MLB 14 The Show News Post

While we wait on official word for the MLB 14 The Show release date, one has to wonder if the PS3 and PS4 versions will ship on the same day or not.

Looking back at MLB 07 The Show, the PS2 version shipped on February 26th, while the PS3 version didn't ship until May 15th.

I sent a note to Russell, but I'm not sure if he is allowed to elaborate on it. But he did have this to say yesterday.

There's no conspiracy or grand design, everything is going according to our schedule for this year. There won't be any less information about the game than there was last year. The schedule is different this year that's all, nothing more nothing less.

Either way, it's fun to speculate, since we haven't seen anything new recently. Last year, we received the fact sheet on January 14th. We also saw some gameplay from CES last year at around this time, but it wasn't on display this year. Just taking a peek at our MLB 13 The Show page, we saw a few Developer Journals with hands-on impressions at the end of January.

Let's hope we see or hear something soon.

Written by: Steve Noah

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 Knight165 @ 02/04/14 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
Dear Russell,

If you have a heart,

please convince marketing to announce the release dates so I can close this thread.


Ramone is all like this......


# 182 dubplate @ 02/05/14 12:47 AM
Nice one, Knight.

I just want to know so I can plan a few vacation days. Really pumped to play The Show on a PS4.
# 183 nemesis04 @ 02/05/14 08:39 AM
This forum has turned into an absolute cesspool!
# 184 BSUFAN @ 02/05/14 08:58 AM
This is in order here

# 185 MauerMorneau09 @ 02/07/14 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by theninjaraven

MLB THE SHOW 2014 for PS4 is 100% getting released on APRIL 1ST, 2014! This has been confirmed from Anthony Mazzitelli who is someone very high up at Gamestop who said SONY has officially set the date recently. Why SCEA is not announcing it yet is beyond me- but he said it is 100% and will not change once SONY sets the date for them.

SO NOW EVERYONE CAN CHILL- APRIL 1ST MLB THE SHOW 2014 is coming out. No word if PS3s version will come out sooner...he looked into just the PS4 version for me.
Well if this is true, TYBG. But I'll sit back for awhile on it.
# 186 chaz526 @ 02/07/14 10:21 PM
Directly asking Ramone won't get you anywhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 187 chaz526 @ 02/07/14 10:31 PM
They'll announce the release date(s) on their own terms in their own way. News won't come any sooner just because a forum post with a "source" claims to have confirmation of the release date.

Marketing 101

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 188 kehlis @ 02/07/14 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by theninjaraven

MLB THE SHOW 2014 for PS4 is 100% getting released on APRIL 1ST, 2014! This has been confirmed from Anthony Mazzitelli who is someone very high up at Gamestop who said SONY has officially set the date recently. Why SCEA is not announcing it yet is beyond me- but he said it is 100% and will not change once SONY sets the date for them.

SO NOW EVERYONE CAN CHILL- APRIL 1ST MLB THE SHOW 2014 is coming out. No word if PS3s version will come out sooner...he looked into just the PS4 version for me.
Well then I hope you don't value him as a client or I hope you are lying because by posting his full name if what you are saying is true you very well just cost him his job......

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Well there's that and the unemployment line. Loose lips sinks it's the quickest way to have security escort you off the premises.
# 189 kehlis @ 02/07/14 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by theninjaraven
I can assure you of two guaranteed things.

One- I do not lie...no need to.

Two- His job is VERY safe. That could be because I am not a member of the non-intelligent type. It's so simple if you want proof of what I said...call your local Gamestop and ask them this- " I heard the release date for MLB THE SHOW 2014 for the PS4 version was officially SET by Sony- what is it? " you will then be told - APRIL 1ST. You are all welcome in advance. Again, it makes no sense why SCEA won't just announce this yet? IT'S A FACT! GUARANTEED. I hope either Ramone will like this or just confirm it's true. Regardless - it is. PS4 version ~ APRIL 1ST, 2014.

Need a Gamestop store phone number to call and confirm exactly what I said...any of the employees there will confirm what I just told all of you...Sony setting the official SET DATE is fact..

You missed my point, may want to see the other quote I included.

And yes, I'm familiar with the 570, lived in Wilkes Barre for years, proud Monarch graduate.

Never met a competent gamestop employee, I hope he doesn't work at the GS in the Steamtown mall, they were the worst.

Nor did I ever doubt the fact that you have no reason to lie, I have no doubt you are saying what you were told.

Nor do I doubt the fact that the release day could be April 1st.

What I'm saying is I hope you just didn't release the full name of a someone who is telling you something he shouldn't before it is officially released by SCEA.

That wouldn't be a good thing to do on a site where SCEA employees see it all.......
# 190 Stormyhog @ 02/07/14 11:50 PM
At the canadian eb games site it says March 21st for the PS3 & Vita and April 1st for the PS4 version. Don't know if this set in stone but just was posting what I saw. http://www.ebgames.ca/browse?nav=16k...clusive+Bonus+
# 191 RangersCruz @ 02/08/14 12:57 AM
I went to buy COD today guy at gamestop told me either the 4/1/2014 or the 4/15/2014 is what they've been told.
# 192 kehlis @ 02/08/14 12:59 AM
So we've confirmed that Gamestop keeps "confirming" different dates.

We are getting somewhere.
# 193 dickey1331 @ 02/08/14 03:59 AM
I have a hard time believing anything that starts with April 1st.
# 194 JoeCoolMan24 @ 02/08/14 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by MLBPrototype
I don't think this is the case....I think the whole problem is, is that I think some or even most people are saving up and planning to buy the PS4 in time for this game which is why people want the release date so bad. I could be totally wrong but I really think thats the case here. If I would've bought the PS4 in January just assuming The Show would come out in March I'd be so mad because it would just be collecting dust considering all the other games have had big problems from everthing I have seen.
That's what I'm doing. I've been slowing saving money from my crappy post-graduation part time job. I finally have enough saved to get the PS4, but I have no idea when The Show is coming out, so I can't decide if I can borrow from that money to pay off other things, or if I can just hold on to it if the game has a March release. I'm trying to decide on if I am going to go to Florida for Spring Break or not, and a large part of that decision will come based on when The Show comes out and if I can borrow from my PS4 funds or not to go on vacation. Basically, it's a real pain in the *** right now to not have any answer.
# 195 nemesis04 @ 02/08/14 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by JoeCoolMan24
That's what I'm doing. I've been slowing saving money from my crappy post-graduation part time job. I finally have enough saved to get the PS4, but I have no idea when The Show is coming out, so I can't decide if I can borrow from that money to pay off other things, or if I can just hold on to it if the game has a March release. I'm trying to decide on if I am going to go to Florida for Spring Break or not, and a large part of that decision will come based on when The Show comes out and if I can borrow from my PS4 funds or not to go on vacation. Basically, it's a real pain in the *** right now to not have any answer.
Spring break/woman > PS4
# 196 BSUFAN @ 02/08/14 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by JoeCoolMan24
That's what I'm doing. I've been slowing saving money from my crappy post-graduation part time job. I finally have enough saved to get the PS4, but I have no idea when The Show is coming out, so I can't decide if I can borrow from that money to pay off other things, or if I can just hold on to it if the game has a March release. I'm trying to decide on if I am going to go to Florida for Spring Break or not, and a large part of that decision will come based on when The Show comes out and if I can borrow from my PS4 funds or not to go on vacation. Basically, it's a real pain in the *** right now to not have any answer.
It's obvious you stay home and suffer like the rest of us, no stinking fun for you
# 197 nemesis04 @ 02/08/14 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by ThreeKing
I vehemently disagree.

For that outrageous statement, you sir, deserve a ------>
Does that mean I can go to Florida now?
# 198 CWSJ @ 02/08/14 08:38 PM
Went to my ebgames in toronto today. They said April 1st is only a place holder date. They have not recieved any confirmation yet on a release date. They haven't even recieved confirmation for the rating , it's still listed as rating pending.

They said anyone claiming that they have been told April 1st is the official launch either a) was told by someone who knows someone that work with SCEA (if that turns out to be the actual release date)or was mislead by a employee of GameStop/ebgames that doesn't know the difference between a place holder date and an official release date.
# 199 Proteus4 @ 02/08/14 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by CWSJ
Went to my ebgames in toronto today. They said April 1st is only a place holder date. They have not recieved any confirmation yet on a release date. They haven't even recieved confirmation for the rating , it's still listed as rating pending.

They said anyone claiming that they have been told April 1st is the official launch either a) was told by someone who knows someone that work with SCEA (if that turns out to be the actual release date)or was mislead by a employee of GameStop/ebgames that doesn't know the difference between a place holder date and an official release date.
Yeah, it's obviously a placeholder date. Although I imagine it's not too far off the real release.

The longer we wait for a release date announcement the more I think the PS3 and PS4 version will be hitting at the same time.

If it was simply a case of the PS4 version releasing late I think the PS3 version would have released the first week of launch, as usual. Instead, they are lining them up to release at once.
# 200 nuckles2k2 @ 02/08/14 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Proteus4
Yeah, it's obviously a placeholder date. Although I imagine it's not too far off the real release.

The longer we wait for a release date announcement the more I think the PS3 and PS4 version will be hitting at the same time.

If it was simply a case of the PS4 version releasing late I think the PS3 version would have released the first week of launch, as usual. Instead, they are lining them up to release at once.
I kinda get that feeling too. That also has me thinking that we might see a release date in March as opposed to April.

They're simultaneously building two different games, but if they're to release at the same time, I can't imagine they'd make PS3 gamers wait because PS4 gamers have to wait.

Things MIGHT be further along than we actually think (complete speculation...partly because it makes sense, but mostly because I wanna use my PS4 for more than watching the Breaking Bad blu-rays)

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