NBA 2K14 News Post

Well, according to Mike Wang, during a podcast with PlayStation.Blog, a couple of developers won't even touch the Xbox One.

I love the PS4! I‘m a convert. I wasn’t a huge fan of the PS3 controller, but DualShock 4 is amazing, it feels perfect. I love the changes that Sony has done! The machine itself is ridiculous, it’s so powerful, so much easier to develop for. In the office it’s unanimous; we have a couple people who don’t play anything else now, they won’t touch Xbox One. We love the PS4, it’s a great system.

Mike will probably get some unwanted feedback from this and the Sony fanboys will have a field day, but let's not forget who he was talking to... a site dedicated to the PlayStation. I wonder what he'd say if he was talking to Major Nelson?

I'm sure he'll chime in soon to clear the air.

UPDATE: Mike Wang has checked in (Post #47).

Yeah, just to be clear. I have nothing against XBOne. It's a great system. I was just trying to communicate that I like the PS4 much more than the PS3 (both in terms of development and the controller.) When I stated that I was a convert, it's because for the last 2 gens I've primarily been an Xbox gamer, but this gen I can see myself playing a lot of PS4.

The unanimous comment was NOT that the entire company or dev team favored PS4 over XB1, I was trying to say that everyone in the office agrees that the PS4 is a great system. That's all.

And yes, it's true that a couple people in the office are Sony fanboys and won't touch the Xbox 1... but it's also true that some people in the office are MS fanboys and won't touch the PS4.

Hope that clears some things up a bit.

UPDATE #2: (Post #134).

Another thing I should add... just because I was praising Sony, that doesn't mean I don't also love what MS did with the Xbox One. The controller upgrades are really nice, especially the feel and function of the Impact triggers and analog sticks. A definite improvement over 360, which I also loved.

NBA 2K14 will look and play great on both systems... there's no "inferior" version. Just as all console wars, it will come down to the games, personal preferences, and what you're looking to get out of your console.

I wouldn't let anything I said in that interview sway you one way or the other... personally, I'm still on the fence as to which console to get first. But really, I don't think you can go wrong with either.

Source - Worlds Factory

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Member Comments
# 61 yungflo @ 11/05/13 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Slater James
Good catch. If you ask Sony however, Im sure they would have rather been in the clear in the initial stages instead of some time after. And it's not as if their platform shot off into the stratosphere after devs became more familiar with their system. They merely became what they would/could have been from the start.

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Well, they couldn't. No console sells for profit. Every Console is sold at a loss. The ps4 won't turn a profit until a few months to a year, unless its crazy hot, like "Smart Phone I must buy" one Hot

Think how much an HDD cost alone of that size..The ram...If you were to assemble a ps4 or xbo by yourself, it would probably have cost more.
# 62 yungflo @ 11/05/13 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
Launch titles are more impressive?? Highly debateable. and games dont stop at launch, sony has an event planned for Nov 14, new game reveals... MS panic'd and revealed all their games at onc,e too many at launch will cannibalize sales... Look at 306 versus ps3....dont have to worry about games with sony. people buying an x1 because on launch games , well LOL. Launch titles are often rushed, and very inconsequential in a consoels lie cycle.
I know games don't start at launch. I'm not personally interested in xbo(right now) but I will say killer instinct looks great, and so does some of their other launch titles. Sony, I checked out the launch titles..not looking for hot. The only must buy is a sports game and Killzone imo. And infamous around the corner
# 63 yungflo @ 11/05/13 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
Killer instinct? A downloadable fighter with 8 characters... Shadow fall is the most impressive launch game IMO. Infamous and killzone look better then anything on x1 right now.
I don't disagree with your choices. I'm just saying, consider an xbox consumers reasoning. They have their reasons for getting it, you have your reasons for getting a ps4. I don't think its wrong for them to get it.

Although, at this time and last gen sony has offer more in terms of original IP, but xbox has exlcusives that cater to people, especially americans. That's space games(mass effect, halo) and FPS lol. Maybe they'll turn the corner. Cause I don't like any of that

Online experiences has to do with choice too. For the most part, xbox revolutionized online gameplay. People are much more confident in live's online than sony's. I disagree that there is no big difference, but thats another reason people choose. cause this ____ console has better online than the other
# 64 Boilerbuzz @ 11/05/13 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
I got nothing against x1 (Other then MS anti-competitive practices, bullying indies for content parity),m But some of the reasons people are getting x1 make No sense....

Controller? You realise ps4 has a new controller and it is getting rave reviews from those who hated ds3?
You realize that it's style pretty similar to the PS form factor, right? The reviews have said it's much better than the PS3 controller. Which really says nothing to how it compares to Xbox.

American company? MS makes xbox in mexico, and sony hires more people in the US then MS.
American company meaning that the American gaming audience is a top priority. No waiting for new games to be released here after being out in Japan for 3 months. Games that cater to the American audience instead of rehashed JRPG (which I like, but still).

Support. Red ring of death. MS took 2 years before a threat of lawsuit before they admitted an issue and did the right thing. Over priced hard drives, lack of peripheral support.
Uh... Everyone I know that had the RROD within' 2 years had NO problem getting them replaced. Not a hitch at all.

I swear people live in a bubble.
Why does it bother you that people have a preference one way or another. Should we go over the Sony issues like you just did here? I don't care either way. I'm getting both systems. I have good friends that work for Sony. As a corporation, I have issues with BOTH companies. But come on. Each has their strength and weaknesses and the choice isn't as obvious as you want to paint it.

PS4 is clearly a gamers system, MS has a bloated OS and is forcing kinect on everyone. Pre-orders show MS made major mistakes with x1. Even in the US x1 is behind ps4.
The PS4 IS a gamer focused system. The XBone is a ENTERTAINMENT focused system. There is NOTHING wrong with either one! So, again - why are you painting this as an issue one way or another? MS made not mistake with "pre-orders". They're restrictions were quite draconian, but they had good and valid reasons for doing them. Considering where entertainment is headed, don't be surprised to see their initial vision not only executed on their end, but copied by others (including Sony). Time will tell. Folks need to get with the program. Let's not forget that MS forced ethernet in the XBox. That was a prophetic call. This is in the same vein. It's OK for Nintendo to force the Wii-mote in every Wii. But no Kinect in XBone? Really?

It's really sad that people have to bunker up on their particular side and totally disregard the benefits of other systems.

Again, this WHOLE debate is spawned by Mike comparing PS4 to the PS3! He even says, "not trying to (bash) on the PS3..." when he made the initial comment!
# 65 Sundown @ 11/05/13 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Yeah, just to be clear. I have nothing against XBOne. It's a great system. I was just trying to communicate that I like the PS4 much more than the PS3 (both in terms of development and the controller.) When I stated that I was a convert, it's because for the last 2 gens I've primarily been an Xbox gamer, but this gen I can see myself playing a lot of PS4.

The unanimous comment was NOT that the entire company or dev team favored PS4 over XB1, I was trying to say that everyone in the office agrees that the PS4 is a great system. That's all.

And yes, it's true that a couple people in the office are Sony fanboys and won't touch the Xbox 1... but it's also true that some people in the office are MS fanboys and won't touch the PS4.

Hope that clears some things up a bit.
You should run for office, Mike.

Beluba for President. Belubacare. 2K in every home.
# 66 Boilerbuzz @ 11/05/13 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
Lol you sound like JPdavis over on the Madden forums
That's an insult man. He didn't deserve that.
# 67 yungflo @ 11/05/13 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
Lol I'm pretty sure if they don't even want to touch the xbox that they think ps4 is better.
They may not interact with the console as much during dev process. For instance, (I don't know how gaming dev works) but you can have an artist develop characters or do the facial scanning and does that aspect, but the engineers are the ones who interact with the console SDK's and adapt it to the hardware of the console. Not saying that's how it works, but I am saying its possible you can have people that work at a gaming company and not develop or interact with the console.

Another example is ronnie2k. I don't think he's a game developer. I don't know what his, but he promotes games on social media and twitter. His interaction with consoles might be different. LD2k,Momentous another example. These guys can prefer to play on a certain platform than the other.

Not every employee is a dev.
# 68 Boilerbuzz @ 11/05/13 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
American console is prob the dumbest reason I have ever seen.? Sounds like massive bias to me, and a lack of knowledge.
Try reading my post above...

My level of intelligence is serviceable. At least enough to survive 2 of the worlds best universities. If you don't like my reasons, at least get a full grasp of why I have them. Or you can just assume I'm a flag waving bigot. Doesn't matter to me which you choose.
# 69 yungflo @ 11/05/13 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
That's an insult man. He didn't deserve that.
Who dat? Never heard of him. Football isn't my realm
# 70 yungflo @ 11/05/13 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
What america games does x1 get that PS doesn;t? Half of sony;s studios are american, and mall multiplatform games come on both same day...Only games that get delayed, getr delayed on BOTH x1 and ps for localization.

Flat lies there.

Name 1 game that released on xbox that had to wait 2-3 months on playstation because it was japanese?
I agree. I hate that reasoning too. I've seen it on a few boards. People forget we are in a global economy now. I ordered a keyboard for my laptop. On american soil(though developed by chinese) cost $50. From china direct, it was $19 and better than OEM. So yeah, I know. I find that argument stupid. It reminds me of the car bailout..Buy american!! Like Toyota doesn't have factory plants in the US lol.(they do)
# 71 RangersCruz @ 11/05/13 06:55 PM

How do you feel MS telling you you're going to have to share information?
# 72 I Djm @ 11/05/13 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Shade8780
Question to those who are getting the Xbox One. Why? There's literally no good reason to buy it over the PS4. What's funny is that it's €100 more expensive so you'd have to be a Microsoft fanboy to get that.
how hard is to understand some people like the games xbox one offers? if they like those games 100 dollars obviously isn't a deal breaker. c'mon son
# 73 Boilerbuzz @ 11/05/13 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
Also you dont have to wair foir games in the US on PLaystation WOW, they launch the same day on both.
Uh... Traditionally, the Japanese consoles have launched games in Japan long before the US. And in some cases ONLY in Japan. It's not just about launch titles, dude.

PS: Playstation does media and does it well, it was better then 360 as a media box. Lets not pretend sony is not a media company.
And MS does software and is quite good at it. The users whine and whine about Windows, but have no clue what really goes into making a OS that has to work for consumers, and enterprise. Not to mention the productivity suite mops the floor with everything else. So don't pretend Sony knows software better than MS. So, in what way is the PS*4* better than the XBone? You don't have either system so you DON'T KNOW! Outside of BluRay, the 360 mopped the floor with the PS3 for media because the interface was much easier for regular users. You could do more with PS3 if you were savvy enough. That's true. But that's the key. You had to know what you were doing.

Many have said its better. Same style?? Many controller have disproved that you need off set analogs, Ds4 proves it, many sites have stated its the best controller of nect gen, google it. The 360 controller had it sissues, dpad was horrendous,
Controller are a VERY personal aspect of a system. MANY sites can say one thing, and MANY sites can say another. The question was about each individual here. I have large hands. I like the feel of the MS controller set. Again - what is wrong with that? One size does NOT fit all. But that makes someone a fanboy? You insistence on one being that much better than the next shows that you are actually showing those tendencies. Let it go.
# 74 I Djm @ 11/05/13 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by and1product
Because me personally i like the exclusives on the xbox also and how the controller feels. I'm a gamer and must have all consoles so i can have the choice of which game i want. I even have a wii u and i am still waiting for those mario karts and stuff. Looking at the launch titles for both console , i dont even know what else im gonna play on my ps4 thats exclusive to that console besides knack.

I am a huge forza and halo fan. So i think i win if i am buying both consoles.
well one thing about sony. they never really release exclusives from the start. as time goes on the heavy hitters will start dropping
# 75 Boilerbuzz @ 11/05/13 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
I agree. I hate that reasoning too. I've seen it on a few boards. People forget we are in a global economy now. I ordered a keyboard for my laptop. On american soil(though developed by chinese) cost $50. From china direct, it was $19 and better than OEM. So yeah, I know. I find that argument stupid. It reminds me of the car bailout..Buy american!! Like Toyota doesn't have factory plants in the US lol.(they do)
yung, my reason was not about the US economy.
# 76 Boilerbuzz @ 11/05/13 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz

How do you feel MS telling you you're going to have to share information?
You don't have to. I don't know where that comes from. American Privacy Act.
# 77 yungflo @ 11/05/13 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
Umm what part of PS4 has a new controller dont you understand?? The NEEW controller is a LOR bigger and heavier.......judging things without trying them or knowing is pretty poor. Maybe you need to do some research.

people who foundds3 too small.....we'll it's fixed with Ds4.
Leave it be man. Console debates are an easy way to get banned and some guy got banned even though he kept it civil.
# 78 yungflo @ 11/05/13 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
Lol it's this dude that constantly supports Madden year after year even with their continuous lack of realistic play with promises that we should wait "one more year" every time a new faulty Madden comes out.
Oh, he sounds like HipHop gamer? Or pasta padre circa 2007? lol
# 79 Boilerbuzz @ 11/05/13 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
The only games that launch in japan first are JAPANESE games made for the japanese tastes
Yeah, because NO ONE in the US wants to play those games... GTFO.

they wont appear on x1 either...............So how is thett even relevant??
If I have a system, I'd want every game on that system to available regardless of where it's made. That's how it's relevant. If I want more Japanese-centric games, I'd get the PS4. Otherwise, I know I won't get them. You're not winning any particular point here.

Still waiting for games that xbox gets that americans have to wair for on ps......it doesn;t exist. PS gets all the multiplats same day as MS.
Again. There was no point of contention here. You're CREATING tangent arguing points.

360 mopped the floor with ps3 for media?? HAHAHAHA.
HAHAHAHA!! I can do that too. You should READ AGAIN! I said in terms of USABILITY!

PS3 had bluray and far superiot MKV amnd HD streaming this is well known, many bought a ps3 early on just for streaming.
Actually, the BluRay was the key selling point.

Netflix is more popular on PS3..............as is media useage. 360 was terrible at it.
Both of these points - based on what exactly? Your view of the world? GTFO.

Done arguing with you dude. You're not even TRYING to consider other viewpoints. Take your last shot.
# 80 I Djm @ 11/05/13 07:13 PM
fellas let's just let it please

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