NBA 2K14 News Post

IGN has posted the first NBA 2K14 next-gen review, giving it an 8.9 out of 10. In The Park, players can take their MyCAREER player into 2-on-2 half-court, 3-on-3 three-quarter-court, or 5-on-5 full-court games, unfortunately there is no sign of CREW or leagues within the mode.

They mention the MyCAREER voice acting is kind of cheesy, especially considering your player will have audio included, but the people you talk to mostly have subtitles.

In the video review, it looks like warm-ups are confirmed to be back in (for those of you worried about that from earlier videos), the graphics and animations are jaw-dropping, complete with native 1080p and 60 FPS.

Ronnie2K and LD2K will be streaming next-gen NBA 2K14 at 4:00 PM PST today, so we should be able to see and hear even more. For those that are curious, the OS review will be up a week or so after we receive the game. Nobody on staff will have a PlayStation 4 until the 15th.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 RangersCruz @ 11/12/13 01:58 AM
I doubt anybody really cared about what he said people wanted to see fresh footage
# 82 Boilerbuzz @ 11/12/13 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by apollooff320
lol at all of you thinking you can give a better review then IGN. All of you are bias and would rate the game a 10 and not even see the flaws he pointed out.
Ignorant, trollish comment much. After all of the nitpicking, griping posts you see here, you REALLY think "all of you" would rate the game a "10"? I agree that so many people think they could give a better review. Many people think reviews are only supposed to be critical. So many people think every issue in a game is easily fixed as long as you listen to forum posters. But that certainly isn't everybody.
# 83 sportzbro @ 11/12/13 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by 23
BTW, Im tired of the trash can rim sounds man... I need to just go create a thread for this one. Its not realistic and its been there since the freaking orginal NBA 2k. That's just ridiculous
I'm also annoyed that practically every made shot gets the "swish" noise.

Other than that, the game looks ridiculously amazing. The lighting, colors, faces - just wow. Also, as someone who has been craving a true association/dynasty/franchise mode - MyGM is a godsend. Can't wait to go through my usual process of narrowing down teams to start that mode with.
# 84 RangersCruz @ 11/12/13 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by 23
If you actually listen to the guy talk instead of looking at the score he did well.

Cant wait to hear about that other game
" we have current gen graphics and updated rosters "
# 85 SoundsLikeScone @ 11/12/13 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
" we have current gen graphics and updated rosters "
But all of the features are there and untouched from Live 10, so its a 9.5
# 86 yungflo @ 11/12/13 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
I really do not give a crap about marketing when im only a few days from playing the game
You've already made the decision of picking it up though. And obviously not talking about this year, I'm talking about the next. if next years game is as hidden as this game, buyer beware.
# 87 RangersCruz @ 11/12/13 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo
You've already made the decision of picking it up though. And obviously not talking about this year, I'm talking about the next. if next years game is as hidden as this game, buyer beware.
long time till then relax sit back and wait to play this game
# 88 The 24th Letter @ 11/12/13 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo
The potential for this game was high! but it undelivered in terms of translating it into gameplay. But that's a good thing about potential, it puts the idea in your head and there is a strong possibility of executing the idea..
and it's YOUR opinion (and this opinion is in the minority) that 2k has not delivered...despite it's flaws CG is a great experience,..and NG looks to build upon that...

It's weird, but this review kind of makes me excited for 2k15...I think it will truly be this consoles "2k7"
# 89 siraulo234 @ 11/12/13 02:04 AM
IGN reviews suck, not the score, the score is fine, simply because of lack of bball knowledge

8.9 is a pretty damn good score, these game reviews dont really go into my consideration whether or not i will buy the game unless of course it's extremely bad like a 5 or below/10 or something. Honestly, all i saw is a more organic bball game that has graphics that blow me away from a CG game I already love. If I wanna buy a brand new game I never heard of I'll watch a couple of gameplay vids and watch out for extremely low scores from game reviewers

8.9 means a great game, his reasons for giving it, you cant really take seriously because you know most of these reviewers dont know much about Bball, or other sports for that matter
# 90 23 @ 11/12/13 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by sportzbro
I'm also annoyed that practically every made shot gets the "swish" noise.

Other than that, the game looks ridiculously amazing. The lighting, colors, faces - just wow. Also, as someone who has been craving a true association/dynasty/franchise mode - MyGM is a godsend. Can't wait to go through my usual process of narrowing down teams to start that mode with.
That's definitely not true and that's going to be apart of what I have to say because it affects jumpers too.
# 91 yungflo @ 11/12/13 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
long time till then relax sit back and wait to play this game
My point is being missed. Oh well.
# 92 RangersCruz @ 11/12/13 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by RateSports
Lol that you gathered all of that from a 5 minute review.

Give me a break.

Lol the same people always on these forums love to nitpick 2k

Are they perfect? no ..nobody is
# 93 RangersCruz @ 11/12/13 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo
My point is being missed. Oh well.
I just don't see the point in bagging 2k14 then talking about 2k15 already when this next gen version is not out even yet ..well it is but we haven't played it
# 94 yungflo @ 11/12/13 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
and it's YOUR opinion (and this opinion is in the minority) that 2k has not delivered...despite it's flaws CG is a great experience,..and NG looks to build upon that...

It's weird, but this review kind of makes me excited for 2k15...I think it will truly be this consoles "2k7"
It is my opinion. I'm talking about in terms of next gen. People expected more coming out of the OMG trailer. Nt a similar experience, for better or for worse.
# 95 yungflo @ 11/12/13 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by RateSports
Lol that you gathered all of that from a 5 minute review.

Give me a break.

thanks, I'm hungry and you do know they have been multiple gameplay vids online?
# 96 VDusen04 @ 11/12/13 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
Does this guy ever say anything positive about 2k? if i bashed them as much as you do i would be
To be fair, I feel as though I attempt to provide substance to any critical comments I feel moved to make. If I do not care for something, I attempt to explain why in a level-headed and concise manner.

As for whether I ever say anything positive about NBA 2K, I believe I've spent most of my time at OperationSports doing so, spanning from NBA 2K2 to NBA 2K12 (with the exception of ESPN NBA Basketball 2004). I liked NBA 2K13 but felt a series shift beginning to take place in many regards (VC, sliding a little bit further away from reality in MyPlayer, etc.). That shift has continued to take place with NBA 2K14 and I've found myself somewhat displeased with 2K's overall direction for the first time since 2004.

That said, I remain very interested in 2K's product due to my long-standing commitment. As such, I opt to spend some free time discussing the directions I wish for 2K to aim. I feel it'd only be fair for me to laud 2K as I did for so many years when they provide the product I'm looking for, but then also to provide honest feedback when I feel they're steering away in certain regards from making the NBA replication product I desire.

Cliffs: When I like something, I share those sentiments. When I do not like something, I share those sentiments.

Originally Posted by royounggoku
Don't you think passing on a great game because of rim sounds is a little much?
I feel as though there has been a lapse in communication here. I made note of the rim noise issues, but I do not recall attempting to state that problem was reason enough to pass on the game in question.

My opinion on the matter was the game appeared a little too similar to the current generation product. I was waiting to see next 2K14 so I could discover whether the changes were significant enough to warrant a very hefty purchase from my end. At this point, I just do not feel I see enough to pull the trigger. Some posters are stating how they can't wait to purchase 2K. Others aren't as enthusiastic. I feel as though that's just the nature of threads on upcoming releases.
# 97 yungflo @ 11/12/13 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
I just don't see the point in bagging 2k14 then talking about 2k15 already when this next gen version is not out even yet ..well it is but we haven't played it
I'm not saying I'm not looking forward to it...
# 98 SouthBeach @ 11/12/13 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo
It is my opinion. I'm talking about in terms of next gen. People expected more coming out of the OMG trailer. Nt a similar experience, for better or for worse.
Makes me realize/understand why certain things weren't shown; namely gameplay.

Not necessarily a bad thing since we're moving into the next generation of consoles. But if we're in the same boat practically begging for 5-on-5 gameplay next year, with no in-depth Dev Insights, it'll be pretty disappointing.

Not here to nitpick, but both the "nitpickers" and "yes men" have good points.
# 99 tsbmolina @ 11/12/13 02:11 AM
This is the Picasso of video game graphics!
# 100 Rasco11 @ 11/12/13 02:11 AM
Broadcast cam looked gorgeous! Player models, sick! The crowd looked way better than I anticipated too....didn't spot the dupes like 1st trailer. The player emotion and independent reactions add so much. Can't rejoice over that enough. Can't wait. Few minor aesthetic issues (no player warmups, baselines vacant of people (photographers, camera men, etc.), but hopefully that is added along with crowd and game audio next year!

And "if" this game has crazy customization options for classic teams, create a player, draft classes, etc....got fingers crossed! Man, could be a slice of pure heaven. Looks to be great regardless! I'm very pumped.

My only question....where was footage like this a month ago?

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