MLB 14 The Show News Post

There's a lot to digest folks, so here's my first article for MLB 14 The Show this year. Included is over 1,300 words, a video interview with Ramone Russell, Release Dates, and the new PS3 trailer.

I had hands-on with PS3 and (briefly) PS4, with additional time on both with Ramone. The Vita version was not onsite, but in terms of features, beside the smaller amount of Presentation (as always on Vita) the game is feature-complete across all 3 platforms.

PS Nation - MLB 14 The Show Hands-On Report
(External Link)

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 Blzer @ 02/13/14 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
I'm guessing the generated pitch counts are optional correct? We aren't going to be forced to use them. Because I really prefer to start with an 0-0 count.
It is an option.
# 282 tnixen @ 02/13/14 03:27 PM
Question for PSNation

As far as speeding up the game improvements go are they takinng away all the cutaways? And if so would that not actually make the presentation a lot less realistic as far as true TV style baseball broadcast goes? Perhaps there is going to be 2 presentation modes? One for a faster game and one with normal speed?

I never had any issues with how long games take so I hope i am just reading to much into this.
# 283 thaSLAB @ 02/13/14 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
I'm guessing the generated pitch counts are optional correct? We aren't going to be forced to use them. Because I really prefer to start with an 0-0 count.
Yes, it is totally optional. It is a pre-game setting.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
# 284 econoodle @ 02/13/14 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by shaneomac
I was wondering the same thing. Maybe this mean they built the 30 stadiums from scratch and will just port over the minor leagues and classic stadiums. I hope this is the case because I'm hoping classic stadiums will be in the ps4 version.

is that possible?
will minor leagues make it in at all in ps4 14?
# 285 chaz526 @ 02/13/14 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Do any of the screenshots posted so far have the new updated lighting that Russell was talking about the other day?
I asked this earlier and it got lost in the shuffle - I'd like to know too! I'd assume these are pre-code-crack, but only Ramone can confirm that for us.
# 286 Iceman87GT @ 02/13/14 03:31 PM
Looks like I'll be playing the Vita version for the first month or so... Disappointing but you have to get the PS4 game right so its hard to argue with the later release date.
# 287 mikeq672 @ 02/13/14 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Question for PSNation

As far as speeding up the game improvements go are they takinng away all the cutaways? And if so would that not actually make the presentation a lot less realistic as far as true TV style baseball broadcast goes? Perhaps there is going to be 2 presentation modes? One for a faster game and one with normal speed?

I never had any issues with how long games take so I hope i am just reading to much into this.
Youve always been able to skip the broadcast presentation for quicker or play or leave it on.
# 288 tnixen @ 02/13/14 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by mikeq672
Youve always been able to skip the broadcast presentation for quicker or play or leave it on.
So then what is changing then?
# 289 shaneomac @ 02/13/14 03:36 PM
The question I'm looking to have answered is regarding the stadiums. I've read that the 30 stadiums on the ps4 version were built from scratch. I haven't seen however if the minor league stadiums and classic stadiums will be included in the ps4 version. I've also read that the ps3 version and ps4 version will both have the same features. So am I incorrect in assuming that the minor league and classic stadiums are considered features and will be available on both games?

I know Knight has stated that he thinks classic stadiums might not be included because of the time issues to create them. I also realize that info just came out today and maybe no one know for sure yet, but if anyone does know please respond. Thanks a lot!!
# 290 Sco291 @ 02/13/14 03:37 PM
PS4 release was pushed back because Ramone and Co. thought, hey, this gives Knight and Co. time to work on OSFM so that they will be ready in time for the PS4 release...May it is!

THAT ...or it's because they're polishing the game lol.
# 291 nemesis04 @ 02/13/14 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
So then what is changing then?
It has been streamlined to appear more seamless and pans back to the action quicker when there are pauses in the commentary instead of everything just being idle.
# 292 shaneomac @ 02/13/14 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
is that possible?
will minor leagues make it in at all in ps4 14?
I'm not sure if it's possible or not. I just know that I read that the 30 stadiums were not ported over so I was assuming that it was possible if they chose to do so. May be faulty logic but that's what I took out of it.
# 293 mikeq672 @ 02/13/14 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
So then what is changing then?
Quick counts and player lock.
# 294 PSNation @ 02/13/14 03:40 PM
I forgot to ask about Classic and Minor League stadiums. Sorry.

If I were to guess, no Classic stadiums in 14 for PS4, but that's a total guess.

Another guess, Minor League stadiums ported in 14, but maybe rebuilt in 15? We'll find out soon enough.
# 295 tnixen @ 02/13/14 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
It has been streamlined to seem more seamless and pans back to the action quicker when there are pauses on the commentary instead of everything just being idle.
So then basically more like a real broadcast on TV.

Guess I will have to see it for myself to truly understand what changed exactly.
# 296 tnixen @ 02/13/14 03:44 PM
One more question

So there will be a Bat Boy for each team and also Ball Boys or Ball Girls down each base line? The Phillies only use ball girls so does this mean in the game they would also only use girls and not boys?

And is this all done in realtime or cutaways?

And do the ball girls look like her?
# 297 mikeq672 @ 02/13/14 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
One more question

So there will be a Bat Boy for each team and also Ball Boys or Ball Girls down each base line? The Phillies only use ball girls so does this mean in the game they would also only use girls and not boys?

And is this all done in realtime or cutaways?

And do the ball girls look like her?
Now theres a (ph)filly I could get behind haha
# 298 redsoxfan25 @ 02/13/14 03:59 PM
Loving everything that's being reported. A bit bummed about the PS3 release date but it's no big deal really.

Just a quick question, things like bat and ball boys/girls, the crowd catching foul balls and holding signs, is this on both PS3 and PS4 versions or just the PS4?
# 299 HustlinOwl @ 02/13/14 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by redsoxfan25
Loving everything that's being reported. A bit bummed about the PS3 release date but it's no big deal really.

Just a quick question, things like bat and ball boys/girls, the crowd catching foul balls and holding signs, is this on both PS3 and PS4 versions or just the PS4?
PS4, Greatness Awaits
# 300 geisterhome @ 02/13/14 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Saviour13
Feb. 26th to March 26th to April 26th to May 26th.


wont trust that calculation until russell likes it.

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