NASCAR '14 News Post

NASCAR '14 is available today for both Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, check out the launch trailer here. Post your impressions after you get a few laps in.

A few reviews have been spotted online, we'll add to the list as they become available.

Game: NASCAR '14Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
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# 41 statum71 @ 02/19/14 06:55 PM
I saw this touched on but I wanna ask plainly just to be clear:

1. Do the CPU cars pit on short races so the racing is fair?


2. Do the CPU cars race in a pack and finish pretty much in the same order the race started?

These are the 2 things that ran me away from Nascar games about 2 or 3 yrs ago when this new company took over.
# 42 cusefan74 @ 02/19/14 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by statum71
I saw this touched on but I wanna ask plainly just to be clear:

1. Do the CPU cars pit on short races so the racing is fair?


2. Do the CPU cars race in a pack and finish pretty much in the same order the race started?

These are the 2 things that ran me away from Nascar games about 2 or 3 yrs ago when this new company took over.

So far I've done like 5 or 6 races running 10% length. They have been pitting and I have not seen any cars stay out for the whole race.

In the race I did at Atlanta the cars ran in packs of 6-8 cars spread out around the track. I have to say the racing has been really good. The AI is aggressive and they pass alot. I've been seeing several different leaders during the race.

So far I am really liking this game. Seems to be a really nice improvement from the last game.

One more thing. I know some people where saying the game doesn't look as good as the last one. I think this game looks awesome. They most certainly did not step back on the graphics. I have not seen any blurry menus or anything else.
# 43 bravesfan1984 @ 02/19/14 10:53 PM
i am having an extremely difficult time at talladega between the over aggressive and unstable ai and near impossibility to hold a line because steering is too sensitive.
# 44 tmoney51691 @ 02/19/14 11:45 PM
I'll be brief, so far I hate this game. The car handles terribly no matter how much you adjust. I couldn't stick to a line to save my life. It was almost as if the cars were magnets. You try to stick to your line, but you always end up crashing into the guy next to you. Sometimes, your car will even bleed into the car next to you or behind you. The braking is awful. Even with upgraded brakes, it never felt like my car was slowing down a bit. I know these cars weigh a lot and have little brakes, but shouldn't I at least feel like I'm braking? Every time on the restart, as soon as I would press the gas, I would spin out and wreck. I know these cars use slick tires, but still.

I did experience a few glitches. After crashing (no surprise), all my HUD indicators disappeared. When I went into the menus, all my HUDs were still on. So I had to turn them off, save, resume the race, pause the race again, turn them back on, then resumed the race.

At this point, I cannot recommend this game. I'm so glad I rented it instead.
# 45 Proof21 @ 02/19/14 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by tmoney51691
I'll be brief, so far I hate this game. The car handles terribly no matter how much you adjust. I couldn't stick to a line to save my life. It was almost as if the cars were magnets. You try to stick to your line, but you always end up crashing into the guy next to you. Sometimes, your car will even bleed into the car next to you or behind you. The braking is awful. Even with upgraded brakes, it never felt like my car was slowing down a bit. I know these cars weigh a lot and have little brakes, but shouldn't I at least feel like I'm braking? Every time on the restart, as soon as I would press the gas, I would spin out and wreck. I know these cars use slick tires, but still.

I did experience a few glitches. After crashing (no surprise), all my HUD indicators disappeared. When I went into the menus, all my HUDs were still on. So I had to turn them off, save, resume the race, pause the race again, turn them back on, then resumed the race.

At this point, I cannot recommend this game. I'm so glad I rented it instead.
Are you easy on the throttle? That should help with your spinning of the tires on restarts..as far as holding a line it can be difficult, and breaking..just gotta be easy in.

Sorry you aren't enjoying it..but like you said at least you saved your money by just renting as opposed to purchasing the game. What system are you playing on?
# 46 tmoney51691 @ 02/20/14 12:01 AM
360. I've played Nascar games before, but that was back when EA made them.
# 47 OnlookerDelay @ 02/20/14 04:46 AM
My rental copy should be getting here today from Gamefly. I played the 360 version of NASCAR IL though one season with a rental copy and got all I wanted out the game as it stood. I would have liked to have played it more, but it was virtually unplayable online and I had to set certain "house rules" to make it work within my season. It had its moments for sure.

I've got a Fanatec GT2 wheel and Club Sport Elite pedals and wound up with some pleasing force feedback settings. I would have found the game very difficult to play with the thumbstick, but I've never been good at racing games with a thumbstick. In my brief experience with thumbstick control in NASCAR IL, I just know it was harder to hold a line than usual. I've seen no comments from Fanatec owners yet on '14, so I'm hoping that will help bring out some of the game's redeeming features. I'll report back as soon as I've had some seat time with it.
# 48 Aggies7 @ 02/20/14 05:17 AM
For you folks using a wheel on consoles. How much easier is it to hold a line in the corners. I struggled with using controller in IL and figure it will be an issue for this as well.

Barring my wife not being home sick today expect to play in am when I get home.

If I struggle I'll have to find a good wheel for PS3
# 49 cusefan74 @ 02/20/14 09:17 AM
I'm not seeing any problems with braking or being able to hold a line. One thing I found out last night is that your setups from the last game WILL work in this game. I have tried 4 or 5 different tracks and so far all the setups have worked. So that should help when running at tracks.

Also there is not even a concern using a controller in this game. I didn't think there was one in the last game either. I use a controller and never have a problem holding a line.

As far as sensitive steering, there is an option that I saw for that. I'm not sure how it works I have not tried it, I'm not having an issue with it.

As far as restarts it's crazy. I like that you can spin your tires but it is way over done in this game, but with that being said you can avoid it. What I do is hold the gas down and as soon as it goes green get off it and just feather the gas a couple of times. That seems to work pretty good for me. Guys using a wheel should have as easier time being able to get in the gas better, or I would assume.

Edit:Also I was gonna say something about online play. I have only done 2 races online so far but have noticed it seems about the same as the last game with glitches and trouble finding a room. It seems like it is a little harder to pass, you have to get a good run to get by the guy in front of you. Need to play it some more to see though.

One last thing, I am disappointed in the fact that we didn't get an upgrade in the stat keeping. What kind of sports game doesn't keep stats and I mean more then poles, wins, and top 10's. I don't know why they neglect that part of the game, so easy to fix.
# 50 RustedWalleye @ 02/20/14 10:00 AM
I am using a controller not a wheel, and the first thing I do is head into practice and tweak the wheel lock. On the fast tracks you can set it so the controller barely moves the car, but still does fine in the corners, helps you hold the lines better.

I played 75% yesterday on Daytona and decided to race, was a lot of fun. Couple things I have noticed, is when pitting it out of cycle and your coming in to the end of the race that the standings are off, but it is corrected when you actually finish. The leaderboard was showing me like 32nd but I was actually in 14th. Weird pit times for the AI. Was running 20% and 2x wear, and most everyone pitted in the last 3 laps for a splash of fuel. I actually made it with almost no fuel left.

AI is very aggressive. You open up a hole because you drop your line a little and they jump right in there. Had a lot of 4 wide racing in the pack if I started jockeying for position. I ran Kansas for a while and Indy and I thought the racing was good there as well. Overall pleased with the reactions of the car, and the controlling of the car even with a controller, again as long as you adjust the wheel lock for your style of driving.

Might have to break out the wheel for this one.
# 51 TCrouch @ 02/20/14 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
For you folks using a wheel on consoles. How much easier is it to hold a line in the corners. I struggled with using controller in IL and figure it will be an issue for this as well.

Barring my wife not being home sick today expect to play in am when I get home.

If I struggle I'll have to find a good wheel for PS3
It's night and day, bro. NASCAR games are all about holding a smooth line, not scrubbing speed by zigging around in a corner. You can get something like a G27 or a Driving Force GT for pretty cheap nowadays. You spend any less than the $125 or $150 you'd spend on the DFGT and you'll wish you got a better wheel. I can handle playing your typical road-racing game with a controller, but it takes a LOT more work to get good at an oval game with a controller.

It can be done, but it's so much better with a wheel...in MOST games, you plug it right in and you're rocking. This one takes some time to tweak the settings to fit what you want.
# 52 bigdoc85 @ 02/20/14 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by TCrouch
It's night and day, bro. NASCAR games are all about holding a smooth line, not scrubbing speed by zigging around in a corner. You can get something like a G27 or a Driving Force GT for pretty cheap nowadays. You spend any less than the $125 or $150 you'd spend on the DFGT and you'll wish you got a better wheel. I can handle playing your typical road-racing game with a controller, but it takes a LOT more work to get good at an oval game with a controller.

It can be done, but it's so much better with a wheel...in MOST games, you plug it right in and you're rocking. This one takes some time to tweak the settings to fit what you want.
Anyone have recommended settings for a Driving Force GT wheel for this game?
# 53 brandon27 @ 02/20/14 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by cusefan74
I'm not seeing any problems with braking or being able to hold a line. One thing I found out last night is that your setups from the last game WILL work in this game. I have tried 4 or 5 different tracks and so far all the setups have worked. So that should help when running at tracks.

Also there is not even a concern using a controller in this game. I didn't think there was one in the last game either. I use a controller and never have a problem holding a line.

As far as sensitive steering, there is an option that I saw for that. I'm not sure how it works I have not tried it, I'm not having an issue with it.

As far as restarts it's crazy. I like that you can spin your tires but it is way over done in this game, but with that being said you can avoid it. What I do is hold the gas down and as soon as it goes green get off it and just feather the gas a couple of times. That seems to work pretty good for me. Guys using a wheel should have as easier time being able to get in the gas better, or I would assume.

Edit:Also I was gonna say something about online play. I have only done 2 races online so far but have noticed it seems about the same as the last game with glitches and trouble finding a room. It seems like it is a little harder to pass, you have to get a good run to get by the guy in front of you. Need to play it some more to see though.

One last thing, I am disappointed in the fact that we didn't get an upgrade in the stat keeping. What kind of sports game doesn't keep stats and I mean more then poles, wins, and top 10's. I don't know why they neglect that part of the game, so easy to fix.
I don't have any issues holding a line in corners either using a controller on all but 2 tracks. Daytona and Talladega. I struggle there in the corners bigtime. I need to put IL back into my 360 and look at the controller settings I was using there to help adjust the steering issues with the controller and I'm sure I'll be fine. They really should have included some help screens or info in the controller settings page to help understand what the settings do to help set it up.

As for the restarts... If you do it right, wheel spin shoudlnt be much of an issue. I love that you can spin the tires though if you dont do it right, or don't time it right. For me... I'm off the gas completely until I see GO on my screen, then I ease my way into it rather aggressively. I know, that doesn't make sense, but I dont know any way to describe it. My first few starts/restarts were awful because I just held the gas down from Ready... all the way through to go. Big Mistake. If anyone is doing that... just stop it right now. Don't get in the gas until go! comes up, and until the pack has started moving. Of course if you're the leader you'll have to look at the markings on the wall, because you're in control of the start. Gas it too early, you'll spin, gas it too late, you're going to get run over and run by, gas it when you're in the restart zone, you're golden.
# 54 TCrouch @ 02/20/14 04:08 PM
Sure, you can do it with a controller. There's no doubt it can be done. But to compete with a driver of equal skill using a wheel is exponentially tougher doing so. You can use the "crank over to the left as far as it will go and throttle steer it" method on a controller, but you're eating up tires that way.

If I could tell you how many leagues I'd been in where the setups are fixed and somebody goes "how are *insert 2 or 3 guys' names* so much faster?"

The answer is always those 2 or 3 guys are using wheels.

Doesn't mean you CAN'T be just as fast with a controller. It takes a ton more work and incredible control on the stick to not vary a fraction of an inch mid-corner. Some aliens can do that. I know a couple of people who are incredible with the controller. But that's so rare compared to a driver of equal skill and knowledge using a good wheel setup.

Most people using controllers and laying down blazing fast times are eating the tires up a lot more than a smooth wheel driver turning the same times, so over the course of a run it shows.
# 55 bluengold34_OS @ 02/20/14 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by TCrouch
Sure, you can do it with a controller. There's no doubt it can be done. But to compete with a driver of equal skill using a wheel is exponentially tougher doing so. You can use the "crank over to the left as far as it will go and throttle steer it" method on a controller, but you're eating up tires that way.

If I could tell you how many leagues I'd been in where the setups are fixed and somebody goes "how are *insert 2 or 3 guys' names* so much faster?"

The answer is always those 2 or 3 guys are using wheels.

Doesn't mean you CAN'T be just as fast with a controller. It takes a ton more work and incredible control on the stick to not vary a fraction of an inch mid-corner. Some aliens can do that. I know a couple of people who are incredible with the controller. But that's so rare compared to a driver of equal skill and knowledge using a good wheel setup.

Most people using controllers and laying down blazing fast times are eating the tires up a lot more than a smooth wheel driver turning the same times, so over the course of a run it shows.
^^This - and that's why I use a keyboard
# 56 bravesfan1984 @ 02/20/14 04:39 PM
I need to break out my wheel but I have nothing to attach it to. I need some ideas haha.
# 57 TCrouch @ 02/20/14 04:57 PM
I use this, and can't properly tell you how much more enjoyable it made console racing for me:

# 58 cusefan74 @ 02/20/14 07:07 PM
I just did a race now race at Kansas at oh my god, what a glitch fest. First after a caution we go back green and there is a car in the middle of the track. We were just driving right through it. After the next caution it disappeared.

Then during another caution I decided to pit and as I went down pit road the pit window for me to make adjustments never came up. Half way down pit road my car stopped in the middle of the road and sat there for about 20 seconds. Then it started going again and didn't stop in my pits and went back out on the track, went around to turn 3 stopped behind 2 other cars sitting there and that was it. After about 2 minutes of just sitting there I left the race.

I don't know what was going on, but man it just makes me crazy. I mean this game has so much potential. Now I'm afraid things are gonna start happening like crazy now.
# 59 OnlookerDelay @ 02/20/14 10:15 PM
Didn't get my Gamefly rental copy today, as expected. The mail has gotten slow in the last year. I used to get all of my Gamefly rentals in three days, now it's typically four. Oh well, this is Duke/UNC game night, so I wouldn't have been doing much racing tonight anyway. Second half's about to tip...
# 60 brandon27 @ 02/20/14 10:27 PM
Had a real bad race tonight at Vegas. It was actually tons of fun up until the ending... it was a 27 lapper. I had wear and fuel at 4x to have some fun and trial runs at pitting and to test the AI. Actually, everything went perfectly. I had pitted twice already, and the entire field was pitting about with about 3 laps to go. I went in to the pits in the lead, came out 20 somethingth... understandable I guess as cars were cycling through stops, as the laps tick away, im now shown in in around 5th about 3 seconds behind keselowski who hasnt yet pitted. Final lap rolls around, Keselowski goes and pulls into the pits and the leaderboard suddenly drops me down to 25th, says I'm one lap down as I pass keselowski as he's on pit lane. As Im about half way through turn one, Keselowski hits the start finish line and is declared the winner.

Somehow Keselowski went from having a few second lead, to pulling into pit lane, and suddenly lapping the whole field by pitting??? I just threw the controller across the room onto the other couch, got up, turned off the xbox and grabbed a beer. In a sense, it makes sense I would be a lap down if he hadn't pitted yet... but the running order didnt reflect that. Then on top of that... why is it that when the entire field has been pitting together roughly at lap 11, then again around 22 of 27... how can Keselowski end up running an extra 3 laps... at 4x wear/fuel. Just a mess.

Guess I'm back to running races without wear and fuel use so the finishing order is at least correct, and logical. Either that, or finding a way to limit it to just one pit stop per race to limit the damage.

In the game's defense though, I ran about 3 races prior to that with the same settings, and experienced no issues.

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