NBA 2K14 News Post

NBA 2K14 on next-gen looks great, plays great. Features are missing though.

To port or not to port? That is the question.

In 2006, 2K took a different approach to their first game on the next gen consoles. 2K simply upgraded the graphics and ported over all of the features in the current gen version. That was the safe approach and most people were happy with it by and large.

This time around 2K wants OS'ers to know one thing: The next gen version of NBA 2K14 is not a port. But is that a good thing?

Read More - NBA 2K14: Next-Gen Hands-On Impressions

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 kirby4kars @ 10/26/13 06:21 AM
Glad I read posts. start my season sooner with current game. no need to buy
next gen without association mode
# 202 TemplateR @ 10/26/13 01:26 PM
The Winner of most realistic graphic in the NextGen-Version of Sport-Games is "NBA 2k14" (on PS4 and Xbox One). The Players looks more like the real and the the light-texture-combination are mostly perfect (not like the Ignite-Games of EA Sports, where the players looks like wax-figures).

I really hope, that 2k Sports to bring NextGen on PC next year and not waiting few years like EA Sports will do for the Ignite-Engine.
# 203 icejumpman23 @ 11/03/13 03:34 AM
Being a Fan of the series and seeing just how beautiful everything looks next gen PS4 with their new engine I am curious about the legends featured in the game alot of people ask for more 70's 80's and 90's teams some want more current 2000 teams in current gen we got 15 new euro teams because of an agreement it's money people who want a Miller Time Pacers are Sir Charles 93 Suns needs to understand they have to pay to get them they have to agree to terms See alot of comments saying give me Barkley give me Reggie 2K12 was great Legend teams where near perfect presentation was perfect but they had the means to secure the players likeness then, I am looking forward to seeing MJ,Magic and Bird next gen and hope they expand on legends feature in the future are do a mode like 2K12.
# 204 ffaacc03 @ 11/04/13 06:29 PM
I am having an extremely unexpected difficult time, economy wise, so I am not going to be able to get the PS4 and the next gen version of 2k at launch as I previously thought.

I was hoping to do so further on, but unless there is plenty and I mean PLENTY of improvements and new features related to the new mode that have been unsaid, I am not getting it until 2k15 or until whatever other version brings back more control to me, the user.

I hate to use type of sentences that may be considered as threats, but, if customization, editability and options were also cut off, then count me out indefinitively.

I mean, what made 2k special to me was that it allowed me, no, it goes beyond me, allowed anyone to control the type of experience they wanted to have, everyone could decide to try and fit the game into their own and unique experience. Options, customization, control and editability were the pilars that made me appreciate 2k as I too felt appreciated by the company.

Hopefully more indepth info is released and hope that features and modes (that since the last few years have been took away) are reinstated on further versions, on next gen there are few excuses to not to do so, to not to increase the level of content as oppose to take away ... as of now, with the info and things we have at our dispossal, I feel analiated.

Simballer, Leftos (my man), dont let this old dog die of boredom, please, PLEASE, make 30 team association (or whatever its equivalent) a focus for 2k15 so at least then, I can buy a next gen and a 2k game again.
# 205 Stormyhog @ 11/05/13 03:20 PM
Got this from a pasta padre tweet. NBA 2K Devs seem to love the PS4. http://www.shortandsweetreviews.co/2...-powerful.html
# 206 SouthBeach @ 11/05/13 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Stormyhog
Got this from a pasta padre tweet. NBA 2K Devs seem to love the PS4. http://www.shortandsweetreviews.co/2...-powerful.html
Prior to that interview, here's footage of a Sony executive meeting with 2K devs:

# 207 m-dogg @ 11/05/13 04:22 PM
I really hope Team-up mode is still in next gen. (and the Turbo camera)

The removal of custom soundtrax (really a sony and MS system decision), practice plays, and other important options to me is making me nervous...
# 208 Kingbailey87 @ 11/05/13 07:13 PM
Hopped in this thread because I was psyched & pumped about next gen. And couldn't take the anticipation anymore. Instead I got 23 pages of crying, complaining & wasted time. Instead of my peers also being excited & informed about next gen hands on impressions as yhe the thread title suggests. Smh. I suggest a title change because its very deceiving. And I'm very passionate about this game like u guys. But honestly it's annoying to post the same thing over & over.
# 209 Eman5805 @ 11/05/13 08:02 PM
That is not the more recent build. Look at how much bulk is on Durant's arms. Then rewatch the OMG trailer or the Momentous trailer.

He's really skinn in those.
# 210 Gosens6 @ 11/05/13 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
Seems they still haven't fixed the tree trunk calves. KD's calves are twigs in real life. How hard can this be?

Mike Wang confirmed that was from a very old build. If you watch any of the new trailers he's a damn skeleton on the court

Sent from the Dungeon Of Doom using Tapatalk
# 211 QasimChohan @ 11/07/13 03:48 PM
Does anyone know if I'll be able to trade in my nba 2k14 ps3 copy for the ps4 version for the $10. EA is doing that for some of their games and was wondering if 2K was taking that step too.
# 212 Rebel_INS @ 11/07/13 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by QasimChohan
Does anyone know if I'll be able to trade in my nba 2k14 ps3 copy for the ps4 version for the $10. EA is doing that for some of their games and was wondering if 2K was taking that step too.
that is affirmative
# 213 RandomPerson @ 11/07/13 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
Seems they still haven't fixed the tree trunk calves. KD's calves are twigs in real life. How hard can this be?

# 214 El_Poopador @ 11/07/13 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by RandomPerson
this makes me nervous for rebounding
# 215 RocketTMac1 @ 11/07/13 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by RandomPerson
Funny how no one has mentioned the Tornado relief patches on OKC's uniforms
# 216 canucksss @ 11/07/13 04:36 PM
i hope the issues in MyCareer in CG will be addressed here in NG. Example, its so easy to become starter, after 12+ games, because your star players are playing soo poorly. I was drafted as #29 (?) by Spurs and in less than 20 games, I (playing as SF, 6"7, 3 pt specialist) am now playing more minutes than Ginobli, Green, Leonard!
# 217 Macroh @ 11/07/13 11:00 PM
Pop wouldn't be caught dead doing that Haha
# 218 midwestking100 @ 11/09/13 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by RocketTMac1
Funny how no one has mentioned the Tornado relief patches on OKC's uniforms
good eyes bro

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