NBA 2K14 News Post

Ronnie2K just tweeted a new MyGM screenshot, with promises of more info on the mode coming this week. In the tweet, Ronnie called MyGM a "re-imagination of what a franchise mode should be."

The screenshot above appears to show a conversation with your owner about the upcoming year's expectations, with an option to respond to his requests via the new conversation engine. In the screenshot linked below, you can see a conversation with a player (Steve Nash) about the direction of the franchise.

What do you think of the screenshot and the potential of MyGM's Conversation Engine?

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Member Comments
# 1 jp7588 @ 11/04/13 02:49 PM
I think I'm getting tired of all the teasing.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
# 2 Vni @ 11/04/13 02:50 PM
Screenshots are awesome.
# 3 NvME @ 11/04/13 02:51 PM
# 4 VDusen04 @ 11/04/13 02:54 PM
# 5 HakeemOlajuwon @ 11/04/13 02:56 PM
# 6 jp7588 @ 11/04/13 02:56 PM
All kidding aside, it does seem like the "GM" in this screen looks like an old dude. I know some people were concerned that they'd be stuck with a young-looking GM.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
# 7 QDB9 @ 11/04/13 02:56 PM
Getting pretty stale honestly
# 8 SouthBeach @ 11/04/13 02:58 PM
# 9 jayman504 @ 11/04/13 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by SouthBeach
YO I almost choked on my lunch watching this...lmao... When did this happen!!!

P.S. All these screen shots are really LAME...just my opinion
# 10 Goffs @ 11/04/13 03:06 PM
So much for being in depth....
# 11 El_Poopador @ 11/04/13 03:09 PM
im wondering if we will be able to make more than one cap for these modes. its been bugging me the last few years that all my my players have to be the same guy.

hard to tell much from the screenshot. hopefully its in depth and very situational. im just picturing this being like the gms version of the post game press conferences from cg. if so then ill be disappointed.
# 12 RangersCruz @ 11/04/13 03:19 PM
What i think is ...this is really news? this is just weak point blank.
# 13 turty11 @ 11/04/13 03:24 PM
so by in depth you give a screenshot of a single convo option that we could have guessed would be in there, because its along the same lines as whats in current GM convo in mycareer.....

i guess its a good thing it wasn't "regular" info cuz we'd have only gotten a screenshot of the GM and no words
# 14 speedbreaker @ 11/04/13 03:27 PM
enough of the god damn teasing already show some gameplay footage already! 2k trying to do their best EA impersonation right now by not showing actual footage that counts!
# 15 HenryClay1844 @ 11/04/13 03:28 PM
I love the twin pictures of basketballs framing the tv. Also no mints on the desk. That is just bad manners.
# 16 ripper9100 @ 11/04/13 03:29 PM
Aside from the lack of new info, the UI presentation doesn't look too good, in fact it's ugly. Quite surprising considering how good the graphics are for this game.
# 17 Cowboy008 @ 11/04/13 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by jp7588
I think I'm getting tired of all the teasing.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Same here.. I would like it if they just released the info instead of giving us a couple screenshots.
# 18 RangersCruz @ 11/04/13 03:30 PM
Are we going to get audio in our MyCareer's or are we going to have to read texts like back on the ps1?
# 19 poloelite @ 11/04/13 03:45 PM
They move to next gen and aren't giving us Dev Insight videos anymore??
# 20 Vni @ 11/04/13 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by ripper9100
Aside from the lack of new info, the UI presentation doesn't look too good, in fact it's ugly. Quite surprising considering how good the graphics are for this game.
2k is just bad at designing menu layouts and stuff. It always look really old or bad. It's the amateurish side of 2K. Look at the online menu, blacktop menu, Myteam... It all looks terrible.

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