NBA 2K14 News Post

Virtual Currency (VC) in NBA 2K14 is a problem and if consumers don't voice their concerns, it's going to get worse.

Sure, there are ways to get free VC via the mobile app (if you can get it working), but gamers shouldn't be required to use VC to do simple tasks such as changing a lineup. We can understand using it in MyTeam (as it has been successful for EA Sports and Ultimate Team), but to have it added into other modes really has the community fired up. Customization isn't as fun as it once was, since VC is needed to update accessories and the ratio is ridiculous. Could this be next?

While there are many posts here at OS slamming it, other sites such as NeoGAF and Reddit have also been killing it from day one. PastaPadre has written a detailed article on it and the hate is spilling over.

VGRevolution warned users about it last year. Twitter is filled with complaints from users actually purchasing VC and not receiving it or crashing/freezing in modes, losing what they've earned. With no official word from 2K Sports, this is becoming a very large concern.

Where do you stand on VC?

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Member Comments
# 161 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
I saw 20K Online. ON 2K13 LAST NIGHT

So yeah, that's kinda telling us a lot at this point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wonder if some of those are getting next gen on Christmas
# 162 eslimm @ 12/11/13 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by TalenT
Lol Dude...the point is not "how much" it takes to edit your lineup. Our issue is why should you have to pay AT ALL to change a lineup? Certain things should just be VC free in our opinion. I don't think we're overreacting at all.
A lot of people aren't understanding that aspect. Why should we have to pay for things like that? It's ridiculous and leaves a bad taste for 2k.

(Galaxy S4)
# 163 Sundown @ 12/11/13 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by poloelite
I'm just pointing out that by playing the game (1a day) and tapping the app (which the iPhone app works perfectly for me), you can make around 150,000 VC in less than 3 months. I think partially as gamers we gotten used to getting the game and blowing through it in 2 weeks, that building over the course of a year until the next iteration makes us even more impatient.
That's not it at all. No one blew through 2K in two weeks or expected to before VC.

The problem is prices and rewards for not playing are out of wack compared to just playing the game. It's fine if the game is meant to be played for a long time-- in fact that's how the game's always played without ridiculous VC prices and paltry rewards. But the VC hikes are so high now that you CAN'T progress in multiple modes at a reasonable rate without paying money. They weren't meant to prolong the game. They were meant to frustrate players into paying to get a full experience in all modes (of which there are really only three, and one is almost completely inaccessible without paying or massive grinding).

The iPhone app really shouldn't even be used in any argument about VC, because I am infinitely more concerned about VC rewards balance in the core gameplay. The fact that such a tangental, gimmicky "gameplay" experience is 50% of the VC in your example spells out how messed up the core VC balance is.

The thought of us having a regular NBA rookie that isn't dominant, grinds for playing time and may only have one good skill his first couple of months in the league is too much for some. To me that could be seen as sim because most rookies share this fate, but if you want your guy to progress quicker they give you the option to purchase VC. If you're against purchasing VC, between playing and the app, you can earn enough by the All Star break to reasonably progress in whatever mode you're playing. The fact that guys want to play one mode and then start off high in another, isn't really sim in my opinion.
I actually like this and have said so. I like the slower progress for MyPlayer alone. But I do not like that you are stalled in progress if you want to spend your VC on an arm sleeve or new shoes. You can say that you spend your VC how you want, but truth is, that is 10 hours of gaming you are spending on a pair of shoes that you could have spent on regular player progress after every few games. That shouldn't even be a thing.
# 164 poloelite @ 12/11/13 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Sinner
There's no need to make little simple things cost VC to make the game last, they didn't have to do anything they've done to make the game last. The only reason they did it is for more money...period.

If they wanted to make this game so people will play it longer and make it last you know the BEST way to do this? Make a damn good game that allows you to play the modes in it how you want.

Even in one of your earlier post you mentioned people who say they are "sim" should like the way VC is used.....I'm having a very hard time putting "SIM" and "VC" in the same sentence as linking one with the other.

There is no sim in needing VC to change rotations in MyGM, there is no sim in your MyPlayer having a contract paying you in VC...it's just not working for me or many others.

Also in your earlier post you mentioned being able to play the app to earn VC...well there is a problem login in to play the App, so can't do that.
Fam, I haven't had any problems with app at all. My brother had an issue logging in, but he didn't realize the password was case sensitive and the iPhone makes the first letter capital by default.

I'm saying VC makes things more sim, because you actually have to progress to get things and it forces you to build a more realistic player or GM. I do agree there are some flaws in the implementation, but I think it's a decent foundation for progression.

You're a GM, not a coach. I don't know of any GM's that set the rotation, so it's a coaching upgrade that you receive for playing one game. Do I think a headband should be 1,200 VC or a pair of Jordans 7,500 VC? Of course not. But do I think progression being tied to VC is a good concept? Yes.

Replay value may be there for basketball lovers, but to hold a casual user's attention, taking 5-10 seasons to max out your myPlayer or myGM can work. Gives you a goal to maybe buy the franchise or purchase the private plane. If you want to be a 3 point marksmen or a typical slasher that can finish. But if you don't have the time to progress in these modes over multiple seasons as intended, you now have the option at buying accelerators.
# 165 poloelite @ 12/11/13 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
That's not it at all. No one blew through 2K in two weeks or expected to before VC.

The problem is prices and rewards for not playing are out of wack compared to just playing the game. It's fine if the game is meant to be played for a long time-- in fact that's how the game's always played without ridiculous VC prices and paltry rewards. But the VC hikes are so high now that you CAN'T progress in multiple modes at a reasonable rate without paying money. They weren't meant to prolong the game. They were meant to frustrate players into paying to get a full experience in all modes (of which there are really only three, and one is almost completely inaccessible without paying or massive grinding).

The iPhone app really shouldn't even be used in any argument about VC, because I am infinitely more concerned about VC rewards balance in the core gameplay. The fact that such a tangental, gimmicky "gameplay" experience is 50% of the VC in your example spells out how messed up the core VC balance is.

I actually like this and have said so. I like the slower progress for MyPlayer alone. But I do not like that you are stalled in progress if you want to spend your VC on an arm sleeve or new shoes. You can say that you spend your VC how you want, but truth is, that is 10 hours of gaming you are spending on a pair of shoes that you could have spent on regular player progress after every few games. That shouldn't even be a thing.
You don't buy shoes in myCareer I thought? Don't you get them for free when you sign a deal?? And I totally agree with the amounts being out of whack for the app and game play, but my point is even with both being out of whack, between the two you can put together a decent player playing through one season.
# 166 Cleveland Rocks @ 12/11/13 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
Then what paid MJ at 2K11? Obviously if VC was really a sure pocket money, team USA and Dream Team would still be here. Jay-Z and these legends came BEFORE VC, Jay-Z "produced" 2K13 and that INTRODUCED VC, so your argument involving him is invalid because they had Jay-Z and these legends in the game BEFORE VC. If VC went into the Euroleague, then its not much still cause its on like 14 of the 24 teams in that league.
Yeah the legends thing is a weak argument. They haven't add one single legend or classic team since vc got kicked off in 2013. If they were adding more legends and classic teams and giving us a full featured game with user control like 2k13 I would gladly pay 80-90 bucks for this game to be constantly nickeled and dime for a locked down glitchy controlling game is unacceptable.
# 167 VDusen04 @ 12/11/13 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by poloelite
I'm saying VC makes things more sim, because you actually have to progress to get things and it forces you to build a more realistic player or GM. I do agree there are some flaws in the implementation, but I think it's a decent foundation for progression.

Personally, I find virtually no realism or simulation in the idea of "leveling up" as a GM, nor purchasing the ability to execute mundane tasks with the help of fake currency. I think there's a lot of way a game could handle the idea of progression, and the manner with which 2K has handled VC is not one of those ways.
I think there's the possibility, if implemented absolutely correctly, that VC could complement a simulation product. As it stands now, VC use is so far gone that many aspects of simulation have been left in the rear view mirror. Unfortunately, I don't view this type of VC implementation as a base. If anything, 2K13 seemed to provide the VC base and 2K14 then opted to evolve and drown the entire product in it.

Originally Posted by poloelite
You're a GM, not a coach. I don't know of any GM's that set the rotation, so it's a coaching upgrade that you receive for playing one game. Do I think a headband should be 1,200 VC or a pair of Jordans 7,500 VC? Of course not. But do I think progression being tied to VC is a good concept? Yes.
The mere idea of a coach having to upgrade to the ability of adjusting a rotation only after their team has played one game and earned a bushel of golden coins is the complete antithesis of simulation, in my opinion. Though, I am glad we can both agree that the prices behind many products is outlandish and unreasonable.

I think the crux of the problem is that VC being tied to progression accounts for but a fraction of its existence. It seems to have altered the entire direction of the franchise by serverly limiting user options and freedom, all while looking to intermingle a real simulation with a fictional fantasy world where players have mime outbursts and coaches have to barter for their job-given rights with golden fiction coins.

Originally Posted by poloelite
Replay value may be there for basketball lovers, but to hold a casual user's attention, taking 5-10 seasons to max out your myPlayer or myGM can work. Gives you a goal to maybe buy the franchise or purchase the private plane. If you want to be a 3 point marksmen or a typical slasher that can finish. But if you don't have the time to progress in these modes over multiple seasons as intended, you now have the option at buying accelerators.
I actually feel the opposite may be true. I'm not sure I buy the idea that droves of non-hardcore, casual fans of basketball are going to want to grind through 5-10 seasons of tedium just to finally get that right forearm tattoo. This whole situation almost begs the question: what is the point? Why would gamers work through 10 franchise years of banality or opt to spend real life cash? Is enjoyment still a part of the equation here? Or it just a matter of arbitrary achievement?
# 168 Entiae @ 12/11/13 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by poloelite
Replay value may be there for basketball lovers, but to hold a casual user's attention, taking 5-10 seasons to max out your myPlayer or myGM can work. Gives you a goal to maybe buy the franchise or purchase the private plane. If you want to be a 3 point marksmen or a typical slasher that can finish. But if you don't have the time to progress in these modes over multiple seasons as intended, you now have the option at buying accelerators.
If someone even considers playing 5-10 seasons, s/he is probably not a casual basketball gamer.

What if someone doesn't have much time over every day to play, yet want to enjoy MyGM, MyCareer and MyTeam. S/he payed full price for the game so this should not be a concern.
How will this person be able to get enough VC to get a decent MyCareer player (first round choice after all) who also has a couple of accessories, enough VC to at least put out a somewhat competitive lineup in MyTeam, and how should this person get enough VC to buy all the various things in MyGM to avoid having the game tell you you're fired?

VC works the way it does in 2k14 so that 2k can make a profit, but I really hope they rethink how VC is used for 2k15. They don't need to completely do away with it, but changes definitely need to be made. I hope they come through as I have really enjoyed 2k basketball over the years, and I don't want that to stop.
# 169 BBallcoach @ 12/11/13 09:00 PM
Leave in Myteam... Let me change my lineups and basic GM stuff un MyGM, For MyCareer and MyGM, leave VC out, make special abilities unlocked via an XP system by playing the game or hitting bench marks. But simple actions or accessories required by VC is a joke.
# 170 chilllwinston @ 12/11/13 09:02 PM
Worse thing to happen to the 2k series... killed Myplayer for me.. tried using the App, didn't work and wouldnt sync.. went back to 2k12 to enjoy then myplayer one last time!
# 171 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by BBallcoach
Leave in Myteam... Let me change my lineups and basic GM stuff un MyGM, For MyCareer and MyGM, leave VC out, make special abilities unlocked via an XP system by playing the game or hitting bench marks. But simple actions or accessories required by VC is a joke.
Should stay in MyCareer
# 172 quehouston @ 12/11/13 09:17 PM
If they are so worried about hacked players, why don't they make us have separate players for MyCareer and The Park or Crew? Would that not work?

Let us progress in our MyCareer like in the VC-less past, but make us create a separate MyPlayer for competitive online play, where VC is earned based on how you do in those modes. Then if they feel they aren't making enough VC there to progress, they can buy it.

I keep hearing that the hacked players were the reason for this VC mess, so why not just sanction those modes, and not punish the MyGM/Association players?
# 173 jethrotull @ 12/11/13 09:44 PM
VC is a joke you shouldn't have to spend extra just to play the game put me in the VC is a shameful reminder of greed category
# 174 CoreySA @ 12/11/13 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I am also not a fan of how 2K implemented VC this year. I would like it restricted as much as possible to myteam or make the economy of earning vs costs more affordable. I will never be able to afford a gold pack in my team while simultaneously trying to upgrade my myplayer without spending cash.
What's up everyone! I think the Prez Czar makes the perfect point here. My issues with VC aren't that it's in the game, or that they're trying to increase digital revenue. I understand the business side of things and we see it in every game - Season Passes, DLC, Ultimate Team...

My issue is that one currency controls the entire experience so it's impossible to avoid. If you don't like Ultimate Team, you can avoid it and still get your money's worth. You can avoid DLC (for the most part) and still have a full experience.

In NBA 2K14, they've basically created an experience to where they're handcuffing their own community by forcing you to invest in one mode. While some people do that, there are a lot of folks who want to enjoy online, MyCareer and MyGM. But how can you do that with the current VC methods without spending money? If you're investing your VC in MyCareer to up the stats of your player, how can you afford anything good in GM?

And to be honest, I'm not a fan of the 'second screen' experience. I have a family with two kids and my time gaming is my time gaming. I can't have my head down at a screen constantly trying to get VC on my phone, my tablet or invest 100 hours into a game. I paid $60 for this title and so I think it's fair to ask for a full experience.

This situation sucks because I think we can all agree the gameplay is pretty darn good and the visuals are incredible. The gameplay side of 2K14 is so fun to play, but right now I'm stuck with Quick Games and deciding where I want to invest my time - something a company should never force me to do after buying their title.
# 175 Dr. Poe @ 12/11/13 09:57 PM
If they are going to use VC then players should get rewarded more. You should get more than 100 per action or reduce the cost of items so that the player can obtain items within the regular flow of playing the game. The way things are now, they are almost forcing people into buying VC in order to speed up the progression of their my player. I don't have time to play 2 seasons worth of games before my guy can dunk, so if I want to enjoy the game more then I have to pay.
# 176 thomasg2488 @ 12/11/13 10:40 PM
Guys, Chris Smoove just got hit with a real bad glitch. His overall went from 80+ to 25.....yes, I said 25.

Here's the video. 2k, go to hell.

# 177 jrich730 @ 12/11/13 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by thomasg2488
Guys, Chris Smoove just got hit with a real bad glitch. His overall went from 80+ to 25.....yes, I said 25.

Here's the video. 2k, go to hell.

I poster this 2 weeks ago happening to me who is Chris smoove?
# 178 luda06 @ 12/11/13 11:37 PM
For as long as I've played 2K, I've mostly been a quick-game player. Finally, I finally gave My Player a whirl, and I agree with mostly every statement in this thread.

I find it a bit sad that I made a thread suggesting NBA 2K could exist as a free to play title. Well, it appears 2K adopted the the model without making the game free.
# 179 Sports fanantic @ 12/12/13 12:10 AM
This Glorifying game has turn into a money grabbing Predator. Forcing Users to play or pay a decent amount of time and/or more money to use Rosters,modes,editing. Are You kidding Me 2K, you've become that homeless person that once you gave them some money to help them out, they decide to take advantage of your generosity.
# 180 thomasg2488 @ 12/12/13 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by jrich730
I poster this 2 weeks ago happening to me who is Chris smoove?
NBA 2k players that's huge on YouTube. I didn't even know this glitch was in the game that's why I posted it.

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