NBA 2K14 News Post

Ronnie2K just tweeted a new MyGM screenshot, with promises of more info on the mode coming this week. In the tweet, Ronnie called MyGM a "re-imagination of what a franchise mode should be."

The screenshot above appears to show a conversation with your owner about the upcoming year's expectations, with an option to respond to his requests via the new conversation engine. In the screenshot linked below, you can see a conversation with a player (Steve Nash) about the direction of the franchise.

What do you think of the screenshot and the potential of MyGM's Conversation Engine?

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Member Comments
# 81 El_Poopador @ 11/05/13 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheSituation
"Ronnie2K: Driving #NBA2K14 MyGM mode is new Conversation Engine, decisions that have ripple effect throughout your organization http://t.co/AODEO1lxIl"

this screen has me worried that its going to be like the first year of my player where you actually have no idea what youre going to say. what does a negative response mean in relation to this question? does it mean that im going to deny that its my fault? idk just looking at the screens for this mode has me worried about it not being fleshed out. hopefully its not as generic as the my career press conferences, and if there are voices, every owner will have a different voice.

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