @ 03/03/14 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
Got a few races in last night. Trying to improve at Daytona, prior to starting my career, but still struggling to hold line using a controller. I have tightened it up which helped a little, but still struggling.

Try a different view while driving, maybe that will help you some.
# 151 brandon27 @ 03/03/14 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by cusefan74
Try a different view while driving, maybe that will help you some.
So true. I find I get the best control using the roof mounted camera, or the in car "helmet" cam. It's the one that almost appears to be placed on the dash.

The sensitivity of the controls seem to change based on the camera angles as well. Typically when I'm holding my line on my controller from the roof view, and switch to a different view, that line I was holding is no more. Its like the controll completely changes based on the view. So, worth giving a try.
# 152 cusefan74 @ 03/03/14 09:28 PM
This game really got to me today.

I get in a good room with 5 other guys today and we do like 3 races and we were having a blast. Everyone had a mic and we are all talking to each other and only having like 1 or 2 cautions each race. The racing was great and a lot of fun and then it happened. The game freezes.

Needless to say but I was not happy. Every bad word out there came out of my mouth. The game just hit the shelf for a few days. I just picked up WWE 2k14 today so I will give that some attention and go back to this game in a few days.

Also I noticed that when playing online sometimes my setups don't load. That's happened to me a few times now. I don't have any idea of it until I start racing and I can't go any place.
# 153 Proof21 @ 03/04/14 11:51 PM
For those interested: NASCAR '14 is available for download on the PS Store..$49.99.
# 154 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/09/14 04:29 PM
I'm majorly bummed this isn't for the PS4. looks like it will be a while be fore the PS4 gets the love the PS3 gets, from developers & publishers. I hope the PS4 isn't just another oversized Vita
# 155 bigdoc85 @ 03/09/14 09:37 PM
I'm guessing a NASCAR game for next gen consoles is at least 2 years away. But I don't know that next generation technology will improve gameplay of this game -- may only improve graphics capabilities.

Too many PS4 consoles have been sold for it not to get some love. It will take time, but it will happen. It's clear, though, the developers weren't ready for the new consoles -- seems many games have been delayed or don't have specific release dates. Heck, even EA is releasing FIFA World Cup only on current gen systems.

Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
I'm majorly bummed this isn't for the PS4. looks like it will be a while be fore the PS4 gets the love the PS3 gets, from developers & publishers. I hope the PS4 isn't just another oversized Vita
# 156 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/09/14 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by bigdoc85
I'm guessing a NASCAR game for next gen consoles is at least 2 years away. But I don't know that next generation technology will improve gameplay of this game -- may only improve graphics capabilities.
It doesn't really have to improve gameplay or graphics for me,
I would just like to be able to unclutter the room I'm using to keep both the PS3 & 4.
# 157 Aggies7 @ 03/09/14 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
I'm majorly bummed this isn't for the PS4. looks like it will be a while be fore the PS4 gets the love the PS3 gets, from developers & publishers. I hope the PS4 isn't just another oversized Vita

I don't at all believe that PS4 will be another Vita. We will see a NASCAR game on PS4 within next two years.

I believe the reason they didn't do it this year was due to the cost of making a Next Gen game and the amount of PS4s to the PS3 that consumers own.
# 158 cusefan74 @ 03/10/14 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
I'm majorly bummed this isn't for the PS4. looks like it will be a while be fore the PS4 gets the love the PS3 gets, from developers & publishers. I hope the PS4 isn't just another oversized Vita

They can't get the game right on the PS3, I would hate to see what would happen to it on PS4.
# 159 WinningSpirit @ 03/10/14 06:43 PM

Hello friends,
Well I just bought the game yesterday (3-10-2014), and I am impressed with the quality of the images and graphics of this game. The sounds are quite realistic and compared to the last nascar game I bought ( Nascar '09), Nascar '14 is a tremendous improvement overall but I do have some 'huffs and puffs' to express. First, my car in the proximity radar is white, not red! Go figure...at 195 mph, in 4-wide racing, in mid-pack, a quick glance at my PR is usually 'fatal' ! At least if it was red it would serve me as it was designed and intended to. Secondly, using my PS3 controller (sixaxis), precision steering has eluded me in the inside corners of both Daytona and Talledega. Seems I bottom out the left front of my car, sparks flying! Looks nice at night, but 4-wide racing makes it impossible for me to stay friends with the AI drivers around me!
Thirdly, the sound did freeze during a race! It sounded like my car was stuck in 3rd gear and running up against a throttle-limiter,even though I was in 4th at 8700rpm running in
'clean air' .....went into the pits and engine was still revving hard. Had to do a forced 'PS' button shut down of my game console!
Fourthly, and finally, passing is hard when the AI drivers decide to run 4-wide in front of me, with me in 26th place ans less than '1' second, seperating me from the lead car! Even though my setup was faster than the other cars ( my secret), I could not work my way thru the pack without wrecking every time, no matter if I was nice or intimi******, there is no way to work the field without getting severe frustration. Perhaps I just need more
practise! Will be doing so tonight!!
Would I recommend anyone else to layout the money for Nascar'14? Yes, highly recommend buyi.g this game. It is a real blast, even with the issues I have mentioned,.the games ability to deliver suitable enjoyment and challenge, certainly outweighs the 'huffs and puffs'!!! Go git one!
To rate the game so far, with 10 stars being the highest, I will give Nascar'14 a well deserved 8.9/10. Not quite a 9, but truly higher than an 8.5..! Nothing is perfect in this world of AI, and if I ignore my self-induced hype and expectations and just look at what ETX / RACING has come out with, they deserve a hearty round of applause from this player. Job well done ETX! Thank you.
# 160 cusefan74 @ 03/10/14 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by WinningSpirit

Hello friends,
Well I just bought the game yesterday (3-10-2014), and I am impressed with the quality of the images and graphics of this game. The sounds are quite realistic and compared to the last nascar game I bought ( Nascar '09), Nascar '14 is a tremendous improvement overall but I do have some 'huffs and puffs' to express. First, my car in the proximity radar is white, not red! Go figure...at 195 mph, in 4-wide racing, in mid-pack, a quick glance at my PR is usually 'fatal' ! At least if it was red it would serve me as it was designed and intended to. Secondly, using my PS3 controller (sixaxis), precision steering has eluded me in the inside corners of both Daytona and Talledega. Seems I bottom out the left front of my car, sparks flying! Looks nice at night, but 4-wide racing makes it impossible for me to stay friends with the AI drivers around me!
Thirdly, the sound did freeze during a race! It sounded like my car was stuck in 3rd gear and running up against a throttle-limiter,even though I was in 4th at 8700rpm running in
'clean air' .....went into the pits and engine was still revving hard. Had to do a forced 'PS' button shut down of my game console!
Fourthly, and finally, passing is hard when the AI drivers decide to run 4-wide in front of me, with me in 26th place ans less than '1' second, seperating me from the lead car! Even though my setup was faster than the other cars ( my secret), I could not work my way thru the pack without wrecking every time, no matter if I was nice or intimi******, there is no way to work the field without getting severe frustration. Perhaps I just need more
practise! Will be doing so tonight!!
Would I recommend anyone else to layout the money for Nascar'14? Yes, highly recommend buyi.g this game. It is a real blast, even with the issues I have mentioned,.the games ability to deliver suitable enjoyment and challenge, certainly outweighs the 'huffs and puffs'!!! Go git one!
To rate the game so far, with 10 stars being the highest, I will give Nascar'14 a well deserved 8.9/10. Not quite a 9, but truly higher than an 8.5..! Nothing is perfect in this world of AI, and if I ignore my self-induced hype and expectations and just look at what ETX / RACING has come out with, they deserve a hearty round of applause from this player. Job well done ETX! Thank you.

You've only been playing one day, you will start to see a lot of other things that are wrong the more you play. Play at some other tracks, make some more pit stops and then let us know what you think.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the game is terrible, but it's not even close to an 8.9/10.

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