NBA Live 14 News Post

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 23 @ 10/16/13 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
I never said it shouldn't have been addressed. But you're making it sound like it was a game-breaking issue. I just find it hard to believe that Live is the only basketball game you seem to have a problem with. With any luck, both companies will be able to address the shortcomings from current gen games.
Everything with Live was game breaking seeing as though people rejected it and it got cancelled, but dont be so blind to think they can start back at that point and stay in the game.

My reason for bringing it up in the first place is because why am I seeing residue of it on a so called rebuilt nex gen game, and certain things are showing up on something as simple as a photo in the midst of them trying to hide things from the general public.
# 122 Thrash13 @ 10/16/13 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Just want to point out this post and there are a few others, but I won't quote them all. Nobody has said they won't buy Live when it comes out. Nobody has told anybody excited about Live to not buy it. But posts like this and a few others that continue to try to paint this picture like that's what's going on are the real comedy in this forum.

What myself and the people some of you keep taking veiled shots at have been doing have voiced concerns about the game based on things we've seen that align with things we've already seen in the past. We're all basically on the wait and see approach just like you guys are, but when something comes up that raises a concern we voice it and based on past experiences you would be a moron not to. Some of you taking shots about not being able to say anything positive about Live without getting jumped on are being hypocrites because you're complaining about "letting people be excited" and stating opinions and all this stuff, but if anybody expresses anything other than complete and utter excitement by whatever bread crumb we get on the game then all the "hating on anything EA does just to hate" comments start flying out of the woodwork.

I think the most comical out of the whole thing is the constant bringing up of 2K. I'm begging you guys, go into and actually read the 2K forums for a change instead of pretending like they aren't catching the same hell. The color of the basketball in the LeBron screenshot over there got criticized too.

Skopin you're one of the worst. 23 criticizes 2K as well so saying that Live is the only bball game he has a problem with is completely inaccurate. Everytime you post a gripe about Live, you make sure you lump 2K into as well. 2K's flaws are all known and addressed and bitched about ad nauseam in the 2K forums. You don't have to deflect legit concerns here in the Live forum about what 2K is doing wrong.

Everybody here wants two good basketball titles on the market to choose from. There's really no need for the warring for no real reason.
You probably should've quoted a different post because what you said has absolutely nothing to do with what I replied. LOL. I could care less what 2K does, and if I want to discuss 2K, I'll go into that forum. If Live is good, I'll get it. If not, I won't. Not too hard to see all the negativity in this forum, whether you are like that or not. So pick another post to break down because you're wasting your time on mine.
# 123 bmgoff11 @ 10/16/13 03:18 PM
screen looks nice
# 124 King_B_Mack @ 10/16/13 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Thrash13
You probably should've quoted a different post because what you said has absolutely nothing to do with what I replied. LOL. I could care less what 2K does, and if I want to discuss 2K, I'll go into that forum. If Live is good, I'll get it. If not, I won't. Not too hard to see all the negativity in this forum, whether you are like that or not. So pick another post to break down because you're wasting your time on mine.
No it definitely is the right quoted post. Nobody is "taking things too seriously" (the worst, most annoying argument on all the internet), because people point out that they missed an opportunity to jump on 2K while they were focused on next gen doesn't mean they're saying that the game is going to be crap, etc. etc.

I said my post was directed at a few different posts, not just yours. The point is you guys are putting words in people's mouths whenever anything that isn't glowing with positives about Live is mentioned. These are legit concerns that people are raising and people are talking about people hating on a video game. If we were the EA hating, 2K fanboys that these posts imply why the hell would we be in here hating on everything EA does? We know without a single shred of doubt we'll have a game to play come November 15th and beyond that at least comes close to resembling the game of basketball.

But again, I'm greedy, I want as many good basketball titles on the market as possible.
# 125 Sundown @ 10/16/13 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I think the most comical out of the whole thing is the constant bringing up of 2K. I'm begging you guys, go into and actually read the 2K forums for a change instead of pretending like they aren't catching the same hell. The color of the basketball in the LeBron screenshot over there got criticized too.
By yours truly, even. I'm one of the most pessimistic (realistic?) critics of Live and I still nitpick 2K. It's not just the color but the type of ball is completely wrong. Live actually had it right for years (aside from the latest John Wall screenshot) and I referred to examples from Live 13 (I think).

I'm also ripping them on messed up shooter ratings (based on raw FG% rather than situation and type of shot taken), and screwed up paint attacking AI with terrible interior defense on settings out of the box.

The ridicule that Live gets is because their track record, their marketing, their secrecy, the scant information, and the fact that their few sizzle trailers are either CG or seem to be hiding everything important in a basketball game outside of dribbling IS somewhat ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Sirs
I'm sure you guys have issues with 2k too and voice them but it's the way you talk to people on the live boards like they are idiots and shouldn't have an opinion. That doesn't seem to happen over there.
Because there aren't that many guys who make every excuse possible for 2K on their forums and encourage others to ignore all worrying signs.

And I for one went pretty hard at the few guys who had the same unjustified optimism regarding certain modes in 2K14 and ignored the mounting and worrying evidence before release.

So it's not so much that we talk to people like they're idiots and that they shouldn't have an opinion. It's that we're trying to point out certain opinions are bad ones and might make them look like idiots. :P
# 126 NBASLAM2001 @ 10/16/13 04:08 PM
EA needs a new next-gen art designer. This looks PS3.5-ish
# 127 NoTiCe_O @ 10/16/13 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
By yours truly, even. I'm one of the most pessimistic (realistic?) critics of Live and I still nitpick 2K. It's not just the color but the type of ball is completely wrong. Live actually had it right for years (aside from the latest John Wall screenshot) and I referred to examples from Live 13 (I think).

I'm also ripping them on messed up shooter ratings (based on raw FG% rather than situation and type of shot taken), and screwed up paint attacking AI with terrible interior defense on settings out of the box.

The ridicule that Live gets is because their track record, their marketing, their secrecy, the scant information, and the fact that their few sizzle trailers that are either CG or seem to be hiding everything important in a basketball game outside of dribbling IS somewhat ridiculous.
Thing is shooter ratings, terrible interior defense and all that stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with Live 14. We have yet to see the game enough to know if any of those mishaps are even in the game. People are judging a brand new game based on it's history which isn't right if you ask me. People need to let bigons be bigons and stop bringing up old things that make no difference.

It's obvious EA has some sort of schedule they want to release information on and it has nothing to do with how many people cry and whine for information. Be patient, they've said before they want the game to do the talking. Now when you finally see the game, get your hands on, and react to it then we can start to banter about it, but as of right now people are bringing up issues that they aren't even sure are relevant to the game.

Just because everyone feels entitled to information from them because they haven't released in a few years doesn't make it necessarily true. What you're entitled to is a good game, and if it takes some patience then wait.
# 128 23 @ 10/16/13 04:25 PM
Man stop. These people are the consumer. You dobt satisfy them then your product dies as simple as that. There is no entitlement..without these fans this series is doomed to fail...

EA knows alot about that too dont they? So yes if they repeat the same past mistakes they may as well hang up nba basketball for good. We've already had about 5 different basketball games die and this series is no exception. Ignore your fans and you end up stuck with another title not enough people care for to sustain a reason for you to justify a large budget. Don't be fooled

Galaxy Note 2
# 129 Gosens6 @ 10/16/13 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Man stop. These people are the consumer. You dobt satisfy them then your product dies as simple as that. There is no entitlement..without these fans this series is doomed to fail...

EA knows alot about that too dont they? So yes if they repeat the same past mistakes they may as well hang up nba basketball for good. We've already had about 5 different basketball games die and this series is no exception. Ignore your fans and you end up stuck with another title not enough people care for to sustain a reason for you to justify a large budget. Don't be fooled

Galaxy Note 2
23, the blind faith in NBA Live is there and in full affect. I honestly believe no matter how bad this game is, it will sell for a few reasons. People LOVE NBA Live, certain people will look past all of its flaws no matter what and say the it's the greatest game ever.

People will buy it because it's not 2K. Some guys just wanna stick it to 2K, some guys just want a different game, no matter how bad it is. Just because it's different, they'll say it's better.

In all honesty, I think EA would have sold Elite 11, and it would have did a decent amount of sales if it weren't for Hard8times getting everyone on the Elite hating bandwagon.

It's a sad fact that EA can make this game, release it with all the same legacy issues and people will still buy it and defend it to the death.
# 130 Sundown @ 10/16/13 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
People are judging a brand new game based on it's history which isn't right if you ask me. People need to let bigons be bigons and stop bringing up old things that make no difference.
It absolutely makes a difference. The game is still being managed by EA. And if it's a new development house, then that studio has zero cred until they actually release a decent game, especially with a game as complicated as basketball. We also know from its development history that there is technology in there that has issues, and if they started from scratch, 18 months is NOT enough to build a realistic basketball game that compares to the other product.

In addition, everything they've shown (and not shown) hints that old problems still exist. If you pay any attention to the gameplay trailers, you'll see that the players in the background still animate in a jerky fashion when they change facing.

Bygones won't be bygones until they actually release a non-crappy product.

Anyway, you can't cite EA's legacy and treat Live as an actual brand that means anything while ignoring its past. You can't have it both ways.

It's obvious EA has some sort of schedule they want to release information on and it has nothing to do with how many people cry and whine for information.
Actually it's somewhat obvious that EA's schedule is based on how unready their product is. They promised 5v5 gameplay by the end of summer. That's not on us. Then they failed to release a followup video to Kyrie's "to be continued" layup attempt for a whole month. All some of us are saying is, hey, EA could surprise us, but open your eyes. It's not a good look, and some folks are being way too gracious with EA as Live fans (again fans of what?) while being incredulous when others don't share their unjustified optimism.
# 131 NoTiCe_O @ 10/16/13 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Man stop. These people are the consumer. You dobt satisfy them then your product dies as simple as that. There is no entitlement..without these fans this series is doomed to fail...

EA knows alot about that too dont they? So yes if they repeat the same past mistakes they may as well hang up nba basketball for good. We've already had about 5 different basketball games die and this series is no exception. Ignore your fans and you end up stuck with another title not enough people care for to sustain a reason for you to justify a large budget. Don't be fooled

Galaxy Note 2
Thing is it's not like they're ignoring the consumer, they're releasing information but it''s not good enough for all these "self-entitled" fans (or consumers).

It's obvious they're still working on the game, Scott even said it on the podcast (I think a lot of people need to listen to it). They don't want to release anymore work in progress videos. To be honest, I can sense the bitterness in your post "EA knows alot about that too dont they?"... "Don't be fooled". If you have a grudge against EA fine, but don't take it out on a game you know nothing about.

EA isn't forcing anyone to buy their game, you don't have to warn us of EA's evil ways we've seen the articles and witnessed football games be monopolized. Still, we can all make the knowledgeable decision based on facts. If you fall for the trolls that say "Pre-ordering immediately!" or "Way better than 2k, not even close!" then that's on you, but the ball don't lie. Soon enough EA will have to put up or shut up, but that doesn't mean we have to degrade every piece of info we see.

EA is capable of making good games, and if you look toward the future, this has the potential to be one of them.
# 132 P-Dub @ 10/16/13 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by adub88
colors look a little washed and that looks like the ball i use when I play outside. Looks like it's been around lol.
Well, the NBA does break in the new basketballs before they are put into a live game. It still looks a little desaturated.
# 133 ClevelandinDistress @ 10/16/13 05:01 PM
# 134 King_B_Mack @ 10/16/13 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
Thing is it's not like they're ignoring the consumer, they're releasing information but it''s not good enough for all these "self-entitled" fans (or consumers).

It's obvious they're still working on the game, Scott even said it on the podcast (I think a lot of people need to listen to it). They don't want to release anymore work in progress videos. To be honest, I can sense the bitterness in your post "EA knows alot about that too dont they?"... "Don't be fooled". If you have a grudge against EA fine, but don't take it out on a game you know nothing about.

EA isn't forcing anyone to buy their game, you don't have to warn us of EA's evil ways we've seen the articles and witnessed football games be monopolized. Still, we can all make the knowledgeable decision based on facts. If you fall for the trolls that say "Pre-ordering immediately!" or "Way better than 2k, not even close!" then that's on you, but the ball don't lie. Soon enough EA will have to put up or shut up, but that doesn't mean we have to degrade every piece of info we see.

EA is capable of making good games, and if you look toward the future, this has the potential to be one of them.
Here's the thing though, if there's negatives in something, then why is there an issue saying that? You're talking about degrade every piece of info we see, if it's not something good or doesn't really show anything we need to see and people say that, why are you running in like Superman to save Live? Are you saying every thing they've released is completely perfect with no issues?

Telling people to wait until you play the game for yourself and all this other talk is just noise that doesn't help anything. By the time you try it for yourself the game is made and there's nothing to be done, they have your $60 already and have already started working on the next year's version of the game implimenting the same **** you just found out you don't like because you sat around waiting to see if it felt different from how it looked. I don't even know why I'm explaining this because we've talked about this before. People have done the don't question the bad that you're looking at approach for over half a decade with Live/EA Sports and it didn't help the series at all. But then we're not supposed to talk about the past cause it doesn't matter for some reason.
# 135 RodDixon @ 10/16/13 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by NBASLAM2001
EA needs a new next-gen art designer. This looks PS3.5-ish
These pictures are mostly from an XBOX 1.
# 136 NoTiCe_O @ 10/16/13 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Here's the thing though, if there's negatives in something, then why is there an issue saying that? You're talking about degrade every piece of info we see, if it's not something good or doesn't really show anything we need to see and people say that, why are you running in like Superman to save Live? Are you saying every thing they've released is completely perfect with no issues?

Telling people to wait until you play the game for yourself and all this other talk is just noise that doesn't help anything. By the time you try it for yourself the game is made and there's nothing to be done, they have your $60 already and have already started working on the next year's version of the game implimenting the same **** you just found out you don't like because you sat around waiting to see if it felt different from how it looked. I don't even know why I'm explaining this because we've talked about this before. People have done the don't question the bad that you're looking at approach for over half a decade with Live/EA Sports and it didn't help the series at all. But then we're not supposed to talk about the past cause it doesn't matter for some reason.
What?? that's the exact opposite of talk and noise, it action! If the only time you try a game is when you buy it then I can see why you'd be upset, but where I'm from we have stores like Gamestop and Best Buy that let you play actual games before you buy'em. You can rent, or even go on youtube and watch other people who've spent their hard earned money test the game for you, even review it.

Never in all my years of gaming have I seen Live come out and say try it for yourself, usually they NEED the marketing to sell games, the fact that they're holding off on marketing to actually work on the game tells me that the game can speak for itself. (Good Or Bad, who knows yet?)

I don't know about you but I do my research before I buy things, and Live will be no different. With the internet it doesn't cost me anything but a little time to research and see if the game is right for me. I don't care if last years game was the worst game ever made, what'd you do this year is on my mind, because I like the sport, and don't hold grudges.
# 137 Shakedowncapo @ 10/16/13 05:45 PM
Round and around we go...
# 138 RodDixon @ 10/16/13 05:47 PM
If you look at the 51 second gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14, when Kyrie takes the ball into the lane, Kyrie is taking a step with his right foot. When the next angle pops up he is still taking his step with his right foot, but in that frame the replay is about a second behind what it is supposed to be. This gives the illusion of him travelling, but in reality he did not travel, the video just makes it seem like he did, but he is just continuing his step.
# 139 23 @ 10/16/13 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
Thing is it's not like they're ignoring the consumer, they're releasing information but it''s not good enough for all these "self-entitled" fans (or consumers).

It's obvious they're still working on the game, Scott even said it on the podcast (I think a lot of people need to listen to it). They don't want to release anymore work in progress videos. To be honest, I can sense the bitterness in your post "EA knows alot about that too dont they?"... "Don't be fooled". If you have a grudge against EA fine, but don't take it out on a game you know nothing about.

EA isn't forcing anyone to buy their game, you don't have to warn us of EA's evil ways we've seen the articles and witnessed football games be monopolized. Still, we can all make the knowledgeable decision based on facts. If you fall for the trolls that say "Pre-ordering immediately!" or "Way better than 2k, not even close!" then that's on you, but the ball don't lie. Soon enough EA will have to put up or shut up, but that doesn't mean we have to degrade every piece of info we see.

EA is capable of making good games, and if you look toward the future, this has the potential to be one of them.

If you stop catching feelings and stuff and get your emotion out of the posts from defending this game so much it might be easier on the blood pressure.

At this point, nobody cares what SOG says because frankly its put up or shut up time for EA and this series. They've said too much already and didn't deliver and people arent hanging on their every word as you may have noticed. Its something that didnt work out too well in the past, buzzwords, new tech and the game still either came out like crap or got cancelled.

Now if they arent advertising to the people here, then who are they advertising to? Casuals who don't play bball? Most of those people dont give a rats tail about this game thats for sure so who is it?

If all you want to do is hope this series escapes harsh criticism, it's not going to happen. It happens to every other game, and the point is, this is the only one that has had multiple years to get it together, so the call for patience is gone.

People dont even trust them and if the site asks someone what they think about a screen, and someone notices that the entire arena is totally seperated from the game, someone will say that. Its one thing to tell someone they can't say that because its hating, and another to say what you see and move on.

Im about done because no matter how much is typed, nobody is trying to see anything different and EA is still sitting back ducking releasing footage they promised and tap danced back on so hard Gregory Hines would be proud.
# 140 RayRay34 @ 10/16/13 06:38 PM
Why is it every time I read a post from 23 I just picture some guy screaming at the top of his lungs thinking that will help get the point across. It must just be the tone of it.... Just my observation, and my own perception of it.... Nothing to read into about it I just wanted to express my thoughts on it.

That is what passion is I guess.

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