
NBA 2K14 Developers Love the PS4?

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Old 11-05-2013, 06:42 PM   #73
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Re: NBA 2K14 Developers Love the PS4?

Originally Posted by yungflo
In a few months to years, it'll be "we mastered the SDK and we are currently maximizing the potential of the Xbox One so its now easier to develop for and we're able to offer the same graphical fidelity and quality experience on both platforms"

Just give it time. It'll come. Especially if an xbo exclusive comes along. Opinions change. Along with business ventures. Maybe on an MS podcast. Who knows? lol
Lol you sound like JPdavis from over on the Madden forums

Last edited by royounggoku; 11-05-2013 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 11-05-2013, 06:42 PM   #74
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Re: NBA 2K14 Developers Love the PS4?

Originally Posted by Braincramps
I got nothing against x1 (Other then MS anti-competitive practices, bullying indies for content parity),m But some of the reasons people are getting x1 make No sense....

Controller? You realise ps4 has a new controller and it is getting rave reviews from those who hated ds3?
You realize that it's style pretty similar to the PS form factor, right? The reviews have said it's much better than the PS3 controller. Which really says nothing to how it compares to Xbox.

American company? MS makes xbox in mexico, and sony hires more people in the US then MS.
American company meaning that the American gaming audience is a top priority. No waiting for new games to be released here after being out in Japan for 3 months. Games that cater to the American audience instead of rehashed JRPG (which I like, but still).

Support. Red ring of death. MS took 2 years before a threat of lawsuit before they admitted an issue and did the right thing. Over priced hard drives, lack of peripheral support.
Uh... Everyone I know that had the RROD within' 2 years had NO problem getting them replaced. Not a hitch at all.

I swear people live in a bubble.
Why does it bother you that people have a preference one way or another. Should we go over the Sony issues like you just did here? I don't care either way. I'm getting both systems. I have good friends that work for Sony. As a corporation, I have issues with BOTH companies. But come on. Each has their strength and weaknesses and the choice isn't as obvious as you want to paint it.

PS4 is clearly a gamers system, MS has a bloated OS and is forcing kinect on everyone. Pre-orders show MS made major mistakes with x1. Even in the US x1 is behind ps4.
The PS4 IS a gamer focused system. The XBone is a ENTERTAINMENT focused system. There is NOTHING wrong with either one! So, again - why are you painting this as an issue one way or another? MS made not mistake with "pre-orders". They're restrictions were quite draconian, but they had good and valid reasons for doing them. Considering where entertainment is headed, don't be surprised to see their initial vision not only executed on their end, but copied by others (including Sony). Time will tell. Folks need to get with the program. Let's not forget that MS forced ethernet in the XBox. That was a prophetic call. This is in the same vein. It's OK for Nintendo to force the Wii-mote in every Wii. But no Kinect in XBone? Really?

It's really sad that people have to bunker up on their particular side and totally disregard the benefits of other systems.

Again, this WHOLE debate is spawned by Mike comparing PS4 to the PS3! He even says, "not trying to (bash) on the PS3..." when he made the initial comment!

Last edited by Boilerbuzz; 11-05-2013 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 11-05-2013, 06:44 PM   #75
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@yung, I understand that, but if you re-read my first post, it was about wrong, infactual reasons for getting an x1. If its their preference, there it is. But saying controller? Did they try Ds4? American console is prob the dumbest reason I have ever seen.? Sounds like massive bias to me, and a lack of knowledge.
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Old 11-05-2013, 06:44 PM   #76
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Re: NBA 2K14 Developers Love the PS4?

Originally Posted by Beluba
Yeah, just to be clear. I have nothing against XBOne. It's a great system. I was just trying to communicate that I like the PS4 much more than the PS3 (both in terms of development and the controller.) When I stated that I was a convert, it's because for the last 2 gens I've primarily been an Xbox gamer, but this gen I can see myself playing a lot of PS4.

The unanimous comment was NOT that the entire company or dev team favored PS4 over XB1, I was trying to say that everyone in the office agrees that the PS4 is a great system. That's all.

And yes, it's true that a couple people in the office are Sony fanboys and won't touch the Xbox 1... but it's also true that some people in the office are MS fanboys and won't touch the PS4.

Hope that clears some things up a bit.
You should run for office, Mike.

Beluba for President. Belubacare. 2K in every home.
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Old 11-05-2013, 06:45 PM   #77
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Re: NBA 2K14 Developers Love the PS4?

Originally Posted by royounggoku
Lol you sound like JPdavis over on the Madden forums
That's an insult man. He didn't deserve that.
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Old 11-05-2013, 06:46 PM   #78
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@yung, I understand that, but if you re-read my first post, it was about wrong, infactual reasons for getting an x1. If its their preference, there it is. But saying controller? Did they try Ds4? American console is prob the dumbest reason I have ever seen.? Sounds like massive bias to me, and a lack of knowledge.

Also you dont have to wair foir games in the US on PLaystation WOW, they launch the same day on both.

PS: Playstation does media and does it well, it was better then 360 as a media box. Lets not pretend sony is not a media company.

Many have said its better. Same style?? Many controller have disproved that you need off set analogs, Ds4 proves it, many sites have stated its the best controller of nect gen, google it. The 360 controller had it sissues, dpad was horrendous,
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Old 11-05-2013, 06:47 PM   #79
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Re: NBA 2K14 Developers Love the PS4?

Originally Posted by royounggoku
Lol I'm pretty sure if they don't even want to touch the xbox that they think ps4 is better.
They may not interact with the console as much during dev process. For instance, (I don't know how gaming dev works) but you can have an artist develop characters or do the facial scanning and does that aspect, but the engineers are the ones who interact with the console SDK's and adapt it to the hardware of the console. Not saying that's how it works, but I am saying its possible you can have people that work at a gaming company and not develop or interact with the console.

Another example is ronnie2k. I don't think he's a game developer. I don't know what his, but he promotes games on social media and twitter. His interaction with consoles might be different. LD2k,Momentous another example. These guys can prefer to play on a certain platform than the other.

Not every employee is a dev.
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Old 11-05-2013, 06:48 PM   #80
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What america games does x1 get that PS doesn;t? Half of sony;s studios are american, and mall multiplatform games come on both same day...Only games that get delayed, getr delayed on BOTH x1 and ps for localization.

Flat lies there.

Name 1 game that released on xbox that had to wait 2-3 months on playstation because it was japanese?
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