MLB 14 The Show News Post

While we wait on official word for the MLB 14 The Show release date, one has to wonder if the PS3 and PS4 versions will ship on the same day or not.

Looking back at MLB 07 The Show, the PS2 version shipped on February 26th, while the PS3 version didn't ship until May 15th.

I sent a note to Russell, but I'm not sure if he is allowed to elaborate on it. But he did have this to say yesterday.

There's no conspiracy or grand design, everything is going according to our schedule for this year. There won't be any less information about the game than there was last year. The schedule is different this year that's all, nothing more nothing less.

Either way, it's fun to speculate, since we haven't seen anything new recently. Last year, we received the fact sheet on January 14th. We also saw some gameplay from CES last year at around this time, but it wasn't on display this year. Just taking a peek at our MLB 13 The Show page, we saw a few Developer Journals with hands-on impressions at the end of January.

Let's hope we see or hear something soon.

Written by: Steve Noah

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 metsfan4life1 @ 01/23/14 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jibbler
think about it, no game comes out with only 1 month notice of when its coming out PS4 won't be out till May. also it's good for their business to have PS3 out first to make us buy 2 games.

the only way I am going to buy PS3 though is if its cross platform, I would like to start my season off and continue it with PS4 version that would be awesome something else to look forward to but would have already made a start. I can't see cross play form happening for rosters though, with all the different updated graphics and things like that how the hell will OSFM faces people make actually work on the PS4 because PS4 would have billions of more detail! I am afraid our OSFM will have to work on 2 lots of rosters this year and we may not seeing it till JUly for PS4 this year.
I'll only buy both if the rosters can be done on the PS3 and used on the PS4.. But if you can't update for ten dollars then I might not. Not going to buy one game and use it just for creating players then have sixty dollars wasted when I get the PS4 one. If there is an update available then there's a good chance I would, if the rosters work on both.
# 42 ryanmc564 @ 01/23/14 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jibbler
think about it, no game comes out with only 1 month notice of when its coming out PS4 won't be out till May. also it's good for their business to have PS3 out first to make us buy 2 games.

I highly doubt that is SCEA plan. to with hold a version of a game just so their customers will have to buy 2 . I would think they would get a huge backlash for that and lose customers
# 43 barsoffury @ 01/23/14 06:28 PM
Most people aren't going to buy two copies. I can't imagine anyone foolish enough to do so. Well actually yes I can. Seeing as some people freak out because they aren't being given any game info like it's a god given right to have it.

I don't even have a ps4 so it's release date doesn't concern me. 2015, that may be a different story.
# 44 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/23/14 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Tombstone was great.
Think I may watch it tonight now that I have it on my mind.
# 45 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/23/14 07:01 PM
I'm holding off until next Christmas on a PS4. My policy on new game systems is always give them a year to get the bugs out. The PS3 version is all I'm concerned about. If it comes out in March, I'll be a happy man.
# 46 Perfect Zero @ 01/23/14 07:39 PM
Ive expected April or late May from the beginning. It will come sooner or later; it really doesn't matter.
# 47 Knight165 @ 01/23/14 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by fantasyboi
I'm really getting tempted to abandon it....I know RBI wont be special but if they release more b4 The Show and its near decent then I am jumping baseball ship and over to Xbox. I literally left xbox for PS and I, along with plenty others r not happy. i really dont care what reaction i get from this either cuz everyone deep down is hating what is going on.

Okay...I think we're good!

# 48 Still2REal @ 01/23/14 08:16 PM
I'm expecting a later release date, and it essentially being the same game as last year with updated graphics for the PS4. That way, worst case scenario I'm mildly disappointed and the best case they leave a lasting impression. Personally I can't recall any year 1 sports game on a new console wowing me... Maybe NFL2K on Dreamcast
# 49 Curahee @ 01/23/14 08:18 PM
Im expecting Justin Bieber to be on the cover!
# 50 ryanmc564 @ 01/23/14 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee
Im expecting Justin Bieber to be on the cover!
Now would that be for the canada version or all around, in that case sorry Miguel lost out to the beaver.
# 51 nemesis04 @ 01/23/14 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
Now would that be for the canada version or all around, in that case sorry Miguel lost out to the beaver.

Be easy on the beaver Ryan it's Bieber! Most men do lose out to the beaver though!
# 52 MLB Bob @ 01/23/14 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee
Im expecting Justin Bieber to be on the cover!
Beiber you say?
# 53 MLB Bob @ 01/23/14 08:43 PM
Looks like a Sox fan to me..Canada certainly doesnt want him
# 54 nemesis04 @ 01/23/14 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by MLB Bob
Looks like a Sox fan to me..Canada certainly doesnt want him
No backsies, he is all your yours!
# 55 dalger21 @ 01/23/14 08:46 PM
This wouldn't be surprising. What would be more surprising is if they came out on the same day.

As a guy that will only get the PS4 version, this doesn't affect me much as I was anticipating waiting until April or later...unless there is some incentive to get the PS3 version...
# 56 Curahee @ 01/23/14 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by dingleberryfinn
Can't tell if the cap says Sox or Sux
Doesnt matter! Theyre one in the same!
# 57 MLB Bob @ 01/23/14 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
No backsies, he is all your yours!
americas children made him famous, we claim him as much as nickleback. Here in canada beiber and nickleback CD's are what santa gives bad kids for christmas.
# 58 ryanmc564 @ 01/23/14 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by MLB Bob
americas children made him famous, we claim him as much as nickleback. Here in canada beiber and nickleback CD's are what santa gives bad kids for christmas.
Strange thing about nickleback, is that I know not one person who likes them but yet they always have sold out shows. sorry for the off baseball topic post, back to baseball, play ball!
# 59 MLB Bob @ 01/23/14 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
Strange thing about nickleback, is that I know not one person who likes them but yet they always have sold out shows. sorry for the off baseball topic post, back to baseball, play ball!
Drunk girls man, drunk girls. They make baseball better too.

Im anticipating 2 different dates. Im not sure how I feel. Im expecting a baby at the same time, gives me time to get ps3 version before the baby comes and save up for ps4 system and game after baby. The lady already knows I still plan on getting a PS4 for The Show. I have to get her something nice. Baby isnt enough, I worked hard on that. Gonna be an emotional time, and Im sure I'll be emotional about my baby too
# 60 Sco291 @ 01/23/14 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Sure, but are they expecting almost 3 months in between, like 07? It's something to think about.

I was thinking regular release for PS3, early March. But for PS4, I was thinking a little after opening day.
I believe they can do same day release. Although maybe they'll hold off, who knows. I'm currently saving up for a PS4, hopefully will have enough by May.

If they wait to release each version seperately, the longest I'd be able to wait would be a month and a half. 3 months would be ridiculous and a little dumb. But hey if that were the case so that the devs could take the extra time to polish up the PS4 version, kind of like how Rockstar did with GTA5, then hey man, I'm all for that.

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